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How much sleep do you get?


How much sleep do you consistently get?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. How many hours sleep do you normally get?

    • 4- 4 1/2
    • 5- 5 1/2
    • 6- 6 1/2
    • 7- 7 1/2
    • 8- 8 1/2
    • Less than 4
    • More than 8 1/2

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I NEED way more sleep than I get. If left to my own devices, I wake exactly 9 hours after I fall asleep. Alas, with babies needing middle of the night attention, toddlers who wake without fail before 5:30, and a tendency to read before bed, I definitely do not get the sleep I should.

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I get around 7.5 or 8. Can't sleep in anymore, thank you, menopause. 


I get to bed around 10 or at least by 11. I "make sure" because I've given myself permission to just.stop.working.  (Sometimes I don't get to the dinner dishes til the next day. Shh. Don't tell.) 

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I have to get up at 5:30 Monday - Friday. 2 of those days I have to be at the office by 8 and one day I do a lot of out of office errands which is flexible but I have to get going to get finished. I mostly get up at 5:30 to help Dh.....because he needs to leave by 7. I want to continue to support him this way...but I have GOT to get my sleep.


By the time he gets home at 6 even if we have supper ready for him.....it is really hard to fall in bed by 10. Tv in our room is a big problem. I think I am going to have to insist it go off at 10. If not, we watch the news, then at least half of Colbert and before you know it---11 or 11:30 easily.


I woke up Sunday morning after 7 1/2 hours of sleep feeling great.

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I am a night person, so it is difficult for me to go to bed early, but it's easy for me to sleep in.  Except, of course, I can't sleep in because I have kids and a job.  :P  So my sleep varies depending on my responsibilities from day to day.  Sometimes it is 0 or near that.  Sometimes it is 10+ hours.  I like to sneak a nap during the day if I can.  :)

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I normally get 8 1/2 hours, 9 is even better. I do not feel well when I do not get enough sleep, so this is a priority for me. It has always been like this, even as a teen.

I usually go to bed by 10pm; some nights I manage 9:30. Of course, not on nights when I have to grade exams or attend events.

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I am a night person, so it is difficult for me to go to bed early, but it's easy for me to sleep in.  Except, of course, I can't sleep in because I have kids and a job.  :p  So my sleep varies depending on my responsibilities from day to day.  Sometimes it is 0 or near that.  Sometimes it is 10+ hours.  I like to sneak a nap during the day if I can.  :)


ZERO?? As in, you pull all-nighters? Wow. I haven't been able to do that since I was in college, and even then I felt horrible afterwards. 

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I seem to need about 8 hours. I typically sleep from 11pm-7am. Sometimes even more than that. I have 3 kids under 4 and they all wake up before 7 very rarely, and my DH goes in to work around 9 and works until 5:30.


I'm working on modifying my schedule to get up at 6 and go to bed at 10:30. It's a little less sleep, but I sleep in more one or two days.

Edited by HTRMom
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I voted 6 - 6.5, though that was kind of a guess.  I wake up a lot in the night, and sometimes I go back to sleep, sometimes not.


I try to keep regular hours.  Last night, though, I was out till 1:00am and then took a long time to unwind.  I did sleep through the night, but woke up at 6:00am anyway.   In any case, I know I don't get enough sleep, but it's hard to go to bed by 10, and I wake up naturally by about 6 most days. 

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I need 9 but don't always get it. Tonight with be 7 if I go to sleep in five. Sleep is precious but so is time to relax. It's always a tug of war between the two. When I get 9 hours I feel good and I'm productive but I don't have some time to read or watch something I get a bit mopey.

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I am a gifted sleeper. I get my 8-9 hours. My bedtime fluctuates a bit, but that doesn't interfere with my quality of sleep. I LOVE my sleep. About once a week I'll squeeze in a nap; usually to compensate for an early appointment or something. I schedule a nap right after co-op each week. If I try to get by on 4-6 hours I'm just not very sharp that day. I forget what I'm doing and have such low focus it's crazy. Dh never gets more than 4-6 hours and this astonishes me. I'm WAY more physically active than him and don't have the luxury of sitting in a chair for hours on end. I'm go ho go until the last few hours before I sleep. We're the tortoise and the hare.

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I need a "not nearly enough" option.  The actual amount varies.  I need about 8-9 to feel rested but I almost never get near that.  I have what seems to be perimenopause induced insomnia.  Some nights nothing works - not Advil PM, not Zzzquil, not melatonin.  Exercise doesn't work.  Avoiding caffeine doesn't work.  All the usual suggestions don't work.  


I've just started tracking my periods, sleep, mood/headaches, and how well I eat.   I track in Excel then do a line graph so I can see if anything matches up.   I'm hoping to see something that might help.


