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I've been reading the WTM boards almost daily for 20 years!


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I lurked on the WTM boards from 2004 and we started homeschooling in 2006.  We would not have been able to do it without all the advise on the Curriculum boards, especially the K-8 ones.

I just found myself on one of the old boards from Feb 2006. https://web.archive.org/web/20060207081131/http://wtmboards.com/K8currFeb01/

Were you there too?



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I've been here daily, too.  My kids are about the same ages at SWB's, which was always an encouragement. 
My dh surprised me one day, by ordering the WTM book (1st edition) from Amazon . . . and it was just what I was looking for.

I'm very grateful to SWB and The Hive!

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4 hours ago, Hannah said:

Were you there too?

I was! That page brought back memories; I see lots of familiar names some of whom are also still here.

I've been visiting since the late nineties and remember all the Y2K hubbub.



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I think it's been about 20 years for me. I was Sue in St Pete back then. I rarely checked the chat board during our hs'ing years. Now, I rarely check any other board. I have no other social media account.

The K-8 board, the Middle School board, the High School, Board, the College Board all helped me through. One boardie tutored ds in writing one year. 3 boardies critiqued my ds' high school transcript. I think I've only met 3 boardies IRL: one from Tampa, one from Colorado, and one from Canada.

I am grateful for SWB. My heroine!

Anyone remember vegsource?

Edited by Sunshine State Sue
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I've been dropping in here and there since 2000 - it was one of my first introductions to homeschooling.  I was in college, had no kids and no spouse, but I've wanted to hs since I first learned it was a thing.  I read more regularly around 2003 and started posting around 2004, I think.

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I feel like a newcomer!

I think I first became aware of the boards around 2006; my oldest was 3 and I had begun seriously researching homeschool options. I didn't start reading regularly though until about 2010/2011.

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I'm not sure when I started, but it would have been when my oldest was in the early primary years. (She's 27 now.) I have been so grateful for the resources and perspectives here, not to mention the fun. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. 

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I've been here for more than 20 years. My dd graduated in 2021 and I really just checked the Chat Board for a couple of years. Now I'm afterschooling my nephew and I'm back to the curriculum boards. They're still an excellent resource.

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I joined almost exactly 15 years ago (March 2009), but I first started reading the boards the previous year when I was debating pulling DS out of public school. He's in grad school now, but I still hang out here because it's such a unique online space, filled with really smart, well-educated women, from so many different places and backgrounds, who are almost unfailingly kind, supportive, and helpful. It's really rare to find a large online group with so little snark, trolling, and spam (thank you Mods!).

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Getting close to 20 years for me, too! 2005-the year my first kiddo was born. I was pregnant with her and on a city-forum. A thread was started about homeschooling, and someone mentioned The Well-Trained Mind as a resource. I went looking on the internet and found The Hive. Rarely post, but read almost daily. It has been an amazing resource and constant in my life that I get from no one and no where else. No way could I have managed to get through 14 years of homeschooling. Next year will be my last year so 15 years schooling and 20 years learning. 🙂

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7 hours ago, Sunshine State Sue said:

I think it's been about 20 years for me. I was Sue in St Pete back then. I rarely checked the chat board during our hs'ing years. Now, I rarely check any other board. I have no other social media account.

The K-8 board, the Middle School board, the High School, Board, the College Board all helped me through. One boardie tutored ds in writing one year. 3 boardies critiqued my ds' high school transcript. I think I've only met 2 boardies IRL.

I am grateful for SWB. My heroine!

Anyone remember vegsource?

I do remember Vegsource. It was one of the first boards I visited when I started going on the web in 1997/8. Also used to go to Parent Soup (my very first board) and Gentle Christian Mothers, where I was Servant of God. 

I started coming here most likely around 2005 (ds was a baby), but I mostly lurked and read and spent a lot of time evaluating math programs. I think it was 2008 when I started posting here on the Chat board more of the time. I had stopped spending time on those other boards and this became my primary board. 

I remember the Cupcake thread, the original Kilt thread and the thread about “removing carpet in the TEA room”. I remember the original TEA thread, but did not participate in it as it unfolded. What a thread though! 

I’ve learned so much here. I wonder sometimes what I would think and believe if I had not been reading here all these years. It is possible I would still be using apostrophes to pluralize! (Thanks, Mrs. Mungo!) 

