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TV this fall


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First off, I do NOT want this thread to be about masks or not masks....restrictions or not restrictions.  I am not interested in knowing your personal, in your home, state, city situation.  I do NOT care about whether you think masks are useful or not.  I care, but I do not want this thread to be about yourself or people you know and love who have suffered with COVID.

Now that we have that cleared up...this thread is your opinion on whether or not you will watch TV shows (even series that you have been watching for years and dearly love) if they are going to run with the COVID theme in their story lines.   

We live with COVID and COVID restrictions everyday, day in and day out.  At the end of the day, I like to use my TV fantasy lands (even if they are based on semi reality) as a way to escape reality and if I have to look at actors with masks on and doing the social distancing thing too, I think I am going to scream.  

I just saw a trailer for THIS IS US.....and that is what they are doing....and I heard others shows are doing the same thing.    I am just not sure I will be able to watch this fall.....and that saddens me. 

What are your thoughts on this? 

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3 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

I don’t know. The Good Doctor is doing this. I love that show, and I’m curious how they will portray this. But I understand how you feel. 

great, I love that show too.  UGH!  I fear if I boycott these shows until they go back to normal, I will miss out on great story lines.  

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I felt the same way when I saw the This is Us trailer. Actually, I didn’t even watch the full trailer...I saw the scene with Kevin in a mask and just scrolled on by (this was on Facebook). I bet I will watch, as this is really the only new show that I watch regularly, but I am kind of bummed that Covid will be part of the story line. 

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I never needed my TV shows to "imitate life" and I don't need that now. Unfortunately, my addiction to TV might be stronger than my dislike of shows trying to jam every single "issue of the day" into their plot lines.

I have been binging on lots of Netflix but I will probably go back to watching new stuff. I have way too many shows on my TiVo to start recording whenever new episodes will pop up.

On a side note...if the masking thing continues...I wonder if Hollywood will ease up on their plastic surgeries.....

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This is Us is too sad for me anyway. We’ve had enough drama in our real lives. I listen to a screenwriting podcast where one of the hosts speculated a similar thing about escapism and added  this pandemic will be relatively short in the scheme of history and episodes about it will date them. I don’t see how they can avoid the topic on medical shows though.  You’re welcome to watch Hallmark channel with me. They’ve already switched to their Countdown to Christmas thing. 

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We’ll be watching! This is Us is one of the few current shows all four of us love here and we’re super excited to watch tomorrow. I’m one who finds it strange to watch tv/movies without Covid restrictions so I’m fine with it. It’s still feels like an escape to me.

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Actually, thinking about this a bit more...I would love to see shows explore the nuances of this new reality. I’m currently watching Grand Army (it is so, so good) and I can imagine several story lines that could be incorporated were the show made to reflect this particular reality. How do young people navigate dating, for example? How does masking affect communities and people of color? How do multigenerational households handle some members taking precautions and others not? How does privilege affect the choices we make? 

These are real issues we are grappling with and I think shows could serve as a perfect medium to explore various layers. Ideally they could expose a lot of viewers to issues they might not otherwise have personal experience with. The more we know the more empathetic we can all be. Sounds like a win win to me.

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I don't know. I don't watch a lot of TV anyway, sometimes Dateline on the weekend and This is Us.  I haven't decided whether I'm going to watch This is Us this fall or not. I kind of lost interest in the storyline by the end of the last season, but it seems like the kind of show that should incorporate masks and what's happening in the world right now to keep the storyline authentic.

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I am not really thrilled that they are. I hope with This is Us they didn’t mess up the story by incorporating covid into the storyline.  In the past when a series tries to work something in that has happened, it doesn’t always work well and makes the storyline awkward. 

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I think tv can help make it more normal to mask etc.

I watch Masked Singer and I hate the fake audience.  I think for some people they'll remember that audience, not realize it was fake and not feel like they need to mask.  I wish the show would just take a bunch of visible precautions and skip the fake audience.  (Or make it clearly fake with computer generated creatures etc )

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I watch shows for different purposes. Sometimes to escape, sometimes to think or appreciate it as an art form or a story. So it doesn't affect my willingness to watch or not. Like, if it's poorly handled, that could be a turnoff, but because it's poorly handled, not because it's Covid. Any topic that's poorly handled isn't interesting or makes me less likely to watch a show.

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I watch little TV.  I do watch some dramas, but generally ones that are older and in syndication.

I like documentaries.  on science, on history.  (There's a great series on "great british castles" - be sure and watch the Irish manors? that goes along with it.)  My most recent was on Urartu.  A neighbor of Assyria, in the Armenian Highlands.  The foundations of Yerevan are older than Rome.

