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Creativity and brain dominance, does it connect to gender? An interesting quiz and poll!


Take this Right/Left Brain Creativity quiz and let's see if it correlates to gender!  

92 members have voted

  1. 1. What was your score on the Right/Left Brain Creativity Quiz?

    • I'm female, and it was all the way right, like 90/10 (R/L).
    • I'm female, and it was dominantly right, closer to 70/30 (R/L).
    • I'm female, and it was basically 50/50 (R/L).
    • I'm female, and it was dominantly left, say 30/70 (R/L).
    • I'm female, and it was all the way left, say 10/90 (R/L).
    • I'm male, and it was all the way right, like 90/10 (R/L).
    • I'm male, and it was dominantly right, closer to 70/30 (R/L).
    • I'm male, and it was basically 50/50 (R/L).
    • I'm male, and it was dominantly left, say 30/70 (R/L).
    • I'm male, and it was all the way left, say 10/90 (R/L).

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We did this creativity and brain dominance test for a photography class I'm in, and I'm curious to see how the general population compares to what we saw in the photography students.  http://www.wherecreativitygoestoschool.com/vancouver/left_right/rb_test.htm  


The quiz just takes a couple minutes, and it gives you back all sorts of interesting feedback and suggestions.  


Just for disclosure, what I'm seeing in the photography class is the women are generally 50/50.  I'm surprised, because I recently read an article suggesting there was a gender gap in brain dominance and that women would tend to be more left-brain dominant.  So I'm trying to figure out if that 50/50 is typical of women in the photography population or whether it's actually just a typical woman thing, meaning the article was all wet.  


So take the quiz and let's find out!  And just for fun, in your reply, when you share your score also note if you tend toward high amounts of creativity, spatial work, out of the box stuff, that kind of thing.   :)

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I came out 50% left, 51% right (rounding error, I suppose).  People have always considered me very creative and especially spatial-aware for a girl.  The military recruiters kept calling me after I took the ASVAB because they weren't used to seeing girls score that high on the spatial/orientation parts.  I've always loved photography, LEGO bricks, and architecture.


I remember taking a right brain/left brain test in HS and getting a similar 50/50 result when most of the girls were more left-brained.  My list of "dream jobs" amuses me because they are all over the board.

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I am not a photographer or artist. I scored 47 left/53 right.


ETA: It's very odd, though. I scored highest on both random processing (right brain) and linear processing (left brain). Both are "the method used by the (right/left) hemisphere to process information." I mentioned this to my dh, who said that I process and understand things very quickly--maybe that's why. Hmm.




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Left Brain 54%

Right Brain 46%


Your Left Brain Percentages

42% Symbolic (Your most dominant characteristic)

40% Sequential

40% Verbal

32% Linear

27% Reality-Based

17% Logical (Your least dominant characteristic)


Your Right Brain Percentages

46% Concrete (Your most dominant characteristic)

34% Intuitive

32% Fantasy-oriented

25% Nonverbal

17% Random

12% Holistic (Your least dominant characteristic) 


(I did technical writing & editing as my career for many years.)


Btw, I had to laugh at this statement in the holistic section, "It also aids in tasks such as dancing and gymnastics." Seeing as how dancing & gymnastics were two of my biggest failures when I was a kid, I suppose I can see why I rated so poorly on that one. :lol:


It also seems strange to me that the list of percentages for each side do not add up to 100%, nor do the percentages for each side come to the same amount. (Left brain amounts = 198%; Right brain amounts = 166%.) Maybe it's late or maybe I'm just missing something...? :huh:



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45% Left

55% Right


Left Brain Percentages, 40% Verbal, 32% Linear, 31% Sequential, 21% Logical, 17% Symbolic, 7% Reality-based

Right Brain Percentages, 50% Nonverbal, 46% Concrete, 32% Fantasy-oriented, 29% Intuitive, 24% Holistic, 6% Random


With that few of questions though I doubt they are going to get accurate results. 10 years ago I was 50/50.

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I'm 36% left and 64% right.


