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After I've Successfully Launched My Kids, I'd Like To....


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1. Buy a vintage Mustang just to drive for fun. I've hauled kids around in dumpy minivans for so long, I'd love to have a cute ride for a change, especially once I have no teens on my insurance.


2. Travel to Ireland.




Share your dreams, no matter how impractical. I'm not saying that they will necessarily come true, but I really think this could be a fun conversation topic.

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Many more cats. But at $400 a pop to clean their teeth (and my cats need it), plus whatever other bills they have each year, I can't pay for cats and help with college.


So...once I'm done helping pay for college costs I'm getting cats.


And going out to eat. A lot.

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launch  a non-profit with my dh.  We've been talking about it for a few years and I'm not sure we can do it until our youngest is a bit older.  We'll see.  :)  I'm hoping to go back to school soon so that will come first as well.  (Trying to decide if I should *just* finish my English degree or also get something in non-profit management.  That sounds so boring, though.  LOL )


I'd also like to travel to the world's best (best in MY opinion, LOL) art museums.  That's a bucket list item.

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Mine is dorky.

Two of my dc want to attend college for artistic performance majors.

My other is undecided, but would like to play baseball for a college.


I hope to travel to them and attend as many events as possible.  It was always nice to look into the stands and see my parents when I played a sport in college.  After college, who knows- if they move far away, I would certainly want to visit a lot, or meet them for various activities.





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It's not that difficult. You get used to it.


Yep. And it's pretty empowering :D


I want to drive all over the country and see EVERYTHING! I'd also like to go back to school, but I don't want to go back for anything particularly practical, and I don't know if I can bring myself to spend the money if I can just be a traveling autodidact. That might be a better way to spend $30K!

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1. Buy a vintage Mustang just to drive for fun. I've hauled kids around in dumpy minivans for so long, I'd love to have a cute ride for a change, especially once I have no teens on my insurance.


2. Travel to Ireland.




Share your dreams, no matter how impractical. I'm not saying that they will necessarily come true, but I really think this could be a fun conversation topic.

My dad bought a vintage Mustang (same year as the one he drove as a young adult) for occasional driving and a new Mustang for daily driving!

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Sleep whenever I want.

Read whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want.  While sipping tea.

Sit outside and enjoy nature whenever I want.

Go for walks, hikes, etc.

Get massages whenever I want.

Travel if I'm up to it.

Keep the crap in my house to a minimum.

Have the house clean or nearly so all the time.


Of course all this is ridiculous since I probably won't be anywhere near retiring from my job.  :/

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Well, I am not sure the LAUNCHING part will ever come as we have 3 special needs kiddos and 2 of them will need long term living help.


That said, I would:

1.  travel to Ireland and ride horses

2.  Get one of those smaller camper vans just big enough for dh and I so that we could travel around and have a bed and a potty.

3.  Try to do some horse camping.  My dream is the shore to shore in Michigan which is 250 miles across the state in 12 days.

4.  Keep working in some capacity with foster/adoptive/special needs kids/teens.

5.  Take a medical missions trip.



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I have three years of homeschooling left and youngest will enter college. My current plan is to either make a go of the event planning business - not likely though because my partner's mother has recently become an invalid, and she is unable to continue working with me so we are going to have to split the assets so she can retire - or go back into the work force. Either way, I want to work for 6-10 years to shore up retirement savings since I've been out of the work force for so long. But, as part of that plan, I'm only taking on something very flexible (might even be substitute teaching) so that we can travel. As of next year, dh will have four weeks vacation plus federal holidays and Christmas Eve Day as well as New Years Eve Day so that gives us options for taking trips of decent length. He also has a flexible "work from home" arrangement so we could even go somewhere for six weeks so long as he had good internet.


So, flexible employment plus travel is on the horizon for us.

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Take a nap.


I'm tried already and I'm not there yet!


I won't need to nap because I'll be able to go to bed when I want and get up when I want!


Keep the crap in my house to a minimum.

Have the house clean or nearly so all the time.


I thought of this after I posted, but YES!!!


Is it bad if when I hear the commercials on the radio for the local retirement homes, all I can think of is whether or not they'll take me in as a 43 year old???


