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How do you feel about people taking your picture?


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My dad is a photographer and was in college getting his degree in photography when I was very little. I grew up getting my picture taken endlessly. At every occasion and for any reason my dad was there with a camera. I got used to it and don't even notice cameras unless they are being super duper annoying.


Mostly I just don't pay attention to them. Most photographers like me because I ignore them and do whatever it is I was doing before they showed up. They get better pictures that way.

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I'm down with it.  I pose.  V-sign or some such.  When we went to Thailand I had others posing with me by the end of the trip.  :lol:  (here there are tons of pictures, and in every one I'm in, I'm doing the V.  The pic toward the end in Seoul, notice the older guy next to me, posing too.  Hysterical!)


I make a lot of faces, too.  I'm not in any on that blog post, but especially when I take selfies, I make faces.  Sometimes DH shakes his head.  :D  :lol:

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I am not a very pretty person, and definitely not photogenic. My face is very asymmetrical and I have a crooked smile. Candid pictures are very unbecoming. I tend to look pissed off if I am concentrating on anything, even if it is looking into the distance.To get any kind of a decent picture of me, I have to face the camera and smile in a certain way that makes me look a bit less crooked.

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I am not a very pretty person, and definitely not photogenic. My face is very asymmetrical and I have a crooked smile. Candid pictures are very unbecoming. I tend to look pissed off if I am concentrating on anything, even if it is looking into the distance.To get any kind of a decent picture of me, I have to face the camera and smile in a certain way that makes me look a bit less crooked.


I feel the same way in addition to other concerns about online pictures.


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I don't mind pictures being taken, though I'm overweight and usually hate to look at anything but a head shot. People who know me well know that I don't mind pictures on FB, though I prefer that the person's privacy settings be locked down to "friends only" or possibly "friends of friends," not that it's possible to enforce that preference and I don't even try. I also never put pictures of myself, my family, or anyone we know on my blog--I'm fine with pictures of service providers (tour guides, performers, etc, people who know that their jobs put them "out there") and, if I can't crop them out, then random tourists/passersby may end up in pictures that I share--but if it's someone I know, they get cropped out or the picture doesn't go on the blog. I prefer that my picture not end up on the internet other than social media with privacy settings enabled, but I won't complain too much if it does unless it also has my name attached to it. Then I'd look into whether or not I could get it taken down. My husband and I both periodically search our names on Google to see what comes up. He has a couple of pictures from college that show up; I've not had any so far.


Basically, I try to preserve what I feel is reasonable privacy. I'm under no illusions about internet safety or that Facebook actually is private--I know it isn't. Anyone who wants to know anything about me can find it somewhere. And I'm well aware that a person could read through my blog, find all the little offhand comments and accidental hints here and there, and probably discover everything they need to know to figure out who I am, where I grew up, all sorts of things. I also know that if I take reasonable precautions to preserve some privacy, then anyone who isn't specifically targeting me most likely will target someone easier. ("You don't have to outrun the bear ...") And if someone is specifically targeting me, there's nothing on the internet they couldn't find out elsewhere with even mediocre investigation skills.

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I don't like posed photos but I will do it when necessary.    Candid shots drive me nuts.  My FIL has a habit of just taking photos randomly.  I am not photogenic and have a bad case of BRF so there are some horrid pictures of me out there.  If the camera comes out when we are eating, I just put my fork down and wait till the camera gets put away because there will be one of me putting food in my mouth if I don't.  (And yes, everyone including my husband tells him to stop.  He's not going to. He's not doing it to be mean. He just doesn't get it why people don't want it.  He's inconsiderate, true, but not nasty. He does not have fb or anything else so they don't show up anywhere online.)


I do think there should be photos of everyone.  I read a thing once by a woman whose mother would not be photographed. There were no photos when the woman died, and the daughter (writer of the piece) was so sad about it.  I love having photos of my mom.  So I would never say "no photos." 

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Generally, I don't mind. I am with friends, we are having fun. Then I see the pic and I don't see a group of happy people. I see happy people and me. I see my double chin, how heavy I look, how plain I look, how frumpy, how dowdy, how squinty my eyes are, how anything I can be critical about myself. I don't say any of this out loud but it is a running commentary in my head. Then I am sad. So I don't mind having it taken but I do mind looking at myself.

