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How many times have you been pulled over...

How many times in the past year have you been pulled over for a traffic violation?  

  1. 1. How many times in the past year have you been pulled over for a traffic violation?

    • 1-2
    • 3-4
    • 5+
    • This is about average for me.
    • This is NOT typical for me.
    • I've never been pulled over.
    • I fell off the turnip truck just yesterday.
    • Other.

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0 I voted other and this is typical for me. Except now I remember I was pulled over in the past year, but I usually am not. I've been pulled over three times in the 18 years I've been driving. Once was Dh's fault.:glare: He was supposed to get my new tags and kept putting it off. He worked in the city where it had to be done, and I worked an hour away.

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I've been pulled over twice in my life (driving for >30 years) for little things: 1. the officer saw my then very young son sitting in a regular seat with a seat belt. He thought he was of the age he should still be in a booster. He was not - we were in compliance. 2. Expired tag - dh had it on his desk and had not put it on.


I've never received a ticket or a warning.

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None in the last year, but I was pulled over for the first time for speeding two years ago. I was too busy looking for the street, and I completely missed the sign. The officer was very sweet though, and he just gave me a warning. I bought a GPS that talks to me, so now I can focus on speed limit signs. ;)

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I've been pulled over a few times but never got a ticket.


A few years ago I was pulled over while towing our big boat. It was a clear case of boat owner profiling. It was getting dark so I think the cop assumed I was drunk. The cop said I didn't stop at a light when in fact I was stopped, waited for a person to cross a cross walk and then waited for cars to turn. I was seriously waiting at least three minutes. The cop "let me go" due to him having carpel tunnel, such BS!


I have also been pulled over for driving to close to a vehicle. I wasn't close at all. I was driving about as close behind a vehicle as one would drive on the freeway the only difference is we were in the middle of nowhere in the desert. The highway patrolman said I shouldn't drive so close since we are in the middle of nowhere. The real reason I was close is the person in front of me was my husband and he was pulling a trailer full of alfalfa. I was trying to block the fact that we had lost the trailer's license plate about an hour before. We didn't have the trailer's registration and I was scared the highway patrolman would think the trailer was stolen.

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I was pulled over a little over a year ago for an expired registration. I was sure it was not overdue.


The cop was slightly hysterical and yelling at me at the top of his lungs. I had no idea what he was saying so I had to ask him to repeat it and then asked my passenger if they understood what he said.


He then immediately ran back to his police car and left. Turns out there was a more interesting stop down the road he went to.


That was the first time I have been pulled over in about 20 years. And hopefully the last.

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I've been pulled over twice since I started driving - once for a speeding ticket (my fault, I wasn't paying attention and missed a change of speed limit), and once because my headlight was out (I had no idea... nice policeman sent me on my way with a reminder to get it checked).


The most recent of those was about 8 years ago now... I hope to keep it that way!

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You have no option between NEVER and 1-2 times in the last year. I was pulled over 3 times total, with a warning (driving neighbor's car and tab had expired, 3 miles over speed limit, and turning left illegally when a HUGE line of people were all doing it in the Bronx, but they were all scary and I was racial profiled as unlikely to shoot.) But not in the last decade, let alone year.

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Hmmm... I'm the only one admitting 5+. :auto:

The poll specifically asked for the last year. I've been really good ever since the time ...... Ooops. I can't talk about that. I will say that a cop in N.FL/S.AL pulled me over one time, pushed back his super-trooper hat, made a deep "whooo-eee" sound and said with a very long drawl, "Girl, where you goin' so fast?"




He thought he was being nice for not adding reckless driving to the speeding charge then escorted me to the county line.

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You have no option between NEVER and 1-2 times in the last year. I was pulled over 3 times total, with a warning (driving neighbor's car and tab had expired, 3 miles over speed limit, and turning left illegally when a HUGE line of people were all doing it in the Bronx, but they were all scary and I was racial profiled as unlikely to shoot.) But not in the last decade, let alone year.


Oops, let's see if I can figure out if I can fix that.

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I was pulled over for having a headlight out a couple times earlier in the year, back when we could barely pay our rent and definitely couldn't afford car repairs. That wasn't typical, though. Before that I'd never been pulled over in my life. The first time it happened, I nearly hyperventilated.


I've never been pulled over for actively doing something wrong, like speeding or driving recklessly or something.


You were actively driving a car without a headlight which is illegal.


Perhaps you are trying to say you did not have a moving violation?

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Other. Zero times this year. I'm 42 and have been pulled over 3 times. Once when I was 18 for going 35 in a 25. Once (horrible incident with an evil cop) when I was around 25 because the light over my back license plate was out. Last time was when I was pregnant with the 7 yr. old for turning right on red. I was really ticked about that one, because I saw the opposite lights turn red, and turned one second before my light turned green.

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I chose Other. I haven't been pulled over in the last year, but I have in the past:


16 yo - drag racing through a neighborhood after school - warning

16 yo - speeding on the way home from Candy Striping - warning

21 yo - speeding past a Dunkin'Donuts (I kid you not!) - ticket


I think that's it. Pretty good considering I always add 10 (or more) mph to the speed limit. ;)

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You didn't have 0 :)

I have been pulled over - I think - 5 times in my life. One of those was because we bought a truck in CA that had the front passenger windows tinted - we were told to remove the tint. Another time my car was breaking down and there were excessive exhaust fumes.

It isn't that I don't speed.... I do - but very carefully :)

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I was pulled over once this past year for speeding. By a member of DH's dept. :tongue_smilie: It was the first time I'd ever been pulled over for a moving violation. I received a red light ticket from one of the cameras about 6 years ago, and was pulled over, no ticket, about 10 years ago for a broken light.

