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Do all your kids have the same hair color? (silly post :) )


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Nope. Same bio parents. Oldest two with similar hair ... Born with dark hair. Turned blond in toddlerhood (like me.). Got darker as they got older. Oldest has ashy dark hair. 2nd is a little lighter. Youngest was born with rich chestnut brown hair and it has stayed that way. She takes after dh.


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DD: thin straight dark brown hair, sage green eyes, olive skin

Ds1: thick wire like a goat! Dark blond with a million whirls with one ringlet in the back of his head, blue eyes, pale skin

Ds2: thick soft curled ends dark brown hair, blue green eyes, olive skin

DS3: thin soft curled ends darkening brown hair, blue green eyes, olive skin



Me: straight thin light to medium blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin

Dh: dark brown thick curled on the ends hair, sage green eyes, olive skin

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fraternal twin boys  - one has straight, fine blonde hair (like moi when younger, only his has darked a tad from the almost white it was when he was a wee boy) and the other has wavy, thicker, coarser brown hair.

DD #1 has fairly straight, slightly wavy brown hair (blonde as a wee tot then she went darker with age)....except she colors it a lovely auburn now.

DD #2 was born dark brown hair, which lightened over the years to be almost blonde, it is very thick (she has to get it thinned out!!!) and fine.


all the kids are adults now, boys 24 and girls 22 and almost 20.  So doubt hair color is changing anymore until they turn gray, white, whatever.  ;-)


My sister and I were true blondes as kids - she now colors her hair to maintain that, while I let mine be to see what I would get - kinda a dark golden brown?  Kid brother was very wavy light brown hair.


Hubby and most of his six siblings had dark brown, thick, wavy, coarse hair. Except one sister had straight black hair. 

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Our 4th is the only blondie! The rest of us, DH and I included, are dark brown to darker brown lol. He sticks out and everyone comments! He's also my only blue-grey eyed kid. The colouring is in the family but I never expected to have a blonde and blue eyed kid!


One child, my oldest ds, got my eyes (hazel) which I'm admittedly thrilled about!


The other 2 got their dad's gorgeous brown eyes.


They all got their dad's dimples though!

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I only have one child, but all of my husband's kids have the same hair color. :)


Both ds and dss had very blonde hair as young children and it turned to dark blonde/light brown (po-tay-to, po-tah-to) as they got older. 


My brother and I both have brown hair, but his is more of the very dark, almost black hair that my mom had. Mine is more like my dad's, with red highlights. I actually was a redhead as a child but as I got older it became medium brown with red highlights. 

Edited by Lady Florida
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DS21 has incredibly fine, platinum blonde  hair, that feels like silk. He wears it long and he looks just like a scruffy, teen age surfer.....which is kinda funny since he is a pastor who doesn't particularly like the ocean.  LOL

DD17 has caramel blonde hair that gets light streaks in summer. She has lots of hair, but it is fine.

DD9 is my niece and has shiny, thick, dark brown hair that doesn't get summer highlights.


Dh and I both have medium blond hair. 

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Getting a redhead as a first born was really neat. Especially since neither DH or I have red hair.

Same here, with dd! Ds has fairly light blonde hair, though. I have dark blonde hair and dh has brown hair although we both started off with lighter hair. We all have blue eyes except the red head whose eyes are a sort of grey-green-blue, a very pretty colour!

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Two have ash blond hair, one has brown hair.  The two ash blonds were born with white blond hair, and the brown-headed one had super super dark hair when she was born [DH is half Mexican so this made my mother-in-law very happy as this child was the first of her grandchildren to actually look like she might have some Mexican genes in her].


Now I have one daughter who has red hair [henna], one super blond child [we suspect extra help, but she will neither confirm nor deny] and the brown-headed one has hair that takes on red highlights when she's been in the sun.


My brother and I have the same color hair - honey blond with red highlights.  One hairstylist told me I had "calico" hair. :laugh:

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They have different dads so they have different hair colours and textures. My daughters (both in their late 20s) have blonde hair that they may have inherited from their fathers or may have bought inexpensively in a bottle because they inherited my own ability to do so convincingly and inexpensively when I was their ages. ;)


Son #1 who has the same father as daughter #2 has my hair colour and son #2 has the same hair colour as his father and my late sister.

