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S/O Do you eat breakfast?


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Reading the replies in the coffee or breakfast thread was an eye opener. So many of us aren't hungry before lunch and would choose a hot drink instead. I live in a family of males who love their food and look askance at my non-breakfast habit. Ftr I do have something but not till later and it's usually coffee with 1/2 and 1/2 and if I have an appetite either a couple of pieces of dark chocolate or a jocolat bar which doesn't count in their books at all. It works for me and carries me through to lunch.

I'm wondering if the lack of hunger at breakfast is an age thing or whether it's a learned habit. I know I used to eat a decent breakfast not so long ago. Eggs with cheese and kraut, grain-free muffin, bacon with avo and tomato, a smoothie...that kind of thing. But now it's just coffee with a bit of sweet. So do you eat breakfast and if so what do you eat? If not is it because of lack of appetite, time, interest?


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I usually drink hot tea and eat protein oatmeal.   I am not necessary hungry in the morning but with hypoglycemia I can't afford to risk letting my blood sugar drop too low.  Sometimes, if I had a substantial snack right before bed, I might just drink the hot tea and wait an hour to get hungry for the oatmeal, though.  Once in a while DD will make me breakfast, though, and that is always inviting.  :)

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I used to skip breakfast occasionally in my youth, but with all the health reports/diet studies showing that just isn't good, I've switched to always eating breakfast now whether I'm hungry or not.  Most common choices are eggs/toast or toast/cheese or whole grain cereal of some sort.


I will, occasionally, skip supper or will eat a late lunch and count it for both.  I'd do this far more often if I didn't live with hungry family members.

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I don't remember what I did as a kid, but as an adult, I've never been a breakfast eater. When I worked in an office, I'd bring something like a few peanut butter crackers for mid-morning or I'd go to the vending machine. I'm 46 and now I just am not hungry until about 1:00pm and I wake up about 6:30am most days. I have coffee but I don't think the fact that I have sugar and half and half constitutes breakfast. Those are just a part of the coffee drink.

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I typically eat a piece of cheese toast or an omelet (two eggs, veggies and cheese).  I'm an early bird, though, and have usually been up and going for a couple of hours before I eat.  Coffee, OTOH, is something I consume as quickly as possible after waking. ;)

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I just don't usually get hungry for at least a couple hours after waking. Most of the rest of my family is like this too. Dh will eat breakfast if he's going to be out a long time, usually eggs and toast.


When I was in high school I ate breakfast because I had to leave the house around 6 and lunch wasn't until about 12. But I felt sick nearly every morning after eating. I didn't want to skip breakfast, though, because I'd just get too hungry by mid-morning. Bringing a snack for later wasn't something I ever considered; it just wasn't done.

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I'm rarely hungry in the morning, but I do make myself eat breakfast - with protein.  I feel better and eat less later in the day than if I go without breakfast.  If I ate just what I wanted it would be coffee, croissant, and jam, but I sure wouldn't feel good later.

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I'm rarely hungry in the morning, but I do make myself eat breakfast - with protein.  I feel better and eat less later in the day than if I go without breakfast.  If I ate just what I wanted it would be coffee, croissant, and jam, but I sure wouldn't feel good later.


You might be on to something here. I know what I should eat (smoothies, eggs w/veggies etc) but I don't have enough of an appetite for that in the morning so I skip it. However if the above or half that were an option I wonder if I'd have more of an appetite. A couple of pieces of dark chocolate and a coffee w/half and half does the trick these days.

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I quit eating breakfast in middle school and it seems my dds have done the same. Some days they are hungry in the mornings and will have an egg or cereal, but usually they are not. I can wake at 7am and not feel a need to eat until 2pm or later. I'm trying now to make myself have breakfast but it is so hard. I recently started a thread about healthy meal replacement drinks but everyone just said to make a smoothie. So, that's my goal for this next week. We'll see how it goes.


ETA: I don't have coffee either. I usually just drink some water and then work out. If I feel a need for caffeine first thing, I will have green tea which I usually don't have until lunch.