I did have a cup of chamomile tea last night, was outside/somewhat active and slept better than I have lately.  


I slept AMAZING while we were camping so I'm hoping to figure something out (but it could be where I was in my cycle too).  

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I used to get 7-1/2 and I would wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go.  Now I have to be on a medication which causes sleepiness (in fact, though this is not why I'm taking it, it is sometimes used as a sleep aid).  Now I sleep for nine hours and wake up feeling groggy and weary.  I'm not human until I get a couple of cups of coffee in me to counteract the medication.


When I had trouble sleeping in the past (not common for me, but it does happen to everyone occasionally) I would:  exercise early in the day, and turn off all screens (computer, tv) and just read for an hour before bed.


Also, make sure your room is COMPLETELY dark.  When I bought light-blocking blinds and banished the glowing alarm clock it made a world of difference.

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I need to sleep for close to 9 hours or my rheumatoid arthritis flares up.  I had a 8pm bedtime much of this last school year to make that happen as I had to be up at 5am.


Since you asked how I got to bed on time:

1. I use my instant pot to make supper.

2. While my instant pot is doing its thing, I do a quick tidy of the house.

3. After we clean up from supper, and I start the dishwasher, I glance at my planner for the next day.

4. I tuck the kids in bed (or at least their rooms with a stack of books), get ready for bed, climb in.


If I read a bit before bed, my mind starts churning.

If I turn on Netflix, it's all over.

If I browse the internet, I'm still there 2-3 hours later.


I have to have the self-discipline to eliminate all of the distractions, especially during the workweek.  One of the reasons Friday night is so delightful to me is that I stay up watching movies because I generally don't have to wake early on Saturday.

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I have always been a sleeper. I need at least 8 hours to function properly, better at 9 or 10 hours.


My dh, otoh, needs about 6.

This is my situation with dh. I am good with 8 hours and my schedule makes 11pm-7 am sleeping possible. Dh only needs about 6 and teases me about going to bed early and sleeping late. Makes me mad sometimes. I don't think an 11:00 pm bedtime is ridiculously early.

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Over the year, it probably averages out to between 8 - 9 hours. There are some nights I can't fall asleep easily, many nights I'm up to go pee, and lots of nights I'm exhausted and sleep like a log.


Regular exercise is my biggest friend for getting and staying asleep. It trumps caffeine, menopause, and stress. 

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I voted 7-7.5, but it definitely varies. I tend to be in bed around 9-ish and asleep around 10 because that's just what my body does.  I tend to be up around 5, because that's also just what my body does.  I tried to find a way to sleep later, but gave up the fight.  Besides, it's nice to have some quiet time before everyone else gets up.  It was NOT nice when my body decided to go through a phase of getting up anywhere between 3 and 4. Thankfully, that seems to be over.


Yesterday, I did sleep until almost 7:00, but we were out until nearly 11pm.

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I have to get up at 5:30 Monday - Friday. 2 of those days I have to be at the office by 8 and one day I do a lot of out of office errands which is flexible but I have to get going to get finished. I mostly get up at 5:30 to help Dh.....because he needs to leave by 7. I want to continue to support him this way...but I have GOT to get my sleep.


By the time he gets home at 6 even if we have supper ready for him.....it is really hard to fall in bed by 10. Tv in our room is a big problem. I think I am going to have to insist it go off at 10. If not, we watch the news, then at least half of Colbert and before you know it---11 or 11:30 easily.


I woke up Sunday morning after 7 1/2 hours of sleep feeling great.


I have to ask....... and it's not meant to be snarky............ but why do you need to help a grown man get ready in the morning? I've been married for decades and have never helped my husband get ready in the morning. And I don't feel like a negligent wife at all. Depending on the season in life, I may have been getting up at the same time, to get myself ready. And kids, depending on their age at the time. Dh did typically leave the house far earlier than me during most of our seasons of life though.


Can he watch tv elsewhere when you are ready to go to sleep?

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I have to ask....... and it's not meant to be snarky............ but why do you need to help a grown man get ready in the morning? I've been married for decades and have never helped my husband get ready in the morning. And I don't feel like a negligent wife at all. Depending on the season in life, I may have been getting up at the same time, to get myself ready. And kids, depending on their age at the time. Dh did typically leave the house far earlier than me during most of our seasons of life though.


Can he watch tv elsewhere when you are ready to go to sleep?

Help......maybe support? I bring him coffee and watch the news with him. His health is not the greatest and he has a very difficult time getting up these days. It is just what I want to do to help him. He certainly doesn't insist or even ask. I also make him a to go coffee, gather him a yogurt and fruit and microwave lunch and the last two,weeks help him to the truck since he has been on crutches after his knee surgery.