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Oh interesting.  We don't have cable, we just have streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Prime) so I tend to watch old series in big chunks anyway.  I am really in particular choosing escapism type of stuff right now so I doubt I would.  

The only thing I am watching in real time (which is the first thing I've watched in real time in a LONG time) is Great British Baking show on Netflix.  And they have mentioned covid a couple times in passing but they created a bubble to film this year with the contestants/crew and I'm really enjoying it.  In fact, it has me thinking more about what I'm doing in the kitchen.  

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I don't watch live tv, haven't in years. And I rarely watch TV set in the real-world present nowadays either. I *am* a fan of Brooklyn 99* and found the most recent season totally surreal because of the lack of masks and COVID.

Still, I understand why some people would prefer their present-day real-world series to be set in a sort of fictional universe without a pandemic. I felt that way for years after 9/11 - any episode that mentioned the event more than in passing was turned off, and I didn't watch any TV at all for a month leading up to the anniversary, because I couldn't handle the ads about commemorative events and whatnot. To this day, I will not watch or read any story that starts off with NYC getting destroyed - no disaster movies, no post-apocalyptic fiction, none of it. If the first chapter or the first scene involves NYC, it goes back on the library shelf. I get that the zombie apocalypse, the asteroid strike, or the alien invasion will probably destroy the city, but the story can be about somebody else's community getting destroyed.

* My kiddo, who introduced me to the show and also loves it, exhorts me to mention that it's "copaganda" every time it comes up. So there you go. It's copaganda, but I still love it. We're both excitedly anticipating the promised adjustments to premise in the future.

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I was trying to remember tv shows in the past that addressed big issues like Covid.  9/11 is one but some shows ignored it completely while others mentioned it briefly.  I don't think many had entire episodes or ongoing storylines about it. 

I can't think of anything else that ever was addressed like that?   Usually even current things like who is the president isn't even mentioned ever.  

I tend to watch a lot of science fiction type shows so realism isn't really what they are about.  I seriously doubt if Supernatural comes back they are going to be wearing masks and talking about Covid. 

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Well...my family of 4 loves This Is Us.  After last night, I may not be watching.  I obviously think the 2 new storylines they introduced are very important, but I turn on the tv, internet news sites, and social media, and I’m bombarded all day long by those topics and the election.  For me, tv is an escape and it wasn’t an escape last night.  And...having twins, I was so excited for the twins storyline.  Oh well....I will continue my cross-stitch therapy and start reading the pile of books I have waiting to read.  Unfortunately I can’t do those 2 things at the same time - LOL.  Hoping they bring back Manifest soon.  That is our other favorite show to watch together.

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I rarely watch up-to-date TV anyway but nope, no, nada.  I will be avoiding anything with COVID themes.   Just like I don't like TV shows that mention things like the president or other current events.  I watch TV to get away from it all  - even the murder mysteries.   Funny side note.  I have been watching Barney Miller lately.  They did mention Mayor Koch on his inagaration day.  At the end they were listening to his speech.  It was kind of funny considering that was in the 70s. It was so long ago it could have been a fictional mayor.   I'm in the 79/80 season and they have yet to mention the hostages.  

I am SO looking forward to The Expanse coming out in Dec.  

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52 minutes ago, mlktwins said:

Well...my family of 4 loves This Is Us.  After last night, I may not be watching.  I obviosly think the 2 new storylines they introduced are very important, but I turn on the tv, internet news sites, and social media, and I’m bombarded all day long by those topics and the election.  For me tv is an escape and it wasn’t an escape last night.  And...having twins, I was so excited for the twins storyline.  Oh well....I will continue my cross-stitch therapy and start reading the pile of books I have waiting to read.  Unfortunately I can’t do those 2 things at the same time - LOL.  Hoping they bring back Manifest soon.  That is our other favorite show to watch together.

A lot felt this way about last night’s episode.  Did you think the writing was a bit choppy and thrown together in some parts, too? 

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5 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

A lot felt this way about last night’s episode.  Did you think the writing was a bit choppy and thrown together in some parts, too? 

It did.  Obviously, that have flashed back and forward since the beginning, but this episode was really hard to watch.  I'm guessing the storyline was written before March, when the poo hit the fan, and new storyline was written and thrown in where it might fit best.  I have shed a lot of tears watching this show, but not last night.

And...Mandy Moore is pregnant so we will be seeing less of her.  They can't write that into the storyline.  