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I typically eat a piece of cheese toast or an omelet (two eggs, veggies and cheese).  I'm an early bird, though, and have usually been up and going for a couple of hours before I eat.  Coffee, OTOH, is something I consume as quickly as possible after waking. ;)


Another piece of the puzzle perhaps. I have found that if I'm up early and have been busy for a couple of hours by 9 I'm usually hungry though still not for something too substantial.

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I usually eat first breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, and a very light dinner. This morning I had iced coffee and cornbread when I got up at 7:30am. Second breakfast was a bowl of ham, eggs, dairy-free cheese, and sautéed veggies about 9:30am. Ate the last piece of cornbread (they are kinda small) and a banana at 11:15 before swimming, because we won't eat lunch until after 1:00pm.


I don't handle food well after about 3:30pm, so I tend to eat a lot more early in the day. I'll probably drop a breakfast once I'm no longer nursing a baby.

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If I'm visiting my family on the farm I certainly eat breakfast -- when one arises at four, skipping breakfast is not a good idea. However, when I'm not, I don't usually eat until 2pm or so. I find that I'm much less hungry for snacks through the day when I haven't eaten yet.

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I rarely eat breakfast.  I'm not hungry, and it's a very hectic time of day for me, which makes it even harder for me to eat.


I used to eat breakfast as a kid, then at some point I stopped.  I went for years without it.  Then someone convinced me that eating in the morning was important enough, so I forced myself to develop a habit of having a small bowl of cereal before my morning coffee.  When the kids came along, that went out the window.  Now I'm lucky if I eat their leftovers after dropping them off at school / camp.  Usually I have no problem waiting until early afternoon to eat food.


But coffee is a must, for the sake of my kids' longevity.  ;)


Right now I'm trying to develop a new habit of drinking water first thing in the morning.  Usually I forget.

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I have coffee right when I wake but I don't usually eat breakfast. I prefer to eat brunch. I'll eat an early lunch around 10:30-11 and be good until 2-3 usually. I also find that I'm less hungry through the day if I don't eat, but when I was one Whole 30 I made myself eat a high protein, high fat breakfast every morning and that also kept me until lunch, so I think it's just more cry breakfasts that make me want to eat more.

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it's small, but yes I eat breakfast.  makes a huge difference to my functioning and if I will eat a healthier lunch etc.


might eat a bowl of oatmeal with nuts and cinnamon, or such.  (nothing with sugar as I'm trying to keep it very low..)  or I've also done a chobani and multi-grain toast.  I'm still playing around with various brands of greek yogurt (dh complains about how much chobani costs - but it doesn't have any fat, and actually has less sugar than other brands for the size serving.)  I thought plain with my own frust would be good - but  I need to just do it myself 'cause I read labels.  (not just the price sticker.)


eta: I refuse to eat most commercial yogurt because they are loaded with sugar.

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I would rather have a large breakfast and medium lunch and a half portion dinner.   As the day goes on I'm less hungry...in the morning lately I could eat the house. 


I'm with you. I can out-eat my husband and teen son at breakfast. By dinner, I usually don't want all that much.

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I do eat breakfast nearly every day, but never until I've been up for a couple of hours.  I feel sick if I eat too soon.


I'd still take coffee (with a bit of half-and-half) over breakfast, if I had to choose.  The coffee tends to stifle my appetite again, and I can definitely hold off for lunch if I have to.

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Dh and I eat breakfast together almost every day. He eats eggs of some sort, and a bottle of water. I cook some veggies (usually mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, and zucchini) and then throw in a scrambled egg or two. I usually put about a tablespoon of shredded parm in with it.  


When the kids were little we didn't eat breakfast often- we were struggling to get all the kids fed, dressed, and ready for the day.  But now that they're grown we really enjoy our routine. 

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I eat breakfast but I am usually up around 5am and working out for 1-2 hours so by breakfast time with the boys I am hungry. I also usually scarf down a piece of fruit and/or some oatmeal right after working out, before making breakfast. In a pinch, I've been known to have an egg mcmuffin post workout.

