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Do you get fully dressed each day?

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We all get dressed when we get out of bed. I don't think the boys would even eat breakfast in pajamas. It probably has something to do with needing to get outside and do chores early. But the wardrobe is jeans, T-shirts and socks. All the shoes stay at the door, because I would use boots for chickens or going out to work bees and regular shoes to walk dogs and just some sandals to use around the house. 

Hair is always in a ponytail for me. Never any makeup. It would all be sweated off in about three minutes three seasons out of the year. And in the winter, it might take five. A good session in front of the fireplace working on the morning fire doesn't do makeup much good. 


But I am perfectly dressed for my day. :laugh:


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Yes, I always get fully dressed.  I don't feel ready to work til I am.  Also, we live in a small town and tend to get drop-ins.  I insisted on this with our kids when homeschooling as well.


However, when my college kids are home on break, they seem to get a lot of work done while still in pajamas! 

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I get dressed and usually shower each morning or night before if I had to get up super early. Even in infant stage, I had to shower. Husband working from home helped with that. However, I usually don't do hair and makeup unless I am going somewhere. I might let my hair air dry, and I will wear yoga pants or something, esp. if I am cleaning that day. When I go out, it's usually jeans and a nice top or something. But I am definitely not dressing up like my working days if I will just be at home.

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Yes. Fully dressed, sunscreen, and makeup whether I'm planning to leave the house or not. It's a habit, like getting up at 530, that I started as soon as brought DS home as a newborn. Makes me feel so much more productive and ready to take on the day..


DS gets dressed every day too, but since he lives in athletic clothes they are hardly different than what he sleeps in. :)

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Huh, you all like your bras that much, do ya?


No PJs here, but no way I'm dressing to the nines to stay home all day. I'm pretty picky about stains, paint, marker, bleach, snags and such on my "out-and-about" clothes.

For some of us who are more well-endowed, it is actually more comfortable to have a bra on.  Plus, that's where I wear my FitBit!  :)

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We get dressed every day.  We don't wear shoes in our house.


I wash and style my hair every other day. I don't usually wear make up to run errands or if I'm going to be home all day.  I wear make up (eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss) to go to church activities, to homeschool weekly classes and out to events.


I usually wear great fitting jeans (in cool weather) or denim or heavy cotton shorts with tops that are cotton knit with some sort of nice detail when I'm out of the house.  AZ is an extremely casual place. To give you a point of reference, it's common to see adults and kids in shorts and t-shirts at Sunday morning church services and daytime symphony performances here. Sometimes I wear a casual dresses of cotton kit.


I wear my jammies all day on Dec. 26th because the Christmas season is so hectic with so many branches of extended family near by. That day I eat truffles and leftovers from holiday gatherings (4 in 2 days) , drink mimosas, watch movies and read books.  I don't cook or clean anything and I don't go anywhere.

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For some of us who are more well-endowed, it is actually more comfortable to have a bra on.  Plus, that's where I wear my FitBit!   :)


I only wear bras to work and church but it is where I wear my Fitbit.     Whenever I'm home cleaning, taking walks, hiking, etc. I can't wear my Fitbit because I'm worried about losing it anywhere else, but I want to track my activity if I'm not sitting on my duff all day.  It's a real dilemma. :lol:

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Yes, almost always, though it might take me several hours to do so. But for many years I didn't. Turns out that for me, it turns out that was, in part, a side effect of some personal anxiety/depression issues. Funny how I feel more ready to take on the day now that I have some meds. Now a pj day is for a rare treat or a sick day.

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On Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, I get up and go for a morning run then get home, shower and get dressed before I get my kids up. On Sunday and Monday, I have coffee before I get dressed for the day - it feels very indulgent since it only happens two days a week. Wednesday is a whole different beast, but I do get dressed early on Wednesdays too.


I don't wear shoes in the house, and I don't wear make-up. My day goes better when I show up dressed and awake for it.

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Everyone gets dressed everyday. Avoids brain mush syndrome. That said, I have house clothes and going out clothes. I don't wear a bra at home ;). Canadians don't wear shoes in the house, and I don't wear makeup or 'do' my hair. Ever. LOL! So my definition of dressing is clearly different than others.

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I do eventually get dressed up most days.  It depends on the season and day as well.  Right now we exercise every morning, so we put on workout clothes and do not get changed till after mid morning/noon.   Or, we go swimming and then also do not get dressed till after lunch.


