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Doctors are confusing sometimes

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30 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Oncology floors/wings tend to play by separate rules. In the hospitals we’ve been in, not only does the floor have a separate negative pressure HVAC filtering system, they are also very quick to put you in isolation for everyone’s protection. My dd spent time in iso—no visitors, and doctors came in in gown and gloves and masks when her ANC was O(!) and her platelets were running low.

My son stayed on an oncology floor when he had pulmonary emboli. They had sinks for people coming in to wash up at for the floor, plus a curtained entry room before stepping into his single room that had a sink and maybe even other stuff in it. The curtains were marked as having been cleaned between patients with paper that you had to tear if you wanted to close the curtains. None of those things were Covid-specific, just normal precautions. They were still masking and wearing eye protection at that point though all over the hospital.

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I'm an oncology nurse. We admit patients with all variety of transmissible illness because our immune suppressed population catches EVERYTHING. And they hold onto it for months and months. It's exceedingly common. We just put them in an isolation room and wear our PPE. End of story. In addition, Covid is, and has been for a long time, a fairly easy illness to get patients through. RSV, metapneumo, paraflu? Awful. Covid? Lingers, but not really severe at all. We will often hold starting the next round of chemo when patients have the other severe respiratory illnesses but with covid we rarely delay. 

I am so tired of covid being treated like a special situation. It's not anymore. 

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17 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I am so weak now that I could hardly stand and pivot to get onto the commode to be taken to the bathroom. 

I am so teary today. I can't stop weeping. 

I am wrapping you in a hug and prayer.   Weeping seems to be the most appropriate action and honestly I suspect many of us are either weeping with you or close to it.  I desperately wish there was something we could do for you (i say "we" because I know we ALL want to so badly).  

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2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

Oncology floors/wings tend to play by separate rules. In the hospitals we’ve been in, not only does the floor have a separate negative pressure HVAC filtering system, they are also very quick to put you in isolation for everyone’s protection. My dd spent time in iso—no visitors, and doctors came in in gown and gloves and masks when her ANC was O(!) and her platelets were running low. 

I imagine that not only are they trying to be protective of Melissa with her compromised immune system with that much prednisone on board, but they are also trying to minimize the chance of spread to others. 

I am surprised that they aren’t doing a transfer and just sticking her into a separate non-onc wing in a room with negative pressure or doing more remote consulting with the specialist hospital. Prednisone alone isn’t a treatment per se, it’s just bringing inflammation down to ease breathing and tamper down the immune system.

Histochemical staining from the biopsy should have confirmed or ruled out fungal or other organic causes for something like a granuloma. Likewise, the cytology should have given them a pretty decent clue as to what is going on. There are better targeted drugs for a variety of conditions, including just autoimmune triggered pulmonary fibrosis (like the drug nintedanib) and I really hope that Melissa knows more that she isn’t just sharing or that her family can push to have medical results disclosed to her.


Melissa—are you on supplemental oxygen or something that can help with the fatigue? Breathing can be a lot of work, and even when I am on the lower end of normal— a pulse ox in the low 90s—I feel a lot better with some help if I’ve been low for a while rather than waiting until I dip into the 80s. Also, as someone who has spent months bedridden at a time, I hope PT is coming in and at least stretching or massaging you if you are bedbound. It is really hard to be in bed all day, even when you aren’t capable of moving. Hugs!!

Aparently all the other lung biopsy and staining showed was it isn't lymphoma. Otherwise inconclusive. That is why I need another lung biopsy. I don't know more. I feel that info is being held back, but one of the doctors did say that they are stumped. The doctor couldn't even tell me if what I have is something that can be treated. He just looked grave when I asked him. 

I am not on oxygen. I am managing to keep in the mid 90s. 

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54 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:


I have now finished the steroids treatment. It was only for 6 days. I don't have the body shakes and  don't feel as teary. I didn't know the tearyness was connected. Boy I was a mess yesterday. 


I knew this, but I didn't think of it.

Prednisone causes rage with me, but I know that it does make some people very weepy.

Glad you're feeling a little bit better!

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44 minutes ago, popmom said:

@Melissa in Australia in the meantime can you request that your prior biopsy specimens be send to another pathology group for a second opinion? Preferably at a teaching hospital? I’ve had that done with a breast biopsy. 

It was done at a teaching/research hospital 

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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8 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

I feel that info is being held back, but one of the doctors did say that they are stumped. The doctor couldn't even tell me if what I have is something that can be treated. He just looked grave when I asked him

I think the info being held back is probably a list of possibilities that the doctors have thought of. When I had weird stuff that doctors were uncertain about, they didn’t want to panic me by telling me a long list of possibilities. 