It didn't surprise me. I'm highly visual/spatial and definitely a big-picture thinker.


My highest score was "random" and my lowest "sequential."


I'm also left-handed, so maybe more likely to be right-brained anyway?

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50 50 I work in pharmacy (math/science) IRL and was an art student.  So, I guess it is pretty indicative of my life.  I will say that the art I created was lifelike, often symmetrical or at least very balanced, and very detailed (my math/science showing through I think)  I was not an abstract artist in any way.  

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  I thought some of the questions were very vague and there should have been a never spot.



Left Brain Right Brain 65% 35%



Your Left Brain Percentages


  47% Reality-based (Your most dominant characteristic)   40% Sequential   37% Linear   25% Symbolic   25% Logical   14% Verbal (Your least dominant characteristic)


Your Right Brain Percentages


  28% Concrete (Your most dominant characteristic)   24% Intuitive   18% Holistic   17% Random   16% Fantasy-oriented   7% Nonverbal (Your least dominant characteristic)


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Left 59 Right 41. I am a photographer and a writer.

This was my exact score.


I am a classical and jazz pianist by training with a major in philosophy thrown in that mix and enjoy quilting. However, I adore mathematics and science. I am currently tutoring in algebra, geometry, and chemistry and LOVE it.


So, I guess it's pretty even.



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Left 65%  Right 35%  This makes sense. I majored in math/computer science and worked as a computer engineer before children.



Your Left Brain Percentages

  42% Symbolic (Your most dominant characteristic)   40% Reality-based   35% Sequential   34% Verbal   27% Linear   25% Logical (Your least dominant characteristic)


Your Right Brain Percentages

  55% Concrete (Your most dominant characteristic)   25% Nonverbal   17% Random   15% Intuitive   12% Fantasy-oriented   0% Holistic (Your least dominant characteristic)


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I had trouble answering some of the questions, but I was left-dominant. I am also left-handed, which seems like it's correlated with right-brained-ness more often.


I've always picked up math / science concepts effortlessly, but it was only having kids that forced me into figuring out how to create fantasy stories. I love to read fiction, but creating it is out of the question. I can play written music, but I cannot improvise or compose to save my life.


I wonder if homeschoolers lean toward one side or the other more than the general public?

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Left 54%
Right 46%

Your Left Brain Percentages
43% Linear (Your most dominant characteristic)
42% Symbolic
30% Logical
27% Sequential
20% Reality-based
7% Verbal (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages
39% Intuitive (Your most dominant characteristic)
34% Random
29% Fantasy-oriented
19% Concrete
19% Nonverbal
0% Holistic (Your least dominant characteristic)


The description for my Sequential score says "You show moderate ability to organize information sequentially. You are capable of processing information you receive in a systematic, logical order from first to last. However, at times you will process information you receive quite randomly, or may give it only a semblance of order. You are probably an average mathematician and speller, and may or may not enjoy tasks such as making "to-do" lists." 


My ADHD makes me fairly reliant on lists to get things done, although I don't always follow the lists once I make them.  It makes me wonder how much of the left/right brain scores are impacted in relation to ADHD and other disorders or syndromes.

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60 left (dominant reality-based, least verbal)

40 right (dominant holistic, least random)


So I couldn't answer your poll.


I don't consider myself to be very creative, although I do recognize the holistic side of me as being strong...probably stronger than the quiz documented.


Funniest questions:


Have you thought of being a poet, politician, architect or dancer? YES. 

Have you thought about being a lawyer, doctor, scientist, librarian or mathematician? YES.


Does anyone really just think about one type of job? 

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52% left, symbolic dominant with logical and linear very close behind (only a 4 percentage point spread between the top 3).


48% right, intuitive dominant with holistic close behind.


I'm extremely language oriented, so that lines up with the results.


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Funniest questions:


Have you thought of being a poet, politician, architect or dancer? YES. 

Have you thought about being a lawyer, doctor, scientist, librarian or mathematician? YES.


Does anyone really just think about one type of job? 


