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Do you volunteer?

Night Elf

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Where do you volunteer? I know the animal shelter is always happy for people to come by and help out. There must be a food bank in my county because I'm part of a donation program that picks up bags of food every 2 months and delivers it to the food bank. I don't even know how to find out where it is or what kind of help they need. Our library does have volunteer positions but they don't open often. Every now and then I get an email saying a position is open for applications and they expect at least a 6 month commitment. Where else does one volunteer?

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I don't right now, but my kids do.  


My oldest has volunteered at the library and the food bank.  She currently volunteers at a rescue and rehabilitation center for birds of prey.  (loves that!).


One of my younger girls volunteers at a therapeutic horse stable.  They are always seeking volunteers.  (they have to have two people walk along either side of the horse to stabilize the riders)


With groups we've volunteered at nursing homes.  Just spending time with the residents is greatly appreciated.





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Most of our volunteering is in church.  We all do at least one volunteer job at church.


We also do homeless shelter work a few times per year.


We also do various things throughout the year.  We worked in a food bank periodically, helped a woman paint her house, did yard work for an elderly lady, and various similar projects when they come up.

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Right now all my volunteering is done at church.  In the past I've helped at a food bank, generally one-off sorts of events, not on an ongoing basis. I would love to volunteer at the library.


Since someone mentioned their kids - my daughter volunteers at the library with a teen group.  My son has started volunteering at our local fire station. All of the stations in our area are completely volunteer-run.  He has been taking classes and once he turns 18 he'll be able to take the final courses to become an active volunteer firefighter. 


Oh, a few years ago we (kids and I) did some work at a charity that collects clothes, books, and toys for kids. That was through our homeschool group. 

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Locally there is a women's shelter that offers training to the ladies. You can volunteer to teach whatever - reading, math, computers, etc. or you can help ladies write resumes or practice interviewing. It's a great way to connect. The shelters in your area may offer something similar. Where we used to live the library offered similar programs and was always looking for volunteers to help teach.


If you need to find something that you can do with kids, you can always try the local public garden. Most are funded by private garden groups here and are happy to have extra hands mulching, weeding,etc. Oh and our local Salvation Army has a community garden that they use to help grow the food they serve. They are always looking for help weeding, planting, painting, etc.

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I volunteer at the food bank once a month with my 7 year old. It usually involves sorting food to be distributed to local distribution sites. They have lots of opportunities, one is that they need people to answer phones for 3 hours a week.


About every 4 months my husband and I prepare dinner for people staying at the local Ronald McDonald house.


For the last two summers I volunteered at an inner city camp reading with kindergarten students. I hope to do that again this summer.


This summer I will volunteer for a week at a church day camp my kids are attending.


I have also applied to volunteer regularly with an organization that helps women who are trying to leave the sex industry (mostly prostitution and porn). I have gotten to volunteer at the house and loved the women so much I want to do it regularly.


My grandma has volunteered at the hospital and Meals on Wheels for decades. Women at my church sew quilts for orphans and there are women who cook food for shut ins. Our local nature center and arboretum need volunteers to help care for the grounds. Our state history center has volunteers that tell about various buildings. A lady I know volunteers to feed and hold babies in the NICU. The camp my friend runs always needs people for random things from mowing the lawns to sewing curtains.


I think if you have something you are interested in and don't live in the middle of nowhere, there are probably volunteer opportunities that maybe aren't advertised but if you ask you will learn about them.

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I volunteer quite a bit, but in this season, I volunteer mostly for kid things. I teach Sunday school, I volunteer with local non-profits where my kids take classes, that kind of thing. We will do other one off volunteering as a family though like participating in a performance at a nursing home, feed my starving children, food and clothing drives, etc.

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Up until last summer I was volunteering for hospice.  Now I "volunteer" and watch my 2 grandkids 2x per week (just down from 3x). 


I hope to get back to hospice volunteering once my dd gets her PhD. 


Also volunteer a little bit at church.  I used to do much more (church council, SS teacher), but it was getting overwhelming.  Right now I'm just organizing our coffee hour schedule - which is a bigger job than it would seem.  But, I do it 3 months at a time, so I get a nice long break between scheduling headaches. 



