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A very important, groundshakingly urgently important poll to end all polls


Very Important Poll!  

239 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your fave Girl Scout cookie flavor?

    • Thin Mints
    • Samoas/Carmel deLites
    • Tagalogs/PB Patties
    • Do Si Dos/PB Sandwiches
    • Trefoils/shortbreads
    • Lemonades
    • Something else (please describe)
    • Me hate the Girl Scout cookies
    • I am meanness personified and abhor cookies, Girl Scouts and the whole darn world
    • We have none of this Girl Scout or cookie nonsense up in here.

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I'm guessing that Lemonades are what we call Savannah Smiles. I just tried them for the first time this year. Yum!

I heard that there's a different lemon cookie in other areas. We have Savannah smiles here and they are my favorite too!!!


The GF cookie is really good. It's a shortbread with a texture similar to a Keebler Pecan Delight, with little toffee pieces.

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Actually Lemonades and Savannah Smiles are different. Sav Smiles are a crispy lemon cookie covered in powdered sugar. Lemonades I rhink have creamy lemon in between two cookies. We used to have Savannah Smiles here but got rid of them for Rah Rah Raisins. Between that, a price increase, and the current Thin Mint shortage, our my girls' troops are off at lease 20% this year.

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Other, I do not support the GS organization due to the way they violated contracts on land my family donated to them.  I have eaten cookies that others have bought at work and think they are just overpriced cookies.  Even without the land issue, I would not buy them.  I donate cash to organizations I support so they get the full value, not a few dollars earned on the backs of the girls and their parents.

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If I can only get one box, it will be thin mints. But I can get 4 boxes, so it's one each of thin mints, samoas, tagalongs, and the powdered sugar lemon one--can't remember what it was called. That's what I have on order.


Dd was a brownie/girl scout. We bought extra boxes to sell, so it was important to guess the popularity correctly. Thin mints are the obvious favorite--I think I ordered twice as much of those as anything else and sold them all easily. Samoas would be second.

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I don't at all understand why people like Thin Mints so much. The only reason we get them is because DH is more of a value over satisfaction guy.


I'm all for Tagalongs. 


I dislike the dual namings. It feels like part of my childhood mythology has been ripped away, knowing that swaths of people hunger for "Caramel DeLights" while we all KNOW they are called Samoas. The first time I heard the alternate namings, I thought for sure I was being hawked knock-off cookies.

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something else- as there was no spot to vote never having tried any girl scout cookies. There is no girl scouts in my area and I don't even know if they do the whole sell cookies thing in Australia.


They do, but not all those flavours!


You should all send Melissa a box of each and I'll come and help her decide which is best so we can vote.

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wow... Girl Guides here sell plain (wine biscuit) or in recent years they have developed a chocolate dipped version.  That's it.


I love these names.  But I hate that they give absolutely no indication of what they are.  Samoas?  Savannahs?  Tagalongs?  Do-si-do?  NO IDEA what I'm getting.


SO... who's sending the antipodeans a sample of all of the nut free varieties?

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Tagalongs. From the Little Brownie Bakery, not that ABC place that makes fraudulent "Peanut Butter Patties"!!!


I am actually in crisis.  I can no longer find LB brand GS cookies locally.  Or even regionally!  That is what I grew up on, that is what I sold, and that is what I NEED.  But my region seems to be all ABC now. I am actually about to have my mother ship me LB brand cookies from 800 miles away (supporting her troop - I'm not entirely insane.)

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I don't at all understand why people like Thin Mints so much. The only reason we get them is because DH is more of a value over satisfaction guy.


I'm all for Tagalongs. 


I dislike the dual namings. It feels like part of my childhood mythology has been ripped away, knowing that swaths of people hunger for "Caramel DeLights" while we all KNOW they are called Samoas. The first time I heard the alternate namings, I thought for sure I was being hawked knock-off cookies.


They ARE knock offs (the way I see it.)  They don't come from the same bakery and don't use the same recipe.  It's a travesty.

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Prob peanut butter ones--not the nasty, slimy Tag-a-longs, though.


We have a slogan we repeat around here:


Thin Mints--The only cookie in a single-serve box!


Yeah. They are popular in our family.


I like Samoas, too--just bought Samoa creamer for my coffee this morning.

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I won't buy them because they contain a bunch of artificial junk, specifically hydrogenated oils (don't let the "0 grams trans fat!" stuff fool you. It just means there's less than 1 gram of trans fat, not that there isn't hydrogenated gunk in them).


BUT--if I did, it would be samoas. (ETA: Isa Chandra Moskowitz has a pretty great vegan knock-off of that cookie in Vegan Cookies Take Over Your Cookie Jar, if anyone is interested in making a version without nasty fats).

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Something else. *My* favorite is usually the lemon creme one--I don't like the lemon with the powdered sugar. I'm not sure which lemon flavor they have here. The price went up this year, so instead of a box each of lemon, Samoas and thin mints I decided just to get the latter 2 because those are most popular among the younger people in this house. I can't stand those flavors so no GS cookies for me this year. Really, though, the dc would be just as happy with the Keebler versions.

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I am very sad. This is the first year in a very, very long time that I can remember that I have not bought any GS cookies. I was a GS all the way through. My DD was a GS until we moved to this very small town where the nearest older girl troop was 2 hrs away. The last couple of years we had some girls from the neighboring town come sell cookies, but so far this year no one has been here.

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I used to love love thin mints.


I ate a whole box this year and was not overly excited.


My 50 year love affair with thin mints is coming to an end.


I was a girl scout back when they started to allow each region to pick its own cookie manufacturer.   Mine changed their thin mints, and they should have been called Sans Mint.  


I get grumpy, though, at the tables at the grocery store.  The girl scouts should do like I did, and deliver cookies to my door, after walking through the snow, uphill both ways.   

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There was no category for me. Allergic to wheat, as in gastrointestinal pain and rash allergic.


So, no GS cookies for me. I suspect that if I were to be in favor of one it would be something with chocolate and peanut butter.


So now would be a bad time to tell you about Trios (their GF PB Chocolate Chip Cookies)



In our area the GF cookies are Toffee-tastic.

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