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S/O Birth Order - Did you marry the same?

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My dynamics is not typical.


I am youngest of 4 with my Mom/Dad.


I have a younger brother from My Mom/Stepdad... but he and I were not raised together at all.


I have 3 stepsiblings (Dad/Stepmom) who are younger than me and I did live with them for two years when I was 17 and 18 yrs old.


I think my personality is as a youngest child though.


Ds is 3rd of 5 kids... but his younger two brothers are 9 and 11 years younger than him. But I don't think he was treated as youngest at all... there is less than three years between him and his sister (she is oldest). He and his older brother only 10 months apart.


Yes we clash a lot-LOL. We are both very stubborn and want things our own way. We have to work hard to not get stuck in our own view of things.

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My husband and I are both thirds, but he is the baby third and I am the third of five. We were both the sensitive peacemakers following the competitive first and second siblings, so in that our personalities are quite similar. But as somebody else said, I also always have to go around picking up socks. I'm not sure how much of that was his being the baby, though, and how much was just the fact that my mother-in-law thinks that expecting men to do anything like housework is ludicrous.

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DH and I are both last borns. Our personalities are totally different though.

He's quiet, practical and confident. I am talkative, introspective and anxious. We drive each other nuts :D...but in a good way.



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I'm the youngest of 2; my brother & I are 22 months apart.


Dh is the youngest of 5, but his brother is 20 years older than him, followed closely by 2 girls. 7 years later they had another girl, and then 9 years after that my dh. So while he's the youngest, he's also kind of an only.

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My husband and I (both firstborns) often jockey for the position of strongest personality, but it works out pretty well.


Thinking about it, almost all of the guys I dated either seriously or semi-seriously were firstborns. My absolute worst relationship was with a second-born/baby.

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I'm an oldest. My DH is the 2nd of 5, but effectively functioned as the oldest from pretty early on because his sister has had severe anxiety issues and has always had a very easily cowed personality, apparently from birth or soon after.

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DH and I are both 1st born. In 1 years of marriage we've never had any fights. We've had some lively discussions but never anything that would be considered a fight. We are remarkably similar and it's caused no issues. The fact that we think along the same lines and our opinions seems to be the same most of the time have made it very easy to make many decisions, like how to parent etc. It's also made life easier when he's gone on deployments because I really do know what he'd do if he were here.

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I am the youngest and I married a middle child. However I do not believe in the birth order aspect at all. My personality is/was shaped by God not by my birth order. That is why we treat each of our kids as our first born.


Interesting. I haven't heard this before.


3rd out of 4 here married the oldest of 3 and we just made it to 20 years:)

Same here except coming up on 16 years. I'm the 3rd girl followed by the only boy so I'm kind-of the baby instead of middle. I would say that my personality is a bit stronger than DH's even though he's the oldest. I never showed any signs of control-freakishness until I had my children.

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I'm a first born, mega responsible chick.

Dh is an only....then when he was 5 his mom married a man who had 8 kids by several different women.


Every crazy, dysfunctional thing you can imagine happened on a regular basis in that family. Any time I want to spice up my life I can just stop in.


Dh is pretty much self raised, sometimes I think he might be feral when it comes to keeping things somewhat orderly :tongue_smilie:



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I'm a middle - much older than youngers, only 1 yr. younger than older but much more responsible.


Dh is youngest - much younger, more like an only.


In some areas, I feel like the responsible one taking care of everyone, including him. Not always though.


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Youngest of 5, and there is nearly a decade between my youngest brother and me. For a good portion of my childhood, I was essentially an only child because of that gap. I was also the only girl.


My husband is a middle child. He's very much a peace maker ;)

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