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S\o: Tell your funny honeymoon story


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Mine is not THAT funny, actually. I got a speeding ticket on the second day and was mouthy to the officer who stopped us out in the middle of nowhere, speeding a tiny bit. It was such an obvious ploy for $$ since we were driving a car with out of state plates so would probably just pay the fine to be done with it. My husband was mortified and tried, successfully, to shut me up.


I also had an anxiety attack when dh was driving in a crashing thunderstorm and insisted he pull over and let me drive. I'm still weird that way about driving. I can't stand riding along especially when the weather is bad.


OK, your story?

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We honeymooned in Estes Park at Valhalla--had our own little cabin.


I tried to make hubby fried eggs for our first breakfast, while he went to get a paper from the main house.


Didn't know eggs cook WAY differently at high altitude!


It was like the stereotypical new wife who can't cook--except I CAN cook eggs, so I was really pissed! And embarrassed....


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We had not combined our bank accounts yet and when I went to pay for something with my debit card, it wa confiscated! I was soooo embarrassed, I thought he would think that I was financially irresponsible. It turned out that the bank had security problems and had cancelled the cards of the people affected. They had tried to call me, but I was busy getting married.

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I set off the hotel fire alarms. Cooking pasta. Not the sauce, the pasta.


there was also spending two hours on our wedding night trying to get a car park at our own hotel (which was a hotel/casino and FULL) before finally parking at the door and telling the front desk to deal with it. Why they didn't have separate parking for hotel guests I'll never know.

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We were broke, so we chose a weekend getaway at a moderately priced resort not too far away.  Keep in mind that this was when we had the internet, but it wasn't anything like it is today.  We had NO idea the resort was $45 million in debt, the owner died, and the place had been foreclosed on!


The whole resort was disgusting. Filthy, outdated, closed amenities...

We didn't have the money to change plans, and we hadn't exactly planned to, um, participate in a wide variety of activities during our short trip, so we stayed.


They officially closed right around our 1st anniversary, so we can't even go back to make fun of it.

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My honeymoon with my first husband we were young and broke and didn't plan on actually honeymooning, but his best friends paid for us to stay in a swanky hotel locally for a week, and even paid all of our charges for the week!     We had people in and out of our room all week long because they were here visiting and we don't get to see them often.  One day our a/c wasn't working properly and the maintenance man came up.  He looked and sounded EXACTLY like Tone Loc (80's hip-hop guy who sang Funky Cold Medina and Wild Thing).  We actually thought it was him!  He was making fun of us for having people in and out of our room all week on our honeymoon (all in good fun) and when he made some off-handed comment about "doing the wild thing" we couldn't help it and made him sing it for us.  He did.  Priceless.


My honeymoon with my second husband was haunted.  I swear.  We had an actual paranormal experience (yeah, yeah...I know most of you don't believe in it but I swear there is no other explanation that I can think of!).  It was startling but hilarious!

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Dh and I went to the Bahama's for Valentine's Day about 4 months after we actually got married.  It was very romantic, dh set the whole thing up as a surprise, arranged child care for my oldest (who was 10), arranged for me to have the time off work, and sent me flowers the friday before Valentines Day with a note that I was getting them early because we would be in the Bahama's on Valentines Day.  

I was 10 weeks pregnant at the time.  Our original flight had one lay-over of only an hour or so and we would get to the Bahama's fairly early in the day.  Dh didn't realize he needed his original birth certificate so only brought a copy.  We ended up having to drive back home from the airport to get his original, then back to the airport.  Which meant changing our flight to one that had a 7 hour layover in Tennessee and got us to the Bahama's much later.  We didn't get to our hotel until around 6pm, then Dh's debit card was denied because the charges were over $250 and out of the country so the bank flagged them.  Since it was after hours, it took some doing to get things straightened out.


Then, we went on a fishing cruise one day and I ended up puking my guts up and having the usual bladder issue of pregnant ladies at the same time so ended up having to borrow the sweat pants dh was wearing over his shorts since it was chilly when we first left, for the ride home.


Then I had a mani/pedi at the resort and evidently got a nail fungus from it.


But mostly it was a fun trip of hanging on the beach, swimming with dolphins (actually just wading because I couldn't do the full swim while pregnant), lots of good food.

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Not funnny ha-ha, I guess.


Well, after a first night (First Night!) in a not-very-nice "inn". We headed out to spend our honeymoon camping in the Tetons. Tent camping. That was a mistake in several ways.