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We just watched a live (outdoor) production of Romeo and Juliet, into which COVID precautions were integrated (so the nurse was temp screening everyone as they came into the masquerade, hand sanitizer was used regularly and religiously, masks were worn any time characters were interacting, or there was a screen between the actors, etc). It actually seemed very natural and, not normal, but not glaring, either. And it made the fact that the plague was a plot point and interfered with the message delivery actually make more sense because it was present the entire time. And it made the social distancing and COVID precautions for the audience honestly feel like they were just part of the show. It felt like one of the most normal things we’ve been able to do since March. 

I think that, done right, it could be added to contemporary shows without it being “COVID, COVID, COVID”, and, again, make it feel less glaring in everyday life. And with so many streaming services, it’s not like people who want to time travel to a place where COVID does not exist can’t (I’ve noticed DD is watching a lot of old Disney shows that she liked when she was younger). 

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I watched “Father of the Bride 3” online.  It was a 20 minute mini-movie.  It was all about Covid and they were all on zoom calls.  The son and his fiancé got married on zoom.  I HATED it.  I don’t want to watch people going through the same struggles I am.  That is not fun.

The great British baking show had all the contestants agree to live together for the duration of the show (and not go back and forth to home)so they could participate.  I like watching something where life is “normal” and I’m not constantly bombarded with fear and distress.

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On 10/26/2020 at 8:38 AM, Indigo Blue said:

The Good Doctor is doing this. I love that show, and I’m curious how they will portray this.

Oh my, I hadn't heard this. So are they actually saying covid or are they spinning it as a pandemic? There's some pretty rich fodder there for the character and his sensory and rigidity. 

I think it would feel a little weird if the show were COMPLETELY disconnected, because that's not where we are. I hope they pull it off. 

Meanwhile, I've devolved into watching Saving Hope and The Listener, both of which are pretty unrealistic, with doctors seeing ghosts and a man solving crimes with telepathic powers, lol. Guess I've left reality completely for my entertainment, lol. I alternate between that and the politics on tv, and they seem about the same, whatever that tells you.

Ok, I'm off watching trailers, and they're really nailing it! Love!!! PS. Is it pathetic that I actually put this show on my calendar? :biggrin:



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14 minutes ago, dmmetler said:

I think that, done right, it could be added to contemporary shows without it being “COVID, COVID, COVID”,

Yeah, what I'm noticing in the preview clips is that they're hitting the transcendent issues the character deals with that go beyond covid. I find it kind of cathartic. 

15 minutes ago, dmmetler said:

And with so many streaming services, it’s not like people who want to time travel to a place where COVID does not exist can’t (I’ve noticed DD is watching a lot of old Disney shows that she liked when she was younger). 

I agree. Do you also think there's a sense in which we have SO much media already that people are kind of finding tv irrelevant? Less new movies and tv, the world doesn't end, we all go on. I've wondered if it will recalibrate the entertainment world.

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1 hour ago, PrincessMommy said:


I am SO looking forward to The Expanse coming out in Dec.  

So are we (dh, ds, and me).  We are the sci fi fans.

Two programs I watch are court shows- People's Court and Judge Judy.  It is obvious in the latest filmed shows that Corona virus is in effect. Both shows just have defendants and maybe a witness and no audience and very good social distance ( and I suspect, a negative Covid show).

On Netflix. I watch crime dramas mostly and love foreign ones w subtitles ( because it is so distracting to have the lips not match the sounds).

Otherwise we watched Agatha Christie mysteries on Prime. waiting for last season of Better Call Saul, and other than crime drama that I watch and most of that is set in modern times, but were filmed before Covid.  I also watch some ID shows but no Covid related crimes yet have been featured 

We also watch nature documentaries, old TV shows, have tons of Forged in Fire to get through ( I also loved the glass blowing contest show, and some dancing shows- also watch So You Think You Can Dance )

I may watch documentaries about scientific discoveries or positive social changes from Covid later but no, I mostly turn off or at least try to tune out gloom and doom Covid stuff.

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On 10/26/2020 at 7:09 PM, DorothyNJ said:

I was trying to remember tv shows in the past that addressed big issues like Covid.  9/11 is one but some shows ignored it completely while others mentioned it briefly.  I don't think many had entire episodes or ongoing storylines about it. 

I can't think of anything else that ever was addressed like that?   Usually even current things like who is the president isn't even mentioned ever.  

I tend to watch a lot of science fiction type shows so realism isn't really what they are about.  I seriously doubt if Supernatural comes back they are going to be wearing masks and talking about Covid. 

Hmmmmm I think the opposite. Like I said, I watch way too much TV and more than once I remember thinking - well, I guess every show is going through the "topic of the day"-def 911,  school shootings, transgender issues - it seemed like whatever was happening in the news - there was a story line.

