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At what age did your dc start calling you "mom" instead of "mommy"?


At what age did your dc start calling you 'mom' instead of 'mommy'?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. At what age did your dc start calling you 'mom' instead of 'mommy'?

    • younger than 5
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    • 11
    • 12
    • 13
    • 14
    • older than 14

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I can't remember the last time I was called mommy. A long time ago? My youngest are 12. I'm guessing around 5 or so. We're just mom and dad, or mater and padre. Sometimes muti or ishki for me. Inki for dad. I answer to many names.


My girls still hold my hand, hug me, put their arm around me, lean on my shoulder when watching movies. My 15 yr old links her arm through mine when we are out shopping.

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I voted "older than 14" though it's not quite right because my almost 17yo son still calls me Mommy and tells me that he will never stop. And the other one seems to be following in his footsteps, though he is more socially conscious than his brother, so I suspect that he will convert someday.

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I am momma.

That is my "name". I chose it. I earned the right to choose it after 9 months of barfing, and several hours of pushing.


Not mom.

Not mommy.

Not mother.

Not Lara.


When they stray, they are guided back.

This is how my SO's mother is exactly and how we are teaching our kids to be as well. When they are little, I allow them to use Mommy but as they are aging, they are taught I am Momma and that is that. I remember my son calling me Mom one day and my SO calmly interrupted and said "You mean Momma". My sister was taken by surprise about that. Her son calls her Mom and he's been doing it ever since they moved out here, so hmmmm, 3 or so is when he started calling her Mom.

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Not so weird. :) My oldest called me by my first name for a long time.



When Ds was about 4 yrs he went through an annoying stage of continually drawing my attention with a 'Mom' or 'Mommy' without any follow-on request or statement. He wore out the words I suppose, and I just started to tune them out. That's when he realized that calling me by my given name got my attention faster.


I don't mind kids calling parents by their first name, but I really couldn't cope with my name being whined at me and used all day not stop, so every time ds called my by my first name, I called him 'Fred' (which is not his name). He soon reverted to 'Mom', but now I often call him

'Fred' - it got stuck in my head and I use it as a nickname for him.

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Guest inoubliable

We've always heard "Mother and Father" for as long as I can remember. Maybe the first 6 months were mamamama, but once it was articulated is was Mother.

Most all of our friends are the same as well. Maybe it's a New England thing?


After just six months, huh? Impressive.


I don't know if it's a New England thing. Sounds like a pretentious thing to me.

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Not sure exactly. We raised our first child in Florida and he called me mommy, then mom. We moved to South Carolina when our kids were 18, 9 and 3. My two youngest began calling me Mama soon after we moved here. Previously, I was mommy/mom to them. The Southern ways rubbed off on them quickly. I have no idea if Mama will continue forever, but at this point they are 8 and 14 and both call me Mama. I laugh at them sometimes and tell them if their brother was here, he would tease them for being so Southern.

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I've never been mommy. My kids called me mama, until about 4.5 then I became Ma. I'm good with that. I call my mom, Ma. The kids call her Mamo (mah-moh) because her nickname is Mo and they always heard me call her Ma, so they put the two together. I called my dad Pa, so the kids called him Papa. My dh was called daddy until about 5, then they switched to Dad.

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We've always heard "Mother and Father" for as long as I can remember. Maybe the first 6 months were mamamama, but once it was articulated is was Mother.

Most all of our friends are the same as well. Maybe it's a New England thing?


Definitely not. Where in New England are you?

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My dd still calls me Mama. Even in front of her friends or in a store, or wherever. She's almost 16. I love that kid!!!


Ds is really dss, so he's always called me by my first name, although when he talks about "his parents" I am included in that. =)

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Dd just turned 10, ds will b 12 in May. They both started calling me Mom instead of Mommy about a month ago.


Of course, both will still hold my hand and hug me in public. They sometimes will sit in my lap (one at a time of course. Ds is only an inch shorter than me!)

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DS will be 12 in June, he still calls me Mamma, occasionally Mommy.....but usually only when he wants something. He calls DH by his first name, or a variation thereof that sounds like Daddy, sadly it drives DH bonkers so it is normally his first name. :001_rolleyes:


I still call my mom mamma, so it might be a regional thing.


He will still hold my hand, and hug me in public, he can't sit on my lap since he is bigger than me, but will put his head in it so I can rub his hair like a kitty. He would also happily sleep in the same bed as me, or smack in between DH and I. He doesn't need it or make a fuss though, and is content to sleep with our dog and his cat.


I enjoy it all, I know it won't last much longer.

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I can't believe some are actually teased for this. I am 36 and have always called my mom 'Momma', and never been teased. The other day I dropped something off at the middle school for dd and as I was walking out she yelled, "Thanks, Momma!" She also uses it when she has groups of friends over and no one has ever teased her. I honestly never knew it was a big deal.


This is part of why I picked "Mama." It seems more likely that dd will be willing to call me that when she is much older!

