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Harvard Dialect Survey


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My result was a metropolitan area about 200 miles from where I've lived all my life.  IMO that's pretty accurate.


ETA: dh took the survey and his results showed two areas where he spent the majority of his life up till about age 30.

Edited by TrixieB
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Interesting.  I was born in South America, moved to and grew up in Chicago from age 9, in my 30's I lived in Dallas for 2 years, then lived in Chattanooga for 10, and have been in different areas on the east coast for 5 years.  It shows me as belonging on the East Coast, though not near the area I live.  So, who knows.  It is kind of accurate. I've moved around some.

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I remember there was one similar to this but this one has more answers to choose from, I think. Anyway I got Washington DC and Arlington as my top matches; I've never lived in that area. I'm a hodge-podge of growing up in HI, going to college in NY and living in TX as well as various states around the southeast. I know the way I talk has changed. Growing up in HI we'd say "you guys" for any group of 2 or more; now I say "you all" in spite of having lived in GA over 10 years. :tongue_smilie:

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It gave me 3 possible locations, one about 200 miles from where I mostly grew up, another not to far from there, another 100 miles maybe (both in Kentucky) and then another in NC about 200 miles from where I lived for several years.


The thing is I could only answer with one "correct" answer but I call fizzy drinks; soda, pop, and coke.  I pronounce lawyer and pajamas both ways, lots of my early years in the South comes through.  As does the backwoods Hoosier (sometimes Hill sounds like Heel).  

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Hmm... People around me must think I speak badly.  The map is showing a cities that are 1,900, 800 and 350 miles away.  I have always lived in Ohio and so have my parents and grandparents....


ETA:  But....taking the test again (there were different questions this time), it was within 50 miles accurate.

Edited by Colleen OH
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My cities were in the West where I live, SLC being the farthest East. But some of the more "childhood" words showed my more Eastern upbringing until the age of 7. And I had a good match with New England, especially Maine, even though when I lived in the East I was much lower than that.

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I have lived in 7 states.  Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Wyoming, Texas (Austin), Oklahoma (OKC), Nevada (LV). 


I answered like I talk, which I guess is a mix of everywhere I have lived.  The calculator gave me deep south locations and Eastern locations.   LOL  I haven't been further West than Texas other than a weekend trip, so the calculator was a bit skewed for me there. 


Then I answered the questions, thinking about my current area, Southern Washington, and what I hear people say.  It gave me locations from California and Kansas.  


I couldn't get it right, even when I tried to skew it to my region.  Of the six areas listed  (2 tries gave drastically different results), I have never lived anywhere close to where they suggested.  LOL 

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Weird.  Mine showed Louisville, Columbus, and Tucson.    No idea what that means, other than maybe I didn't grow up in the US at all!

I got the first time too. I think the quiz didn't refresh and we're getting the OP's answers. When I refreshed on the first page and clicked on the new user link and refreshed the map, I got my answer.

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Weird. Mine showed Louisville, Columbus, and Tucson. No idea what that means, other than maybe I didn't grow up in the US at all!

My result was the same and I've never lived near any of those places. Have spent significant time out of the US & have foreign parents. Maybe that did it?

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I remember taking this a while back and it placed me in rural Florida, I think.  This time I got Washington State or Milwaukee.  My mom was from KY and I grew up in WI but have lived in Southern IN since High School but I watch a lot of foreign TV and read a lot of books in dialect growing up so I think that plays with my accent. 


I have gotten locally on more than one occasion "Where are you from?  You talk funny." right here in town.  We have a lot of people who come to this area from all over the world to work so it isn't an unreasonable question. 

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Completely wrong for me. Born overseas, lived on both coasts, then mountain west. Said I was midwest!

Oh, that makes sense, since people in the midwest have no accent.  It is the base from which all others add to or take away to get their distinctive dialects.   :lol:


~Signed Accent-less from OH



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Weird.  Mine showed Louisville, Columbus, and Tucson.    No idea what that means, other than maybe I didn't grow up in the US at all!


This is what mine showed. I was born in Sacramento ,California, spent a few years in Connecticut, then from 7 to 30 lived in the Atlanta area. Moved to northern Illinois where we've spent the last 20+ years.  My parents were born and raised in Pennsylvania and my speaking patterns are much like theirs (my brother and I never developed a southern accent even though I lived there most of my childhood)

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