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Yes, basically. If you took hair from each of their heads and put it together you would not be able to distinguish them from each other. However, if you look at the hair while it is on their heads, it is different. They all have the same shades of hair, but in different compositions. One has more blonde and might even technically be considered a blonde, but a very brown one. One has a lot of copper, but not enough to be an auburn/still brown. One has fairly equal amounts of blonde, copper, brown. One has more brown, but is currently about half gray (started at about 10 yo/runs strong in the family). Yet still, if you were to mix it they would be identical. When they swam, they did all have the same color, bleached brown!


My siblings and I were very different. Two auburn, one brown, one black who started off tow-headed (He once colored his hair black in high school. The only difference in that and his real color was that he lost the shine present in the natural color. We laughed at him for that one.)

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My dh and I are both blonde and blue-eyed so I was pretty certain that our kids would be carbon copies of each other since that doesn't leave a lot of room for genetic variations.


They do all have blue eyes, however, their hair color is all different.


Oldest is a honey blonde color, middle is a dishwater blonde, and youngest is a red head, but with strawberry blonde patches mixed in.

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I'm happy with how my 3 kids hair turned out. They all have the same 2 parents and they are red, brown and blonde from oldest to youngest. I think it's really neat and I feel like it's one of the few things I had no control over that turned out probably how I would have chosen it if I could. 


Getting a redhead as a first born was really neat. Especially since neither DH or I have red hair. He was born with a rug of orange hair. He was all the rage on the labor and delivery floor when he was born. A redhead and the biggest baby on the floor. 


I love redheads! So cute! I would have picked one if I could, lol.

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My kids don't even look related (they do have the same biological parents - but they don't even look like dh or I!). :p Wildly different skin tones/types, different hair color/textures, different height/body types, different eye colors...


Genetics are a funny business.


Yes, very funny the way things turn out.


My boys look just like me. My girls really look nothing like my husband or I. DD9 and dd2 looked very similar as newborns, but other than that the 3 of them don't look much alike either...except the hair, lol.

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My big two have exactly the same dark blonde as dh. In the summer all 3 get beautiful strawberry and golden highlights. Baby is platinum blonde right now but I suspect it will end up similar to the others as he gets older. I'm the only brunette in the house.


All the kids looks so much alike and so much like dh, not just the hair. Everyone, from family and friends to photographers and total strangers, tell me they are sorry for me that none of them look like me. I say I'm not! I think dh is smoking so I'm thrilled our kids look like him! :D

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1- dark brown curls

2- dirty blond (now more light brown) and very thick and straight

3- dark brown, straight and fine

4- brown curls

5- blond, fine but slightly wavy at the ends


I have almost black hair and my hubby has light brown (was blond when he was younger). Mine is super curly and his is super straight.


Now I just need a curly blond child. 😉

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Both my kids have the same kind of medium brown color now but boy started out with hair and lost it as a baby and was a blondie through the toddler years.  Girl started with tons of dark hair she didn't lose.  She got her hair cut into a bob with bangs at like 7 months old.


My brother and I have the same hair color now, but as a younger kid my brother had blonde curls.  He got tons of attention for those blond curls.  My hair was lighter when I was little, but is super dark now. 


Anyway, to this day, I do not comment on anything appearance wise in front of siblings to pick one out over the other.  I remember all that attention brother got about blonde curls really hurt my feelings as a sensitive little kid. 

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A fellow HS mom once remarked to me that she thought there was a disproportionate amount of redheads among HS children compared to the general population. After reading through this thread and seeing how many posters mention having one or more with red/auburn/strawberry blonde hair, I have to wonder if it's true.


I knew I was most likely a carrier for red since my brother has red. But on DH's side there hadn't been any redheads as far back as FIL and MIL knew of.

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No--3 different shades of medium blond to light brown with blond highlights. The kind of hair that everyone else calls blond but we think is a bit darker. Middle dd was pretty light blond when younger, but it has darkened up in the teen years. Dh and I both have medium brown hair, but we like to point out that all of our siblings are blue-eyed blonds when people wonder where our kids came from!