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I volunteer at a local nursing/rehab home - once a month a few of us hold a very informal birthday party for the residents who have birthdays that month. We provide cake, punch, plates/napkins, and a few decorations; sing happy birthday, and mostly sit and chat with them. I bring my younger kids and they seem to enjoy having them there.


One friend goes to the nursing home once a month to give hand massages. I am seeing if they would like me to come along at some point and provide music therapy (harp) to go with the massage sessions.

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When my kids were younger and our family was active in a church, I taught Sunday school and ran special events (Halloween and Easter parties, etc.) and served on assorted committees.


Right now, I'm finishing up my first year as a volunteer reading coach in a local public school. I spend a couple of hours a week at the school working with first and second graders on vocabulary and reading fluency.

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Yes, mostly at church. I am currently backing off a bit on that, as I have had far too many jobs at church for a while now. :)


I think as I back off from that, I will naturally find some other things to do. Not sure what those will be yet. I also have a position with our Cub Scout Pack.

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My daughter and I started volunteering at the public library when she was in 7th grade.  She went to college out of state so would occasionally volunteer when she was back in town.  She's now been out of college two years and is living in South Korea.  I've continued to volunteer all the while.


Years ago, from pre-child through about the time my daughter was ten years old, I did volunteer adult literacy tutoring.  When my daughter was young, I would volunteer at either my home or at the learner's home with my daughter.




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my youngest and I volunteer with a cat rescue.  They keep some of their cats at a petsmart in a special room, so the cats will get seen. Volunteers go there twice a day to clean the boxes, feed, and play with the cats.  It was my dd's dream to do this. Me, my grandmother was a cat lady- I shouldn't be there... :driving:

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My kids and I work at a food pantry twice a month (usually 4 days a month - 2 prep days, 2 service days).


We also all volunteer as cub scout leaders - I'm a den leader, dd is my assistant, ds is a den chief in another den. We don't have kids that age but they always need help.


Last winter dd and I coached basketball. Again, no kids that age but I want her to get involved and serve, so that usually means I get to also. LOL


We also do random community projects, help with eagle scout projects, and usually spend a week or two on a mission trip a year.

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my youngest and I volunteer with a cat rescue.  They keep some of their cats at a petsmart in a special room, so the cats will get seen. Volunteers go there twice a day to clean the boxes, feed, and play with the cats.  It was my dd's dream to do this. Me, my grandmother was a cat lady- I shouldn't be there... :driving:


I've done that before at our local Petsmart.  It's a good volunteer activity!


At the moment I'm not doing anything.  There was a major upheaval at the rescue group I was volunteering with.  It's a long story, but the important point is that the powers that be were bringing in known dangerous animals and not warning the volunteers.  Not cool.  We're in the process of building a new house, so I'm going to be busy with that for awhile.  When we're settled again I hope to start volunteering with the county animal shelter.


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I am currently ending my term as president of the booster club for one of my kid's teams. That has been quite an experience. Before that, I taught ESL to adults every Sunday morning at our church. Loved that, but after five years, I needed a break. I have been a team mom for about a hundred straight seasons in some sport or another. My husband and I taught preschool Sunday school for two years. I was in charge of timers for about five years for our neighborhood swim team.


What I would like to do now is work with immigrants or refugees, helping them get settled in the community. I am thinking of hunting down a group that does that when my middle daughter turns 16 and can drive herself around. We are both counting the days, albeit for different reasons!

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Dh and I volunteered quite a bit until two years ago, when we both burned out and backed out of commitments. We're finally feeling ready to jump back in but won't do too much this time. We just volunteered to work the airshow next month. 


What we've done in the past: children's musical theater volunteer work (what burned us out! It was 20 hours a week), dh served on a board of directors at the credit union, I volunteered at our local summer theater program for kids, we did a good bit of service work through the Corvette club we were members of, I volunteered at the library helping people do their taxes (mostly seniors), and working at the food pantry. 


