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Sigh. Dh lost his job yesterday


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oh scarlett, i'm sorry. was it something you saw coming?


no advice about which way to go re the remodel.... i'd be tempted to take it, but that is because i have a need to not feel insecure about money.....


hugs to you both,


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Thanks everyone. I know it is bad, but I take comfort in the fact that I am not alone.


When I got home from taking ds to his dad dh had painted 3/4 of the house! He found a deal on paint and started painting. $44


So that was a nice surprise. Yeah, I know, he rocks

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I have never been fired from a job, you know, 'cause I'm so awesome, but I have known many people on a professional basis who have. I am an attorney and have had numerous client contacts fired, so these are people I work with professionally. They are not just friends, so I have some idea, a good idea, of their professional capabilities. And what I have seen is that it is almost never about their professional capabilities. I don't know your husband's situation, of course, but having seen so many of my contacts fired over the last 7 or 8 years has been a real eye-opener to me. I had one client that fired everyone after 3 years over some imagined fault. It was bizarre, but they are not the only ones. Some bosses cannot resist the lure of the Next Awesome Job Candidate, or the need to look powerful, or whatever makes them need to shake things up just for the sake of shaking thinks up. My experience has been that people who are fired for real professional reasons are fired only after extensive interventions. Their bosses try to help them get up to speed or increase their work volume or resolve whatever else is the problem. If the pink slip comes out of the blue, ironically, it tends to be for reasons other than incompetence. Thinking back on it, I would say that has been the case for every fired person I've known.


That was probably zero help, but I do hope your husband bounces back quickly into an even better job.

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I have never been fired from a job, you know, 'cause I'm so awesome, but I have known many people on a professional basis who have. I am an attorney and have had numerous client contacts fired, so these are people I work with professionally. They are not just friends, so I have some idea, a good idea, of their professional capabilities. And what I have seen is that it is almost never about their professional capabilities. I don't know your husband's situation, of course, but having seen so many of my contacts fired over the last 7 or 8 years has been a real eye-opener to me. I had one client that fired everyone after 3 years over some imagined fault. It was bizarre, but they are not the only ones. Some bosses cannot resist the lure of the Next Awesome Job Candidate, or the need to look powerful, or whatever makes them need to shake things up just for the sake of shaking thinks up. My experience has been that people who are fired for real professional reasons are fired only after extensive interventions. Their bosses try to help them get up to speed or increase their work volume or resolve whatever else is the problem. If the pink slip comes out of the blue, ironically, it tends to be for reasons other than incompetence. Thinking back on it, I would say that has been the case for every fired person I've known.


That was probably zero help, but I do hope your husband bounces back quickly into an even better job.



Actually it was a lot of help. :) dh absolutely felt like it was out of the blue. He was off work sick for 3 months and we really worried about his job, but he has been back since the first of December and all seemed well. People having been bailing from the company for months and dh even got a call from a headhunter a few months back, but he told me he wanted to stick with them because he is 46 and doesn't want to be hopping from job to to job chasing a few more dollars.


He painted about 3/4 of my house while I was gone for about 3 hours yesterday. I just feel so bad for him....he wants to find another job in his field quickly.

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Sorry to hear this. :(


Can he call the headhunter and tell him his situation has changed and he's now interested in listening? Who knows, the original opportunity might still be available, and if it's not, at least the headhunter knows he is in the market for a new position.

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I'm so sorry! I do remember when that happened to my father, and he was so discouraged. It turned out to be a wonderful thing, and put our lives on a completely different path. I would never have met my husband had my father not been laid off! :)

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. The economy has just been so bad for so long. Many people have lost jobs and I think that everyone who hasn;t feels extremely lucky- not superior.



This is very true! When DH lost his job, we went through tough time...but similar to you we didn't have alot of debt. Keeping life simple pays off during times like this...you will find the necessities and get through it!



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I know how you feel. :grouphug: Mine lost his in February, It is off putting to say the least.




How are you surviving? Did you have to go back to work?


Just to add to our worries.....dh has a bad knee....he had an MRI last week (before he was laid off) and the follow up for that was today. Surgeon wants to scope it next week....best case is he needs a new ACL which the surgeon will do that day. Worst case and highly likely is that he needs total knee replacement.


:( I think my head is going to explode.

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