I do. I could not answer yes to the first question because I've never wanted to be any of those things listed. The second list, however, there were two professions that I've considered, lawyer and librarian.

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I'm 60 right/40 left, which sounds correct to me - I hugely prefer right but I manage fine with many/most left activities.  Some of the questions seemed repetitive and it was easy to tell what they were driving at.  I wanted to answer many of the questions with more extreme answers than "often" or "rarely."


I usually love photography but have preferences with regard to the types of exhibits I'd prefer to see (mostly I'd prefer to do my own).  I hate art; maybe hate sounds too strong but I have zero interest, like negative interest, in, say, going to an art museum of any type (though I have been dragged to many; LOL dh worked at the Met once upon a time though he's even less artistic than I am).  I like creative problem-solving.  I greatly dislike other forms of "creativity" such as creative writing, drawing/painting, etc.

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Funniest questions:


Have you thought of being a poet, politician, architect or dancer? YES. 

Have you thought about being a lawyer, doctor, scientist, librarian or mathematician? YES.


Does anyone really just think about one type of job? 


I agree. I thought many of the questions were awkwardly worded and (for me at least) likely skewed the results.


For the two questions above, I answered on the lower end of the scale because I've considered some of those professions but not all of them.  

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Well this is amazing!  So most of the women are 50/50 or leaning left.  I'm 69/31 (R/L) btw, which means I'm very strongly right.  Bobbey, that's very interesting to see your scores, since you have adhd.  The theory is that being adhd should push you more right-brain.  Seems like the majority are 50/50 already, unless we have a skewed population.  


Well this is fascinating to watch how the results are lining up!

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66% left

34% right



Your Left Brain Percentages


61% Sequential (Your most dominant characteristic)

54% Reality-based

43% Linear

30% Logical

17% Symbolic

14% Verbal (Your least dominant characteristic)


Your Right Brain Percentages


44% Nonverbal (Your most dominant characteristic)

37% Concrete

29% Fantasy-oriented

17% Random

6% Holistic

0% Intuitive (Your least dominant characteristic)

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60 L/40 R.  My degree was in music, but career wise, I've done proofreading, software quality control, inventory replenishment, research assistant (genealogy).  I'm probably mildly O.C.D. and my learning style is visual - subcategory textual (Okay, my mom and I made that up, but it's how we both learn -- if we've seen it written, we can remember it.  If we need to memorize, we write it down.)


Your Left Brain Percentages

  64% Linear (Your most dominant characteristic)   42% Logical   35% Sequential   34% Symbolic   34% Reality-based   14% Verbal (Your least dominant characteristic)


Your Right Brain Percentages

  42% Holistic (Your most dominant characteristic)   39% Intuitive   32% Nonverbal   20% Fantasy-oriented   19% Concrete   6% Random (Your least dominant characteristic)


I agree with the descriptions in the sub-categories EXCEPT sequential.  It suggested I'm average at math and spelling, and I'm quite good at both.

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Well this is amazing!  So most of the women are 50/50 or leaning left.  I'm 69/31 (R/L) btw, which means I'm very strongly right.  Bobbey, that's very interesting to see your scores, since you have adhd.  The theory is that being adhd should push you more right-brain.  Seems like the majority are 50/50 already, unless we have a skewed population.  


Well this is fascinating to watch how the results are lining up!


That's what I thought too.


My first career path was in drafting & design and I remember scoring very well on my spatial entrance exams.  Circumstances beyond my control shifted me into a word processing field, first in engineering and then healthcare, and now I'm an administrative assistant. 


Perhaps my career choices have caused me to adapt enough to skew the natural tendency of my brain?   I'm going to have DS take the quiz. He has adhd too, and it'll be interesting to see where he falls.

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61 left (linear most dominant - verbal least dominant)

39 right (non-verbal most dominant - holistic least dominant)


I think it would have been opposite when I was a child.

Yep, I retook with high-school me in mind. This time was

42 left (verbal most dominant - symbolic least dominant)

58 right (fantasy-oriented most dominant - random least dominant)

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