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28 minutes ago, Ginevra said:

Also used to go to Parent Soup (my very first board) and Gentle Christian Mothers, where I was Servant of God. 

I've been on GCM almost as long as here (with the same name).  I had an account on the old board in 04-05, and then rejoined in 2006 when I was pregnant with my first.

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12 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

I probably started in 2004 or 2005, prepping for dd's kindergarten year starting September 2005. But I read a lot more than I posted those early years, so it would take awhile to find me.

This is my timeline too. But thinking started posting right away. 

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I've been here since 2000 or 2001 - lurking, sometimes posting.  I was probably on here every day when I was still homeschooling.  My oldest is 30 and my youngest is 23.  I was Ellen in IL but switched to my "pirate name" when I was getting confused with another Ellen - I couldn't remember which were my posts. 😄

A huge thank you to @Susan Wise Bauer and to all the boardies for your support over the years!

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14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Yup. that's me.  I think I joined when my daughter was 5, and she turns 28 this year.

Wait. Whut? I thought Calvin and Hobbes were both boys. ?? Oh, my goodness. I am so lame. I've always thought of you as a mom of boys.

Does anyone else remember cheering when SWB had her little girlie? And laughing and crying, simultaneously, over fortification-by-chocolate-chip, straight from the bag? Some days when I'm deep in dueling spreadsheets, I long for a bag of choc chips.

@Hannah, I'm glad you started this thread. Congrats on 20 years!


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28 minutes ago, Halftime Hope said:

Wait. Whut? I thought Calvin and Hobbes were both boys. ?? Oh, my goodness. I am so lame. I've always thought of you as a mom of boys.




9 minutes ago, Sunshine State Sue said:

Me too!

Mind blown.  

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I've been here since 2002 so a little more than 20 years and I have been home schooling a bit longer than that although just in a consultant capacity with my dgc (all of which also home school) now. I have no other social media but I visit here almost every day. My children also ask what's happening on the board and if we ever have a question we can't answer the family consensus is consult the hive. The community here has supported me through births, deaths, severe illnesses (both my own and other family members), an unexpected financial crisis and my hubby's unexpected early retirement. I have at times had close bonds with board members going through the same things as me and I really miss some of the old timers who have long since gone. My screen saver on my computer rolls family pictures and every now and then a picture comes up of the square I sent for Scarlett's quilt. And I too am totally shocked to hear that Laura has a dd! 

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11 hours ago, Halftime Hope said:

Wait. Whut? I thought Calvin and Hobbes were both boys. ?? Oh, my goodness. I am so lame. I've always thought of you as a mom of boys.


You weren't wrong in what we thought at the time - my daughter is trans.

Edited by Laura Corin
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20 hours ago, Kareni said:

I was! That page brought back memories; I see lots of familiar names some of whom are also still here.

I've been visiting since the late nineties and remember all the Y2K hubbub.



Yes, so have I. I know my name was Chris something - I lived in NM at that time.  And I just thought of the Y2K conversation we had here thos last week. I don’t rememberall my names. I know I was TransientChris for quite a long time. Mwy have been SpaceCoasrtChris but O can't remember the one I had when I started here.

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I've been here since 2008. It's been such a wonderful experience! I've learned so much, and I'm grateful I found it. 

I've met 3 boardies, which feels like a privilege. Mrs. Mungo, @TravelingChris, and @ScoutTN. My kids wouldn't eat oatmeal until I started making Mrs. Mungo's recipe, so I thanked her for that! 

@Lori D. was always such a help to me in so many of the classes and groups I taught through our co-op and homeschool group! 

The tackle thread has been such an important part of my life, too!  

Echoing others in thanking, @Susan Wise Bauer!!! 

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5 hours ago, KidsHappen said:

I've been here since 2002 so a little more than 20 years and I have been home schooling a bit longer than that although just in a consultant capacity with my dgc (all of which also home school) now. I have no other social media but I visit here almost every day. My children also ask what's happening on the board and if we ever have a question we can't answer the family consensus is consult the hive. The community here has supported me through births, deaths, severe illnesses (both my own and other family members), an unexpected financial crisis and my hubby's unexpected early retirement. I have at times had close bonds with board members going through the same things as me and I really miss some of the old timers who have long since gone. My screen saver on my computer rolls family pictures and every now and then a picture comes up of the square I sent for Scarlett's quilt. And I too am totally shocked to hear that Laura has a dd! 

