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Posting from the hospital.

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Hubby had a heart attack last night. Luckily, I figured out what was happening right away and got him to the ER. He had a stent put in today and all the other arteries look fine, no damage to the heart itself. They said that this was the second heart attack so I guess the other night when he was having chest pains it was actually a minor heart attack. The are keeping him overnight for observation but providing he is still doing well in the morning then they will let him go tomorrow. Prayers and warm wishes are welcome.

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That is terribly scary. I'm so glad he got in and is doing well. It's amazing how soon one goes home these days. :grouphug: and prayers. I've been thinking about you today, remembering I need to send you mail. Maybe it was because you needed good thoughts. The mail will come.

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Praying for his quick and complete recovery!


I'll also pray for calm for you, because I'm sure you've been a nervous wreck! Thank goodness you were there to help him, and that you were quick to call an ambulance.

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I am praying for you and your husband.


Thank the Lord he is honest with you and you got him there . My husband hid his pain for a while again and once again made it to the Dr. but got put off for 2 weeks and did have some heart damage during the time he was put off.


His 2nd stent * both called widowmaker was put in and he is doing better.


I found a great book called Reversing Heart Disease by Dr. Stephen Sinatra.

I also ordered his supplements after my dh refused to take any medications.

He was allergic to Plavix last time and it is something that I highly recommend reading about in the book.


Don't take this lightly at all. The reason for the inflammation is detailed in this as well as prevention for men and women.


God bless you.:grouphug::grouphug:

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Love to you and your health and strength for your dh.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


What she said! How scary. That was good thinking on your part to get him there so quickly. I hope he has a speedy and full recovery. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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