I got "honeymoon cystitis." I crawled out of the tent no fewer than about 8 times the next night to deal with the agony. We found a doctor and I got a prescription and we managed to find some crummy little cabins that hadn't been rented by all of the rest of the tourists. 


We tried to make the best of it, but it wasn't exactly romantic.


However, I think it was a positive thing in a lot of ways, actually. We got to know each other even more intimately than we expected over the whole ordeal. :D

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I booked us a room at a "lakeside cottage" for our wedding night thinking that having our own private cottage would be quite nice.  It was tiny and out of date and no lake to be seen.  The shower was TINY and didn't drain.....................and we were the only NON hourly people in the place.  Cars were coming and going all night long. Thankfully it was only 1 night.


We did though head NORTH in Michigan in APRIL for a honeymoon...........DUMB but we were broke.  We ended up seeing the sights while trudging through knee deep snow.

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Not funnny ha-ha, I guess.


Well, after a first night (First Night!) in a not-very-nice "inn". We headed out to spend our honeymoon camping in the Tetons. Tent camping. That was a mistake in several ways.


I got "honeymoon cystitis." I crawled out of the tent no fewer than about 8 times the next night to deal with the agony. We found a doctor and I got a prescription and we managed to find some crummy little cabins that hadn't been rented by all of the rest of the tourists. 


We tried to make the best of it, but it wasn't exactly romantic.


However, I think it was a positive thing in a lot of ways, actually. We got to know each other even more intimately than we expected over the whole ordeal. :D


Hahaha--can so relate. When dh and I celebrated our 25th,  I got "second honeymoon cystitis" and had to call my dr back home and explain so he'd write me a script!


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I got "honeymoon cystitis."

I had no IDEA that had a name, but I was sooooo not prepared for that :leaving: !!! A dear friend got married recently and she is a nurse, so I clued her in on it and she took some meds with her :smilielol5: !


(And kind of glad to know I wasn't the only one :tongue_smilie: !)


My only funny story was that we ended up in a smaller town in the mid west and lived on Long John Silver's for 2 and 1/2 days (only restaurant we could find that did take out and had non-meat options besides a burger-less burger. (we eat fish out, but not meats).

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My period started the morning of our wedding - a week early (sorry if that's TIM). Before I had kids, I would get horrible cramps on the first day. Thankfully, I was ok for the ceremony but after an hour or so of the reception I started to feel not so great. It was a pretty casual outdoor reception so we were able to leave after about 1.5 hours. The plan was to go back to my in-laws house to change before heading up to Boston where we were going to stay the night. My husband's extended family had all come from MN for our wedding and decided to follow us back to the house and have us open the gifts they brought us. I felt terrible so wasn't thrilled about this. When we got there I found out that my DH hadn't even packed yet so I went upstairs alone to figure out how to get out of my dress while he ran around the house with his cousins packing (we both lived at home until we got married). I made it through the gift opening but continually felt worse. We had arranged for my BIL to drive us to our hotel at the Boston airport so we wouldn't have to pay to park all week - that was dumb, we should have just driven ourselves. When his cousins found out we were going to Boston they all wanted to come and see the city. So 6 of us squeezed into the car for the 2 hour drive. I was the smallest so was squished in the middle. By this point cramps were full on and my normal nausea had started. I had to ask my BIL to pull over on the highway so I could throw up. We finally got to our hotel (a really nice one) and I discovered as I pulled my suitcase through the lobby that MY cousins had dumped 5lb of rice in my bag - and it was spilling out all around the wheels all the way across the lobby of this very nice hotel. We checked in and our room was on the 14th floor with a great view. So all the cousins followed us up to see the view. Not at all as romantic as I had envisioned it. Once we got away from our families and to Bermuda we had an awesome time. ....And I totally got my 2 cousins back for the rice when they got married. :-)

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We went to Barbados.  We had requested a queen or king bed, but were given a room with twin beds.  They told us shoving the beds together would make it a king!  Also, we expected a room with air conditioning...nope...didn't get that, either.  The room was "cooled by the ocean breeze" as it stated in the brochures at the hotel. 

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I woke up with a high fever and mastitis.  We were going to be at the Grand Canyon, but I decided being dizzy at a precipice was not a great idea.  So we went to Dinosaur Footprints park.  Horrible idea.  Our guide was drunk, tried to blackmail money out of us for what he has to go through because of our ancestry, and then we went to Canyonlands.  Get out of the car to stumble upon a green rotting cow.  Get back in the car, go to Arches.  Have fun hiking in the heat with 3 kids and a fever.  Try to find a hotel.  Surprise! It's prom or graduation weekend everywhere so we drive til the idle of the night to find a really creepy hotel. It's not an experience I want to recreate. 