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I hate it and with my photography background it makes me super aware when taking other people's photos, not that I do it that often, but I'll always try and help them be comfortable and help them look good. I don't think that many people look good when caught in a moment. My daughter particularly always looks so grumpy and awkward in photos but she's not at all in real life. 

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I'm not too bothered by photos being put online, but then, my family/friends don't tend to post photos in unrestricted places online.  Maybe if they did I'd be more concerned...I don't really think so, but I can't know for sure.


I don't enjoy having my picture taken because I don't like the way I look.  However, a friend from another message board lost her husband very suddenly a few years back, and every year she posts a reminder to let people take your picture.  Her DH hated having his picture taken, would hold up his hand to block people from taking his picture, etc., and now she has very few pictures of him.  I try to take that to heart and get over myself when the people who love and care about me want to have pictures of me.

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I don't like it because I'm fat and didn't used to be, and I don't want people who I grew up with to see me now.


There. THat's about as honest as I can get! It's just insecurity. I love when a woman (or man, but women seem to have this problem) just exudes confidence and accepts whatever she looks like--happiness does make one pretty, and so does confidence, IYKWIM.


I do agree that it is sad when there are no pics of a person and others want to remember them, though. I wish I'd taken more of ds when he was a baby, for example.


It's something I work on.

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I am OK with my picture being taken. I can trust my friends and family not to post an image of me on social media that would be embarrassing for me.

I would expect the courtesy to be shown the pic and asked whether posting is OK - I extend the same courtesy to all whose picture I contemplate sharing with the world.


But to put things into perspective: I have 600 college students and have created a complete set of video lectures for my online class which is available for the world to see on the internet - so I'm out there not just on photo, but on video.

So, a few pics on social media don't even register.

Students regularly take video of me doing demos in the classroom. I don't know what they are doing with those. I'm sure some views can be unflattering. I just choose not to worry about it.

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I am self-conscious about random photos. I have some family that will ask people to pose and makes sure to get photos at holidays, like with the generations or the siblings, others just take random photos that may or may not be flattering. I also usually the one behind the camera and I wish there were a few others that bothered to help take somewhat flattering photos. I know some of that is my self-image insecurity, and I never learned how to pose properly for photos, not like glamour shots, but at least how to stand and stuff like that. 



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I don't mind.  They're not usually about me;  they're about a moment in time or an event.  I love that photos capture a slice of human experience that we can look back on or study, though I do think that people get carried away with all the quick iPhone/Facebook pics.



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I don't have a problem with it. If it's a photo I don't want posted, I can message the person posting it and ask them to crop me out or take it down. I think I would only do that if somehow there was a wardrobe malfunction though. The photos are viewed on social media for such a brief time that I can live with an unflattering photo or two. As Tap posted, if I am in a candid pose, I often look solemn if not peeved, so it's best if I know the photo is being taken, but oh well. 

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I am not a very pretty person, and definitely not photogenic. My face is very asymmetrical and I have a crooked smile. Candid pictures are very unbecoming. I tend to look pissed off if I am concentrating on anything, even if it is looking into the distance.To get any kind of a decent picture of me, I have to face the camera and smile in a certain way that makes me look a bit less crooked.


Are we twins separated at birth in different years? You are describing me.


On the other hand:


I don't mind.  They're not usually about me;  they're about a moment in time or an event.  I love that photos capture a slice of human experience that we can look back on or study, though I do think that people get carried away with all the quick iPhone/Facebook pics.


I try to be easy going about it and realize what the picture-taking is all about.

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Fil was just in town for a few days taking a million pictures of my kids doing mundane things. I told him I didn't want to be in his pictures and for the most part he was good about it. Posed pictures I don't mind so much. One day we took some pics of the family but I was also dressed and ready for the day and it was on my terms. So it irritated me when at one point he decides all my kids need to gather round me for a picture. I did not want my picture taken at the moment, but didn't feel like causing a scene. It just made me grumpy. Especially since FIL isn't the type to delete unflattering pics. And I'm fairly certain the next time we go to their house, the fridge will be covered with ugly pics of me. (Or at least one, lol!)