7 hours ago, popmom said:

in the meantime can you request that your prior biopsy specimens be send to another pathology group for a second opinion?


6 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

The nurse just told me I will be transported to the city hospital in a few hours. 

The city hospital’s pathology group would probably look at Melissa’s prior biopsy specimens and still request for another biopsy to be done for more information.

Edited by Arcadia
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7 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Praying for you and hoping that the new hospital can make things happen swiftly and provide excellent care and information on a timely basis. (which sounds way less cheerful than just praying you get well soon, but seems more needed right now)

This is so well said that I will not try to say it myself but will just second it.

I'm glad the transfer has been completed and hope you are getting excellent care and able to rest.


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12 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Saw the haematology team. They were very informative. Lymphoma is back as a possability. They said that they can't do a diagnosis until after second lung biopsy but my presentation of symptoms is classic lymphoma presentation. 

I still might have sarcoid, or another type of lung cancer. 


Praying for clear answers and treatment plan. 

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I'm sorry you're on such a rollercoaster of vague ideas and non-answers. I hope that you are able to get a clear diagnosis and treatment plan in place ASAP to get you back on your feet. 

Continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts. This has got to be so hard on them too.

Hugs. I wish there was something more I could do. Words on the internet just feels so inadequate.

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2 hours ago, fraidycat said:

I'm sorry you're on such a rollercoaster of vague ideas and non-answers. I hope that you are able to get a clear diagnosis and treatment plan in place ASAP to get you back on your feet. 

Continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts. This has got to be so hard on them too.

Hugs. I wish there was something more I could do. Words on the internet just feels so inadequate.

Just wanted to second everything fraidycat said.  I'm so sorry about everything.  Wish I could do more than just tell you I'm thinking of you, wishing you all the best,  and sending hugs.  

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2 hours ago, fraidycat said:

I'm sorry you're on such a rollercoaster of vague ideas and non-answers. I hope that you are able to get a clear diagnosis and treatment plan in place ASAP to get you back on your feet. 

Continuing to keep you and your family in my thoughts. This has got to be so hard on them too.

Hugs. I wish there was something more I could do. Words on the internet just feels so inadequate.

Beautifully said. A agree. May this hospital get you onto a path of healing!!

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Hugs. I'm sort of surprised they couldn't diagnose from the previous biopsy - although you said the body was walling off the masses so maybe they only biopsied the outer bit, and didn't get the inner mass? And that is why they don't know? 

I hope they get the biopsy done ASAP and results are swift at this new hospital! 

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

I'm sort of surprised they couldn't diagnose from the previous biopsy - although you said the body was walling off the masses so maybe they only biopsied the outer bit, and didn't get the inner mass?

Sometimes a second biopsy could be due to the care team not being able to come to a consensus. The second opinion for my breast biopsy was very different from the first opinion, and my oncology team had a discussion on whether a second biopsy is needed. 

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28 minutes ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Apparently the injection of steroids I was given a few hours before the first biopsy could  have had a big impact on results. The doctor basically said that lymphoma responds really well to steroids, so well that it will affect the ability for a biopsys to identify it 

What an idiotic thing for them to do. I'm so sorry. They really should not have contaminated the biopsy like that.

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36 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

What an idiotic thing for them to do. I'm so sorry. They really should not have contaminated the biopsy like that.

She has been in really rough shape and had a delayed test—they were probably balancing doing nothing and doing something that could potentially work for the majority of the differential diagnoses.

I’m not given to defending poorly thought out medical care (we have seen how the sausage is made and DH is a sausage maker), but in a testing delay situation, options can get murky or less than ideal.

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

She has been in really rough shape and had a delayed test—they were probably balancing doing nothing and doing something that could potentially work for the majority of the differential diagnoses.

I’m not given to defending poorly thought out medical care (we have seen how the sausage is made and DH is a sausage maker), but in a testing delay situation, options can get murky or less than ideal.

Yeah, that sounds really problematic, but they also were probably trying to keep her from dying while they got everything together, so....

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2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Apparently the injection of steroids I was given a few hours before the first biopsy could  have had a big impact on results. The doctor basically said that lymphoma responds really well to steroids, so well that it will affect the ability for a biopsys to identify it 


2 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

And because of that I can't have this next biopsy until the end of this week ao the steroids I was on wear off 

AH, that explains it. Ugh. 

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5 hours ago, kbutton said:

She has been in really rough shape and had a delayed test—they were probably balancing doing nothing and doing something that could potentially work for the majority of the differential diagnoses.

I’m not given to defending poorly thought out medical care (we have seen how the sausage is made and DH is a sausage maker), but in a testing delay situation, options can get murky or less than ideal.

Yes, all true. But she was given that steroid injection just a few hours before the test. This is something they could have thought through in that moment.

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