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S/O: Sheets...do you use a top sheet?

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Reading both the threads on sheets and organization I was surprised to see folks not using top sheets. Do you just use blankets and your bedspreads, then?


I guess I see the top sheet as not only one little layer against itchy blankets, but one more layer to keep body oils and such off the blankets so they don't have to be cleaned as often. And living with hot flashes, as well as a manly man, I can't imagine not using the top sheet. I also can't sleep without a top sheet on, ever, even in the summer. I just need something covering me to feel comfie and snug.

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No top sheets here either. I used to be the same way, I had to have a sheet between me and the blanket and in the summer slept under only a sheet but Dh hates them. He manages to mummy wrap himself in them somehow in his sleep and if he doesn't do that, he ends up kicking them off the bed. I got tired of completely remaking the bed from scratch every.single.day. We just have a comforter now that gets washed as needed (probably about once a month unless something gets on it. Dh does sweat in his sleep sometimes but that's why we always have a fan going in our room, to keep him from sweating too much at night.

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No top sheet here either. I used to use them, but dh won't. He sweats at night and gets overheated easily. He will only sleep under a loose weave cotton blanket that allows plenty of air flow, except when it is very cold. And even then he starts out sharing the electric blanket with me but kicks it off after a while.

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I use a top sheet in summer only, when it's too warm to use any other covering. In winter I prefer just the blanket.


However, I also (according to a certain person who should know :D) steal blankets, so we have two sets of blankets on the bed, one on each side.

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In the winter DH and I DO use a top sheet, both as an extra layer and to protect our gigantic, heavy comforter from body oils/sweat, because I cannot wash it at home. In the summer we don't because we use a light quilt that's easily washed and smooth to lay under. DH doesn't like that the very light weight of the top sheet in warmer weather because it sticks to him more easily.


I don't use top sheets for either of the girls ever, because they turn and turn all night long and end up hopelessly tangled!

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I use a top sheet. I don't like the feel of the comforter on my skin. I've never had a comforter that I didn't feel that way about. I'm finding that I have a lot of sensitivity issues that I never really gave much thought to before. They were always there, they just never stood out in my mind so much.


I cannot sleep without the comforter on me. I go crazy in the summer when it gets too warm in my room to sleep with the comforter on me.

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We have 5 beds in the house. All but one of them does not use a top sheet. DH is always cold, so our bed has bottom sheet, top sheet, blanket, duvet. The other beds all have just a bottom sheet and a duvet.


When we go to MIL's house for the night, the kids always kick the top sheet and blanket to their feet and sleep under just the quilt. :lol:

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We don't use a top sheet. We have down comforters (thick for winter, thin for summer) with a duvet; the duvet gets washed every time the sheets do.


We don't make the beds every day (or really, any day!) this is just one of those things that - once married - we ended up doing my husband's way. He's Eastern European, and apparently this is how they do.


(If anyone cares, the one thing we ended up doing my way was how to load the dishwasher: silverware placed down, not sticking up) :D

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However, I also (according to a certain person who should know :D) steal blankets, so we have two sets of blankets on the bed, one on each side.


The true secret to a happy marriage - separate blankets. In my case, dh and I both like to steal blankets so we are much happier with our own blankets. He also prefers a top sheet and a blanket and I just want to cocoon in my comforter. I get much colder than he does.


The kids also hate the top sheets so they don't get much use here.

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Absolutely. It creeps me out to have a blanket or bedspread/comforter next to my skin instead of a sheet, lol.


Furthermore, when I make a bed with a comforter, it's fitted sheet, flat sheet, blanket (if it's needed), and comforter, with the pillows on top of the comforter rather than the comforter pulled up over the pillows, all nice and tidy. I also have pillows with shams, which are on top of the "regular" pillows.


Did I say that Martha Stewart is my hero?:D

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I grew up without using top sheets. When I got married, we got lots of sheet sets and I have never looked back. My kids always used them too.

I can only think of ick, when I consider just using the blankets and not top sheet. However, if I did not use top sheets, I would launder the blanket with the tops sheets..that would solve the ick factor for me.

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DH and I use a top sheet, but the kids do not (their top sheets always end up at the foot of the bed).


Instead, we have comforters with covers, and the covers are made of the same frabric as sheets. So, essentially, it's like having a sheet attached to the comforter to keep the sheet in place ;)

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We use both a top and a bottom sheet. No problems with getting tangled or pushed to the bottom. I often have a coverlette or comforter that shouldn't be washed often due to fabric or content ie down.


DD12 uses one sometimes....she is a child of variety....you never know what she will put on her bed. It is different just about every night.


DS16 used a Duvet cover, without the Duvet. LOL It is essentially two thick sheets sewn together and he uses it for a blanket. If it is cold, he adds a blanket. Easily washable, so no sheet.