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My kids have been through various stages, including where they called dh & I by our names, which I thought was pretty cute! About 5ish they transitioned from Mummy & Daddy to Mum & Dad, but then when the oldest was about 8 (IIRC) they all started calling me Lovey. I can't remember how it started. That has stuck since then, and they are now 20, 19 & 17, and it's Love or Lovey for me (they call me Mum when talking to others about me, but Lovey still between themselves), and Dad for dh.


I always wanted to be called Mama, but they only used it rarely. I've decided I'm going to be Mama-Love/y for my grandkids!

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I can't remember, but I miss my little girl calling me "Mama". Now, she pretty much calls me "Mom". My husband always referred to his owner mother as "Mother". I hate that! He will sometimes say to mykids, "Please ask Mother . . . " and it will get my hackles up because that's not what I want to be called. My son always called me "Mommy" and now "Mom". I can't even imagine him saying "Mommy" at this point since it's been so long since he transitioned.

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I can't recall a particular age with my dc; I actually don't remember whether or not they ever called me Mommy :001_rolleyes: . I've been Mom for as long as I can remember. Although, for some reason, when he wants something or is being particularly sweet, ds16 calls me Mumzie or Mumzay. No idea why.


Little dd called me Mama as soon as she was able to form the words (likely the same with the elder dc), but lately (she's 28 months) she has been using Mommy, Mom and Mama interchangeably. So cute!


In my case, I have called my mom Shrimp or Short since I was in middle school (I don't remember what I called her before that, probably Mom). I know it sounds terrible, but she doesn't mind, and although I'm not sure how it started (obviously it has something to do with her being 4'10"), it has just stuck. She even incorporated it into her email address/online handles. In public I call her Mom, and to my kids, I call her Gram.

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Purely my own (and my family's) opinion, but I kinda think it gets weird for a boy to call him mom "mommy" after about 7-ish. I hate to say 'creepy' cause that's extreme. Creepy does hit, though, after age 10 for me.... Creepy still isn't the right word. Not sure what the right word it..... We have a friend who is about to graduate high school and he still calls his mom "mommy' and EVERYONE was already being bothered by it (except his parents) when we moved here 7 years ago.

Odd, though - there is certainly a double standard that most people I have. I don't have it - but most consider it acceptable for a girl to call her dad "daddy" for a long time. That always sounds wrong to me as well.

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Guest inoubliable

Purely my own (and my family's) opinion, but I kinda think it gets weird for a boy to call him mom "mommy" after about 7-ish. I hate to say 'creepy' cause that's extreme. Creepy does hit, though, after age 10 for me.... Creepy still isn't the right word. Not sure what the right word it..... We have a friend who is about to graduate high school and he still calls his mom "mommy' and EVERYONE was already being bothered by it (except his parents) when we moved here 7 years ago.

Odd, though - there is certainly a double standard that most people I have. I don't have it - but most consider it acceptable for a girl to call her dad "daddy" for a long time. That always sounds wrong to me as well.



I could have written this. You know what used to skeeve me out? Some neighbors across the street - we don't hang out at all anymore partly because of this type of weirdness - were in their 40s. A brother and sister. They invited us over a couple of times for parties and a superbowl thing. Every time we went they would talk about how a certain dish had been given to one by "Mommy" or how they were going to go visit "Mommy" in a couple of weeks. It almost seemed like they were trying pretty hard to steer the conversation so that they could mention "Mommy" as often as possible. A rather large, mid to late 40's man - talking about his "Mommy". It was skeevier than when he disappeared out to the backyard and his sister mentioned casually that he'd just stepped out to toke up a bit before dinner because she didn't allow him to smoke his dope in the house. :huh:

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My kids (14 & 10) have always called us mama & da. DD tried out "mom" once, because that's what her friends use, but I told her that I really don't like "mom" or "mommy" and preferred mama. When DS was little he sometimes called me Jax (which cracked me up) and sometimes Muddy (that started because once when I said "hey, buddy," he replied "hey, mmm...uddy" and it stuck).


ETA: I almost forgot — when we lived in France, DS called me "maman," but the way he pronounced the "n" was almost more like an "l" so it sounded like "mammal," which always made people do a double-take. :laugh:


I wouldn't mind if he switched to either Jax or Muddy when he's older, but he may not feel the need to be cool like that, lol. He's 6'3" and will often walk with his arm around my shoulder. DD still holds my hand when we're out shopping.


FWIW, I've always called my father by his first name; I try to avoid calling my mother anything, lol.



(aka Jax, Muddy, or Mama)

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My oldest 2 kids were about 1st grade-ish. They were in ps back then and though mommy was babyish. My ds9 still occasionally does, but about 1.5 years ago so about 2nd grader-ish he mostly started using mom. dd5 still calls me mama 99% of the time.


My mom speaks of my first day of Kindergarten, I came home from school and told her "They play the hockey song at school-aka o'canada- and I am too big to call you mommy now" Apparently some kid laughed at me when I called her mommy. I don't remember at all, but she says I never called her mommy again.

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I have heard some southern friends refer to their parents as Mother and Daddy. I have not heard that combination otherwise.


My mom is from a small Southern town and always refers to her parents as Mother and Daddy. I would have thought this a slight against my Grandma, but Mom loved her mother to pieces. Still, she was always "Mother" instead of Mom, Mommy or Mama.

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