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What time do you start school if you don't have outside classes?


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MWF - 8.30

TR - 8.00

S - homework what ever she needs whenever she wants but everything has to be done before 5. 


We do have outside classes -- one live, drama, and several online -- but they are later in the day and do not dictate start time.


On Monday we just get up and start school.  

On TR we go to daily mass at 7 and start school when we get home.  I cook breakfast while my kiddo does school work and her first break is brekkie or if she's really busy, she'll work through while eating.  :huh:

On WF we have adoration at 7 but it's longer.  Still, we start school when we get home and ditto the breakfast thing.

On Sat, she almost always has homework, mostly Greek translations and Great Books reading, and gets to it whenever she gets to it.  She generally likes to sleep in a bit and then goes out to breakfast with Dad, so . . . never first thing.

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The kids determine their own start (and stop) times. Depending on when they wake up/eat breakfast/finish chores, the "start" could be anywhere from 8:30 to 10:30, and the "stop" anywhere from 3:00 to 7:00, depending on whether there's a fencing class, violin lesson, competition, etc. But we also go year-round (with breaks for traveling, competitions, etc.) and they do a lot on weekends as well  â€” since we are mostly interest-led (except for math), the things they do in their "free time" are pretty much the same things they do for "school." E.g. after dinner, or on Saturday mornings, DD might be reading or drawing or working on Japanese, while DS is reading Greek or watching an astronomy lecture or working on his artificial language — the same things they'd be doing at 11:00 AM on a Monday for "school."



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8 am violin practice, every day....

and then academics until lunch

and then violin practice at 12:30 every day...

and then academics until

4pm violin practice every day...

and then dance/orchestra five nights a week.


and for the other,

9am violin practice very day

and then academics until 11:30

and then violin practice,

followed by lunch

and then academics until 5pm

then piano practice

and then dance/orchestra five nights a week.


i can't even let myself wiggle by 10 minutes, or its all over for me.

they are fine.




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Obviously, I am a night person, but mostly I am just a person who doesn't sleep. Anyway, morning is my alone time with my dh. He leaves for work around 8:30. I don't like seeing offspring until after he has left, and I have finished my coffee. Fortunately, all of my boys have been night people. Currently, the little man is up about 10am, and he starts school immediately after waking.



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Noon.  Ds sleeps late which works for me since in the morning I drive youngest dd and dh to the subway, go to the gym with oldest dd, then come home, clean for 45 minutes, and shower.  Ds (who by this time has already eaten, cleaned his room, and showered, too) is also now ready to hit the books.  It works.

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