Only if it's bad that, when I hear about someone getting lost in the woods or stuck on a deserted island or snowed in somewhere for weeks, I think, "That sounds like heaven."

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Oh, naps. Yes, I suppose I could spend some of my first retirement years catching up on my naps. The best thing about being eight days post appendix surgery has been the freedom to take naps with no guilt over what I should be doing.


DH would probably say the same thing. He will love not having to get up before five o'clock every weekday morning. I'm sure we will enjoy sleeping together whenever we feel like it. Both kinds of sleeping together, LOL!

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Crap...I just thought of something. A vintage sports car will probably be a stick shift....mmmm...gonna have to figure that out.


My dh bought a cute little yellow convertible Miata for me this year (not exactly a classic car, but still fun!)  It is a standard.  And I learned how to drive it.  It is so fun (now - at first it was really scary.)  


We had the Miata for a couple months before I was able to start driving.  I practiced driving it for 2 weeks before my dd and I went to Denmark, where we rented a car (also a stick shift - the only option for rental cars).  A week of driving the standard non-stop did the trick, and now I feel like a real driver.


It has been really invigorating? exciting? delightful? (something like that) to really learn how to do something new.


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Yes, I'd like to ditch the minivan, but it's a workhorse.  LOL. I know exactly how many bags of mulch it can hold and use it to haul stuff to the dump.


I'd love to travel for a month or more in Europe. 


I'd like to do some graduate work in an entirely different area, but I don't want to write any papers over ten pages or so.


Only two years for me...!




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Island Hop around the world starting in the tropics


organize and scrapbook all the pictures


Finish compiling and editing the family tree on both sides of my family since most of the research is done and the torch was passed to me


finally take time to write the great American novel or at least see if any of my half-edited novels are worth finishing and sending off



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Live by myself so I can actually experience the feeling of all the housework and errands done.  


As long as there is someone else here, I know there will always be something that needs to be cleaned, washed, put away or dealt with.  I do hours of errands each week for the people in my house...doctors appointments, shopping, sports, driving to school, driving to a friends house, etc. Our family has 5 to 6 standing/reoccurring doctors appointments each week.  Sports practice or game 5+ days a week. Shopping of some kind 2-3 days a week. If it were just me, I would need to go to the PT once a week and grocery shop once a week. 



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Have a two story turn-of-the-century house with a wrap around porch and sit on the porch in wicker patio furniture drinking a cup (or more) of coffee and read the paper. (I saw someone doing this in my town a few weeks ago as I was frantically driving a child at 8:00 to.... somewhere and I saw this older woman leisurely sitting on the front porch of a beautiful grand dame home with a cup of coffee and the morning paper. I was so jealous)

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Crap...I just thought of something. A vintage sports car will probably be a stick shift....mmmm...gonna have to figure that out.


As long as your dreaming, just dream you'll practice on someone else's car. ;)


Also dream that you'd avoid driving in San Fransisco with a stick!!  And if tempted, listen to Bill Cosby's skit on the subject.

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Run marathons

Write a book

Hike for weeks

Learn to be a better cook

Learn more languages and travel

Oooh! Your wish list is almost just like mine! Although I am a pretty good cook at present, and I have kind of gotten over running, so probably not going to do a marathon.

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I would love to:


- live on the coast of a land with moderate year-round temps,

- own a sailboat and use it for sailing and SCUBA diving

- kayak on the nearby flatwater,

- play tennis frequently with a fun group of people my level,

- ride a gorgeous horse whenever I wanted (that someone else took care of)

- once a year travel to somewhere new

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Move out of this old house in the country to a brick ranch in the suburbs, yes, really. A low maintenance lifestyle that's what I want.


I also want to finish up college in some fashion, go on one of those Viking cruises mentioned in another thread, and become a bibliotherapist : http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/can-reading-make-you-happier


I also want to go out regularly to plays and musical performances.


But I've got seven years to go, maybe I'll change my mind.

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Crap...I just thought of something. A vintage sports car will probably be a stick shift....mmmm...gonna have to figure that out.

My first car was a yellow '66 mustang, automatic. It even had an air conditioner! Too bad it didn't work. It's been 12 years and I still miss that car.
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