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What's the thing that pushes you over the edge/drives you crazy?


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Why don't you just invest in clicky type pens? No caps needed, just push the click thing on the end & the point is not out anymore.


;) :lol:


I guess my drive me crazy thing is the overwhelming presence of noise everywhere, esp. at top volume -- leaf blowers, chain saws, music, muscle car engines, etc....  :willy_nilly: I should walk through life with earplugs in all the time. And tvs/screens in any public place. (I am appalled that gas stations now have talking screens on the tanks while you are pumping gas!  :ack2: :banghead: ) And people who check their texts in movie theaters. Yeah, I know you're not talking but your screen is like a great big beam of light for contacting alien life on another planet in the middle of a very dark theater. I hate, hate, hate that. I always want to run down to sit behind them, read over their shoulder, & comment on what they are reading or texting so maybe they will get the hint to shut it off. Why the heck pay to go to a movie if you're just going to check your texts 90 times during it???


Because I can't stand the clicky noise those pens make either!  :lol:

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People wearing headphones with music loud enough that I can still hear it. Or any audio. Gaming conversations, etc. Seems like it defeats the purpose of the headphones.


Someone explain the fork/plate thing to me. Is it when someone is loud pushing the food into the trashcan? Or is it because you would rather it go into the garbage disposal? Both? I shove food into the trash can (we don't have a garbage disposal). A fork would just be the convenient choice because it is already dirty. But I don't think I'm making a lot of noise when I do it. I don't like listening to it, either.


The pajama thing is funny to me. I was hunting for the other half of dd's pjs last night but finally gave up and settled on a different top. I reasoned that it was better this way since the real top that goes with the set is long sleeved and she tends to kick covers off so maybe gets hot easily. We settled on a short sleeved one. It makes me happy to have the right set together, though.


I have to sleep with clothes on. If I sleep naked I am uncomfortable and dream that I am naked in public :laugh: It is hard for me to sleep without socks, too. Even if I have covers on, my feet tend to get cold.

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Someone explain the fork/plate thing to me. Is it when someone is loud pushing the food into the trashcan? Or is it because you would rather it go into the garbage disposal? Both? I shove food into the trash can (we don't have a garbage disposal). A fork would just be the convenient choice because it is already dirty. But I don't think I'm making a lot of noise when I do it. I don't like listening to it, either.


I don't know about other folks, but what bothers me is the fork scraping on the plate during the meal, not scraping afterward. Some people don't seem to control their utensils well and make a lot of clinking/scraping noises which are very annoying.

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Very little really sets me off, but I will admit that the sound of snoring makes me irrationally upset. I know it's ridiculous, but I can't help it. I blame my dad, who would snore so loud in his bedroom on the second floor of the house that you could still hear it loud and clear in the basement. It was horrible, and kept me up many nights when I was a child. So now, even light snoring gets me all riled up.

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Scarlett and her laundry got me thinking. There are definitely things that make me crazy that don't bother other people in the least. My main one is pens without their caps. Cannot abide them. I have to look for the cap and reunite it with the pen or vice versa. If the mate can't be found, into the trash it goes. It is a visceral physical reaction, too. My whole family knows it and they are very good about it.


The other one is outfit or pajama parts being worn separately from each other. I try to ignore it, but ooooh it bothers me.


There are others, but I'll leave it at that.


What's yours?

No pens with caps here. Only click pens! A result of years spent waiting tables. Caps come off, ink on clothes. Nope.

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Yes. I find it horrifying. I do *not* understand why people allow their kids to do this.


Also sniffing instead of blowing. Please, just get a Kleenex. Let me get you a Kleenex! Please.


And little kids with unwiped noses--or mothers who wipe their kids' noses with their fingers.


I'm realizing there is a theme here. Now that I see it typed out I feel really petty.

I'll keep you company in pettiness then bc I'm right there with you on all points.

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Lately I hate it when my feet get wet. Not when I am in the shower, but when I am wearing sandals in the summer and it starts to rain. Or I have to walk through damp or wet grass. It's not just uncomfortable; for some reasons it makes me feel grouchy, even angry. It's weird.


I also have several of the same issues that have already been mentioned. Sniffing...argh!! Hate it. So of course one of my kids has a tic that includes sniffing.


And not flushing. Even worse, clogging the toilet but not telling anyone that it needs to be fixed. And then the non-flusher comes along and uses it while it is clogged. And never notices it is clogged, because he never flushes anyway. :cursing:  I am an incompetent plunger, so I have to recruit DH to help. Which he loves, of course.

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Not being listened to, in a "Who's on First" kind of way.  Or like the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the guards and the prince. Happens. Every. Day.  It drives me bonkers.


