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What's your super power?

Laura Corin

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I’m so nearsighted that, with my naked eye (no contacts), I have super closeup vision. I can almost see atoms, lol. Can take out the tiniest splinter with ease and other awesome things.

I’m super hypersensitive to people’s moods and feelings, probably from growing up in a dysfunctional family. It’s not always a good thing, though. It’s just there and it’s automatic. I don’t let people know this because I avoid confrontation. But you could say I’m stupid like a fox, because I seem easy to take advantage of (and I am sometimes), but I won’t call someone out if they’ve done something unfair, mean, etc to me. I will play dumb and be more careful next time and  the person just thinks I’m oblivious. This really is probably as much a curse as it is a plus. 

Also good at gaining the trust of shy animals.

Edited by Indigo Blue
Wanted to clarify a bit because my response sounded a bit arrogant.
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Packing a dishwasher extremely efficiently. 😉 

I literally have joked more than once in the past that this is my super power. 😄 

Apparently, I was late to whenever the super powers were being handed out and was just assigned one of the left-overs, because if I had been first in line, I would have requested the ability to either teleport (think of the commuting time savings!!), or to erect a force field around the house that let the pets and people in, but kept the dust, pollen, and bugs out. 😉 

Edited by Lori D.
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Always being on time. 
Attention to detail in managing complex projects with many moving parts and lots of deadlines without dropping any of the gazillion balls.

(I teach a 500 student class that requires me to coordinate 5 TAs, 2 graders, 5 lab instructors, and a team of tutors;  create and schedule assignments, create and arrange exams, answer the hundreds of emails all these people generate. Oh, and actually show up to my classes and teach.)

Edited by regentrude
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I can pack the back of a car like a pro for a long trip or a move with a lot of stuff.

I can unpack and set up the entire house on the day of moving into a new home! Including pictures hanging on the walls.

My mom taught me that one- we were military & her rule was you had to have the house unpacked and set up the night of the move. The trick is to unpack like a mad woman as other people are carrying the boxes inside. Most of the empty boxes should be leaving the premises with the movers when they drive away. It’s impressive, if I do say so myself 😉

I hope to never have to use that skill again, btw.

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2 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

I can pack the back of a car like a pro for a long trip or a move with a lot of stuff.

I can unpack and set up the entire house on the day of moving into a new home! Including pictures hanging on the walls.

My mom taught me that one- we were military & her rule was you had to have the house unpacked and set up the night of the move. The trick is to unpack like a mad woman as other people are carrying the boxes inside. Most of the empty boxes should be leaving the premises with the movers when they drive away. It’s impressive, if I do say so myself 😉

I hope to never have to use that skill again, btw.

Wow. Been in this house 2 months. Still have 2 garage stalls filled with stuff NOT moved in yet.

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36 minutes ago, Hilltopmom said:

I can pack the back of a car like a pro for a long trip or a move with a lot of stuff.

I can unpack and set up the entire house on the day of moving into a new home! Including pictures hanging on the walls.

My mom taught me that one- we were military & her rule was you had to have the house unpacked and set up the night of the move. The trick is to unpack like a mad woman as other people are carrying the boxes inside. Most of the empty boxes should be leaving the premises with the movers when they drive away. It’s impressive, if I do say so myself 😉

I hope to never have to use that skill again, btw.

And I've been working on just organizing my homeschool room for 2 weeks. Do you hire yourself out?

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Interpreting things two ways and seeing how more than one conclusion can be made. It probably drives people nuts, but it can be useful, too. I pointed out to someone how a thing they said was confusing. They got defensive and mad at me (which led me to think ok see, that's why I don't try to point these things out) and then eventually thanked me. Still though, I probably won't ever point a similar thing out to them due to their initial response. 

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I have several superpowers:

1.  I can read a room extremely well

2. I am sensitive to how people are feeling 

3.  I can tell when someone is insincere 

4.  I am a darn good detective 

5.  I am chronically early, in fact, on time is late in my world

6.  I am very intuitive

7. I am a fantastic problem solver

 These are the powers that come to mind right now.  There are more but they escape me at the moment.  


Edited by Ditto
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2 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

I’m so nearsighted that, with my naked eye (no contacts), I have super closeup vision. I can almost see atoms, lol. Can take out the tiniest splinter with ease and other awesome things.

I’m super hypersensitive to people’s moods and feelings, probably from growing up in a dysfunctional family. It’s not always a good thing, though. It’s just there and it’s automatic. I don’t let people know this because I avoid confrontation. But you could say I’m stupid like a fox, because I seem easy to take advantage of (and I am sometimes), but I won’t call someone out if they’ve done something unfair, mean, etc to me. I will play dumb and be more careful next time and  the person just thinks I’m oblivious. This really is probably as much a curse as it is a plus. 