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Crud, I read that wrong. I have been pulled over twice. Ever. One time I did not get a ticket (though I deserved one), the second time I did get a ticket (but it wasn't a moving violation. The first pull over was 11 years ago, the second was almost 2 years ago. So I should have answered "none" and "this is typical for me."

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WOW!! I've NEVER, EVER been pulled over in the entire 22 years I've been driving.


I had NO CLUE that people got pulled over so much! Even 2 or 3 times in your life seems like a lot to me. I don't think I'm doing anything extra special, so I'm surprised at this. I really thought that almost no one ever reeeeally got pulled over. I mean, maybe if you're doing 90 on the beltway or something, but not normal people.


I always thought that if I got pulled over, I'd just faint. Now I'm guessing that it's a more common occurrence than I knew.



ETA: Ooooh, wait a minute. I just looked at the poll more carefully and 115 people clicked that they'd never been pulled over. I just read the posts, and it looks like most of the people who posted were the ones who were pulled over. The 115 didn't bother posting. I guess it's not as common to be pulled over as it first seemed. (Shew!)

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I have never been pulled over for a moving violation. On the other hand, I have gotten my fair share of parking tickets most of which I aquired in college. I would pretty much stop my car any place that it wasn't an obvious obstruction to traffic. I once argued with a cop who told me I couldn't park somewhere as I was getting out of my car. He said it wasn't a parking spot and I said it didn't say no parking either. He then threatened to give me a ticket and I told him to do what he had to do I had to go to class.

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I'm 40 and have basically driven since the day I was 15; I've been pulled over.... maybe 5+ times, but never received a tix. I am very contrite, try to do what's right... and don't really speed. The times I've been pulled over, once I had an expired tags (in a car that wasn't mine).... Once I pulled out close in front of an unmarked car (oops, I was young and my car sucked when I had tried to accelerate) Once they said I didn't put my right hand signal on, Once I ran a yellow/red light around 1:30 in the am...(I promised him I would never go through a yellow when I could stop...) Once I accidentally sped through a poorly identified spot where the Medic Units pull out, ... I think that's all.... I've only had parking tix... ;)

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I had NO CLUE that people got pulled over so much! Even 2 or 3 times in your life seems like a lot to me. I don't think I'm doing anything extra special, so I'm surprised at this. I really thought that almost no one ever reeeeally got pulled over. I mean, maybe if you're doing 90 on the beltway or something, but not normal people.


That is a pretty huge assumption. I was pulled over a TON as a teen because 1) I looked really young and 2) I worked and went to school full time, I drove home late at night a lot. They were often trolling for drunk drivers and would use any excuse to pull you over.


I have been pulled over several times when I was driving in/through a state other than my license plate. It makes you a huge target because you are unlikely to fight a ticket. Again, I got a ticket for going 52 in a 50!!!


Thirdly, American-plated cars being pulled over going between European countries is very common. The cops in those cases are looking for people carrying drugs. We never got a ticket that way or even had our car thoroughly searched, it is just profiling.

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I fell off the turnip truck just yesterday.

Once I was pulled over because the policeman wanted to find out why I was hugging the right line of my lane, 30 years ago. No ticket.

The week of 911, 10 years ago, I was pulled over and given a ticket for speeding. The guys in a truck in back of me were scaring me, seriously, and I was speeding to get away from them, on my way to the mountains with the kids for a day of play. The guys were pulled over also.

I was pulled over for having expired tags, duh, about 4 years ago.

The rest of the times I wrecked, so I didn't get pulled over, but that was long ago...:lol::glare:... 30 years ago and .... 28 years ago....:001_huh:

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I've been pulled over 3 times. Once because of how young I looked and twice to give a warning. I've never received a ticket. My dad blew the first time I was pulled over because the trooper made me get in his car. My dad took the warning to the local police station and filed a complaint. He told me not to get in their cars ever again and his reaction made me so scared that I have been the most careful driver since.

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I answered wrongly. I haven't been pulled over this year. I think I have gotten 3 or maybe 4 tickets in 30 years. One was totally stupid and I shouldn't have gotten it. It was for making a turn at the wrong time of day but it was only a few minutes later, I was brand new resident in that area, and the policeman really should have just warned me especially once he learned that I was lost. I think I got one as a teenager, one in my earl 20's, and maybe one in my early 30's. Then that stupid one in my mid 40's. Fortunately, it was such a stupid charge it didn't affect my insurance at all.

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I had NO CLUE that people got pulled over so much! Even 2 or 3 times in your life seems like a lot to me. I don't think I'm doing anything extra special, so I'm surprised at this. I really thought that almost no one ever reeeeally got pulled over. I mean, maybe if you're doing 90 on the beltway or something, but not normal people.


I think it depends on where you live. Where I live, it's pretty common. The cops have monthly ticket quotas and such. I've been stopped when I was not doing anything deserving of a ticket. It is really annoying.


I've never been a speed demon, but before kids, I used to drive many miles, mostly on freeways at night. It's not so much that my behavior was problematic as that the cops didn't have much else to do at 2am. I don't drink and never was one to go more than 9 over intentionally. (It sometimes happened unintentionally, like when the speed limit decreased and there was no other traffic for miles.) I honestly don't know how many tickets I've had, but probably in the neighborhood of 8-10 over the 29 years I've been driving - heavily weighted on the first half of that time period. (I have never been able to charm a cop out of a ticket. Not ever. I am more likely to get a ticket when I didn't actually deserve it - in my opinion:tongue_smilie:.)


My mom used to proudly declare that she never got a ticket. Until the day when, in her 40s, she got one. Oh man, was she angry. Remember, the bigger they are, the harder they fall.;) Personally I think her driving record wouldn't have been so good if she hadn't been past age 25 when she first got licensed to drive - and didn't drive regularly until 10 years later.

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