I think I'm going to find a few groups where I can volunteer occasionally. The air show is a good example. It's just two days and one day of training. Then it's over until next year.  Our food pantry really only needs help a few times a year when huge donations come in and need to be sorted, or when they need folks to deliver food baskets at Thanksgiving. 



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When ds was a baby, I volunteered with Laubach Literacy, teaching reading to adults, one at a time. I had 3 students over the years. I wish I'd had the resources I know about now!


Now all my volunteering is at church--and I'm not doing any of that at the moment, but it usually entails teaching bible study.


Dd and I volunteered a tiny bit at our local food pantry--we organized and shelved some food. It was actually a birthday celebration for a dear friend--she's very socially conscious, and had people come to the pantry on a Saturday and work for a couple hours, then eat cake at the adjacent park and playground!

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my youngest and I volunteer with a cat rescue.  They keep some of their cats at a petsmart in a special room, so the cats will get seen. Volunteers go there twice a day to clean the boxes, feed, and play with the cats.  It was my dd's dream to do this. Me, my grandmother was a cat lady- I shouldn't be there... :driving:



No way!!  My ODD would flip over that!  Pun sort of intended.


I have done work with church for homeless and I absolutely loved it.  I wish I could do it again.  Right now, our schedule is bad and we only have one car, so Rebecca and I are crocheting pet beds and baby blankets.

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Not a ton right now, but I can barely get out of bed. Most of my volunteering is political or through church.


ETA - I guess I should count the state board of Pharmacy, too, since it's an unpaid, senate confirmed position. I volunteer on that as one of two public members. I was reminded of this because we have a meeting this week and I got my board packet but haven't looked through it yet :o

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I volunteer:


- local community theatre - usually I help paint sets, but they are always in need of Front of House volunteers during performances throughout the year.


- music ministry at our church (mass and children's choir). Also volunteer with our church's Marriage Prep program.


- my children's music ensembles


- our tennis club (social events, grounds and maintenance)


- leading a homeschool basketball program


- organizing an annual charity running race


- assistant teaching at our Taekwon-Do academy (up until I retired a year ago)


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In the past most of my volunteer work was at church.  More recently it has been mostly through boy scouts.  I am active in our DS's pack, other DS's troop, and DD's venturing crew.  I also volunteer on the district level as the cub scout training chair.  I was day camp director for three years, but it became too much.


DH and I both grew up in homes with parents that were volunteers so it is culturally something we expect and enjoy.  My parents volunteered at school, clubs (Cub Scouts, Campfire, Royal Rangers, etc.), aid and fire crew, and at church.  DH's parents volunteered with scouts, PTA, and some at church.  So both DH and I started volunteering at a young age and it is just something we enjoy.  DH does a lot with scouts and is also a reserve police officer.


There are a lot of other things that I think would be fun like at the library, homeless shelter, etc, but I just don't have the time right now.

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I teach Sunday school.


I am the choir parent for my elementary son's choir, and I was on the choir board or directors for a few years. Only one more year, then I will be the middle school choir parent volunteer.


I volunteer to sew costumes and help backstage with my elementary son's children's theater productions, and my eldest ds volunteers during the shows also.


Our family participates in a program packing food boxes for children on the free lunch program, providing food during school breaks and holidays.


In the past I've volunteered at the garden run by the local hunger relief organization, as a member of the state scholarship selection committee, working with teen parents and their darling babies, and at the animal shelter. Lots of opportunities in our community. :)

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For ideas, go to a site like volunteermatch.org and you can search for local opportunities or virtual ones (like helping with a web site or tutoring online). 


If you have a specific skill or interest you'd like to put to use, try googling "my interest volunteer." 


Right now, I do a social night for homeschooled teens and homeschool student council. 


Oldest dd volunteers at the art museum, and they are always looking for people. In the past, she has helped with arts education classes for younger children. 


As a family, we purchase items for the children's hospital and usually 'Secret Santa' a family for Christmas. 


dh has for years been a great unofficial 'big brother' to various boys in the neighborhood who need attention. 