DD4 uses top and bottom sheets with one comforter....not with her quilt. LOL




I never thought about the thought process that does into it all.

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We use top sheets for the reasons you mention - to keep the blankets cleaner.


I grew up not using top sheets in the winter. We'd switch to a feather bed (down comforter but from Germany) and mom made covers for the feather beds. We'd wash those every week. I still have the feather bed thing going, but not from Germany. And I do have covers on the feather beds but I still use the top sheet. I didn't like changing the cover for the feather bed every week.

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we use them in the summer because its hot and thats all we cover up with, but not in the winter. I never use them on the kids beds because its just more crap they have piled on their beds and they get balled up and not used anyways :)


Yep, this. I HAVE to sleep with something covering me, but it's too hot for a blanket in the summer, so we use a top sheet instead. The rest of the year, no!

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My kids don't use top sheets. I used to try, but the sheet would always end up balled at the bottom of the bed. My 5yo sleeps in a sleeping bag (on top of a fitted sheet) because she can't figure out how to stay covered otherwise. 13yods sleeps on a flannel fitted sheet, with a flannel comforter -- no top sheet. 14yodd has finally figured out how to sleep with a top sheet, so she uses one now. This is a fairly recent development. She was probably 13 when she started using a top sheet.


As for dh and I, I MUST have a top sheet, and it must be perfectly smooth with no wrinkles around my feet. It must be long enough to cover my ear because I can't sleep if my ear is cold. We have started using flannel all year because it's so comfy, and it never gets really hot where we live, even in the summer.

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We don't use a top sheet. We have down comforters (thick for winter, thin for summer) with a duvet; the duvet gets washed every time the sheets do.


[/color] :D


Yup, same here. The only bed with top sheets is the guest bed. We don't want our guests to know how odd we are. ;)

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we use them in the summer because its hot and thats all we cover up with, but not in the winter. I never use them on the kids beds because its just more crap they have piled on their beds and they get balled up and not used anyways :)


That about sums it up for me too :laugh:


Dh loves top sheets but I can't stand them. I feel like they are too restricting.

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We don't use top sheets. The beds are much easier to make without them.

I have a large front-loader washer, and I wash the comforters as often as I wash sheets. We have allergies and I find that this routine has helped immensely.


ETA: All of our comforters and blankets are super-soft!


That, exactly. I have allergies and have to wash my blankets & comforters as often as sheets. :) Very very soft blankets right next the skin, obviously. And yep- its much easier to make w/out top sheets.

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We have bottom sheets and a duvet with washable cotton duvet cover. We all sleep like this. We may have other layers on top when its very cold, say a quilt and a blanket on top but generally we just vary the duvet in the cover from a very light 3 tog one up to a 15 tog. The feather duvets and covers are so soft and light, even the thicker winter ones.


I slept under sheets and blankets as a child and always hated it. I hate being restricted it makes me cringe just thinking about it.


I don't think we own any flat sheets. Its rare we get super hot nights here, maybe 1 or 2 nights a year max but none last year..

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I've tried to do without a top sheet, but I can't stand it. It's just too uncomfortable to me, even if the blanket is soft. As far as washing, it's not a big deal. When I wash a set of sheets, that includes the fitted bottom sheet, the top sheet, and the pillow cases. And the extra 2 minutes it takes to put the top sheet back on is worth it to me.


Ds doesn't use one. He either uses a light blanket or a fleece blanket.

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I make our beds like they do in Germany. No top sheet but a comforter with a duvet. The duvet gets washed, but the comforter only rarely.


I use the top sheet under the fitted sheet as a mattress cover.


I hate top sheets especially with dh in the bed. He has the amazing talent of getting the top sheet tightly wadded and twisted into an impossible ball at the bottom of the bed. :glare:


Our marriage is much happier without top sheets. :D

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I make our beds like they do in Germany. No top sheet but a comforter with a duvet. The duvet gets washed, but the comforter only rarely.


I use the top sheet under the fitted sheet as a mattress cover.


I hate top sheets especially with dh in the bed. He has the amazing talent of getting the top sheet tightly wadded and twisted into an impossible ball at the bottom of the bed. :glare:


Our marriage is much happier without top sheets. :D


I am a bit confused about your use of the word duvet.

Duvet for me is the word used in the UK for a comforter with which you use a cover, but that is called the duvet cover.


Are you using the word duvet to mean comforter cover? I have noticed a couple of other posters used it the same way. I am just wondering how common this usage is? I just never had heard it used this way before...

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A duvet, to me, is what we used to call a "continental quilt" and now call a "doona" in my part of Australia. It is a fabric bag filled with feathers, wool, polyester wadding or some other kind of insulation. Then we put a "quilt cover" over it - like two flat sheets sewn together down 3 sides.



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