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Can you sleep in? Poll!


Sleeping In  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. Can you sleep in past your regular wake-up time?

    • Yes, anytime!
    • Yes, if I stayed up late.
    • No, I wake up at the regular time no matter how tired I am.
    • Other, please explain.

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We got home late last night, past midnight and long past our normal bed time. This morning several of the kids and I were up and going at the usual hour, dh and two of the children are still asleep several hours later.


It always happens this way--I am incapable of sleeping in, my body wakes up and says it's time to go regardless of how little sleep I have had or how tired I feel. Some of the children seem to have inherited this tendency (it is always the same ones who are up and going early, and the same ones who are able to sleep in). I admit to being a bit jealous of dh's ability to catch up on missed sleep by sleeping in, but I'm curious to know how many others out there are like me.


So--assuming you are not sick, can you sleep in if you go to bed late or do you wake up alert and unable to fall back asleep at your normal waking time regardless of how little sleep you had?

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Without being sick I can not sleep in beyond 5:30 am at the latest - generally somewhere 4:15 - 5:00 overall.


I can, however, get up earlier at the time of my choosing without using an alarm clock.  It we want to get up at 2:15am for a trip or event or whatever, no problem!


If I want to catch up on sleep, I need to go to bed earlier.  It's not uncommon for me to head to bed around 8:30pm because of this.

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Without being sick I can not sleep in beyond 5:30 am at the latest - generally somewhere 4:15 - 5:00 overall.


I can, however, get up earlier at the time of my choosing without using an alarm clock. It we want to get up at 2:15am for a trip or event or whatever, no problem!


If I want to catch up on sleep, I need to go to bed earlier. It's not uncommon for me to head to bed around 8:30pm because of this.

I'm exactly the same!

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I can sleep in anytime.  I'm a night owl, so it only takes one day for my body to reset to staying up 'til 2 and sleeping until 10.  For example, yesterday I was up at 8 a.m., stayed up until about midnight last night and slept until 10:30 this morning.  Tonight I'll be up well past midnight and will get up tomorrow at 9 a.m. out of necessity.  I wish I could live life on my clock, but the rest of the world insists on having their bloody mornings.   :glare:

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Dh and I haven't owned an alarm clock since we've been married. We wake up at our 'usual' time every day but if I'm tired and want to stay in bed, it's easy for me to go back to sleep. Dh has more trouble going back to sleep but he does so about half  a dozen times a year. 


I get up at 6 but usually one weekend day I go back to sleep until 6:30 or 7. I love sleep. 

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Well, I'm typically up at 5 or a bit before, using an alarm clock.  If I don't turn on my alarm, I sleep until 6:30 at the latest.  I don't remember the last time I was in bed past 7.

I consider 6:30 sleeping in because of my usual schedule, but it's not really sleeping in, either.


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I've been an early riser all my life. Now, in college early riser meant 8 am when my roommates were sleeping til noon. As an adult I still am an early riser and get up by 6 am every morning. Last night we had company and I was in bed after midnight. I still woke up at 6, though I forced myself to stay in bed. At a scandalously late 7 am, I had to get out of bed...my headache told me I needed that cup of coffee that I've usually gulped by 6:00! 


I don't really wish I could sleep in because I LOVE my quiet mornings to myself.

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Without being sick I can not sleep in beyond 5:30 am at the latest - generally somewhere 4:15 - 5:00 overall.


I can, however, get up earlier at the time of my choosing without using an alarm clock.  It we want to get up at 2:15am for a trip or event or whatever, no problem!


If I want to catch up on sleep, I need to go to bed earlier.  It's not uncommon for me to head to bed around 8:30pm because of this.


I wish I was like this. There is now way I would ever wake up at 4 a.m. short of an earthquake.

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No not these days. I'm a real morning person though. My brain is just too awake in the morning even if I'm tired and I tend to be quite wakeful/ restless after about 4am even though I don't normally get up until about half 6ish. I can however go to bed at night many hours early quite happily and that tends to be the way I deal with tiredness. 

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Not lately. I have to be up at 6 during the week because dd has to be out the door to school at 6:45 (school starts at 7:20).

I end up getting up on the weekends about 7 or 7:30. Sleeping in, to me, is after 9.

The dog needs to go out, the cat needs to be fed and given her thyroid pill, the birds get me up, etc.