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I average 6 - 7 hours, with one middle of the night brief pee-run (which beats the 3 or more trips to the bathroom I needed before the magical MIddle Age Mom bladder calm-down pill from the urologist).  Lately has been more 6 - 6.5 hours.  I am a morning person, once I wake up naturally around 5 - 5:30 I am wide awake.  I make myself stay in bed until closer to six, using iPad, just on principle. I have to make myself stay up until 11ish, or I wake up well before 5.  If I am too tired and go to bed by 10 I am up at 4 - 4:30. 


On the rare occasions I sleep 8 or more hours, I end up groggy and with a headache. I detest "sleeping in".  Waste of the best part of the day!!!

Edited by JFSinIL
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Help......maybe support? I bring him coffee and watch the news with him. His health is not the greatest and he has a very difficult time getting up these days. It is just what I want to do to help him. He certainly doesn't insist or even ask. I also make him a to go coffee, gather him a yogurt and fruit and microwave lunch and the last two,weeks help him to the truck since he has been on crutches after his knee surgery.


That makes sense. It sounds like he really needs that right now. Just try to find someone to take care of yourself in this season or you'll end up needing care yourself.

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I average 6 - 7 hours, with one middle of the night brief pee-run (which beats the 3 or more trips to the bathroom I needed before the magical MIddle Age Mom bladder calm-down pill from the urologist). Lately has been more 6 - 6.5 hours. I am a morning person, once I wake up naturally around 5 - 5:30 I am wide awake. I make myself stay in bed until closer to six, using iPad, just on principle. I have to make myself stay up until 11ish, or I wake up well before 5. If I am too tired and go to bed by 10 I am up at 4 - 4:30.


On the rare occasions I sleep 8 or more hours, I end up groggy and with a headache. I detest "sleeping in". Waste of the best part of the day!!!

I agree sleeping in is usually a waste of time.....I prefer to be on a semi regular schedule....we are always up late on Tuesday...but one night a week is ok if I can get enough sleep the rest of the time.

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I average 6 - 7 hours, with one middle of the night brief pee-run (which beats the 3 or more trips to the bathroom I needed before the magical MIddle Age Mom bladder calm-down pill from the urologist).  


What is this pill you speak of?  I need it ASAP.  I'm up all night going to the bathroom.  


I need 9 hours of sleep, but have terrible insomnia and always wake super early and can't get back to sleep.  Plus I'm up all night going to the bathroom or because of my carpal/cubital tunnel issues.  I feel like a zombie 99% of the time.  I can't remember the last time I slept more than 6 1/2 hours total and I never go more than 3 hours uninterrupted.  

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I get 6ish, but it's usually interrupted. I need 8+ and that hasn't happened since I was pregnant with #3. She is close to 5 and rarely sleeps through the night. I think the sleep deprivation has permanently killed my brain.


I liked this, but it's really more of a sympathy like.  I am deeply afraid that when my children eventually sleep through the night, my own ability to do so will be destroyed.

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I get between 9 and 10 hours of sleep each night during the week and sometimes more on the weekend.


Dh gets at least 7 hours a night and much more on the weekends.


I feel like we do a great job eating healthy food and a good job getting enough sleep. The last piece of the good health habit puzzle I want to add is daily exercise for Dh.


Next job and house, I'm shooting for a situation where he can walk to work each day.


Then we should be immortal.

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Right now I think I get more than 8.5 but that's because in order to get dd to sleep I have to go to bed with her. I tend to require more sleep than most people I think. I'm trying to figure out if my medication is making me more sleepy or not because sometimes despite a full night's rest I feel like I need a nap the next day. Dh says I'm just always like that lol. During pregnancy that was my biggest issue, staying awake.

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Wow!  I expected the numbers to be lower.  I'm very envious.  Between menopause and autoimmune stuff, sleep is sort of a dream to me.  Unmedicated I'll sleep a couple of hours a couple of times a day.  I functioned at my best with 9 hours each night (about 18 years ago).  With meds, I get about 3-4 decent hours straight.  I've discovered I can do it again on waking and get about 6 hours total, but I don't think the docs would be too happy with that so I save it for days I really need to be functional. I'm very, very, very tired all.the.time.


For you menopausal age women who are sleeping 7-9 hours a night: Is that unmedicated?

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I expected the numbers to be lower too.


I was off work today. My goal was laundry, an hour in the pool, a shower. I had errands to run but all of them were cancelled at the last minute. So I sat on my bed and watched house hunters. I fell dead asleep. I got 6 hours of sleep last night.


I am really shooting to get in bed by 10. No screens on.


I am post menopausal and I do take .5 of adavan some nights. And I have to watch the wine because that will make me wake up middle of the night too.


I am tired. A lot of the time. The pool time helps because I think it helps my vitimin d levels.

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