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First day after wedding we planned to drive 7-8 hrs. to get to Outer Banks but I had wisdom teeth suddenly coming in and giving me really bad pain, on a Saturday! Finally reached a dr who was willing to phone in a prescription without seeing me, but it also meant I couldn't drive, then my monthly started before we left town. I had horrible cramps and nausea, like someone else mentioned above. Some honeymoon. We spent the first two nights at a hotel on the beach, nice, but I was out of it! The next day we drove along the beach highway and found a campground, but we only had sleeping bags and tent and the ground was like sleeping on concrete! The rest of it was pretty good, we drove to Florida and back over a two week span. It is kind of funny looking back on it now.

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The bellboy carrying my luggage to the Honeymoon Suite was someone with whom I'd gone to high school.  I thought that was pretty awkward, until it was surpassed by subsequent events.  The B&B where we spent the rest of our honeymoon had a fireplace in the room, but the manager had forgotten to stock it with firewood.  Apparently, while DH and I were...um, enjoying the jetted tub (with the ensuite bathroom door open), the manager decided it was a fine time to just dash in, deposit the firewood, and leave. 

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We took a three week honeymoon up the east coast. While in Lancaster, Pennsylvania we came across an Amish yard sale. Dh said that we just HAD to stop. We get there and most of it is nothing very interesting to us, but they had some Amish root beer for sale. My dh LOVES root beer so he just knew that this Amish root beer was going to be AMAZING because of course anything the Amish make is amazing. So he buys a bottle that they had on ice and two gallon glass jugs of the root beer to take with us. We get back in our truck (we took dh's Ford F150 with a camper shell on the back for the trip because we were stopping at KOA's most of the way and camping) and dh pops the top on that ice cold Amish root beer. He takes a huge gulp and immediately his face turns into a look of panic. He quickly pulls over to the side of the road, opens the door, and spits it out. I die laughing and say, "I guess the Amish don't make everything amazing after all." Dh said it tasted like real roots and beer mixed together.  :lol:


To this day if something doesn't turn out the way we expected we look at each other and say, "Just like Amish root beer."


And those two gallon glass jugs.....dh had set them in the back of the truck. He had to slam on his brakes in Philadelphia traffic and the broke into pieces soaking our bedding in Amish root beer, which then started to smell and ferment in the June heat. Dh was afraid we'd get pulled over and the cop would assume we'd been drinking because our truck smelled like a brewery.


Needless to say there are a lot of funny stories that happened on our honeymoon (driving in New York City in a Ford F150 with a camper shell and Arkansas tags, sleeping in a parking lot in upstate New York, etc.).

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I'm having fun reading this thread... but don't have much to add as all went well on our trip aside from not being able to cash a certified check that my mom gave us for spending $$ assuring us we could cash it anywhere.  I actually can't remember if we survived without it or ended up losing a significant chunk cashing it at one of those check cashing places that preys on people.  I know that was our choice.  I just can't remember which option we took.


Does this mean I need to tell hubby we have to try again?  I'm game for another trip to Florida.

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The hotel lost our reservations and DH spent a significant part of the afternoon (during the reception) on the phone trying to get it straightened out.

When we left, the staff did not do the paperwork correctly and we were charged a large sum of money that we shouldn't have been - on my just-out-of-college, low-limit credit card that I had used for the deposit. When I got my statement and called the bank, they said to take it up with the merchant, but the hotel's number was going to a voicemail and then saying the voicemail was full. I eventually got it straightened out but have avoided Clarions ever since.


The trip itself was pretty good, though.

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I wish I remembered all the details from my 1st honeymoon (1st marriage). It was so awful that I wrote about it in English 1102 in college and got an A+ and the grad student's sympathy. I do remember a few things. We had no money but I wanted a honeymoon at Disney so bad that I was willing to do whatever it took to make it happen. I even got my mom to contribute, and she was living paycheck to paycheck as well. We were on a very tight budget. We stayed a cheap motel far away from the park and had to drive in and pay to park. We didn't know we'd have to pay to park. I forgot the camera so we had to rent one in the park. That took more of our money. We had planned to eat at the park but we had no money so we left the park and went to a grocery store somewhere and bought a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter. I've never eaten so many PB sandwiches since. At the end of the trip, we hadn't gotten to Epcot and we had only enough money for either Epcot or a hotel room. We chose Epcot. We got out around 11:00pm and started the 8 hour drive home.


