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S/O soda... What do you drink?


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The soda thread had me thinking- what do different families drink? Some were saying their kids never had soda, some were saying they only drink milk and water. I know a family who buys 6 gallons of apple juice a week.

Do you only offer juice with breakfast, water during the day and milk with dinner? Only water? Tell me about what your family drinks.

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I answered in that poll that we drink soda almost daily.


We don't drink any juice except the rare orange juice. We like our fruit juice to come from eating actual fruits.


Drinking milk is also rare here and usually when we have breakfast for dinner or I make dessert. Both usually happen once a week. We also drink milk when eating Oreo's, which is only a few times a year.


We usually only drink water. Dh has coffee in the mornings while I have tea. Both dds choose water for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our soda is just a treat sometime during the day.

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I usually buy A couple containers of OJ for bfast but it only lasts a couple days

We fill up a 2 gallon water cooler with ice water to drink through out the day and with lunch and dinner (usually fill it twice/day)

My kids probably drink milk once/day or every other day. Sometimes Choc. Milk if we have the syrup or powder. 3 of my kids don't like milk at all. Neither do I.

I drink coffee in the AM

We drink hot or iced tea throughout the day. They go through stages on that one.

Soda at parties or when we're eating out. I don't keep it in the house. T

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At home?  Water.


Occasionally I buy orange or grape juice.  We don't drink milk.  Very rarely a kid will drink a cup of almond milk.


I don't ever buy soda for home.  Occasionally at a restaurant, the kids will get a soda, but we mostly drink water at restaurants, too.


I drink coffee in the morning, and dh drinks sweet tea sometimes.



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DH and the oldest two kids mostly drink milk and water, sometimes juice or pop.


Youngest doesn't like milk. He was allergic as a baby & toddler and thus never developed a taste for it. He prefers orange juice and water.


I love milk but as I have gotten older it doesn't agree with me. I have sadly developed a bit of an addiction to Pepsi. But I try to drink mostly water.

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Water, iced tea, milk, and lemonade. The kids and DH always drink milk with dinner; I don't drink milk at all. Coffee for myself and dh in the morning. Dh and i always carry water bottles (tap, not purchased bottles); the teens often take water bottles, but often take lemonade or tea, too.

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Breakfast:  kids drink a yogurt smoothie.


Lunch at school:  chocolate milk or water.


Dinner:  one likes milk (skim), the other likes water.


At restaurants:  sometimes a lemonade or iced tea or chocolate milk.  Otherwise water.


The rest of the time:  water.


I do not buy juice or soda, never have (since the kids were babies).  I drink coffee, but my kids rarely do.  Tea is an occasional special drink.


I do have stevia-sweetened fruit drink powders that the kids are allowed to mix with water when they want to.  They do this a couple/few times a week.  Sometimes I have some too.

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DD11 drinks skim milk for breakfast, chocolate milk for lunch, and chocolate milk or water for dinner.  She drinks water the rest of the day.  She will occasionally drink juice at a party.  She never drinks soda.


DD14 drinks skim milk for all meals.  She drinks water the rest of the time.  She never drinks juice.  Once or twice a year she had a couple of sips of Sprite.


I drink skim milk for breakfast.  I don't like coffee or tea.  I like cranberry juice, but only drink it if I am out for breakfast which is rare.  I love, love, love soda and would drink it all the time if I could.  However, I have given it up completely.  I haven't had any for months.  Instead I drink lots of water.  So, milk and water is all I drink now.  It is SO boring.


DH drinks milk, orange juice, coffee, iced tea, and the occasional soda.  I wish I liked such a wide variety of drinks, but I don't.

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The kids drink water mostly. The youngest sometimes puts in some of the water flavor stuff.


I drink tea unsweetened all day. Usually hot tea but sometimes cold too.


My husband drinks soda, usually coke zero, all day at work. But almost never at home. We do our grocery shopping at Trader Joes and they don't carry the kinds he likes.

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water.  I prefer to add lemon, at least when we're at a restaurant.


the older kids drank milk too.  sometimes juice - but it was not a regular thing.  unless you're buying the expensive stuff - it's loaded with added sugars.  apple juice by itself - has as much sugar as soda.


I add nestle's quick to milk just to get dudeling to drink something with which to take his supplements.  I make 1/2 a glass.  he drinks half of that.



soda and juice are *very* occasional things. like maybe a few times a month to a few times a year.

