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A Look Back (strong personal CC)

Jean in Newcastle

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My dad was a complicated man. He was raised in an abusive family that he never talked about. He left home at age 16 and never looked back. He was a difficult person in many ways. And yet my dad found and was changed by Jesus profoundly. 

He came to know the Lord when he was 15 years old. He had a call to overseas ministry not too long afterward and took the time to get the education and training he needed. He was very intelligent and yet had no support for education from his family. In fact he even went to high school against the wishes of his father. He was one of many who heeded MacArthurs plea for missionaries to war torn Japan. This was before the information age and he got on that ship with no real idea of what he was getting into. He even took a pith helmet! 

My dad went to Japan as a single man and met my mother, one of many single missionary ladies there. They raised five children there. He was both a good husband and a difficult husband. He was both a good father and a difficult father. One of his cousins told me that he was one of the few people who mellowed with age but I don't think that was it. God the Holy Spirit worked mightily in his life breaking down a lot of those things that made him difficult. I think it was because he allowed God to do that work in him that he was so successful as a missionary. 

My dad was still preaching at age 90. Two years ago when he had to give that up, it was very difficult for him. He was still physically active until 6 months ago. Then he fell and shattered his hip. Being in a wheelchair was miserable for him. My mom, my two sisters and I were with him when he passed away at age 92. We have no doubt that he is now "absent from the body but face to face with the Lord".

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That is a beautiful picture of a human being transformed by the grace and glory of Jesus.

All of us are quirky and difficult - some maybe more than others. It sounds like you have mainly good memories and can see the redeeming work of Christ in your Dad.

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Thank you so much for sharing his story with us!


Thinking through and then writing that out is part of my own way of dealing with his death.

My dad died tragically two years ago. Everyone kept saying "I'm sorry for your loss" or asked "How are you doing? How's your mom?" But all I really wanted was for someone to say "So, tell me about your dad."


I'm glad you've realized your need to grieve in this way and that you've taken the initiative to get his story out there. ::hugs::

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My dad died tragically two years ago. Everyone kept saying "I'm sorry for your loss" or asked "How are you doing? How's your mom?" But all I really wanted was for someone to say "So, tell me about your dad."


I'm glad you've realized your need to grieve in this way and that you've taken the initiative to get his story out there. ::hugs::

Yes.  Exactly.  


thank you for understanding and for your kind words.  

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