Today's example:


ds12: "I can have three pieces of chocolate for dessert, right?" (from the box of various sized assorted chocolates)

me: "Maybe. It depends on how large they are."

ds: "This one looks good."

me: "That's the biggest one in the box.  You can only choose one more to go with it."

ds looks at the box for a minute.  "Ok, I want that one and these two."

me: "I JUST TOLD you that you can only have one more piece with that big one."

ds: "What? You said I could have three!"

and round and round we go.


ETA: I'm with the previous posters on kids' runny noses, but it bothers me so much more when adults wipe their noses with their fingers or cough into their hands and then proceed to touch everything.  Or worse, they'll do it and then reach out for a handshake (thinking of a church setting, giving peace).

Edited by Cecropia
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And we have a lovely mudroom with a bench and hooks on the wall, with a cubby for each child's shoes. So of course they pile their coats on the bench or the floor and leave their shoes scattered in the middle of the room. Why, oh why is this?


This drives me so crazy that I can't deal with it. I've had to ask DH to be the mudroom monitor.

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Lately I hate it when my feet get wet. Not when I am in the shower, but when I am wearing sandals in the summer and it starts to rain. Or I have to walk through damp or wet grass. It's not just uncomfortable; for some reasons it makes me feel grouchy, even angry. It's weird.


I also have several of the same issues that have already been mentioned. Sniffing...argh!! Hate it. So of course one of my kids has a tic that includes sniffing.


And not flushing. Even worse, clogging the toilet but not telling anyone that it needs to be fixed. And then the non-flusher comes along and uses it while it is clogged. And never notices it is clogged, because he never flushes anyway. :cursing:  I am an incompetent plunger, so I have to recruit DH to help. Which he loves, of course.


It took me a year or two and now I'm pretty good at unclogging the toilet. Maybe I had break in the plunger LOL It wasn't the most flexible kind but I got it because it came with its own caddy.


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If I was a child I'd probably be diagnosed with a sensory disorder. Things that drive me nuts include noisy toys, video ads in stores, flashing billboards, clothing seams,being breathed on, things resting on my joints (like jewelry), and people chewing with their mouths open. Our youngest is much the same way, so vacations for our family are usually off season and include a quiet space to retreat to after too much stimulation.

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Where's my X? --when a) it's visible and b)why do I have to keep up with everyone's stuff? We went to see Sing! over Christmas break, and one thing that gave me the giggles was that the SAHM contestant set up a series of Rube Goldberg apparatus and recordings of her voice to get her family off in the morning-and one of the recordings was "Your keys are in your pocket".

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Dishes piled in the sink.


Chewing with the mouth open or talking with food in the mouth. Goops!


Something with a teeny, tiny bit left still in the fridge. The gallon milk jug with a scant mouthful of milk. Worse are things with opaque containers that you might think were still at least partly full, so you don't get more at the grocery. Then you get home, pick up the container to make room in the fridge and realize that container is empty.


Gum smacking.


People who do not drive fast enough on interstate on ramps, so the cars behind them are trying to merge into traffic at 40 mph. Hate this!

Edited by ScoutTN
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No pens with caps here. Only click pens! A result of years spent waiting tables. Caps come off, ink on clothes. Nope.


I never thought of buying exclusively click pens. This just might be a turning point in my life! How do I always miss the Most Obvious Solution?  :o


Thank you, ScoutTN!

Edited by MercyA
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Weird, but true. Being around someone (other than myself) who is flossing or clipping their fingernails/toenails. Listening to someone flossing or clipping. Finding the remains of flossing or clipping.


Erica in OR

My son AND my SIL both have a deep, instant aversion to anyone brushing their teeth or talking about tooth-brushing, or TV commercials with tooth-brushing. Like, could-make-them-vomit averse.

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I sleep naked with a blanket over my head. Doesn't everyone sleep in a blanket cave?


Or do you all sleep chest covered, arms out like The Golden Girls?

Eeek! Noooo! Face MUST be out of the blankets at all times for breathing purposes. Hot air "chokes" me.


Says the lady sitting on the couch with my DD sprawled across me wearing my pyjama top but not the matching bottoms. :)

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People who scrape their plates with their forks. And, even worse, people who scrape their forks against their teeth. I've left meals over it. It makes me die a little inside to hear it. It's worse than fingernails on a blackboard.


Oh my gosh. My shoulders went all tense just thinking about it.

Or clicking their teeth on their spoons. STOOOOOOPPP!!!!

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I also have several of the same issues that have already been mentioned. Sniffing...argh!! Hate it. So of course one of my kids has a tic that includes sniffing.