During the school year it depends on the day.  If it's all day at home then we probably won't get dressed up till later.  For example I will wear yoga pants and t-shirt those days in the mornings.  Later in the afternoon I will dress in an outfit, put on make-up and perhaps jewelry.  If we are going out to a class then I will put all that on in the morning.  Some days are better dressed than others, but I try to look as best I can each day.  No shoe wearing in the house.   



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Yes. Virtually every day we are out of the house with others at some point. I don't think I would feel productive if I stayed in my grubbies all day even on days we stay home. It feels too informal, like I am on break or sick, and that is not the case for homeschooling days.

This. Exactly.

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I get dressed but not by your definition. I don't wear make-up and I don't wear shoes unless I'm leaving the house. I do put on shorts and a t-shirt in the summer or jeans/sweat pants and a casual warm shirt in the winter. I shower after I exercise which is about 5 days/week. I brush my hair and my teeth each morning when I get dressed and at that point I feel ready for the day. 


The first year or two we homeschooled, I required my kids to dress daily too. However, they gradually kept PJs on more and more. I decided it wasn't a hill to die on and they were much happier that way. They dress when they are leaving the house. They wear seasonally appropriate clothes at home, but they are the same clothes they sleep in. :)

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As a farming lady, no, the clothes I wear for home are not typically the clothes I wear for going out. I still get out of my pjs every day, but there's no point to wearing a nice outfit, changing to run to the garden to pull a few weeds and pick some tomatoes, changing back to sit on the sofa and do read alouds, changing to go check on the sheep...you get the idea. I'm in and out so much, that it just won't work.

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I always get dressed each day unless I am sick. If am working out that morning I may be in my workout/pajamas longer but I still get dressed and shower afterwards. (When I'm not working out I shower every other day usually.) It is a habit for me and I feel odd wearing my pajamas all day, but I don't think it actually makes me any more productive. It's just something I do, like making my bed every day.


I pretty much always wear jeans, either shorts or pants and a t-shirt at home. Even when I go out this is what I wear, although my shirt might be a nicer looking/newer one. I do not wear makeup aside from mascara maybe once a week and no jewelry except earrings and unless I'm going out I just always wear the same Pearl studs.

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We get dressed, but it's different than your definition. 

We don't wear shoes in the house. (That would bring too much sand and dirt in; we live in the country. Guests can wear shoes or not.) I live in jeans/khakis and t-shirts/long sleeve t-shirts. I'd love to wear skirts, except I dislike long skirts on myself. And short ones just take too much time to be discreet as I am getting up and own off the floor 6 billion times a day. I never/very rarely wear make-up. And my hair is short, so I air-dry it and go.

The kids don't wear pajamas. So getting dressed is one of their morning chores that gets done before breakfast.

I am often in grungier clothes at home and change to a nicer/cleaner pants and shirt (though it's still  jeans and a t-shirt) before leaving for town). 

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I thought of this thread this afternoon.  I had to change out of one of my 'religious shirts' aka holey, into a respectable t-shirt.  


I have been known to get out of bed, put a bra on, start the shower, wait for shower to warm, take off bra.  That 50 seconds upright without a bra is uncomfortable.  DH knows that he can ask for my assistance in the evenings up until I take my bra off.   Afterward it better be pretty darn important.  

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Huh, you all like your bras that much, do ya?


No PJs here, but no way I'm dressing to the nines to stay home all day. I'm pretty picky about stains, paint, marker, bleach, snags and such on my "out-and-about" clothes.


Love my bras.


When I was pregnant/nursing I just went ahead and wore one 24/7. I always had nursing bras w/underwire for the day and nursing bras w/out underwire for sleeping in.

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Dressed, make up most days, with the caveat that "make up" means mascara, chapstick, maybe some eye shadow,  and, if I'm really feeling it, BB.


NO SHOES.  Shoes in the house squick me out, although guests are welcome to wear them. 

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What is this getting dressed you all speak of? My 2 year old would laugh at you. He's been naked all day.I did manage to convince him to get underwear on for when we had to pick his siblings up from summer camp. For me, some days I get dressed some days I stay in pjs. I'm no more productive on the days I dress.

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I don't wear shoes in the house, and the ones I wear when I leave the house don't have laces.  I don't wear makeup and never have.  I don't do anything to my hair other than comb it.  My "uniform" is jeans and a t-shirt with various layers over that depending on the time of year.


