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Grocery Shopping-who goes?

Grocery Shopping Solo / Group or Other?  

  1. 1. Grocery Shopping Solo / Group or Other?

    • I shop alone, with nobody else...
    • We all pile in, go team!
    • Obligatory Other

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Dh and I try and get in a big shopping trip at the farmer's market together periodically. It takes hours. It's a long drive and we are buying bushels boxes of fruit and veg and 25 lb to 50 lb sacks of this. I prefer not to do that alone. And I prefer not to take more than the toddler or my preteen.


Otherwise dh tends to make frequent trips to the store closest to our house. And we have our weekly trip to meet up with our farmer and get our milk.

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I do the vast majority of the shopping as DH works late all the time. I used to shop with the kids in tow, however, since my MIL and FIL live with us, they watch the kids while I go out alone.


Occasionally, we all go shopping together, but that is rare.


I PREFER shopping alone. That way I can move faster. :D

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DH will pick stuff up on his way home from work. Lucky for me, all the places we shop at are between his work and home, so it's no big deal or out of the way or anything.


Big shopping trips are all done together. I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but I don't like going without him and since the kids are little, they have to come along too :tongue_smilie:

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Single mom here. I always take my kids. We go about once every 2 weeks.


It's not a big deal. Sometimes the kids are a pain in the butt and I'm tired, but generally they don't get too crazy. We have certain little rituals but we don't spend a ton of time in there.

Edited by SKL
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Family all shops together, it's peaceful, no problems? Or would you rather go alone - or does someone else do it?


I take my mom shopping every week. Sometimes, my boys stay with my brother. Other times one or both come with. As they are older, this isn't an issue. I enjoy shopping with them. I enjoy shopping with just my mom. I really love shopping by myself, but I've gotten so used to shopping with Mom that I kinda miss her when she's not with me.

The plus to the boys going with us is that they are wonderful help to have.

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If it's Costco, it's usually me and the kids. We try to hit it in the afternoon and do lunch or nibble at samples. Occasionally my college age daughter needs me to play taxi driver and she often manages to get a Mom funded Costco run out of the deal!


If it's the local grocery store it's usually just me because I can drop my kids at the ice rink (we're there almost every day) and I can hit the grocery store while they skate.


DH also picks things up if either I or the kids mention that we're out of something. Saturday, DH took the kids skating. I went to the grocery store. DS previously mentioned that we needed cereal and bread. While I was there, I picked up two loaves of bread and two boxes of cereal. One the way home from skating,:auto: the kids told DH that we needed bread and cereal. DH stopped at the store.....we currently have 4 loaves of bread and lots of cereal!!!:tongue_smilie:

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I go alone or with one of my girls.


Dh Rarely grocery shops. If he does stop, it is usually that he stopped at Costco (we pass by Costco on the way to our house) for one thing and it costs us $200 for a freezer full of junk food. Just today, DD5 had some meat balls. I asked where the meatballs came from and dh said...."one of my trips to Costco...where I should not be left alone with a shopping cart, or I buy things ....like meatballs" LOL We never eat meatballs (okay, well we do at Ikea, but not at home). For him to buy meatballs, is a very obscure thing to do! They must have been in the freezer for months, because he hasn't 'shopped' in a while.

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Other. Dh does most of the shopping. He usually goes alone, but sometimes takes one of the kids.


When I only had 2dc and I used to go shopping regularly I would bring them along. Then I had more kids and dh had a more flexible schedule, so I would try to do the shopping alone. Shopping with a couple of antsy little boys and a toddler and baby was not my idea of a good time. Now if I have to do the shopping and bring the kids along, it's no big deal. So I guess it's really varied depending on the stages of our family.

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Generally we all go together, it is not a peaceful time. By the end I want to leave the children behind, but the shopping must be done, I'm a single mom and I can not leave my oldest home alone, or the 9 yr old home with the 13 year old etc and so we all go together.

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I usually place an order online and have dh pick it up. Second choice is going alone. Third is sending dh to actually shop. Last is taking all the kids.


We *rarely* go as a complete family (meaning kids and dh) because dh can't stand how OCD I am about the process from beginning to end. :tongue_smilie:

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I voted other. The current shopping "team" is 2yo dd, 15yo dd, and myself. We drop 17yo dd off at her evening college class, grocery shop, and then hang out in Petsmart until her class ends. I never thought I'd like shopping at night, but since I have to be out -- it is working really well for us this semester!

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I go alone although my dh is the at home parent. He cooks and makes the shopping list. I do end up calling him several times to clarify what he needs but after 5 years this is what works best for our family.


I prefer to have money left over in the bank after shopping is done :tongue_smilie:

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It seems like most people with younger kids would be other. Like "it depends." Who, among parents, always gets to do errands alone?!!! If you exist, please advise me. I need to know how! :tongue_smilie:


When my kids were very young, I shopped when DH was home, evenings and weekends. He never had a problem caring for the kids on his own and I had alone time. I also went to Barnes & Noble for a Starbucks and browsing once a week just to get out of the house. I loved that time each week.

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My hubby started doing the weekly shopping when we had our first child. He had Fridays off, so he did it then. It was bonding time for them. He's taken all the kids as littles. Of course, it's Dad Shopping, which includes him standing at the paper towels and sending them "out for a pass" and hurling the paper towels down the aisle...:D


I go for the "fill in" stuff--more produce, or an occasionally forgotten item.


Mine are not behaviorally challenged, so shopping was pleasant. I feel for those who have more challenges.


ETA--I reread that--and laughed--hope you understand I meant "behaviorally challenged in the grocery store as little kids" bc we've certainly had our behavioral challenges!

Edited by Chris in VA
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If I'm out and about with the kids and want to go to Costco or Trader Joe's, then we'll combine errands. Neither are close to my house. Though I often also do those while the kids are in a class or something.


But if I'm just going to the grocery up the street, I nearly always go alone. I started leaving them behind as soon as they were about 5 yo (dh works nights so he's nearly always home, if sometimes asleep). I might bring a kid if I need help carrying a lot though. They're pretty good about lugging stuff home for me.

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I voted "other" b/c it changes from week to week. Typically I do the weekly "full" grocery shopping, but who goes with me varies. Sometimes I go alone, sometimes my dd11 goes or my ds9 goes, and then sometimes they both go with me. I don't usually take dd4 b/c she doesn't do well if we have to spend a long time in stores. Hubby stays home with her while I shop.

ETA: Sometimes hubby stops by the store on his way home from work to pick up a few items for me.

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I like to take 1, preferably my youngest. That DS has a great process for managing the coupons and the scanner while I manage the list and read the labels (due to his allergies). We have a great process and lots of fun. I hate grocery shopping without him because it takes me so much longer.

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