Oh, man, I am so sorry. I hope I didn't make you feel badly. I'm familiar with coughing tics and throat clearing tics, but I don't usually think of sniffing potentially being a tic. You just never know what someone else is dealing with. I'm sorry for your child and for you!  :grouphug:

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Someone explain the fork/plate thing to me. Is it when someone is loud pushing the food into the trashcan? Or is it because you would rather it go into the garbage disposal? Both? I shove food into the trash can (we don't have a garbage disposal). A fork would just be the convenient choice because it is already dirty. But I don't think I'm making a lot of noise when I do it. I don't like listening to it, either.


It's during the meal. It's mostly that it's an unpleasant sound. I mean, I get that sometimes it happens by accident. Heck, I do it by accident sometimes. But some people seem to be doing it on purpose over and over (in fact, when ds asked my mother to stop once, she did it several times and laughed at him - he cried because he couldn't understand why, after he asked politely, she would purposefully try to hurt him). 


Some people on this thread may be interested to learn about misophonia:


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Mouth noises, generally.  Whistling, gum chewing, noisy chewing while eating, tongue clicking, eating only part of a spoonful of ice cream or yogurt and then putting it back into your mouth, dog licking...shudder.  My youngest has this thing she does when she's bored.  She slowly opens her mouth while lowering her tongue from the roof of her mouth and back teeth.  It makes this gooshy, spitty gross, repetitive noise that sounds like eating with your mouth open.  My son and I both go through the roof, lol.

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Dh's nemesis is socks. I openly laugh at him for it when the kids aren't around. Because seriously, socks are literally everywhere. We have found random socks in the kitchen drawers, books, the woodpile, I had one fly off a ceiling fan into coffee cup last summer. I mean what the heck is going through the kids minds is what I want to know. Hmmmm... I think I'll take my shoes off right here in the entry way.... Four hours later, hmmm, my left sock needs to come off oh whoops it fell on the ceiling fan... Who knows when later, oh guess I better take this other sock off oh hey perfect because I need to mark my spot in this dictionary. But what do I hear every time I turn around? Mom, I don't have any socks! And my dh's right eye starts to twitch as he bellows that cannot be possible. In private I've considered if they are just screwing with us at this point. At least that would make sense in a twisted genius kind of way.

We also have socks everywhere, and at the same time no socks at all.


Schrodinger's socks.

Edited by EmseB
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Where's my X? --when a) it's visible and b)why do I have to keep up with everyone's stuff? We went to see Sing! over Christmas break, and one thing that gave me the giggles was that the SAHM contestant set up a series of Rube Goldberg apparatus and recordings of her voice to get her family off in the morning-and one of the recordings was "Your keys are in your pocket".

The answer to question b) is, because you, and you alone, are entrusted with the household Uterine Tracking Device.  Every home should have one!

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Butter.  It drives me crazy when someone puts unwrapped butter back in the refrigerator.  DH and I have been married 16 years and the only true fight we have ever had was over unwrapped butter. 


Also, socks.  I cannot stand for them to be inside out, on myself or anyone else.  In fact, my college roommate has told me that she, to this day, cannot put socks on inside out because of me.


I cannot sleep with any clothing on my arms.  Prefer to sleep naked but end up most of the time with a tank top.

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Very little really sets me off, but I will admit that the sound of snoring makes me irrationally upset. I know it's ridiculous, but I can't help it. I blame my dad, who would snore so loud in his bedroom on the second floor of the house that you could still hear it loud and clear in the basement. It was horrible, and kept me up many nights when I was a child. So now, even light snoring gets me all riled up.

DH snores this loud. It's awful and can set me off for sure!

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I can't stand anything tight around my neck or upper arms.  I HATE winter coats but moved form CA to Switzerland so just have to suck it up sometimes.  Ugh.  Long sleeves also drive me nuts and I wear them as rarely as possible.  


In other people's habits:

- Kids who all ask the same question, in sequence.  I try to believe they aren't doing it on purpose, but a part of me wonders if they are trying to drive me insane.  Like, child A "What's for dinner?" Me: "burgers and spinach".  Then 30 seconds later, child B "What's for dinner?", then child C, hearing something about dinner, "What's for dinner?"  


- My 9yo eating anything crunchy or crumbly.  He leans back in his chair, and basically gets completely covered in crumbs.  Even the 2yo can do better than that!!!  ARGH!  


- DH getting the kids all silly and worked up right before bed.  I know this is just his style, but it drives me nuts.  I want a BREAK at the end of the day!  I try hard to give kisses and then get in the shower so I don't have to witness the antics.  

