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Um. I am a psychotherapist. And I have a job to prove it!

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There are not enough happy dance emoticons to express my joy for you, Joanne. You deserve this. You are amazing. I love you and love that you get this wonderful job to use your grace and talent and compassion to help others.


This. Exactly. So happy for you!

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There are not enough happy dance emoticons to express my joy for you, Joanne. You deserve this. You are amazing. I love you and love that you get this wonderful job to use your grace and talent and compassion to help others.


Took the words right out of my mouth, Audrey--- Joanne, I am SO happy for you!!




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I am SO happy for you! What an inspiration and a testimony you are to me and to others!!!!!!!


Thank you for never giving up and showing perseverance!



A very heart-felt congratulations!

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Joanne- You've had worked so hard for this and I'm so very happy for you. It's so great this opportunity has come along for you....it's God provision for you at this time. May you sense His continued grace and care for you, your dh and children. Congratulations !!:001_smile:

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