We had no more food and no money, saving our last bit for gas. He was so tired that he was falling asleep at the wheel. He pulled into a truck stop wanting to take a shower, but they wouldn't let him because he wasn't driving a truck. He was so angry. We decided to split a candy bar and soda and went back into the store/restaurant to buy a Snickers and a coke. We got back to the car and realized we had locked the keys in the car. At that moment, I was so tired and hungry that I burst into tears. He went back into the restaurant and asked if anyone could help us. The cook had one of those long metal jimmy things and was able to unlock our car. Neither of us spoke at all on the way home. It took about a week to recover, and then we were able to laugh at our diasterous honeymoon.


I didn't take an immediate honeymoon when I got married the second time. We waited a year and a half and went on a Windjammer cruise. I was sick the first 24 hours on the boat, laying on the small bathroom floor. When we stopped at islands, the sun was so bright and hot that I kept feeling woozy. It was crazy! But the trip overall, was fun. I just have zero interest in getting on any type of boat/ship ever again in my life.

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That's all we get?

We were married on the 8th of August. Went to Wheels Inn in Chatham, Ontario for the night.  Came back to the farm in time for barn chores (4pm) on the 9th.  We were going to live in his parents house for awhile until we could build our own home.  We couldn't leave for our honeymoon until the 19th after the haying was done.  Then we started driving to Prince Edward Island.  My brilliant husband decided that if we did farm tours on the way there and bought farm stuff he could write off our trip.


We took the ferry over to PEI and we both left our coats in the pick up, with our keys in the pockets.  So, for the crossing, my husband was trying to break into the truck and I was upstairs puking with sea sickness.  He bought that pitchfork in Charlottetown and we drove all the way back to Southern Ontario with it in the back of the pick-up.


I learned a lot about my husband on that trip, and yet he is still alive today over 20 years later.

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I've enjoyed reading all of these.  Ours is relatively boring but really bugged my dh a lot.  We were going on a cruise the Monday morning after our Saturday wedding so he had made hotel reservations for the first two nights.  I thought I knew where he had made the reservations but as he was driving, he started heading in a different direction.  I questioned him quietly and he insisted that he knew exactly where he was going.  Turns out he was at the wrong place but didn't admit it until he went in and inquired about our reservation.  We did eventually end up at the right place but he was very embarrassed.  


My mom's honeymoon story has always astounded me.  They got married on a Friday in the spring and she was marrying a farmer so planting season interfered with any real honeymoon plans so they just went to their new home for the first night.  At 7 a.m. they were awakened by my paternal grandfather and my uncle walking into the kitchen where they sat and waited while Mom eventually realized that they wanted breakfast during their spring planting season conference (they all farmed together).  It's probably a good thing my mother isn't as mouthy as I am because I'm sure I may have damaged family relationships if my fil had pulled a trick like that!

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We wanted to be adverterous and have s*x in the mountains.  We had pulled over where no one was. Sure enough, we started and all of the sudden, we hear voices.  Yep, when others see a pulled over car, they think it is a great place too.  No, we didn't get caught but hearing other voices puts a damper on things that's for sure!

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Mine isn't very funny.  We hit and killed a deer and severely damaged the car.  Of course, it was freezing cold and raining and I got to ride for two hours with no window.  Fantastic.  Then, two or three days in Aunt Flo visits so no fun times : (  Then we finally got onto our DIsney Cruise Ship only to discover the walls were paper thin and we were surrounded on all sides by loud, screaming families of children.  


But despite a rocky start, we've had almost 14 terrific years!

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My youngest sister drove us from western MD to our hotel at the BWI airport, a 3.5 hour drive in pouring rain.  She is an awful driver and my dh was sure we were never going to make it to the honeymoon.


Next day, we arrived in Cozumel. Like someone else mentioned, there was no AC and this was June, but amazingly, the room really was cooled by ocean breezes.  Fortunately it was comfortable in spite of the 100 deg temps outside.  We headed outside to get some sun.  Dh went snorkeling. I told him to put on sunscreen because the sun in the Caribbean is not like the sun back home.  He, of course, knows better than me and says he doesn't burn.  He does.  He is a backsleeper and could not sleep on his back all week.  Since I was wiser than him, I put on sunscreen.  But apparently I missed my belly.  Except where I wiped my hands after putting sunscreen on the rest of myself.  Yes, I had a horrible sunburn on my belly except for a set of handprints that were completely white.  I am a belly sleeper and couldn't sleep on my belly the entire week.


