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My dh is having his liver transplant surgery right now! Please send prayers and good thoughts. AMAZING UPDATE IN POST 713!!!


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:party: :grouphug: :party:


You all have all my prayers and good thoughts. I'm so happy that your DH will be getting his liver and feeling better soon. God bless him and you and your DS as he goes through this!


Surgery waiting room time absolutely stinks. It seems to move backwards.


Take some small walks in the waiting room area. Deep breaths, relaxation exercises. :grouphug:


I'm sending prayers and good thoughts for the wonderful person who decided to be a donor and his/her family during this difficult time for them.

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Wow if you were close I'd bring you a jigsaw puzzle and work on it with you while you wait. The waiting is so hard.


I am so happy for your dh that a liver has become available, may God bless and comfort the family of the donor.


My thoughts and prayers are with you, your son, and with your husband, that his body readily accepts this new part.


Please keep us posted as you are able.

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Sending prayers for all to go well and for a peace of mind through it all.  Sending  :grouphug: too.  Hopefully it will be the start of a much better life for all of you.


I also thought I'd point out... I think you win the prize for the most *exciting Saturday.  I'm not sure what the prize is...  but I'm pretty sure you win.


* not really sure what word to put in there.  Feel free to substitute another if it fits better.

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Thank you!!!

:grouphug: Oh. My. Gosh.  You have been such a pillar of strength for this entire board for literally, YEARS!  Prayers and best wishes for a smooth and successful procedure and a speedy and uneventful recovery!  As a nurse, may I gently remind you to take care of yourselves as well.  Hydration is your friend!  Don't forget to eat...even a small snack at fairly regular intervals even if you don't "feel" hungry.  As caregivers, you also need your strength!  What a blessing this is for your family.   :)



Thanks so much, Jenn -- you're so sweet! I appreciate the reminder to eat and drink. I tend to forget to do that, but I do have some snacks and a drink with me so I'm going to have a little something right now while I'm thinking about it.

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Cat, HUGE hugs to you and your ds as you wait. We'll pray for you and your family and remember y'all tomorrow at Mass (if that doesn't offend you).


I second JennL's advice to drink lots of water and eat little bits throughout the day. You can best help your dh & ds by putting your oxygen mask on.


(((Cat, ds, dh)))

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I've prayed for your husband and those caring for him, the surgeon, and you and your son. Huge  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: to you this morning. I'll be checking back for updates!



:grouphug:  :grouphug: Praying!




Praying that everything goes well. Be kind to yourself over the next several days, too!

Thank you for the hugs and prayers!

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Oh wow, sending the best of well wishes to your entire family. Dd6 heard my 'oh no!' Exclamation when I read the OP and is now in her room drawing him a 'Get Better NOW!' card (her words😊).

Hugs to you as you wait it out...

Awww... your dd sounds like such a sweetie!!! :001_wub:

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Holding everyone in thought and prayer right now :grouphug:


All good wishes and prayers for your husband, the surgical team, and you and your son. 




Praying for your husband, for your husband's medical team, and for you and your ds as you wait.


:grouphug: :grouphug:


I hope everything is proceeding smoothly. I will continue to pray for him/his recovery and your family!


Praying here.

Thank you so much!

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Praying for your dh, Cat, as well as for you and ds as you wait. :grouphug: :grouphug: I think that's probably the kind of surgery that you aren't quite ready for no matter how anxiously you have been waiting for it. Praying for peace for your anxious hearts, healing and success with the surgery, and wisdom for the medical team(s).

Thank you, Jaybee! That's exactly how we were all feeling when we got the call that a liver was available. We knew he needed the liver, but we were also scared about the big surgery and praying that everything would be all right.

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:grouphug: Praying  :grouphug:


(((hugs))) Catwoman and family! Praying and thinking of you all!


Praying for you and your family. :grouphug:




Very best wishes to all of you!


Prayers going up. Hugs.


Praying. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:



Almost every time I have waited for someone in surgery it has taken notably longer than I was told it would. And never once did that mean bad news. I mention that in case you don't hear anything on the schedule you're expecting.

Thank you, everyone!


Danae -- thanks for the reminder about surgery often taking longer than expected. :)

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I'm praying for your family.


Prayers for you all!


Prayers for your family!


I hope his surgery and recovery go well! Best wishes for your family!




Waiting is the worst. But this is exciting that he's actually, now, getting a new liver! Praying for all of you.  :grouphug:



Thank you!

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