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We drink coffee in the morning, some of us drink it black and some use cream or milk. Sometimes my boys (10,13) will add honey, that sounds incredibly nasty to me, but I stopped keeping sugar out years ago, so they're making due with what's available.


The kids are just as likely to have tea, hot cocoa, or a mocha, though my teens usually stick to coffee.


The rest of the day we drink water, and then in the late afternoons/evening tend to have tea.


When they were all little we'd go through 8 gallons of milk/week :o but as the price kept climbing we cut back and stopped using it as the beverage of choice. Now we maybe use 1-2 gallons and that depends on if we have cereal in the house.


OJ is a treat that I buy when there is sickness in the house, and I keep cranberry juice to mix with my vodka :D we may or may not also keep some whiskey....


I don't really care if my kids have soda, I just don't actively facilitate getting it ;) So it ends up being something that they have once or twice a month if they're lucky.

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Me? Water and tea (unsweetened) when I am being good. Coke when I am not being good. Mostly I am good.


My husband? Water and coffee. A lot of coffee. So much coffee.


The boys? Water and a small amount of other things. Neither drinks milk much anymore.


I do keep juice around but my kids don't ask for it much. Sometimes we have oj or lemonade but not often.


I pretty much only buy soda out and almost always just for me. I don't like having it at home because I will overdo it. My kids thankfully don't have a big taste or hankering for it. I give them a touch of root beer here and there when I want them to have a little caffeine.

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We mostly drink (in order of frequency): water, non-caffeinated coffee substitute drinks, herbal tea, and coffee (not the girls).
We occasionally drink: fruit smoothies, milk or home made milkshakes, hot cocoa, home made orange juice or lemonade. Right now we have home made blackberry cordial (syrup) but that will only be this month. Dh and I occasionally have beer, wine or other alcoholic drinks. On special occasions like birthdays or solstices we give the kids a fizzy drink (pure sparkling apple juice).

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We drink water, and milk for the kids with breakfast and sometimes dinner. No juice, no soda.


In addition to a bunch of wager, my husband and I drink some coffee, some tea, some soda (diet for me), some drinks like crystal light.

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We have water, coffee (dh and I), and tea. Mostly water. My kids have issues with milk, so they generally have coconut or rice milk, and that only once in a while with cereal. They have cream with oatmeal and fruit. Once in a while we have orange juice. Apple and grape juice give me the willies, so I never buy them.

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Water, coffee, tea (unsweetened, iced), milk most frequently. Occasionally soda at restaurants, and I keep Mexican cokes in case of migraines. Rarely juice. We will buy some fresh cider in the fall, and maybe some OJ or C-Boost if someone's sick. If we are on a bubbly water (Sodastream) kick, I might buy some very strong juice to add a splash in that.

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The soda thread had me thinking- what do different families drink? Some were saying their kids never had soda, some were saying they only drink milk and water. I know a family who buys 6 gallons of apple juice a week.

Do you only offer juice with breakfast, water during the day and milk with dinner? Only water? Tell me about what your family drinks.


My dc mostly drank water. They were lactose intolerant--no milk as a beverage, ever, no cold cereal, cheese sometimes. Anyway. Sometimes there was apple juice, but mostly just water.


Once in awhile when we were out goofing off we'd stop at 7-11 and get a Big Gulp.


Often, I made iced tea.

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I don't buy soda for the kids until they are teens.


My kids drank whatever they wanted from the fridge.  Water, milk, juice, flavored seltzer water (kinda like soda but not nearly as sweet and no caffeine), keifer, etc.

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We drink mostly water. About once a week the kids will have a glass of maple milk (milk with maple syrup...sooo good) in the evening to curb a sweet tooth. DH drinks coffee and I drink tea. If I'm not too busy I brew water kefir and kombucha that my middle child enjoys. We don't buy soda for home. Occasionally I will let them have one while we are out. 

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The kids all drink a couple of glasses of water per day. 


I buy a jug of orange juice 2-3 times a month. It lasts for a couple of days and each kid has a few cups, and then it's gone. We also go through a carton of chocolate almond milk a week. 


Our youngest has about 24 ounces of milk/day. He's our only one who's had milk as a drink, because he's the only one where I've worked outside of the home full time and we were giving him a bottle.