The next morning we woke up and dh had a horrible toothache. We didn't have any pain meds with us. We managed to find a dentist in town, and he was a American, gave dh a script, and he didn't charge us anything.  Crisis averted.


Next day dh went diving and I went out on the boat with him.  He had to come up from his dive early because he was feeling sick and weak.  We barely made it back to the room where he spent the next 24 hours puking his guts out.  To this day, he's never been that sick again.


One day, we flew to the mainland to visit Chitzen-nitza (I'm pretty sure I spelled it wrong).  In spite of drinking what felt like gallons of water, we were dehydrated and having leg cramps, so we couldn't climb up the big pyramid, but we did go up a smaller one.  I was wearing a sleeveless blouse and got a blistering sunburn on my shoulders in spite of wearing sunscreen. When we got back on the plane, the AC wasn't working. It was around 100 deg outside and at least 120 deg on the plane. I thought I was going to be sick, and my dh was trying to make the stewardess understand that I needed a bag.  She finally caught on and brought a bag and some wet paper towels to cool me down a bit.  It was so hot on that plane that it felt like a cool breeze hit us when we exited onto the tarmac, even though it had to be 110 deg on the tarmac.


On the plane back to the states, we hit some serious turbulence and the plane was bouncing up and down.  We were cracking jokes and acting like we were on a ride in an amusement park. We weren't loud and obnoxious, but we figured we couldn't change anything by freaking out, and besides, at least we already had the honeymoon.  But the people sitting near us were giving us dirty looks.


In spite of all that, we had a great time and we'd do it all over again!

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We went to Aruba and late in the evening I got hungry so dh said he would go get me something. I fell asleep while he was gone, anyway , when he got downstairs a man approached him and started chatting to him, he continued to walk looking for food and the man followed and kept talking. After about 20 minutes my dh finally realized he was being hit on by the guy and came back without food. I just thought it was funny because my dh was so clueless the whole time and when he reflects on it he sees the guy was pretty obvious from the start ;)

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On our wedding day the diamond in my engagement ring broke!  I didn't realize until the next morning.  There were also bad storms and historical flooding, and we had an outdoor wedding.  Ceremony was during the 15 minutes the entire day it wasn't storming.  Luckily the reception was indoors.  The flooding made it really difficult to get to the airport, though.


Plenty of small things went wrong, too.  Aunt Flo, denied credit card because we were traveling, arrived home to find our catsitter arrangements had gone wrong and the cats were half-starving and had soiled the place badly because of the litter box being so icky.  But overall we had a great time.  I'm just glad I'm not superstitious...whose ring breaks on the freaking wedding day!?

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We played pool with our family until midnight after we married. I think family was wondering if we would be leaving, lol.


We had our own cabin and family had traveled to our wedding, so my parents dropped by our cabin to say bye before driving back home. I cried when they left. It was really awkward, lol.

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Okay, DH and I honeymooned in Italy. I had been there a couple times before so did the planning. I knew that the fun, cheap way to stay in Rome (our entry point) was a convent, and I found a great one across the street from the Vatican. I may have sort of forgotten to tell DH just where we would be staying, so he was a bit (okay, a lot) surprised when I led him from the airport, on the train, on the Metro, across town to...a convent. The nun who greeted us was wonderful and gracious...and about 80 years old. She led us to our simple but clean room, which contained two single beds, suitable for a pair of nuns. Frowning, she looked at DH, said, "This won't do for newlyweds!" and began pushing the beds together. DH turned beet red.


The next morning, jet-lagged and otherwise tired, we were awakened early by beautiful singing - our room was directly above the nun's chapel.


We had the very best time with them, and DH insists to this day that they made the absolute perfect strong Turkish-style coffee. We could sit on their rooftop patio, drink wine, and look down into the Vatican gardens. We were in tears when we left after 4 days, and rearranged our whole itinerary to come and stay with them at the end of the trip.

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We only had the weekend, before going back to work. So, we stayed at this fancy hotel in Georgetown. The fire alarm went off twice overnight requiring evacuation both times. We lived in an apartment that seemed to frequent fire alarm evacuations that first year. We would always remark that fire alarms were romantic because they'd recall our wedding night.

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We married & honeymooned in Mexico.   My parents, DHs parents and my sister, her husband and 1 child came along to see the wedding & stayed the entire time of our honeymoon.  The fact that we had our closest family on our honeymoon should tell you it was an interesting trip!