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It depends. I went to bed at 11pm or so, woke up at 3am because my wife went to bed (and woke me up in the process), could not fall back asleep so got up at 4am, stayed up till about 9am (by which time the kids were up, so I gave them breakfast), then went back to bed and sort of slept till noon. Other days, other things happen. It really varies. I haven't had much opportunity to test the "sleeping in" thing, because my kids usually wake me up at the normal time if I'm not awake yet, but I think sometimes that works. But I wake up at 5:30-6:30 quite often, even though I still feel quite tired - sometimes I fall back asleep, sometimes I don't - my psychiatrist blames it on anxiety. Normal wake-up time is 7:20.

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I am usually awake at about the same time lately..6:30/7 am.


I have always been a sleeper-in-er :p until about 3 months ago. I could sleep in till I wanted to. Not sure what has happened. Maybe my metabolism has changed or something. Around 6:30 in the morning, I wake up, and my stomach hurts. It is really weird, because when I stand up, it feels fine again. It did that as a kid, and now it's back! 

I wish I could sleep in, though. 


Now my teenage dd? She could sleep all day if I let her!! 

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I thought of you this morning: I had very little sleep on Friday night (my head was buzzing with stuff) so I planned on a good eight hours last night.  I went to bed at 11 and woke up before 6, which is even earlier than my weekday wake up...  I was rewarded with a beautiful sunrise though.


In general, I'm a bit stuck: I wake up at 7 or before almost invariably.  If I go to bed before about 11, I wake up again at 2 and it takes me a while to get back to sleep.  So I can squeeze in eight hours if I'm lucky, and catching up is pretty much impossible.


I could sleep in when I was younger, and Husband still can.  Exercise makes no difference.

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If it is morning....I will pretty much always wake up at my usual  7ish, but can easily go back to sleep.



If it is 4am and I desperately want to sleep, I am more likely to sit wide awake and watch the clock tick off the hours. 



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I wish I was like this. There is now way I would ever wake up at 4 a.m. short of an earthquake.


From the time I go to bed until about 3am pretty much nothing can get me up (after my boys grew out of the needing mama overnight stages).  After 3am I naturally start to stir a little bit.  Once I wake up after 4am, it's for good.  I can force myself to stay in bed trying to sleep longer, but it never works and there's usually enough pain to not want to do it for long, so why bother?


Last night we stayed out (relatively) late at a benefit dinner, then talking afterward for quite a bit.  It was around 11pm when I went to bed.  I bet I was asleep in less than a minute, but it didn't change a thing about my body clock for this morning.


I can nap pretty easily during the day, but if I do, I rarely want to go to sleep as early as I need to in order to get 7 - 8 hours of sleep overnight.


I can remember the last time I slept in until 7am.  We were on a trip with middle and youngest and were on St Pete Beach.  I told the guys I'd get them up for a sunrise walk on the beach, but for once, I didn't wake up until that late hour.  They all thought I was sick.   :lol:   I have no idea what made that day different.  That was over a year ago.  I can't recall any similar day prior to that.


We have a clock, and I sometimes even set the alarm if I'm heading to work - just in case (I'd hate to have a late day when I need to be at work).  Most of the time I remember to turn the alarm off in the morning as I'm getting ready to shower.  Hubby's not fond of the days when I forget (fortunately rare).  It's set at 4:31am.  He's the type who can easily sleep in.  He can even go back to sleep AFTER the alarm has gone off (even after getting up to turn it off).  I can't fathom doing that.  I reached the alarm first about a month ago when it was going off after I had forgotten it.  At that point I found out I didn't even KNOW how to turn it off when it was ringing.  It's not the same as turning it off when it's silent!  I was ready to toss the thing against the wall to get it to stop.  Hubby was sort of amused with that one.


I've been this way all my life, but I used to get up around 5:30 - 6 vs by 4:30, so the hour has shifted back one+.  It was still early enough to be annoying to my parents.

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I can most definitely sleep in.  I can also nap like a champ. 


I am not a morning person, more of an afternoon/evening person.  My DH is a morning person (not sure how we ended up married) but the kids take after me.


I do work night shifts twice a week.  Thanks to this, I have learned to be flexible with my sleeping schedule.  As long as I have an eye mask and ear plugs, I can sleep at any time of day.  I can also stay up all night once in a while and function okay.  My circadians have no rhythm. 



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Without being sick I can not sleep in beyond 5:30 am at the latest - generally somewhere 4:15 - 5:00 overall.


I can, however, get up earlier at the time of my choosing without using an alarm clock. It we want to get up at 2:15am for a trip or event or whatever, no problem!


If I want to catch up on sleep, I need to go to bed earlier. It's not uncommon for me to head to bed around 8:30pm because of this.

This is me too, except I don't get up as early as you. I normally wake up at 6:15. I can't sleep past 7:00.

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