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And we have a lovely mudroom with a bench and hooks on the wall, with a cubby for each child's shoes. So of course they pile their coats on the bench or the floor and leave their shoes scattered in the middle of the room. Why, oh why is this?


I have the same problem with our mudroom. I even have their names on the cubbies, and the shoes are still all over the floor. The washer/dryer are in the same room, so it's always a joy to trip over shoes on my way to do laundry.


I also hate loose paper. It's everywhere...art projects, school stuff, random drawings, and DH's lists (he loves to make lists). I've tried buying bound/spiral notebooks for everyone to keep their stuff in, but they just tear the paper out, so it doesn't help.


Smacking is really irritating. Actually, pretty much any sound that has to do with eating bothers me. Chewing, swallowing, forks scraping on teeth, slurping, it's all bad.

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Butter.  It drives me crazy when someone puts unwrapped butter back in the refrigerator.  DH and I have been married 16 years and the only true fight we have ever had was over unwrapped butter. 



I can get over butter, but for the longest time my husband would put anything back in the fridge unwrapped or uncovered.  A block of cheese, leftovers, etc.  It always dried out and was ruined.  I don't understand why he kept doing that. 

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This makes me nuts!



Oh, goody. The things I have to look forward to. This *will* be my children. 



I agree with this. Along with this, I *cannot* sit in the same room with my oldest while he eats ice cream. The noise.... *shudders*.



For me, one of my big things is that the males in this house don't seem to know how to turn off a light. Every. Light. In. The. House. Makes me crazy!


my family.   I doesn't bother me as much as it used to though.


But one thing that does drive me crazy is bright lights in the morning.  My husband must turn everything on the moment he wakes up. I prefer showering with just the night-light on.  seriously.  It hurts with all those lights.  I make my tea with the illumination from my fridge's ice dispenser. 


Obviously, I'm also not a sun-lover either.

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Oh, man, I am so sorry. I hope I didn't make you feel badly. I'm familiar with coughing tics and throat clearing tics, but I don't usually think of sniffing potentially being a tic. You just never know what someone else is dealing with. I'm sorry for your child and for you! :grouphug:

One of mine was a sniffer; turned out his adenoids were blocking 95% of his nasal passage. The sniffing went away after adenoidectomy.


Overgrown adenoids run in the family, my mom had hers removed twice as a child because they grew back after the first surgery.

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Leaving all the lights on. I always know when Dh is home b/c the house is lit up like a Christmas tree. Every room downstairs is lit up while he relaxes on the living room couch. :huh:


Clothes sitting right.next.to the laundry basket. Like the extra 3 inches was just a bridge too far!


 My kids will.not. make me late to stuff. I get them moving way earlier than I should need to so we can arrive to stuff on time, every time. People know if I'm late that something is really wrong.


And people not flushing the toilet above the age of maybe 4. Walking into the bathroom to finding gross in there or worse, smelling something foul in the hallway, trace it to the bathroom and find poo in the toilet that's been chilling in there for who knows how long?! :cursing:

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...when clean items of clothing get thrown into the laundry without even having been worn. This led to the kids doing their own laundry. :glare:

See that would still bother me bc what a waste of water and detergent, so I just gather the clothes and don't return them. (I toss them in my closet. Lol) Eventually they catch on that if they want to be able to find clothes to wear, they better put them where they go. Until they seem to forget that and we have to repeat the lesson.

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1) When I am exhausted, get into bed and realize someone in the house has "borrowed" my earbuds. I need these to fall asleep. 


2) When DH goes to bed later than me and has woken me up by making too much noise climbing into bed. I have to start my falling asleep ritual all over again.


3) DH and kids licking their fingers during a meal. Especially each.and.every.finger  :glare:

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When someone either drinks from my water bottle or uses my toothbrush. I want to lose my mind on whoever does that.


Each kid has his own water bottle. Each kid is reminded frequently to bring water with him. And yet, they don't. And when they're thirsty they'll avail themselves of my water bottle. Which drives me crazy.


Also, the sound of a disposable water bottle being squeezed. I don't know why, but it conjures murderous thoughts.

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And we have a lovely mudroom with a bench and hooks on the wall, with a cubby for each child's shoes. So of course they pile their coats on the bench or the floor and leave their shoes scattered in the middle of the room. Why, oh why is this?


This drives me so crazy that I can't deal with it. I've had to ask DH to be the mudroom monitor.


Please, no! We are moving in a week - to a house with a mudroom and we had cubbies built for each kid's shoes and coats. It's supposed to solve all of our problems and bring about world peace. I don't want to need a mudroom monitor :(

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