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I have never, in my entire life, wanted breakfast.


When I was a kid, my grandma insisted that I eat in the mornings - so I would eat a small bowl of cereal, a pop-tart, or half a muffin.


Now, I don't generally eat anything in the morning.  If I get up early I might.  When I am away from home I usually do (hotels, my grandparents house lol).  

I've never loved breakfast food, which has something to do with it.  Sure, I like scrambled eggs but I don't love them.  I hate syrup and jelly so that takes a lot of different 'breakfasty' foods out.  I don't mind bagels but they have too much sodium, and again, I don't love them.


Idk.  Some say I should eat it because it's healthier.  Sigh...



ETA: Forgot to note that I'm a late riser.  So is everyone else in the family lol (DH just has to get up for work. ;)  And Pink has, as of late, been getting up with him, but then she comes into bed with me til we all get up).  So by the time I've been up a couple hours, it's time for lunch.

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I always eat breakfast.......... usually a cup of Quaker Oats Cereal (not oatmeal), a boiled egg, and some fruit. On workout mornings, I eat right after I get up and dressed. On non-workout mornings, I usually shower and get myself together first. On workout mornings, I also need a snack about two hours after I am done with the workout. I call it my "second" breakfast but it's just a handful of nuts.

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I have noticed the older I get, the more important it is for me to eat good food.    I'm back on track exercising and after that I need a heavy protein breakfast so I don't feel like a slug all day.   It really does fuel me and keeps my metabolism humming along.  


Breakfast for me--2 eggs fried in butter with cheese on top and 2 slices of bacon, coffee w/ cream

Lunch--fruit place

Dinner is 1/2 a portion of whatever is on the menu


I'm back to cutting out all snacks and drinking my mineral water with lemon/lime wedges 


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I'm not usually hungry, but if I don't eat, I usually make poorer food choices later in the day.  It's like it catches up with me late afternoon or in the evening after dinner and I want to snack more, which is definitely not so good.  So I usually make myself eat sometimes.  Oatmeal with nuts and a bit of fruit is my standard, but sometimes I have an egg or a bagel with cream cheese or a banana and a bit of plain cheerios.

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I always eat breakfast and always have. Even if it is insanely early in the morning when I have to catch a flight.

I have most of my calorie intake before 3pm: breakfast at 7, 2nd breakfast around 9:30 at work, lunch at noon, afternoon snack around 3. Light dinner around 7pm.


Our traditional breakfast back home is coffee, roll/bread  with butter/cream cheese and jam/honey/nutella - or oatmeal/cereal.

I could not handle anything as fatty as bacon&eggs in the morning.


If I can not have breakfast, for example when I need to have blood drawn, I am lightheaded and miserable. But then, since we don't do large cooked dinners, it will have been a long time since I have eaten.

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I would die without breakfast in the morning. I'm hungry within 30 minutes of waking up. But I generally don't eat after 7pm so that may have something to do with it


I love breakfast and eat a hardy breakfast everyday after I've had my coffee and been up an hour or so.  I graze the rest of the day (fruit plate for lunch or smoothie) and eat a light dinner (mainly veggies and protein) or skip it all together.  Evening snack is usually dark chocolate and decaf tea.  Heavy meals late in the day tend to make me feel yucky.

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My body is Quite Clear on the subject, reminding me any time a meal is even slightly late that if I do not eat I will surely DIE! Possibly very soon! :001_rolleyes:  Apparently this has been the case from birth. I do not skip meals.


Fortunately it is no longer a wake-up call at 6 AM; it was until just a few years ago. Now I typically have coffee (with a good deal of milk and sugar) around 7 and some food around 8:30.

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When I'm pregnant or breastfeeding (which would be all of the past 11+ years...) I typically wake up ravenous in the morning so I can't imagine not eating breakfast. Even when I'm dealing with nausea I am so hungry in the morning I have to eat first thing. In my pre-kid days I didn't usually want breakfast right away, I would usually eat a couple of hours after waking up. If I ate something heavy like oatmeal first hung it made my stomach hurt.

