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Household chores you loathe - what's the worst for you?


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I am facing a mountain of laundry today. You know how Flylady talks about climbing Mt. Washmore? That's me today. I hate laundry. Hate it. It is the absolute worst job around the house. I'd much rather do anything else. Vacuuming? Way better. Mowing the lawn? Sure. Even dusting is better, in my opinion. The only thing that even comes close to rivaling it for detested status is putting pillowcases back on the pillows. I don't know why I hate that, but I really do. It's only better than laundry because it takes less time.


There. Rant over. What's the job you hate and put off as long as possible? I can't be the only one who has an unreasonable dislike of a regular chore!

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I'm right there with you. Laundry is the bane of my existence. I don't mind the washing part - that's easy. It's the folding and putting away that kills me. Mainly because all of us have way too many clothes (especially the kids) and there's not enough room to put everything away neatly.


My second least favorite household chore is cleaning the floors. We have hardwood floors throughout our main level. We live in the country and have two kids who are in and out of the house all day long (with muddy shoes this time of year), as well as a big dog and two cats. My floors look nice for about 15 min. after I clean them. It's a thankless job.


Thanks for letting me get all that off my chest. :tongue_smilie:

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Unloading the dishwasher. It's completely irrational, it only takes 4 minutes and I have to touch anything dirty. I just hate it.



Ooh, I hate that too. I love loading the dishwasher though. There's something supremely satisfying about getting all the dirty dishes out of the sink and into the dishwasher. A true feeling of accomplishment. :p

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All. I sincerely hate doing things that don't stay done. I have minimized chores. Ds does vacuuming, trash, and dishwasher.


On a regular basis, I'd say dishes. I hand wash my pots and pans. When ds and dh were out of town for a few days, I used one pot, one plate, one glass, and one set of silverware the entire time.


Cleaning out the fridge is another. My next fridge will be counter depth, seriously food gets buried at the back of ours.

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I'm kinda there with elegantlion. I hate doing chores. But, for daily, I hate doing dirty dishes. For the more weekly cleaning - I hate.hate. hate doing the tiled shower stall. Hate it. Such a pain, and boy no amount of elbow grease really seems to keep away the moldy grout. Ugh. At least with a toilet it can be transformed so quickly and easily, even if it is a bit grosser than the shower.

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I hate it.

It takes for.EVER and it's never completely done.

The second you get all of the laundry washed, dried, ironed, and put away, somebody puts something dirty in the hamper again.

And then there are the people who wear 47 outfits in a day: pajamas, clothes to wear out of the house, clothes to play outside in, karate uniform, baseball uniform, swim trunks and towel.... :cursing:

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Laundry here too. And what is really weird is that I don't actually mind the gathering, sorting, washing, drying. I start to mind around folding time and I despise (DESPISE!!! :lol:) putting it away. This may have something to do with the fact that I always discover MORE laundry at this time. It is better in summer here, when everyone lives in swimsuits, but then don't get me started on towels. The HORROR!!!


Unloading the dishwasher. It's completely irrational, it only takes 4 minutes and I don't have to touch anything dirty. I just hate it.


I joke that this chore is DH's kryptonite. He is very helpful around the house, pitching in all over the place (and doing a much better job than I do on most chores :tongue_smilie:), but unloading the dishwasher will just stop him in his tracks. :lol:

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Cleaning out the fridge is absolutely number one.

Number two is cleaning my kids bedrooms when they are young enough to destroy it it in a day but too young to put it all back together in an organized manner.

Three is sorting through paper work that you need to keepp for a time but then can get rid of it later.

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I sort of like laundry. Maybe you need to re-do your laundry room? Make sure you have a good table for folding, somewhere to hang clothes immediately and a good sorting unit. I've got a table about eight feet long, one of those rolling hanger things from Walmart and a rolling sorting bag with four containers on it. (also Walmart)


I take my laptop in there, pull up a chair to the table, turn on a movie and go to town.

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Laundry does not bother me in the least.

Dusting and vacuuming, otoh, hate them. They are an exercise in futility. A set up for failure. No matter how many times you dust and vacuum you just have to do it again.

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Cooking. Oh loathe cooking. If I got a break every now and then...... :glare: No, every day I cook. I prepare meals every single day of my life! AHHHHH!!!


Also not a lover of dusting ceiling fans. The fact that I'm 5'1" might play a role in that.

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Umm...can I only pick one?? Laundry because it does not get "finished". Mopping because it looks good for, oh, an hour maybe then someone drops something or DH walks on it with dirty shoes. Picking up, again, gets undone quickly, though since I got a classroom, it is a bit better since we are mostly in 1 room.

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I don't like folding clothes. Don't mind the rest of the laundry process. I find it helps to fold it just as it comes out of the dryer. It's warm, smells good, and tends to be more likely to get done because there isn't a whole heap of it.

Same thing applies to loading the dishwasher. I try to do it after all meals or snacks. Then it is out of my way.


I used to hate mopping until I got my steam mop.

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Loading and unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming, cleaning baseboards, taking the trash out, and anything to do with cat litter boxes. These chores all belong to my kids and/or husband.