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I am on the board of a local not-for-profit and do some other volunteer projects through work. 


When I mostly stayed home with my children, I fostered children through state for few years and then switched to fostering dogs.  For a couple years on weekends, I volunteered at our local humane society's thrift store.


Throughout the years, I've also volunteered for certain social and political causes and candidates.

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I volunteered this school year at a family literacy program.  Moms did English classes, and the kids did preschool classes.  I taught preschool, and I helped lead a mother/baby time (basically story time) once a week.


This coming year, I am volunteering teaching a preschool class at a interdenominational Bible study. 

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We volunteer at church and through church. After a period of not doing much, we started volunteering at sporting events for developmentally adults.


Before kids and up to about three kids, I volunteered teaching adults to read. I used the same 100 Ez lessons book to teach my kids to read.

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Being an active duty military family and moving quite frequently in the past 11 years, we have not been able to commit to a regular volunteer schedule until only recently. However, we have always volunteered in some capacity with our boys.


Since we have been in NC for almost 3 years we have:

- been a host family for a year to an exchange student from Austria (July 2013-June 2014)

-volunteered each semester with the Breaking Bread program through NC State ( matches international students with host families for an american meal in your own home). We have hosted students from Mexico, Austria, India and Korea. It has been a great experience!

-volunteered twice per semester in helping to cook/ serve food to the international students at NC State

- baked homemade pies for the holiday meals program ( Thanksgiving/ Christmas) with the Raleigh Rescue Mission

-various volunteering opportunities through our son's scout troops

-volunteer timers at our sons swim meets

- I have volunteered at a local horse stable on/off 

- I volunteer at the Christian school where my sons attend several classes

- My son volunteered weekly for 2 years as a swim coach ( he is a competitive swimmer)


Prior to NC we volunteered regularly at local soup kitchens helping to serve food. The boys were younger then and finding opportunities that allowed children to volunteer was more challenging. 




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I used to a lot. I was thinking I wasn't now, but I am an assistant scout leader because a certain number of leaders is required and I did lead the troop in a water safety thing this weekend. I think that counts. Right now I'm volunteering to help things happen for my ds, not totally altruistic.

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Yes, we volunteer at a community garden and food bank. Also, during tax season I volunteer with United Way or AARP to prep tax returns for moderate and low income people for free. I lead an academic focused club from September to February or thereabouts. We do other things as they come up, but those are most of the regulars. I usually sit on a board but my last commitment ended and I haven't replaced it.

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I used to volunteer for Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  I've been a cub scout leader, too. I also consider teaching 4 classes at co-op a form of volunteering.  I put a lot of work into that for no pay.  I occasionally volunteer for events for a group that helps kids in Central America come here for operations and also helps funds two orphanages in El Salvador, because my husband's step mom runs that program.


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I did many hours of volunteering before kids came along.  After taking on two tots, I had to drop most of that.  I still do book work and some other mostly hands-off things for a couple of organizations.  I've actively sought family volunteering opportunities, but when my kids were little, there were very few they could join in.  This past year I've identified a few.


One that I want to get into this summer is the nearby national park's conservancy organization.  Also our scout troop provided a link to some organizations where you can go pack stuff for the poor or the troops or whatever.


We also do some volunteer activities with my kids' scout troop.  Their school offers some things too, but usually they don't seem really value-added to me.  Like sewing "teddy bears" for kids in Haiti.  Except the "teddy bears" are two pieces of cloth sewed together and padded with pillow stuffing.  It would be more cost effective and more appreciated to buy some furry teddy bears from China and send them over.  If they come up with something more meaningful, I would be glad to participate.

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This has been a very enlightening thread!  :)


We also do a lot of volunteering at church, but our children also volunteer at a children's hospital, work for St. Baldrick's charity, Extra-Life (gamers for charity!), and dh and I will at some point start a non-profit to support families with children with chronic illness.  (We do not have children with medical issues ourselves, btw.)  Food bank. Delivering food and toiletries to the homeless.  We do not do all of these at once, just as we are able all throughout the year.  :)

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