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  1. Checking back again this evening... hoping someone will see this and have something to share...
  2. Ever feel like you have a question and you don't know how to ask it???:blushing: So... I got this.... "Post menopausal female seeks recommendations for estrogen cream or ??? to help with... well... you know... um.... teA" Don't want to take hrt (hormone replacement therapy)... experienced surgical menopause (uterine rupture at age 30)... and the libido is just not there. OMGoodness, did I just hit the post button?? lol
  3. I understand points assigned and calorie limit, but, what does a monthly fee look like and is it worth the money? Can buying a book and working on the same principles work instead of spending money month after month? I have lost weight with Atkins before, but end up putting it back on when I use carbs again... and my dh hates atkins... wants me eating more fruit and veggies... I usually avoid breads anyway... don't have a sweet tooth... But, I am post menopausal and my body insists on looking like a plump pear...
  4. Not fancy... plain and simple... I used up scraps that I made my grandson's nursery with. It was fun and quick!
  5. Absolutely go over the basic rate and the increase for additional time as well as letting her know that drop off and pick up the two of you must meet up. Perhaps you live in a very safe location and she felt comfortable, but anything can happen in a minute or two or even less! Your basic rate stays the same if she brings him later because you are committing to that time frame and you are available for her. That said... I have at times been the wishy-washy mom of many young kids. I was never intentional about it, but life had a way of getting crazy on me with all my little ones and I am sad to remember, looking back, that I took for granted some of the help I had along the way and didn't have the social skills with the women who did help me at the time. I was very needy at times. Fortunately, I learned from some who cared enough to speak into my life as well as help... So, I encourage you to be firm BUT GENTLE the first time. After that, be firm and ask her to find someone else... Just my thoughts...
  6. I currently have two jobs outside of the home, but most weeks they add up to 25 hours work... I work at a retail store... fast and friendly... usually upbeat and fun. Flexible schedule. I like 4-5 hour shifts a few days a week. I also work as an elder caregiver and love that!!! I wish I had more clients and/or longer hours. As it is, I have one client 3 hours in the morning twice a week. The "problem" is, elder care involves elderly and they don't get younger each day, so I have lost a couple of clients. I am really hoping that my hours/clientelle pick up soon. And the endless hours of work that being a mom requires.... without pay. PS I enjoy working my jobs. Sometimes heading out to work is a stress relief for me. I also appreciate days at home SO much more now. I am more likely to play with the teens now, too, because my free time has limits and I want to make the most of those times...
  7. Earlier today: Put on playlist and had it play in the background while I make Dr. appt.s for back to school stuff... took 8 songs to get through that call! I started two loads of laundry so far today... need to get on the dried load and get the next going... I made a quilt top because life has been so much about responsibilities and juggling a LOT of adult business (court, custody, teen in rehab), that I needed some "fun". The top is made, now I need to decide if I border it and then back it or just keep it simple and back it.... Next up: Pick up dd and grandson for an afternoon visit... Plan dinner... Freshen up and hope to catch dh's eye... 'cause he's been awfully distracted with the boat lately and I think he's forgotten that we're married... LOL! (He's a great guy... this is in no way a complaint...) Maybe somewhere in here I will make some iced tea...
  8. My son was given one immunization at 2 weeks of age... I think it was a hepatitis, but could not be sure... It was obvious by 6 weeks that he had multiple food allergies and he received no more immunizations during his infancy/toddlerhood... The Dr. was fairly old school and wouldn't diagnose his autism (he had very specific qualifications by two years of age and should have been diagnosed) because the Dr. said he (my son) had an emotional bond with me and gave family members eye contact (he didn't give many other people eye contact)... Anyway... he was diagnosed with aspergers by a new pediatrician at age 6... Now he is 12 and goes to public school and is such a bright, witty boy who tries so hard!!! I adore him, of course... And he still has not had immunizations. Most of my children are immunized, although I insisted on delayed immunizations for them, thimerosol (sp) free options and over many years... definitely not the recommended protocol/schedule by any means... I put in a call to our pediatrician because the school requires up to date immunizations (I have always signed a waiver without any problems)... and anyway, I thought I would get the ped's recommendation for if my son should get any immunizations... which ones to pick... He no longer has any food allergies. Please let me know your opinion, but also provide some support for it... If we could avoid getting personal/debating that would be great. I don't mind reading through strong opinions for or against. But, can we let each other alone as we share? Thanks... it's hard to make this decision... my son is SO great... I don't want his health or his brain messed with in ANY way... sigh... and the only reason I am considering immunizations at all is that he has an entire life ahead of him and perhaps he should have some of them....
