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s/o: What time do you get up?



222 members have voted

  1. 1. What time do you get up?

    • 4:00 am or earlier
    • 5:00 am
    • 6:00 am
    • 7:00 am
    • 8:00 am
    • 9:00 am
    • 10:00 am
    • 11:00 am
    • 12:00 noon
    • I'm supposed to get up?

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If left to my own devices, my natural body clock has me sleeping from about 2 or 3 am until about 10 am.  So I voted for 10 am as my natural wake up time.  But, when we're schooling, I set the alarm and get up by 7:30 so or in order to get school finished earlier rather than later.

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During the school year I always got up at 6:15 to make sure DD got up.  She's staring middle school this year and will be responsible for getting herself up, so I don't have to do that anymore.


I've been waking up at 6:45 for the last week or so and that's a good time for me.  I voted 7:00.  

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I'm up about 7am during the summer. Dh is always up at 6:30am so I try to see him off in the morning. During the school year, we're all up at 6:30am. Youngest is in middle school and leaves at 7:20am. This year will be a bit different for us though because oldest will be in high school and won't have to leave until 9am.

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During the school year, I get up between 6 and 7.  This summer it's ranged anywhere from 7 to 9.


For years I got up between 4:00 and 4:30 since dh got up and went to work around 5:00.  Then one day I stopped.  There are other ways to be a devoted wife.

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During the school year I have to get up at 5:45 to get my treadmill in before I get my disabled kiddo up, ready, and on the bus at 7:15. My cat learned very quickly that I wake up at 5:45, and that's when he begins to walk on me and get in my face (he's really kind of sweet about it). So now in summer there is no reason for me to be up that early, but it is very hard to retrain the cat. I've got him up to about 6:00 now, but can't seem to get him to sleep in much later. And once I feed him I don't go back to sleep, so I may as well get up.

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I couldn't vote since what time I get up varies from day to day.  If I could get up when I want to... it would be between 8 and 9.  Sometimes I have to take my daughter to work before that and sometimes I have a doctor appointment to go to.

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Usually around 5:30. I voted 6. My dh is up by 5ish. I get up as he's leaving around 5:30-5:40 to workout and get a few minutes of alone time before waking the kids up at 7. I work in the afternoons, so we need to get going in the morning to fit in school. 

I like mornings.

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1 hour before I have to leave for work.  This morning I had to get up at 430am, tomorrow will be 530am, and Tuesday will be 8am.  8 am is generally the latest I get up, though sometimes after a long week of early morning busy shifts I indulge and sleep until 9-10 on my day off.

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My kids have to be on the ice at 8:15 and the nearest rink is currently 40 minutes away. So, we leave the house at 7:20 every week day morning. I could get up later, but I HAVE to wash my hair before I set foot out the door. Never mind that there is no one who would care if I took a shower a few hours later and that after it's washed, I pull it back in a pony tail. It's just my personal weirdness that won't let me leave the house unless it is freshly clean.

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I voted 6:00.  I'd like to be up at 5:15 for my time to myself before the rest of the house is up, but I don't go to bed early enough.  Right now my sleep is messed up from too many late summer activities, but I'm hoping to get into some better routines in the next few weeks before the school year starts.

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I get up between 5 and 6am every day - sometimes earlier actually - never later (unless I'm sick and that's extremely rare).  No alarm clock needed.


If we need to get up earlier it's never a problem to wake up earlier without an alarm clock too. My body does it all internally somehow.  All I have to do is look at a clock when I go to bed and know what time I need to get up.  I'll be up roughly 5 minutes prior to the desired time (never later).


Even if I were to go to bed at 3am, I'd still be up - and unable to sleep more - by 6am at the latest.  Generally I try to be in bed between 9 - 9:30pm in order to get a decent amount of sleep.  I never have an issue falling asleep at night, but I can't sleep again in the morning no matter how long I stay in bed.


I like it that way, so no complaints here at all.  I've always been that way too - from as young as I remember.  My parents weren't too thrilled when I was really young...

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I should get up at 5a, but I normally get up at 6a, and am out of the house by 7a to be at work by 8a.


If I was the SAHM and DH worked, then I probably wouldn't get up until 8-9a since that's when I'm normally up on a sleep-in day.

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I chose 9, because I'd prefer to sleep till (at least) 9.  But I generally get up at 8:30, when DH goes to work.  He does the kid care till then, to let me sleep in a bit.   :001_wub:


I generally go to sleep around midnight, but I need more sleep than I used to need, so sleeping in a bit is helpful.  

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