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all decorations are put away and my everyday house is back.


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how's it going at your home? For me, Monday is back to my regular schedule. It's been a most wonderful holiday. I look forward to the last two weeks of the year. No schedules no appointments just family time. We feel most blessed to start 2015 with everyone especially our parents healthy and children doing well.

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I took ours down on Monday.  It would have been sooner but we spent the weekend at the in-laws house.  Our house is really small so once the holidays are over, I can't stand how cramped it is with the tree up.  I still have to clean and organize the kids rooms and find places for all their new stuff.  Yesterday and today were a wash due to a sick kid and a doctor's appointment but I have three more days to finish everything.

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We keep ours up til Epiphany, so things are still the same here. We didn't decorate around the house quite as much as we usually do, which isn't that much to begin with, because we have been sick.

I like leaving things up and celebrating all 12 days, but I will be glad when we take things down.

I've been sick, and dd has been sick, the entire two weeks we've been off.

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Took everything down over the weekend. So glad to be rid of the extra clutter. I have spent break reorganizing and decluttering almost every room in the house. By Monday, I should be ready for to get back into the school schedule with no piles anywhere. WOO HOO

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Yes!  We took our tree down on the 28th, and everything else came down yesterday.  I actually love having the house back to "normal".  DH makes fun of me because I want it all down so soon.


Mainly I just want it to be March so I can have this baby.  Taking down Christmas decorations makes it feel closer to March.  :laugh:

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I have stealthily been putting away decorations the last couple of days. Tonight it's adios to Christmas tree #1. Tree #2 goes away tomorrow, along with all else save the nativity sets. I will put those away on Jan 6 after everyone has gone to bed. That's the last memory of Christmas that I like to leave lingering.

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Our indoor decorations came down today.  Outdoor lights will stay up through the 6th.  I sort of redecorated for Epiphany by placing a different winter wreath on the door and changing out the olive wood nativity for the porcelain one... 


This way I get my fresh house for Monday morning school schedule without the burdensome thought of when we're going to clean up. ;)  I'll take my King Cake and eat it, too.







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I got the last of the decorations down this afternoon. I think that may be a record for me!



While one of mine particularly has done a ton of reading, we've done nothing for school but math, keyboarding, and cursive since Christmas.


I'm eager to get back to normal in the schooling area.

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We'll put our stuff away this weekend.


My house hasn't been completely "normal" since October, when I put away my Poppies on Blue dishes and put out the Fall dishes, which were replaced by the Christmas dishes Thanksgiving weekend. I like my explosion-in-a-Christmas-factory look from Thanksgiving to January 1, but will be glad to go back to less clutter. :-)


When I was hsing, we put away all the Official School Stuff at Thanksgiving and started again around the middle of January.

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We had guests for dinner for 10 days straight. I took the tree down yesterday before the New Year's Eve party my girls had. I usually hate when Christmas is over. This is the first year I am glad. I made plans to meet my in-laws at a ski slope next year over the Christmas holidays. They are great, but two Christmases and my son's birthday in 5 days killed me.  Looking forward to 2015!

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We put ours up rather late, so we're still enjoying it. However, it's a slim tree and not in the way or using extra space. It's in my family-room-turned-dance/aikido-studio and we take the martial arts mats out to make room for it. Our students will have to put up with it for another week. I can see it from my living room couch, so it's nice at night. The tree, banister, and dining room chandelier are all we really decorate. The chandelier holds candles so we make it into an advent wreath. Putting it away won't gain us any space. I'll likely do it next weekend.

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We will take down the tree on Saturday. DH has been on vacation from work all week, but we've been spending our time cleaning out the storage room in our basement and organizing the kids' toy closet. We are moving soon, so it is all about getting things boxed and organized and ready to load up. So our tree gets to stay up for an extra day or two.

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My oldest two and their SOs are here until tomorrow. Our house is a mess of shoes, boots, coats, gloves, hat, towels, etc., etc., etc.  But, they are taking DD#3 with them when they leave and as we wave goodbye at the airport it will probably be the last we see any of them until DDs wedding in spring of 2016. So, for now the mess can wait. The decorations can hang a bit longer. We're making memories and having a great time.


Tomorrow after we get home from the airport all bets are off and the three still at home are getting put to work!

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Put the last of the Christmas decorations in the attic today.  School (and normal life/schedule) will start back up Monday.  Hope to do a real good cleaning between now and Sunday--not necessarily spring cleaning style, but more than the normal day to day cleaning.  It would be nice to start the week feeling "new". 

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Ours normally stay up until Epiphany but we will probably take them down tomorrow. Our tree trunk was quite short and it didn't get as big of a cut as I would have liked and it didn't drink up water as well as our trees usually do so it's looking a little worse for wear. I would have done it today but I took the boys out to play basketball and ride scooters and we got locked out and so I took them to dinner and we played games until my husband was able to let us in, lol.

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I miss our Christmas tree. I love pine trees and this is the first Christmas tree we've been able to have in years...


I'm planning on hitting up quilting shops so dd can make Lammas bunting for early Feb. I don't usually decorate for the Wheel of the Year occasions but dd needs some beginners projects and bunting is a nice easy one I can make some use out of. :)

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Indoor decorations came down today. Outdoor lights can wait until it's a little warmer out--maybe this weekend, maybe next. I don't mind the extra light on these dark days. I like the idea of keeping everything up until Epiphany, but realistically, this is the week I have off. This is when I have time, and it's not so bad taking it down during New Year's Day football. Now I just need to do some lesson planning to be ready to go on Monday...

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We're at our second week of Christmas at my mom's house and were at my inlaws over the actual holiday. In between we were home for a day and a half and I got rid of our tree and decorations then.


I am dreading Monday. I need to get my head straight over the next few days.

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Ours comes down a day or two before the New Year...that way I can lounge about and watch the Rose Parade in a clean and refreshed living room.


My house often feels bland and blah after the 'explosion in a Christmas factory' look (LOVE that!) so I focused on getting the living area clean and pretty again as soon as possible. Re-doing the mantle décor was fun. I'll pick up a pretty orchid today or tomorrow for the mantle. I love how it brings some life and color to the room.


Without the Christmas lights up, outside seems so dark and well dark. I've left a small lantern full of white lights on the front porch--sort of my winter wonderland décor. Left the arch out back lit up for a touch of winter wonderland out there, too.


Work starts in earnest again on Monday--I have a few things to clean out before then. One of those things ought to be the office....


Happy New Year, everyone!

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Tree is down and hubby went back to work this morning for the first time since Christmas Eve day.


I'm doing a sort of spring cleaning, so the house is starting to look very pretty and organized.


It'll be nice to have it sparkling for the New Year. Today, I'm cleaning the lights and fan in the kitchen and cleaning out the fish tank too!


Next week will be a sort of normal school week, although my best friend (and my girls best friends) are moving away. (:( ) so I know the week will be difficult.  We'll do what we can, but I doubt it will be a normal week.

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Dh's birthday is on Dec 29th and mine is on the 30th. We always take down the Christmas stuff before the birthdays. I love it while it's up but am RELIEVED when it's all down. The house feels messy with it all around.


I am not looking forward to school starting on Monday. We've been lazy slugs for the past two weeks and loving every minute of it.

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