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    Central Coast, CA

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    Central Coast, CA
  1. My son is looking for a graphic novel he read from our local library, but it honestly doesn't seem to exist. I have a vague memory of the book as well, or I would have written it off after spending many Google searches looking for it. He remembers it being called "Jude," about the Holocaust/WW2. Recent-ish publication (past 5 years?). It is not "Maus", nor "Hidden." We are pretty sure it is called "Jude," but are willing to believe that the book has another title and the cover had the word "Jude" prominently. Possibly Juden. I've sent an email to our children's librarian, but she isn't in until Wednesday. We do not have the library collect our checkout history, so that's not an option. Thanks for your input, Hive!
  2. For my non-writer, we do drawings for narration (in addition to oral narration). But, we do narration **after** we have finished the piece, so that they can process and digest the entire piece and find the essential parts. My kids have tended to get caught up in trying to retell every bit of the story, unable to see the forest from the trees. Asking for a summary after every paragraph would only have perpetuated that problem. Here are some additional ideas: https://simplycharlottemason.com/timesavers/narration/ ETA: my sense is that narration is much, much more than simply summarizing. It's both internalizing the piece you've read and then reprocessing it into something new. Sometimes, that "something new" is an oral or written summary, but that's only the beginning. I like to pull in activities that push us higher on Bloom's Taxonomy, past Knowledge/Comprehension.
  3. While I would have argued that yes, they would still be sacramentaly married, you do raise a good point. Does the Church really view a sacramental marriage as **enough** to qualify as marriage? Clearly, the requirements for divorce are more than dissolving the civil union, but it isn’t clear to me that a sacramental marriage alone is enough to constitute marriage.
  4. As I have gotten older as a parent (I don’t dare say more experienced, although my sons would say I do have more XP now than 10 years ago), I find it more and more important that I keep in mind that these are CHILDREN who are in process of becoming, not formed and finished and ready for display. My heart breaks for the times I know other parents have spoken of my own children in judgmental tones. Judge me if you must assign blame for bad behavior, but not my child whose brain is not fully developed and who probably can’t put name to his emotions or know why he is upset.
  5. I always like to show how we derive the area of a circle:
  6. I read it to be the opposite: one unit made up into a duplex.
  7. Do you have any itching at all? That's a sign for me that it's allergies at work. I also look for allergic shiners in my kids. If I don't get on top of my DSs allergies, he will quickly transition to sinus and ear infections, then upper respiratory thanks to the post nasal drip.
  8. Thanks for your replies. I'm wondering specifically if there are materials where one of the factors is less than 1. For example, using two dimensional space to represent 1/6 of 20. Earlier today I explained to my son why we multiply a number by a percentage to find the percent of the number using this framework. (Sorry, math words are clunky - why 0.3 X 55 solves for 30% of 55) It was a lightbulb moment for him. Thinking in terms of finding the **area** of two numbers, rather than the **product** was eye-opening.
  9. Shower brainstorming this morning on trying to answer my daughter's question "but WHY do we multiply to find the part of the whole" had me realize that I should teach addition on number line (1 dimensional space) and multiplication in two dimensional space. I'm only starting to cogitate this, but anyone have a direction for me to head?
  10. If your goal is to foster and develop number sense/mathy thinking, I'd switch from books to playing games. Connect 4, checkers, chess, Set, mancala, blackjack.
  11. With the proliferation of materials on TpT and other teacher-share sites, in addition to other materials offered all over the internet, it could be that some newbies are good stewards of their time and don't seek to recreate the wheel.
  12. For our kids, it wasn't until around 3-4 that they would fairly reliably sleep through the night, barring nightmare or leaky diaper or overheating.
  13. Does she have a nebulizer for albuterol treatments? I find that more effective for my DS than his rescue inhaler. What is her pulse rate? How hard is she working for each breath? If the local conditions are going to remain the same, I would not hesitate to return to the ER, or, at a minimum, call my ped's triage nurse (no charge for us, so it's an attractive choice) and ask her opinion. I'd also call the ped first thing in the morning and try to get in ASAP.
  14. We love dressy Crocs (Mary Jane style and others) for dressy-but-play-friendly shoes.
  15. If it's available, me! My co-op math class would smash up with this one.
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