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I hate having my picture taken. Candid or posed. My in-laws also don't like it. But when FIL passed, it was hard to find good pics of him to create a slideshow for the funeral. We had to dig and dig to find some, even any with DD as I often tried to take the pics of her in a way that didn't show him. Part of me was sad for DD that there weren't more pics of her grandpa. I think it bothered DH a bit, too. So I try to consider that even though I may hate pics of myself, it might mean something to my kids later if there are pics of me. Even if it's not because of an early death like with FIL, they still may want pics of their mom with them when they were kids. I'm always the one behind the camera. Looking through pics of DD's first 3-4 years it would look like I was never around. So I try now to let myself be in pictures, take selfies with the kids, or ask DH to get some with me in it if we're doing something together and I'm the one snapping the pics.

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I don't love it, but I also don't care enough to tell someone to stop. Usually they aren't taking a picture of me anyway, I may just happen to be in the background.


There was a time I went into a very very busy store and I was running in and out. my mom was waiting in the car with the kids, and I went to snap a quick picture of the registers, so she could see how busy it was and what was taking me so long. as I held up my phone this one lady noticed me and ran out of the picture. she said she hated it when people took her picture and needed to avoid it all all costs. her response was so severe, that I often wonder if she wasn't a victim of human trafficking and had been conditioned by her captors (I realize that this is both unlikely and a giant leap, but her reaction was so severe, it made me wonder if she was really okay)

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I don't mind if it is posed photos with family and friends. I do mind candid photos which is why I am usually the photographer.

As for social media, my younger relatives who post group photos do not tag me on facebook so that is okay.

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as I held up my phone this one lady noticed me and ran out of the picture. she said she hated it when people took her picture and needed to avoid it all all costs. her response was so severe, that I often wonder if she wasn't a victim of human trafficking and had been conditioned by her captors (I realize that this is both unlikely and a giant leap, but her reaction was so severe, it made me wonder if she was really okay)


That's practically me, and I have never been involved in human trafficking. 

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I don't like it - especially with advent of the internet.  I usually put my hand up in front of my face as fast as I can and wave it quickly back and forth to discourage the picture-taking.  I've gotten pretty fast at it, I guess, because I did that when oldest ds tried to take my photo once and he said, 'Damn, Mom, you're fast!'  lol   But sometimes I just turn my back if that fails. 


I once read a tip to just close your eyes when the picture is shot, because people don't usually share those photos. This was before social media though. 

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I do think there should be photos of everyone.  I read a thing once by a woman whose mother would not be photographed. There were no photos when the woman died, and the daughter (writer of the piece) was so sad about it.  I love having photos of my mom.  So I would never say "no photos." 



This is why my mom makes me take pictures of her at least once every 6 months. She doesn't have a lot of pictures of her mother and she died when she was relatively young (48). I have also decided not to worry about pictures taken of myself for this very reason. 

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In general, I don't like it.  But I suck it up.  I like it better when certain people (that know how to photograph people) take them. 

My mother hated photos of herself.  She even destroyed them on occasion.  (Like burning her wedding photos of her and my dad after they got a divorce)  Now I'm sad because she passed away at 41 and I have very few photos of her.  For that reason, I don't get too upset about bad pics of me.  

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Reading this has made me realize I'd like to get more pictures of more extended family, if possible (by extended I mean DH's brothers, their wives and children, and DH's parents, as well as my grandparents).  I especially think that about the parents and my grandparents.  Usually we (general) don't include adults in the picture quite as much because, hey, they don't change year to year the way kids do, kwim?  But when I think about it, there are very few pictures - to my knowledge, anyway - of my in laws, especially in the last several years.


A random aside, but Astro took an awesome picture of DH's grandfather a few years ago.  I think because a kid was taking the picture (I think Astro was probably 7 at the time?), he was comfortable with it/didn't feel like he needed to just sit and smile calmly.  He's sitting in his wheelchair and saluting (he was in the navy in WWII).  The picture turned out wonderfully, and when he passed away last year, I sent it into the uncle making the slideshow along with other pictures of our family (they wanted pictures of all his kids/grandkids/great grandkids in the slideshow) and it was the featured one of him at the end. :)  Such a good pic.  :)

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