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I have blonde hair and blue eyes.
My husband has blonde hair and blue eyes.
Both my parents have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Both of DH's parents have blonde hair and blue eyes.

If we had anything OTHER than blonde haired, blue eyed children, DH might have some very interesting questions.

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There's a bit of every hair colour in our families so we were really unsure what our kids hair would be like. I have red hair and my husband has black hair. The kids started out the same blond but the eldest has gone brown and has inherited extremely thick hair from her dad but not the colour although she has long jet black eyelashes like him, it wouldn't surprise me if her hair colour wasn't done darkening yet.  I think the youngest will stay blond as he has blond eyelashes and eyebrows and fine hair. They both have grey/green eyes that started off blue. I think that's the only thing they got from me as I have green eyes and other than that they don't look like me at all. 

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Nope. Of our bio kids we've got one with thick, very dark brown hair, brown skin, brown eyes. Then one with medium brown straight hair, light tan skin, brown eyes. Then one with yellow-blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. Then the baby has light brown wavy hair, light tan skin, and blue eyes.


In my family each generation has one kid who gets all the native american (micmac) genes and the rest look caucasion. So it was my maternal grandpa, my mom, me, and my oldest son. Though my oldest son looks far more native american than I do! But he got DH's part-cherokee and his brown eyes vs my green eyes. It's really interesting. We get asked if he's adopted like DD14. I've also been asked if I'm babysitting when out with DD3 because her coloring is so drastically different from mine and my husband's.



....I'm still holding out hope for a redhead baby :)

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My kids both have that color that gets dark blonde in the summer and light brown in the winter. If they were outside more they'd be blonder, but they both tend to keep out of the stronger sun. DH was blonde when I met him because we were in the Army and outside in California every day. The kids have his hair.

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Sort of, but not at the same time. DD was born blonde, and her hair has darkened over time so that it's dirty blonde/light brown now (under the pink dye). DS was also born blonde and his hair has not darkened thus far.

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Yup. Same hair color and same eye color as well. People frequently ask if they are twins even though they are three years apart (little guy is big, and big guy is small for his age).


Both went through the same "color evolution" as well: blue-eyed at birth and then light brown eyes by two, and blond hair as babies and then dark brown hair by two.

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Yes, or very similar. Dh is Chinese-American. I have red hair, green eyes, very pale skin and freckles. 


The kids all have medium brownish hair. The boys are slightly darker than my daughter but not noticeably so. My oldest started out very light and was almost blond at age 2 but then got darker. The second son started out much darker. He looked almost identical to his brother but my SIL said he was "the Asian version". :) He is still very slightly darker but I think only a Mom would even notice that. Their eye colors are also similar, but more different than the hair. Oldest is brown, Middle is very dark brown, Daughter is more hazel. 


In the end, they all look very much like each other but I don't think look that much like either me or dh. 

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My four kids all have almost identical light brown hair, two have practically the same bright blonde streaks on one side. M was born with lots of auburn hair but it fell out at four months and grew back in like the older two. All four of them have the same skin tone pretty much as well. Actually, between them, the thing that varies the most is eye shape - and our youngest has really pointy ears. 


It's always been a thing of interest as my partner and I are physically very different - he's very pale pink-white with auburn hair and I'm light olive-brown with charcoal black-brown hair. I've always it odd that people say they look more like me [especially after doing some low light photography where my partner's and my kids' hair looked so much alike when there wasn't enough light to bring out the red in my partner' hair], really they look far more like each other than either of us individually. It's kind of funny to me that my siblings and I look nothing alike while my kids are so similar. 

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My 4 got progressively paler in hair, skin, and eye color. DD has brown hair and eyes and more golden skin. DS1 has lighter brown hair, greenish eyes, and slightly paler skin. DS2 is paler, dirty blonde hair, greenish eyes. DS3 is quite pale, very blonde, and blue eyes. It will be interesting to see what #5 looks like. I'm secretly hoping for brown eyes (and not-so-secretly hoping for a GIRL!).

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Yes, they are all blonde which I find irritating since I have red hair. There is not a single red hair on their heads. Instead my blonde brother with a brown hair wife got the red heads. My dh and I had a running joke that we'd keep trying until we got a red head. After #4 though it looked too unlikely to keep trying.


I hate genetics.

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