I used to despise laundry but then I came up with a system that works beautifully. Now our laundry basket is usually empty.

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Unloading the dishwasher. It's completely irrational, it only takes 4 minutes and I don't have to touch anything dirty. I just hate it.


Same here. It makes no sense, as I usually enjoy putting clean things where they belong. Maybe it's the noise; even when I try to do it quietly, the plates bang and the silverware clatters and the clean glasses make that awful squeaky sound.


I can't tell you how thrilling it was to pass on that chore to my kid.

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I sort of like laundry.




I take my laptop in there, pull up a chair to the table, turn on a movie and go to town.



I do the same thing now and it makes laundry so much ore bearable. Tim Gunn, Heidi, and I... We design, we fold. It's all good. I was even caught up with laundry today... Until the kids went to play in the ditch down the road. Yikes.


Mine - I hate ironing. DH does his own I hate it so much.


My worst dreaded, most hate chore - returning phone calls. I could not hate it more.

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Laundry--specifically the folding, hanging up part. The sorting and loading and moving to the dryer part . . . I'm fine with those. I just hate the folding! I don't have a nice laundry room, just a part of the hall leading to the garage. There is no way to add any space in there at all so I end up folding laundry on my bed. Maybe I need to rearrange my bedroom to make it more laundry-folding friendly.


I also hate washing pots and pans. And mopping. And scrubbing the shower floor. And dusting.


I pretty much hate all chores! :laugh:

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I really don't mind most housework. I do have my kids folding and putting away the laundry because that would count as my most disliked chore.


But cooking- I HATE it!!! Very unfortunate for a mother of 6 boys. :(

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I don't like putting away laundry.


But my least favorite our jobs that I can't do alone. For example sorting out a cabinet and having to think, "Well Dh might want this". Or this belongs to Dh so I have to put it aside and talk to him about it. Oh, I need this number to finish dealing with this pile of bills, but I have to get it from Dh who has to get it from someone.




But he can't do the job in case he finds one teeny tiny thing that is mine and I have to do something with it. That is even if I'm willing to do the job with him and stand beside him waiting for something of mine to turn up.

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Cleaning in general but folding and putting away laundry and dishes are the worse. I don't have a dishwasher. Well I guess folding isn't so bad (I watch tv while doing it) unless its dh's socks. His socks are all different. They are all crew length but some are different sizes, some the whole bottom is grey but on others only the toe and heel, some have a different ribbing on top and god forbid if they get mixed up. Oh and his have to be folded not balled. Dd is learning how to put away her laundry so it's getting a little easier. Now if only she was tall enough to do the dishes (or my kitchen big enough for a dishwasher)

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There are ZERO chores that I enjoy. I have to make myself do every single one of them. I don't know if I'm lazy, or just very interested in other things. I don't mind laundry so much, because if I get really behind, I declare a Movie Day and just watch TV and do laundry all day.


Before I got a water boiler, I would clean the kitchen by making tea. I'd put the kettle on and empty the dishwasher. Then I'd load the dishwasher while my tea steeped. After I sat down to drink my tea, there wasn't all that much to do.


I also find the fly lady '10 minutes per room' thing VERY useful. I work very well under pressure, so I can get a lot done with this method.


Still, I hate all of it.

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Cleaning the kitchen. That includes loading and unloading the dishwasher, handwashing pots and other items that can't go in the dishwasher, putting the food away, wiping the counters, etc. I hate it. I hate it, hate it, hate it. I love to cook, but hate to clean up after cooking and eating.


I'll take laundry over kitchen clean-up any day. I'll even choose cleaning a bathroom over cleaning a kitchen.

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I have totally irrational dislike of washing or putting away flatware and utensils. I don't mind the rest of the dishes but I really dislike doing anything with the utensils.


I have a similar thing going on with putting away folded laundry. I don't mind washing it or folding it but I hate putting it away. I know, what the heck is that all about?


I pretty much don't mind everything else.

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Well, I am not sure I can choose between laundry and mopping, but yeah, laundry and mopping...


FWIW, I haven't had a dishwasher since I last lived in an apartment 21 years ago. I'd rather wash a pile of dishes the size of my house than mop or fold clothes. Have I mentioned how much I hate mopping and folding clothes?


Speaking of that, I desperately need to mop, and I have a couple of batches of clothes I should go fold. Yay.


FWIW, I am very organized and my house is very neat. With all my kids pretty much gone, I can get away with a batch of laundry most days. I still hate it though. As nice and neat as my house looks on a daily basis, I'd be ashamed to have anyone walk around on my tile in socks. ;-p

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I'm a freak - I actually like doing laundry. I sort it, wash it, fold it as each load comes out of the dryer, and feel so accomplished. :D Which, when your kids are really young, is a huge thing.


I used to hate mopping but then I got a steam mop and now I like that too.


Now what I really, really loathe is vaccuuming the stairs. I have three black cats who like to hang out on the stairs, roll around, and shed, and it's impossible to keep them clean. :banghead: I either need a vaccuum that's capable of getting the hair up (mine just can't get into the backs and sides of the stairs, or the vertical carpet) or replace the carpet with wood or tile.

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