  9. I didn't have the great ideas here... so, when my youngest was too afraid and kept insisting that he wasn't interested in bikes, that he's just as well play with the scooter, we left him alone. A couple times a year we'd point out how his brothers enjoyed riding and would he like to learn, but no, he didn't want to. Finally, when he was 11 he decided he'd like to try and dh went out with him and had him riding that afternoon. He has aspergers and a great fear of being physically hurt... so, he had to really want to or it would have just not happened.
  10. My oldest daughter was quite well read and often mis-spoke, too... One of the favorites was when she went out on a canoe with friends, came home and said that she had a great time on the "can-oh". We still tease her about that!
  11. Well... Since you asked... And I am in the mood to let the cat out of the bag... I will be 49, I think... LOL! I think that my youngest graduates in 2018... What I DO know is that the year he graduates we are having a HUGE party... Since my ex has made life incredibly difficult, has lied more times than you can imagine about me and the past and since he has been abusive in multiple ways to our kids... I will be hosting a HUGE party in 2018... I wont have it connected to my youngest's 18th birthday, nor will it be connected to my youngest's graduation because the reason for the celebration is that I am past the time where I am expected to hold my tongue and my youngest will be an adult and did I mention we are having a HUGE party? I am starting a savings for it NOW... because it will be on my birthday that year... people close to me from several states are traveling to be here (yes, they know the party is planned and they are invited) (no, I haven't talked about this in front of my younger children) (yes, I know this is a public forum)... we are going to have live music, a dj, a dance floor, lights... catered food... hired clean up... I am SO excited... and saving money. Anyway... I adore each of my children so very much. I have always tried to grasp hold of each moment as it happens, because the seasons pass.... they will grow up and live their own adult lives... but, goodness, there are so many of them and life is like a continuous soap opera with our family (minus the routine exchange of who's sleeping with who...)... and I know from the first handful that have gone out the door that parents are oftentimes still very involved in their kids adult lives. I just try not to be "that" mother-in-law... and I realized just this evening that I spent a dozen years at home raising them through the early years and will spend the next two dozen years working and paying for them to get a start in life... All is good. :001_smile: PS... What will I do then? Well, after the party I will continue working to pay off bills and/or earn money to spend on them as they enter adult life and also continue earning to spend on the grandchildren... and I"ll plan family reunion parties every couple of years... and I will wake up on some mornings to a quiet house with nothing to do and I will inhale deeply and smile. I hope to end up with some type of career where I can work in the medical field or with the elderly (both??). I hope to go on missions trips as an older lady, too. I hope to travel out of the country multiple times. Gosh... I hope I come into some great sum of money to make all this happen... but, for now, I'd better get some sleep...
  12. Re: rewards.... It might be a "3 nights in a row and not wetting and we'll get an ice cream cone" and he does... I've done 5 and 7 day rewards. He does not stay up and go... He is a sleeper. He almost always goes to sleep by 9pm... used to be 8pm... on his own and sleeps until 7am or so. Once I got him up to pee at 10pm... then between 120-1am... then at 4am... and again at 6pm and I tell you that boy would pee and pee. Anyway, about the rewards... I get tired of it because I cannot get those all the time... nor do I think it's okay for him to stay dry night after night and get rewards when the other brothers do not get them... So, then I am buying everyone ice cream... He has gone a few weeks at a time staying dry! (rewards involved) That's what drives me nutty over it. Then he goes weeks not able to stay dry one night.
  13. I am using leftovers/scraps from the nursery set that I made for my grandson... http://mytripleo.blogspot.com/2011/11/nursery-is-done.html Basically, the material is leftover from the curtains/crib skirt... jungle print, cut into about 5-6 in squares... and green/white checked cut in squares to match... and I have a lot of cream.... I am making a simple quilt for a friend who is having a baby boy... money is tight, so I would like to make something using what I have on hand. I plan on the back of the quilt being the green/white checked material (because that's my large piece!)... it fits 5 squares across and 5 top to bottom... I can make it 4 by 5 if that works out better... or 5 by 5.... Thanks again!!
  14. I have 10 jungle squares.... and 15 checked squares and I can make as many solid colored squares to add in for the top... I am having a hard time planning how to lay out the 10 and 15 (can be 9 and 14 or whatever)... Anyone want to help take a stab at it? Thanks!!
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