Also good at gaining the trust of shy animals.

Likewise to the don't always call people out but make a mental note. I'm also sensitive to people's moods and feelings. 

16 minutes ago, Ditto said:

I have several superpowers:

1.  I can read a room extremely well

2. I am sensitive to how people are feeling 

3.  I can tell when someone is insincere 

4.  I am a darn good detective 

5.  I am chronically early, in fact, on time is late in my world

6.  I am very intuitive

7. I am a fantastic problem solver

 These are the powers that come to mind right now.  There are more but they escape me at the moment.  


The bolded to me screams empath and/or HSP. Those things are common with those types of people. 

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I can make invisible objects reappear. Unfortunately, I have to be standing right next to them.

Kid/DH: where's the thing?

Me: it's on the end cupboard on the bottom shelf.

Kid/DH: I just looked there but I don't see it.

Me: <walks over to open cupboard and surprise, it's there!> Ta da! 🙃🤦‍♀️

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I'm a fast reader, a good writer, a good trunk-packer, have better than average capacity for self-control when irritated or rattled, and am good at connecting analytically disparate dots/ recognizing patterns.

But I think my real superpower is ability to kind of... hop around from one vantage point to another, what you see depends on where you stand, and work out how just about every sequence or episode or empirical observation can have multiple true tellings.  TBH it's a curse as much as a superpower, because it makes me feel equivocal and crazy as often as it propels me toward empathy or my better angel or constructive action or etc.

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Remembering birthdays. I can remember the birthdays of like people I went to school with, like that long ago. For a lot of people I remember exact dates and for some people I can only roughly remember, but I seldom forget a birth month. I don’t know why, but if I’ve heard your birthday I just remember.

Edited by Elizabeth86
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44 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Likewise to the don't always call people out but make a mental note. I'm also sensitive to people's moods and feelings. 

The bolded to me screams empath and/or HSP. Those things are common with those types of people. 

Thank you for the link.  I am most definitely HSP.    Probably empath as well.    This is not something I have given a lot of thought to, I appreciate you bringing them to my attention.

Edit:  Just looked up the characteristics of an empath and discovered that I am also an empath.   Interesting.   For fun I also took the HSP quiz on the link you posted and knocked that out of the park as well (my score was 24), which wasn't a surprise.   

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I'm good at researching and putting that knowledge into practical use, and looking at data analytically in great detail and spotting the "issue". It made me stellar at work in failure analysis and simplistically put inventing things. 

In my current life those skills have translated into my friends asking me parenting questions and me researching answers for them, because I can read the parenting stuff without feeling the mom guilt. Then give my friends a summary with the judgmental things removed, with references.  

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20 minutes ago, Kassia said:

Well, this made me realize that mine would be that I can function on very little sleep due to chronic insomnia!  I am very envious of your sleep!  

Ok, my husband has that power. 5-6 hours is a full night for him. I do envy the extra 2-4 hours he has in his day compared to mine. 

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6 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

Ok, my husband has that power. 5-6 hours is a full night for him. I do envy the extra 2-4 hours he has in his day compared to mine. 

This sounds like my DH and myself. I can sleep, sleep deep, and sleep long. In fact, I'm a mess if I don't.

My DH does not sleep well and can function AND be productive on almost half the sleep I need. 5-6 hours is a good night for him. 9 hours is my sweet spot for maximum productivity.

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24 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

Ok, my husband has that power. 5-6 hours is a full night for him. I do envy the extra 2-4 hours he has in his day compared to mine. 

Oh, I need 8-9 but never get even close to that.  I meant that I function on chronic sleep deprivation.  

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38 minutes ago, fraidycat said:

This sounds like my DH and myself. I can sleep, sleep deep, and sleep long. In fact, I'm a mess if I don't.

My DH does not sleep well and can function AND be productive on almost half the sleep I need. 5-6 hours is a good night for him. 9 hours is my sweet spot for maximum productivity.

You have exactly described my marriage. I can go weeks without seeing him sleep because I fall asleep first and wake up last. 

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Research - I can find obscure sources for information either online or in person. 

Remembering Names (people and places)- unfortunately that doesn't tie in with remembering faces. It does come in handy with research though. 

Puntuality - SO and I both are chronically early, especially if we're going somewhere new. We'll arrive early to check the parking situation.

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This might sound weird but I truly think my sense of smell is a superpower.  I can smell changes in the weather, animals in the woods where I'm hiking, pine changing to spruce, boats on the ocean.

I am the queen of Bingo.  I always know when to turn around in a hike to get home by the exact time I said I would.  I can also tell when I'm past Bingo and have to run.


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