A travel agency planned our wedding/honeymoon and had worked out ALL the details.....well except one.  We got into Mexico with Birth Certificates and upon arrival and talking to the wedding planner he said they had to take our original in order for the marriage to be legal.  Then we were told we wouldn't be able to re-enter the states without our original copy of the birth certificate.  We had all our closest family with us and no way of getting extra copies sent in a timely manner.  After an entire day of thinking the wedding wouldn't happen we found out that Apple (who we had booked/flown with)  at the time was the only airline that would allow us to re-enter the states without our birth certificates.  


My In-Laws despised me and they were furious that we were not marrying in the states so the entire extended family could partake in the fun.  In the photos they stood a foot away from the rest of the group and plastered forced smiles on their lovely faces.  They also threw public screaming fits that we wanted time alone and weren't up for going on excursions with them.


My dad and I rode up to the ceremony in a horse drawn carriage and a young man shouted out "we know what your going to be doing tonight!" 


My brother in law got my new hubby so drunk he was sick one entire day/night of the trip.  I wasn't happy with either of them!


My MIL took time to tell me she really didn't see the resemblance between me & my parents and felt I really looked more like her.  


Hmmm, I'm sure there's was so much more but I'm certain I've blocked them out as they were to ridiculous to keep in my brain!

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I also got honeymoon cytist when we honeymooned in Mexico. We were at a timeshare and couldn't find a doctor. So, we heard you could get antibiotics without a prescription at any pharmacy. So, my husband is trying to explain a UTI in his broken Spanish. Something about fire coming out of my nether regions...whatever I got did the trick.



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We stayed at a bed and breakfast which turned out to be a LOT nicer in pictures than it was in real life. The private bathroom was outside the room and around the corner--right next to the kitchen. Awkward. The bed was a converted waterbed from the 70s that had ugly brown carpet wrapped around the frame. It has been 15 years, but I'm not laughing yet. The whole wedding day was awful and I'd really love a do-over.


We went to Las Vegas a few months later, but it was just ok. I don't really like Vegas, but dh had never gone and it was only a five hour drive. We went to Vegas again seven years later. That was better (nicer hotel, saw a show). Then after twelve years of marriage we went to the Mediterranean. That was awesome! :-)

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We went to San Diego and stayed at a lovely place- Paradise Point. The first night was great :001_tt1:

The next day, as we were "unwinding" for the day, a family of 110 kids checked in next door. I'm sure they didn't really have 110 kids, it just sounded that way! However that really put a damper on my ability to relax..... :lol:

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DH planned the honeymoon as a surprise for me and I didn't know where we were going until we were on our way.


He had a hotel for the first night that was halfway to the lake cabin he had booked.


The lake cabin was nice, but needed a little TLC. The second day we were there the AC went out. It was so hot we ended up going to the movies. We saw two movies back to back so we could sit inside someplace with air conditioning. (That I could have super buttery popcorn was also a bonus!)

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We went to Disney because going to the Virgin Islands (what we really wanted to do) was too expensive.  (Haven't made it yet.)  We had planned to stop at the outlets in Orlando and see if we could score some inexpensive dishes, but because my bag with my shoes stayed home by accident (no walking shoes!), we had to go outlet shopping so I'd have something besides dressy shoes to wear.  I found one pair of cross-training shoes that fit, but it was more $$$ for that one pair of shoes than the fantastic buy on dishes (5 boxes of 4 place settings) that we got at the Mikasa outlet!  To this day, dh kids me about expensive shoes.  

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Mine may not be funny but it definitely isn't the typical honeymoon night. We were very young when we marred, 17 and 19. Our honeymoon hotel was hours away and dh was exhausted by the time we got there. (We did all the decorations and much of the catering  for our wedding and had worked nonstop for days.) When we entered the hotel room, we both looked at each other and said, "We have a lifetime together, can we just sleep tonight?" LOL. Not exactly what everyone expects on a honeymoon.  We had scheduled things to do during the next day so "tea" was on hold until the second night. Much anticipation. One of our "legal" friends purchased a bottle of champagne for our honeymoon so we thought now was the time to be romantic. I took one sip and hated it. Dh on the other hand really liked it. I had never tasted alcohol before and dh had only a little. Never champagne. Before I knew it, dh had drank the entire bottle with supper. Shortly after I went to freshen up and came out to him passed out  on the bed. No "tea" for the second night either. I tell him now that he shouldn't be surprised when our tea drinking is put on hold so often as that is how it started out.

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