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  1. roasted broccoli, sweet potatoes, or carrots. I also do a grill basket along with my chicken- with bell pepper,onion & mushroom all together.
  2. If my mom had told me to get rid of my children, call one "that one" & then react like this about the name - she'd seriously not be in my life anymore...or at the very least contact would be severely limited.
  3. if you're not into CIO, I would check out "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Pantley. I did the gist of her techniques - just taylored it a bit more to our situation. Give it plenty of time & patience though - however you decide to do it. My ds didn't actually STTN until 3yrs old. Most babies don't STTN until after 2yrs old.
  4. I thought the same thing. doesn't excuse her comment - but you got rather personal for an initial introduction.......
  5. I have to get out of the house or I'll go crazy. We are either out everyday or every other day. Even if it's to go on a short bike ride. So we hit school hard in the mornings, so we can go out later.
  6. when someone is continually posting where they are at all day long & everything they are doing - then they need twitter, not fb. Seriously...this is a pet peeve of mine.
  7. as a military wife, i cringe at her pulling that card. For goodness sake - it would take all of 2 min for her to give you the carseat & take your 5 bucks!!!! eta: is it taking to far to assume she needs your $5 today for her meth habit? ?? :tongue_smilie:
  8. I just lost my unborn baby last week. I haven't smiled about that...I haven't thanked God, haven't prayed to Him, etc. I still love Him..I still have faith in Him. But I'm hurting. And God's big enough to handle that right now.
  9. Thank you , yes. These are studies of low risk to low risk. Birth, Vol 6 2009 Canadian Medical Ass Journal 2009 British Med Journal 2005 American Journ of Obstetrics & Gynecology 2003 Just in case someone wants to look them up for themselves.
  10. I wish hospitals/OB's would look at the statistics of homebirth vs hospital birth. It's astounding. The perinatal death rate is higher in hospital births and homebirths have much lower rates of medical intervention and cesareans. To me, you'd think they could look at those numbers & think "hey, maybe we're doing something wrong here"
  11. Since you do want to go to your neices/nephew's b-day's - then as others said - accept the invitation & bring a homemade gift - there is no need for an explanation. Just celebrate the kids - being there means a lot & having a heartfelt gift is a lesson to your own children of what's important. Also , for the Mother's Day, maybe talk to hubby for next year about inviting Mom over for lunch beforehand - so you don't get "sucked in" to something you don't/can't do. Being proactive instead of reactive may help in this situation. Not saying this is how it went down, but instead of waiting for other family members to make the plan & just expect you to fork over lots of $ - just make your own plans with MIL next year.
  12. ITA. I think they're setting up their baby for food issues. I think she needs to be part of the eating time
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