I am sure Covid is going to be on most shows - unlike @Indigo Blue I think it's a terrible idea. Unfortunately, many people believe everything they see on TV and use it as their main source of info. And Covid is way too serious of an issue to be learning about from Grey's Anatomy or The Good Doctor.

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52 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

So are we (dh, ds, and me).  We are the sci fi fans.

Two programs I watch are court shows- People's Court and Judge Judy.  It is obvious in the latest filmed shows that Corona virus is in effect. Both shows just have defendants and maybe a witness and no audience and very good social distance ( and I suspect, a negative Covid show).

On Netflix. I watch crime dramas mostly and love foreign ones w subtitles ( because it is so distracting to have the lips not match the sounds).

Otherwise we watched Agatha Christie mysteries on Prime. waiting for last season of Better Call Saul, and other than crime drama that I watch and most of that is set in modern times, but were filmed before Covid.  I also watch some ID shows but no Covid related crimes yet have been featured 

We also watch nature documentaries, old TV shows, have tons of Forged in Fire to get through ( I also loved the glass blowing contest show, and some dancing shows- also watch So You Think You Can Dance )

I may watch documentaries about scientific discoveries or positive social changes from Covid later but no, I mostly turn off or at least try to tune out gloom and doom Covid stuff.

Totally enjoying many of those shows too.

We enjoy real-lilfe ones like "Secrets of the Zoo" and "North Woods Law" 

NOVA has had some very interesting ones about language/writing and yellow slime lately.

Lots of old shows besides Barney Miller.  We've enjoyed LoveJoy, Fraiser, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Silent Witness, Rebus, Outter Limits, & Battlestar Gallactica.   I've got Sliders in my DVR but haven't checked any out yet. 

We're also watching Better Call Saul.  We're in season 3 though. 


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Besides wanting to escape, I've found that often when shows decide to tackle issues they do it in a very heavy-handed way...and all of the shows do it at the same time.  Last year we tried out 2 new shows, and it turns out that both of them had decided to have a particular issue be a major part of their storyline.  It kind of felt like they had come up with one 'issue' storyline and then applied it to multiple shows.  For me, it's sometimes not the specific issue as much as the feeling that I'm watching the same story over and over.  

Edited to add - We got used to not watching regular shows over the summer, so if everybody jumps to the same story line when they start back, it will not be difficult for us to return to our books, documentaries, and nature shows. 

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I only have Netflix and can’t figure out how to get to regular TV and don’t have cable.  I honestly didn’t know that new shows were being made.  How?  How are they doing this and following covid guidelines?  How do they have an entire camera crew and extras, etc and are safe to film things? I honestly thought that the only “new” shows were ones taped before covid that had been being edited and were waiting for release.  I had no idea new things were being filmed. Huh.

With that said, if the show is supposed to be happening now, I woudln’t care if they had covid-related issues happening. But it might get in the way of lots of storytelling, unless the characters all decide to ignore the guidelines. LIke, Gilmore Girls would have been pretty boring if they never ate inside at Luke’s diner or had live classes at Yale and if they avoided Friday night dinner with the high risk parents.  Nothing would happen.  🙂

I wouldn’t mind if the show writers decided to have covid be part of their world and I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t.


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4 hours ago, SereneHome said:

Hmmmmm I think the opposite. Like I said, I watch way too much TV and more than once I remember thinking - well, I guess every show is going through the "topic of the day"-def 911,  school shootings, transgender issues - it seemed like whatever was happening in the news - there was a story line.

I am sure Covid is going to be on most shows - unlike @Indigo Blue I think it's a terrible idea. Unfortunately, many people believe everything they see on TV and use it as their main source of info. And Covid is way too serious of an issue to be learning about from Grey's Anatomy or The Good Doctor.

I've definitely seen shows that deal with issues after they are in the news.  I meant shows that discuss specific incidences - not just a shooting but Columbine or Sandy Hook, etc.  The one show I can think of that hit close and even mentioned specific occurrences was Law & Order, especially SVU. 

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10 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

Totally enjoying many of those shows too.

We enjoy real-lilfe ones like "Secrets of the Zoo" and "North Woods Law" 

NOVA has had some very interesting ones about language/writing and yellow slime lately.

Lots of old shows besides Barney Miller.  We've enjoyed LoveJoy, Fraiser, 3rd Rock from the Sun, Silent Witness, Rebus, Outter Limits, & Battlestar Gallactica.   I've got Sliders in my DVR but haven't checked any out yet. 

We're also watching Better Call Saul.  We're in season 3 though. 


