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What bag do you use to carry library books?


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LLBean boat tote, extra large. Our bag is decades old. Fil used to use it in his workshop to hold miscellaneous tools; we inherited it when he died. It's very sturdy and has held up to lots of abuse. It also holds lots of books and can be machine-washed if needed; we air dry it though. (Note: the website doesn't mention machine-washability, so wash at your own risk.)

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 When I did buy it I brought a load of books and food to the store to try out packing it and carrying it around and unpacking it to see what it would feel like. 


You're my kind of girl. I have taken the bowl of my mixer to the store when shopping for a dishwasher. :)


Thanks for the info!

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A Thirty One organizer bag.

This is what we switched to. Previously I used a reuseable shopping bag, it just wasn't big enough. I like this bag. It holds a LOT. when I had shopping bags, I needed several and felt overwhelmed with all the bags in the car (purse, diaper bag, school bag, 3 library sacks).
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I bought my dd a Lands End bag last year.  I adore it, but the canvas isn't as stiff as the LL Bean bag I have.  I have a large LL Bean bag I've used for years and years (11?), and I think I might get myself the extra large for Christmas.  For library books, LL Bean's bag is the way to go.


PS.  On my first bag I got the short straps.  On dd's bag I went with long straps and I think I like them better.  I'm going long for this new LL Bean bag.  I could live to regret that, but that's what I'm thinking.  Anyways, that will be your next decision, strap length.

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The library gave the kids small tote bags that are nice for them because they can't load them too full, but I don't prefer those because I'd rather have fewer but heavier bags. We have a few of the LLBean canvas totes, medium sizeish, and those are nice and sturdy too.


But my favorites are some canvas tote bags with longish handles. They came from the college bookstore where my dad teaches; the college was clearing out their stash, and since the campus has the same name as our last name, they say "Smith Campus Bookstore," which I think is cool because I always know which tote bags are ours. They're lightweight and fold up nicely, and they are sturdy and wash well. I use them for everything, including library books, and I will be very sad if/when they wear out, because they're really the perfect size.

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Ds and I used to carry them home in a laundry basket. He on one side, I on the other. We lived in a very rural area and the bookmobile came once a month. I ordered books online all through the month and it was like Christmas when we got to pick up our books.

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My All About Spelling bag.


I think Susan Wise Bauer should make a Well Trained Mind book bag for us homeschooling moms to carry books. Wouldn't we all buy one? :)


But, weren't they known as the "laundry basket family" to the librarians when she was young?  DD is only 4 and we go once a week, so we haven't needed that capacity yet, but I've wondered when that would happen.  

A rolling crate is a great idea.  We have one that my parents bought for DH meant for tools but it contains doll clothes at the moment.   I've used fabric grocery bags but if you stuff them, then they break.  I sometimes use random Amazon boxes to return books.  For carrying to the car I usually use the Creative Stacking Method.  

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I use a giant canvas bag with long double handles that I got as a freebie at an event. It's a lot like the LLBean Boat and Tote bag but is a little wider and shorter. It has a zipper, which is nice in theory, but usually it's so full I can't even think about zipping it shut.


My DD also has a smaller canvas bag for her own library books.

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We use canvas tote bags, ones from REI right now.  REI also has plastic (PET?) bags that I LOVE.  I can't do one huge bag, I just don't have the strength to deal with all that weight.  We load into 3 or 4 bags; everyone carries a bag and I usually leave the lightest one for myself ;)  In the rare event we have more books than bags, I keep backup Envirosax in my purse.


At one time I did have a folding-crate on wheels but then I was having to carry the crate over our home's bumpy threshold, down the front steps, over the driveway gravel since the tiny wheels didn't roll so well there, lift it into the back of the minivan, then lift it down from the back of the van at the library, then deal with the double doors at the library.  And the wheels would pick up dirt from the driveway/parking lot and bring it into the house.  The crate was too heavy for the kids to help out with so it was all on me.  A trip to the library was exhausting me!  So we switched to a bag for everyone.

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