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My dh is having his liver transplant surgery right now! Please send prayers and good thoughts. AMAZING UPDATE IN POST 713!!!


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Wow. What a weekend. How wonderful for your husband but what a roller coaster ride for all of you. ((( ))) I hope he will continue making good progress. Hang in there.


Hooray! for the team who performed the surgeries and their obvious care and concern! Impressive.


Many prayers for your husband, you, your son, the donor and family ((( ))), and the medical team helping you through this, Catwoman.



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Sorry I'm taking so long to post updates, but there is so much going on and both my ds and I are exhausted from spending almost 24/7 at the hospital with dh.


Some positive news! :hurray: Dh had his second surgery, called the fascia closure, where they basically reopen the incisions to check on the liver, the grafts, the veins, and and arteries to make sure everything is working and that there is no bleeding, and then they pull everything back together (muscle, skin, etc) and sew, suture, and staple the incision (which is HUGE. They call it a Mercedes incision because it's the shape of a Mercedes emblem.) The surgery went very smoothly and the doctors say everything looks excellent.


Now our big concerns are infection (because they gave dh drugs to suppress his immune system) and reactions to the drugs he is being given. We also have to hope they are able to quickly find medications that dh can tolerate well, and that they are able to determine the best dosages without too much experimentation. It all seems quite overwhelming, although everyone at the hospital has been very good about explaining things to us and trying to keep us as educated and informed as possible. They also gave us a binder with all sorts of information including a big list of possible side effects to the different drugs, as well as other medical and lifestyle stuff, and reading that stuff was very helpful.


The hospital staff has been excellent, from the surgeons all the way to the housekeeping staff. This morning, the housekeeping woman came in to clean dh's room and when she found out where we were staying, she got a pen and paper and drew me a big map of places to shop and eat in the area. It turned out she used to live right by where we're staying so she knows the neighborhood like the back of her hand. It was so sweet of her to take the time to talk to me and to volunteer to draw that whole detailed map for us. We're seeing a lot of that kind of hospitality here, and it is very comforting when we're in such a stressful situation. I mean, our real estate agent showed up in the hospital surgical waiting area during dh's transplant surgery just to see how things were going -- I thought that was pretty exceptional!


I'll try to update more as soon as I can. I truly believe all of your prayers and good thoughts are doing wonders for my husband. As I said before, I will never be able to thank all of you enough for your support.


So thankful for the positive update! 

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