Yes, to those ones too

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11 hours ago, Clemsondana said:

Besides wanting to escape, I've found that often when shows decide to tackle issues they do it in a very heavy-handed way...and all of the shows do it at the same time.  Last year we tried out 2 new shows, and it turns out that both of them had decided to have a particular issue be a major part of their storyline.  It kind of felt like they had come up with one 'issue' storyline and then applied it to multiple shows.  For me, it's sometimes not the specific issue as much as the feeling that I'm watching the same story over and over.  

Edited to add - We got used to not watching regular shows over the summer, so if everybody jumps to the same story line when they start back, it will not be difficult for us to return to our books, documentaries, and nature shows. 

Yeah, the theme of the week. Reminds me of afterschool specials and the "Very Special Episodes" series had on big issues.

I won't be watching shows that focus on covid. It's real enough already. And, personally, I'm just so over be preached at by Hollywood on ANY topic anymore.

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7 hours ago, SereneHome said:

So......I just watched last night's episode of This is US. Yep, they are calling it Corona Virus and yes, they are dealing with George Floyd issue as well.

I am not sure if I will continue watching it.....I didn't like how they handled it....

We need a seasonal This Is Us thread!

We just finished it like 30 minutes ago.

Art usually imitates life so of course this social and political stuff will seep into all forms of art. 

side note. My son got called with a job offer to work on a film in the production crew and he says every thing about how sets and filming is organized has been over hauled The last 4-6 months in such a way as to still work but minimize Covid transmission, and hopefully, not end the entire production when someone eventually gets Covid.  So far it’s working. They had team X out in quarantine, but because they are working in teams and shifts, it meant quarantining team x vs the whole cast and crew.  Everyone is being very strict about who can work where and when, so that if anyone tests positive (regular testing is required of some, but not everyone)  then it’s easier to contact trace who to put in quarantine without having to completely halt production. 

If the show is one I already like and handles it well - I’ll watch.  I liked how this is us handled it. 

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I no longer have cable or broadcast television and I don't think these issues will impact The Crown or Call the Midwife or Right Stuff and well... masking of a sort is already central to the Mandalorian ... so I probably won't notice lol

I caught a bit of the Halloween Baking Championship show the other night and everyone was distanced but not masked. (Like the judges used to all sit at one long table and now they're at three small single tables, for example.) 

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15 hours ago, Garga said:

I only have Netflix and can’t figure out how to get to regular TV and don’t have cable.  I honestly didn’t know that new shows were being made.  How?  How are they doing this and following covid guidelines?  How do they have an entire camera crew and extras, etc and are safe to film things? I honestly thought that the only “new” shows were ones taped before covid that had been being edited and were waiting for release.  I had no idea new things were being filmed. Huh.

With that said, if the show is supposed to be happening now, I woudln’t care if they had covid-related issues happening. But it might get in the way of lots of storytelling, unless the characters all decide to ignore the guidelines. LIke, Gilmore Girls would have been pretty boring if they never ate inside at Luke’s diner or had live classes at Yale and if they avoided Friday night dinner with the high risk parents.  Nothing would happen.  🙂

I wouldn’t mind if the show writers decided to have covid be part of their world and I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t.


I would guess that every show is handling it differently.  There was a video (somewhere) of The Goldberg’s studio, showing a bunch of the precautions for the cast, but I don’t think it mentioned the crew.  Obviously it isn’t a part of their plot line, lol.

It wasn’t a part of American Housewife, either, which makes perfect sense, but I still felt that their 2020 graduation ceremony was kinda ick considering how many 2020 graduation ceremonies were cancelled.  :::shrug::: Sitcoms.

When you take something like This Is Us though... I just don’t see that type of program as escapism.  From Day 1, they’ve focused on 8,294 things that families go through; some that only some do and the rest of us can see inside, but plenty that can resonate with just about everyone, regardless of which “side” the characters are taking. I’ve always tuned in braced to have my guts wrenched, lol.

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I found it hard to watch This is Us this week, and I think I would have preferred having them operate as if Covid did not exist. I do think the George Floyd reactions were appropriate to address with Randall's character and family, because it drives Randall's character forward. I plan to keep watching, even though it isn't providing the usual escapist outlet, and I plan to watch The Good Doctor, as well. But I agree that I wish now that they had just kept on their usual track, instead of incorporating the pandemic into their storylines.

When they incorporate the pandemic, it gives the characters reasons to wear masks and social distance, which may make filming easier.

Oh, and I don't expect Mandy Moore's pregnancy to throw off filming her parts of the show. Many other shows have successfully hidden pregnancies while filming, so I think it will be fine. She is pregnant in some scenes from the past, anyway.

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