The quilt is laid out on my mom’s guest bed and has been for several years.  She is 79 now and is slow to get things done.  I am going to get that quilt finished before I die if it is the last thing I do!

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Just now, Scarlett said:

The quilt is laid out on my mom’s guest bed and has been for several years.  She is 79 now and is slow to get things done.  I am going to get that quilt finished before I die if it is the last thing I do!

I always wondered if it got finished. lol

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I think I joined around 2008 or 2009, a bit before we actually started homeschooling. I have learned so much here, about homeschooling, parenting, and a million other things. My favorite thread was the giant emoji day; I laughed and laughed.

I know a handful of boardies irl and still would like to plan a Music City WTM get together. 

Thanks @Susan Wise Bauer for hosting us all these years! 

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18 hours ago, Sunshine State Sue said:

I think it's been about 20 years for me. I was Sue in St Pete back then. I rarely checked the chat board during our hs'ing years. Now, I rarely check any other board. I have no other social media account.

The K-8 board, the Middle School board, the High School, Board, the College Board all helped me through. One boardie tutored ds in writing one year. 3 boardies critiqued my ds' high school transcript. I think I've only met 3 boardies IRL: one from Tampa, one from Colorado, and one from Canada.

I am grateful for SWB. My heroine!

Anyone remember vegsource?

I remember vegsource. And I do remember you yoo as your old name.  

Very grateful for SWB!!!!

I am sure I did start in 1999 since I know I moved to New Mexico that year and I wasn't on it in our previous post.  

I had 1 just starting homeschool high school one in elementary school, and one who was 2 at that time. And my dh was traveling all the time.

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Posted (edited)

Do you remember Kay?  She passed away in about 2013/14.  She used the username Kalanamak and her last signature was “Professional bedlam tamer. Family: SAHD and 10 y/o boy”.  She posted daily and referred to her son as kiddo. Sh

I made a book of her wisdom for her young son and sent it to a boardie to pass along.  He must be 20+ y/o by now.  I wonder if he saved it and what has become of him.  

I found it again the other day in an old external hard drive. This was one post I really love.

Expectations of a daughter-in-law

 I have no expectations....only hopes. My first level of hope: no significant genetic illnesses, including "major mental illness", ability to recognize the road to bankruptcy and how to get off it, non-violent, and not a minor.

My next level of hope includes a reasonable amount of fidelity, parenting skills, and some basic politeness and table manners. Optimist a real bonus.

My next level of hope is IQ above 110 but below 140, a sense of humor, a dry wit, a good dose of pluck seasoned with prudence, and the ability to support a family if something should disable my son.

My last level of hope is that she is a born nurse, wise in the ways of people, indefatigable, lucky, well-read, fit, and, if she be beautiful, not swayed by the superficial lure of good-looking flirts.

And may she never meet a man named Tre.

In a re-introduction she wrote:

I'm Kay in WA and I was a literature fanatic and passionate cook prior to having a menopause baby with a near-stranger when it was clear I was never going to re-win my beloved ex's heart.
By day I'm an internist who works with the severely mentally ill, by evening I homeschool a tall, bouncy, quirky* budding nurse, all the while thinking that near-stranger is stranger than I could have guessed.



Edited by Hannah
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Thanks for the callout @mom31257 💕 -- I hadn't seen this thread. How fun!

I joined the old "flipping" board somewhere in 2001-2002, thanks to the recommendation of another homeschooler I "met" at a much smaller, far less active homeschooling forum.

So much wonderful support and great ideas here on the WTM boards that helped my family really soar in our homeschooling days! Since our younger DS graduated in 2012,  I've been creating my own curricula and teaching classes at our local homeschool support group's co-op. Guess I'm a forever homeschooler!  😄 

Edited by Lori D.
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18 hours ago, forty-two said:

I've been on GCM almost as long as here (with the same name).  I had an account on the old board in 04-05, and then rejoined in 2006 when I was pregnant with my first.

I didn’t even realize GCM was still a thing. 

I feel like I remember you being on there but probably not really. Joanne was the only person I was well aware of being on both boards at the time. I’m sure there was more overlap than that. 

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