I drink coffee like it's going out of style, a glass or two of water, chocolate almond milk, and the occasional hard cider.

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Water, mostly. Adult ds and I drink coffee and occasionally wine. Smoothies are considered a meal or at least a dessert. I make kombucha and soymilk. Minor ds likes kombucha but considers the soymilk to be a waste product of okara (homemade veggie sausage). ;)

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Water most of the time with most meals. No sodas at all. DS drinks coconut water or gatorade after his sports practice thrice a week. I drink coffee twice a day. I also buy chocolate milk in cartons and kefir in to-go pouches (Probugs brand) for DS - he grabs those occasionally at snack time if he feels like.


I buy yakult for DH and myself for the probiotic benefit and we drink it after dinner.

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My 1-year-old drinks only milk and water, never juice. She shares a smoothie with the family sometimes.


My 5-year-old drinks water and milk on a daily basis and gets juice or lemonade occasionally for special events/outings--about 1-3 times a week. Last Saturday I made lemonade for a BBQ; today he had a juice box at the zoo.


I drink water, iced tea, milk, and the occasional coffee (1-2x per week) or soda (1-2x per week).


DH drinks water and Diet Coke daily.

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Dh drinks water or diet iced tea.

17yods drinks milk, iced tea, hot tea.

9yodd drinks water, or hot apple cider.

18yodd drinks water, I think (she's at college).

I drink water or iced tea.


I buy juice once in awhile, and they like it, so it's usually gone in a day or two, then they have to wait a couple weeks until I get some more.

I don't buy soda except on rare occasions, and I only get the kind without HFCS.  None of us can drink that because it makes us sick (intestinal problems).

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I drink water (usually with a squeeze of lemon juice), coffee, tea, sometimes wine at dinner.  Once in a while, iced tea or very diluted lemonade at a restaurant. 


My husband starts his day with a small glass of orange juice and then it's water, coffee, iced tea, sometimes wine or beer at dinner.  He'll sometimes have a coke.


Kids drink water, occasional soda, iced tea, hot tea.  My son also drinks highly diluted cranberry juice - a habit he started when he had a lot of nausea problems, for it seemed to help.  He will also drink milk occasionally.  My daughter doesn't drink milk -  she never liked it, we didn't force it, and it turns out she is allergic to it.  She'll sometimes have coconut milk. 


In the winter we sometimes have hot cider.

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We're all pretty much adults here, so everybody makes their own choices.


I drink lots of coffee.  Some unsweetened iced tea and water flavored with Crystal Light.


DH drinks V8 Fusion (the light kind with the lowest amount of sugar) for breakfast and to take his medication at night.  He drinks iced tea sweetened with Stevia and water flavored with Crystal Light.


Oldest DS drinks mostly water.  Sometimes after a long run he'll grab a bottle of Vitamin Water.


Youngest DS likes OJ for breakfast.  He'll usually take a small bottle of G2 Gatorade (lower sugar than the regular kind) to school with him.  He drinks an 8 oz. can of Dr. Pepper anywhere from once a day to a couple of times a week.  Milk at dinner.

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I drink water, hot tea (iced tea in the summer) and the occasional smoothie.

Dh drinks water, hot tea, coffee (only at work), and wine.


Oldest dd probably drinks mostly water but I don't see her on a daily basis anymore so can't confirm.

Ds and dd drink a Pediasure in the morning, get one chocolate milk box a day, and water the rest of the time.  Juice is only when we've bought boxes for a party (once a year) and are using up what's left.


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The vast majority of our beverages are water; everything else is a treat that happens occasionally as we come upon it. We don't generally drink milk unless we're having Oreos or I just baked cookies. I drink the occasional Coke or coffee (maybe twice a month, if that), we'll have lemonade if we're out somewhere (like the beach or Panera) and it's real lemonade, youngest DD might get orange or cranberry juice if we're out somewhere for breakfast (very rare), and maybe once a year I buy OJ for at home. Otherwise it's water.


Just recently we were at an urgent care ped's office and they wanted youngest DD to start a course of prednisone immediately, so they brought the pills in along with a small bottle of blue Gatorade  :confused1:  DD and I were both like, "Whaaa...?!" At first she was curious, so I let her have it. She drank it with the pills, and when the doctor left the room, she asked me to dump it and give her water :lol: Thankfully there was a sink in the room. But seriously?! 

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