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UPDATE post 118 Help me make hospital and NICU as good as possible


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I've been checking on the NICU babies every day. Glad to hear that all is going well!


When I had DS, my mom brought a box of treats from the local bakery and the staff loved it. If you need to do pre-packaged, maybe the individual packets of trail mix? Trader Joe's has some really yummy options (we love the coconut one). 


Keeping you and Nate in my thoughts!

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The nicu just called to tell us that he's having a really hard time. They've got his vent settings pretty much maxed out and don't have a lot of other options. They're starting him back in the nitric oxide and said we should plan to spend as much time as possible there and that it may be a hard night for him. Please keep praying for my littlest boy.

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