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When I'm pregnant or breastfeeding (which would be all of the past 11+ years...) I typically wake up ravenous in the morning so I can't imagine not eating breakfast. Even when I'm dealing with nausea I am so hungry in the morning I have to eat first thing. In my pre-kid days I didn't usually want breakfast right away, I would usually eat a couple of hours after waking up. If I ate something heavy like oatmeal first hung it made my stomach hurt.


Yes, that's the last time I can remember being ravenous in the morning--when I was nursing.


I'm enjoying hearing how everyone's body responds to its own circadian rhythms. And I'm particularly intrigued by the big breakfast eaters  :D

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I'm very rarely hungry in the mornings. I LOVE it, though. It makes mornings so much easier. I don't have to take time to make food. Or eat food. I can just get ready and go. I will often have plain coffee or black tea or fresh raw milk in the mornings. However, by lunchtime, I'm usually fading if I'm involved in something active. 


IDK. Half the time what's available to eat doesn't even sound good. *Sigh.* 


I have a small appetite, but have to watch my bored snacking tendency. If I'm not careful, I'll snack off and on (or just on) all day and feel simply awful. 

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I seem to vary, some days I'm not hungry until 10-11 or so and sometimes I want to eat around 7. I'm usually up between 4-6 but when I get up doesn't correlate with rather or not I'm hungry earlier but I'm usually up at least 2 hrs before I eat. I don't drink coffee, sometimes I have tea in the winter. 

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If I don't eat breakfast I can count on being sick the rest of the day

Breakfast is usually one of these


bacon and eggs 
sausage and eggs
waffle and bacon or sausage
kolaches(pigs in blankets)
egg muffins--eggs cooked in muffin tin w/bacon or sausage and cheese
pancakes or french toast--not that often though
oatmeal--I like to cook it overnight in the crock pot

I lean more towards a breakfast heavy on the protein.

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I LOVE breakfast!  It's my favorite meal!


When I was in grade school I typically ate an egg, toast, bacon, 2 bowls of cereal, milk, and orange juice.  I was reasonably petite, by the way -- I didn't break 100lbs until high school.  So, yeah, this tiny little thing sitting there plowing through all of that food.  I thought it was normal.  By supper I'd pretty much lost interest in food.


Even in my 20s the first thing I wanted to do upon waking was EAT SOMETHING.


Now my metabolism is starting to get wonky and I no longer wake up starving.  I sometimes get distracted and go a couple of hours without eating, although my understanding of hormonal rhythms is that it's better to get some sunlight and food early in the day.


I can't abide cereal with milk, though, unless it comes after something more substantial.  Sometimes I have a sandwich, or chicken with rice.  Most mornings I have guacamole.

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Having suffered from hypoglycemia since my teens, not eating breakfast is unthinkable.  I have to wait an hour after taking medication before I can eat and it is unpleasant.  I walk the dog in that time, but have learned that, if I have been indulging in too many carbs within the previous few days, I need to bring a snack with me or I'd have to call someone to pick me up.  Often, it is the desire for food that gets me out of bed. 

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I've eaten breakfast for years because we're "supposed to", although I've always had to make it later in the morning. I just can't face food that early in the day. Then I started reading articles like this one: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-berardi-phd/breakfast-health_b_4436439.html


Now I generally drink coffee with some half and half, though I might try bulletproof coffee soon instead.

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I've eaten breakfast for years because we're "supposed to", although I've always had to make it later in the morning. I just can't face food that early in the day. Then I started reading articles like this one: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-berardi-phd/breakfast-health_b_4436439.html


Now I generally drink coffee with some half and half, though I might try bulletproof coffee soon instead.




The most important thing is finding where your body and your psyche are happy.


I understand other people can skip supper but for me if I'm not full when I go to bed, I am going to have a tormented night of pretending to sleep. My two meals for the day are usually at 2pm and at 8-9pm. I feel great and have energy all day.

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