I'd be this way even if I wasn't homeschooling.


I do make the bed, take a shower, and brush my teeth every day.  

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Dressed and clean and with sunscreen every morning, but if I'm going to be home most of the day, dressed often means yoga pants or shorts and TShirt, because I like to be comfortable and I look for opportunities to fit in exercise breaks during the day, whenever I can. If I exercise to the point I need to shower again, I change into something a little nicer.


When I go out I put on minimal makeup, nicer but still casual clothes. And shoes!

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Wear what you are comfortable in, and is appropriate to the task you are doing. If it's arts and crafts, reading aloud, hiking, teaching math, there are bound to be clothes that seem more appropriate for each occassion. If you want to dress casually during the day, then dress up a little for hubby, why not? 


More often than not, I "dress down" for my dh as we're heading out to play tennis when he gets home from work. ;)

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Yes, but that usually means a pair of khaki shorts and a nice (to me) top. My pjs are sweat shorts and a tshirt, so my daytime outfit is definitely nicer. We don't wear shoes in the house and I'm not a jewelry or perfume person. But I shower first thing, put on makeup (basically sunscreen, foundation and eyeliner), and get dressed. It's just part of my waking up process. I've always made sure the kids dressed each day too. Even when the three of them were babies. I tried being a relaxed pj mama a few times but it drove me nuts. I felt like my day never started. I envy that relaxed state of affairs!

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I soooo want to be one of those put-together moms, but so far I haven't been :(


I am only now, finally, after almost 7 yrs, done with diapers.  I am constantly washing something.  My kids are nowhere near less-messy stage. 


And I COMPLETELY agree and get OP.  I don't want my kids to see me wearing the same, stained clothes every day.   But I haven't figure out my "plan" yet

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I'm dressed, every day, except shoes, I only wear shoes if I'm leaving. I brush my hair everyday, but I don't go all curling iron and hairspray. I wear mascara and lip stain every day, no more no less.


I don't like to wear work-out clothes around the house because I work out in them. They are either sweaty-icky or need to be saved for the next time I'll get sweaty-icky. I don't like to wear pajamas around the house because I prefer girly slip style stuff and umm...the mailman might knock. Wearing a robe all day makes me feel like I must be ill, because that's what I do when I'm ill.


Anyways, I like my clothes. They are comfortable.

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I get dressed, do my hair and put on make up every morning. I put on socks and shoes as well when it's cool outside. Right now, it's too HOT for socks and shoes. I go barefoot and wear flip flops when I must. :-) I prefer wearing socks and shoes-my feet are smoother and softer and I am more active throughout the day.


For years, I sat around in my jammies or sweats with no make up and undone hair. I became much more productive when I changed that habit.

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I let my hair air dry (curly!) and I wear knit skirts or dresses most days. We have wood floors, so we don't wear shoes in the house.  I sometimes put on a bit of mascara or lipstick.....but I have a toddler still so I am lucky to be able to do that without her destroying the house.


I find myself more interested in nice clothes and jewelry. I think those days are coming for me.

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No one wears shoes inside in Vermont. You take your shoes off before going inside someone's home. 


I do get dressed every day, but not dressed up every day. And when it's -20 out and I don't have to leave my house, I wear my warmest clothes whatever they may be, in layers. :-)

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This is pretty much what I do:

  • Comfortable clothing (100% cotton, my preference)
  • No make up (ever)
  • No jewelry (except for special occasions)
  • No perfume (or rarely)
  • Clean hair (curly, so I just let it air dry)
  • Clean body & teeth
  • No shoes in the house -- I'm not sure why. I wasn't raised in Japan, but I just agree with the "no shoes" policy. All those germs! Gross! We all take our shoes off when we come in the house, wash our hands, and (in the winter) put on slippers. So nice and comfy. :)

This is what I do at my house too.

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This is sort of a frivolous topic, but I'm curious about what other homeschool moms do.... Do you get dressed each day "to lace-up shoes" like the FlyLady? Do you wear makeup on a daily basis and truly do your hair? Or, are you more likely in your pajamas/yoga pants?  

But now, my youngest is about to enter kindergarten and it's dawning on me that it might be nice to move past jeans and my daily ponytail.


