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Prayers/Good Thoughts - 17yo son has DVT

Lang Syne Boardie

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Last week - diagnosed with sprained calf muscle. Today - diagnosed in ER with deep vein thrombophlebitis, multiple huge clots from calf to groin. He's been started on blood thinner (Xarelto?) tonight, will see hematologist in the morning. It's assumed he must have a rare clotting disorder to have this problem as a healthy 17yo boy. The risks have been explained and we're all terrified. Very upset.

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Tibbie ~


I'm so sorry! What a shock. I'm so sorry.  It's really hard to process that your kids may have something that may cause health issues for them long term.  I've been there and it's one of the hardest things I had to work through. So glad that an apparent injury flushed this out though so that you all can deal with it and get the best proactive care available. 


Sending you hugs and prayers, 




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I'm so sorry and will be praying for you.


You might want to ask about genetic testing.  I inherited something called Prothrombin II deficiency.  DH's family has Factor V deficiency.  Unfortunately, our eldest got both…double whammy….which means he has about a 77% chance of developing blood clots in his lifetime.  

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Praying for your son.  Have doctors considered surgically inserting a filter to prevent the clots from traveling to a major organ?  (There's a specific name for that filter, but I can't remember it -- sorry.)   The fact that doctors are aware of this condition now before anything serious has happened is HUGE.  There is SO much they can do for blood clotting conditions nowadays.  Has he been diagnosed with Moyamoya disease?  That is one that I know about.  Again, blood clotting conditions are very manageable now once they are known.  Best wishes to you and your son!!

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Thank you so much for all the prayers! They sent him home overnight, after a dose of meds at the hospital. We were OK with that at the time, but when bedtime finally arrived and he was in so much pain, and had a fever again, I really wished they'd kept him. Waiting on the hematologist's office to open right now.


He wanted me to stay with him last night, even though I am getting over a very serious upper respiratory infection and am coughing very nastily, very constantly. :/ He said it wasn't keeping him awake, to stay anyway. My other teens moved a bed into the front room for him so he won't have to climb his bunkbed ladder and so I can watch over him. That's all I did all night, watch him sleep...and cough.


A WTM'er and one of the moms who started Sandbox to Socrates with me is driving here from two states away, to help out for a day or two. I am blown away by this. I told her people's families often don't do that much, and she said, "Well, family is what you make it to be." <3


One more complicating factor here -- DH is out of state for work. This is the first time in our 19 years of marriage that we've been separated like this. He's working at a military armory, and able to stay (luckily) with my parents who live in a mountainous area with very poor cell reception, so communication is almost nil until the weekends unless we have a true emergency. DH was here yesterday, took our son to the ER and helped out, drove all night to get to work. :/ These are really hard times for our family. Thanks again for all the prayers.

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Praying for your son. Have doctors considered surgically inserting a filter to prevent the clots from traveling to a major organ? (There's a specific name for that filter, but I can't remember it -- sorry.) The fact that doctors are aware of this condition now before anything serious has happened is HUGE. There is SO much they can do for blood clotting conditions nowadays. Has he been diagnosed with Moyamoya disease? That is one that I know about. Again, blood clotting conditions are very manageable now once they are known. Best wishes to you and your son!!

Do you mean an IVC filter?


Inferior Vena Cava filter

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Met a really nice boy once who had antithrombin III deficiency. His first DVT was about age 15. The hardest part for him was giving up football because he could not play a contact sport and be on blood thinners. Otherwise, his life didn't change much.


Prayers for your son from Florida.

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My father and my sister had clotting issues too and it started with my sis when she was 19. She's now in her 60's, manages it with medication and in her case she doesn't do well with sitting or standing for long periods of time which can lead to clotting.

It can be scary each time she has had a clot but she has always been very aware of the symptoms and always got it seen to pronto.

She tested positive for the genetic testing for clotting, I can't remember the names of any of it.

Your WTM family friend is coming to you so you can rest and get better. I'm sorry your son has been in so much pain.

Prayers for you and your family. It will be okay. :grouphug:

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