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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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Eaglei, I've been quietly praying for all of you.  I was deeply saddened by this news and my heart aches with yours.  But, please know that you, your son, and your family have been great witnesses for Christ to the doctors, the hospital staff, friends, extended family, and all of us throughout this ordeal. Your son was faithful.  He bore his cross with dignity, love, and grace, and now he has attained his reward -- to forever stand with Christ in heaven without the burden he carried in this life.  May God grant you peace.

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:grouphug: .  I'm very sorry.  Both he and you have been a consistent testimony for God through soo much pain.


Lord, we know that Your godly ones are precious in your sight.  We know that eaglei's son is now in Your presence.  Please comfort his family, help them to find peace and eagerly anticipate the day when they will be reunited for eternity.


I'm so looking forward to meeting your son and you as well.  You can be proud of such a fine man your son has been.

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I am so so sorry.  My heart breaks for you.  He was such an amazing young man.  I know he will be in the memories of everyone who has met him (IRL or even just online like all of us) for his courage and wonderful spirit.

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I'm so, so sorry!  My heart aches & weeps for you and your family  Both your son's & your faith were a testimony to me.  Continuing to pray for you as you walk this path.  May God sustain you in your grief.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I am so sorry. Your son was an inspiration to many of us. I have found myself sharing his story of faith with several real life people. What a wonderful young man. I will continue to pray for all of you.

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So sorry he is gone until you see him again in heaven. Even though he is with Jesus my mother's heart still hurts for you knowing how much you will be missing him. Your son was an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing him with us this last year and for allowing us the honor of joining you in praying for him.

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Oh eaglei, I don't even have words to express how sorry I am. I read your post and the tears came.


May his sweet memory be eternal! O Lord, give rest to the soul of Your servant, where there is neither sickness not sorrow but life everlasting.


Continuing to pray for you all, that God will be your support and comfort. Many, many (((hugs))).


These words.


May his soul rest where the just repose and may his memory be eternal!

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I have been offline for several days and I checked this thread as soon as I got back. I am so very, very sorry for your loss, eaglei. I will continue to pray for your ds and for your family. I wish I had some magical words of comfort for you, but I know there is nothing I can say that will help.


Even though I don't know you personally, I feel -- as I'm sure many of us do -- that I have gotten to know you on this thread and both you and your son have shown such love and faith throughout this entire ordeal. You have been a model of strength and dedication, and your son demonstrated such courage and determination throughout his illness. I think I can speak for us all when I say you were both a true inspiration to us all.


Again, I am so sorry. :(

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I am so sorry. Please know that the love and prayers from hundreds of people around the world are with you and your family. We love you so much.


John 14:18 and 27:


"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." and "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."


I pray that the peace and comfort of The Lord will be with you.

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