Jeans and a properly done ponytail *are* my version of dressed up. Yoga pants and my hair loose or a center part ponytail are my "everyday" look. I hate the look of a center part ponytail, but it's soooooo easy (no mirror or brush required - I do brush my hair every day, but sometimes I want a ponytail later in the day) and when working out or something my neck gets too hot if I just leave my hair loose.

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Hmmmm, about 85% of the time I get fully dressed (mostly casual wear), put on make up, etc. I wear shoes if I am going outside. The kids do it about 95% of the time because I find that if they lounge around in pj's then their attitudes about doing school work are poor. The remaining few times we all do not get "fully ready" typically are in the winter when it's cold and gray and we just want to stay in bed (and snuggly warm) anyway. We all brush our teeth everyday.


Now, when we get dressed, etc., may vary day to day but by 9:30-10:00 am we are all pretty much ready.


On another note, we all make our beds and tidy up our rooms every morning. This sort of sets the tone for our getting started with the day.

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This is sort of a frivolous topic, but I'm curious about what other homeschool moms do.... Do you get dressed each day "to lace-up shoes" like the FlyLady? Do you wear makeup on a daily basis and truly do your hair? Or, are you more likely in your pajamas/yoga pants?  



I can't remember anytime since '91 that I regularly wore "lace up shoes"... since then I've lived in NoVA, RDU, Boston, Seattle, Louisville, and Minneapolis. I suppose if it is Winter, I might wear trail runners or Sorells... otherwise it is all sport sandals... Tevas, Chacos, Unshoes, etc... when I was a software engineer making six figures I wore shorts a cheap t-shirt and sandals; as a homeschool dad I wear shorts and sandals; at church I wear shorts and sandals...  

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We live in the country and getting fully dressed would be rather odd here. I'm way less productive if I'm dressed, I worry to much about getting my nice clothes dirty cleaning house, walking/playing/working around outside, and just general stuff. I generally wear yoga pants and a t-shirt with some slip on shoes. I also find it easier to move around quickly in something like yoga pants, which helps me get more done quickly. I try not to keep really dirty rough clothing around however, I like to shop Goodwill to replenish my at home clothes as I can find something decent but also cheap. I find the idea that one must have lace-up shoes to be dressed laughable. Seriously. I'm generally a very productive person and 90%+ of the time that is done in comfy clothing and no laced shoes. Likewise my kids have play clothes they wear at home, I certainly don't want them dressed in "town" clothes at home, dh puts on his comfy clothes at home as well; athletic shirts and older t-shirts. I'm not offended he doesn't dress up at home, it would just be rather silly to me. When out and about I dress nicely, fancier than many in my area, although I live in a very casual area. I do not wear jewelry, except rarely. I put on light make-up and fix my hair simply when I leave the house. I don't use any products on my hair

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Yes. I'm a jeans and a cute top girl. I don't get to make up too often. I get out of practice during the summer when my allergies are bad and just don't remember too often. Never been a yoga pants girl. I used to dress much nicer but five kids, a wild young dog, two cats and six cows made it less than ideal to dress better.

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Isn't interesting how differently people can see things? :lol:

I have my dh's comfy clothes waiting for him at the end of his work day so that he can put them on first thing. This includes cotton pants or shorts and a t-shirt. Both of us are comfortable leaving the house in these type of clothes too. They are matched and don't have holes or anything, just much less formal then what he wears to work or what I might put on for an appointment. I dislike seeing him at home in a button up and dress pants.


Dd also dresses down after church or an outing in which she has gotten all decked out. My mom (who lives next door) is often found gardening in her animal print pajamas or plaid lounge pants, so it must run in the family :lol: .


Different jobs and parts of the country are different, too. 


My husband is a software programmer, and jeans, even jean shorts, were office wear even when he was working in an office. So he'd dress the same every day whether he was going to work or not. :) Likewise, I don't dress up, but I do dress in something I'm fine wearing out in public or answering my door in - not pajamas or sweats.

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Yes, I get dressed and shower everyday, unless I am not feeling well. . I only wear makeup if I am going out. Jeans are not very comfortable to me. I only wear them if I am going out and about, with a cute top, makeup, and jewelry. I usually hang out in my maxi skirts and soft tops, usually found in the Ana section at JCP.


I never wear shoes in the house, and only wear open toed shoes like sandals, unless I am working out. 


My kids get dressed, eat breakfast, and do their devos almost every morning. 


My dh showers and gets dressed every day before work, obviously, lol

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