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For Fun: Baby names you liked but never used


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Since I've come to the realization that 6 kids is enough for me I have been thinking about names we liked but never used for any of our kids. I would love to hear your names you never used for your kids.

Boys: Mason, Graham and Liam

Girls: Ivy, Charlotte and Poppy



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That's the beauty of having pets - you can use those names you've always wanted to use! 😅  Though sadly they don't always fit with the pets. Perhaps a parallel thread could be "Pet names you wanted to use but never got the chance." 😉 

For me, I wanted to use these girl names: Katrina and Annie

For boy names: Theo (then I had three boys and used the other boy names I liked)

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Well, I never had boys so I never used any of my boy names. Dh nixed Charles because we have so many on both sides of the family. I always liked Henry, he didn't, but then we got a kitten whose foster family had named Henry. My top two that dh didn't eliminate were Matthew and Jacob, but I didn't like that they were top ten names. But they're not top ten anymore.

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Boy: Isaac James or Spencer James (I would've used Isaac for a second boy; Spencer would not fit with the last name.)

Girl: Kathryn Rose, Sofia Kathryn, or Sofia Rose

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When we adopted from China, we thought we were getting a girl.   We did not! LOL.

Anyway, we were going to name her Mei Li.   My grandmother's middle name was Mei (she grew up in China) and my middle name is Li (my dad grew up in China and wanted me to have a Chinese middle name).   It also means beautiful in Mandarin.

But, alas, I was never able to use it.

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Willow, Keziah, Berea (ber-ray-ah), Mary, Hosannah, Amelia, Catherine, Rose, Meadow, Ophelia, Opal, Lillian, Julia, Autumn, Daphne for girls. Well, I had a finch named Daphne, after Jack Lemmon's character in "Some Like It Hot"! 😄 

Joseph, Aaron, Boaz (yes I love old-school Bible names!), Ezra, Isaiah, Noah for boys. 

Edited by wisdomandtreasures
Thought of more names
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Magdalen, Astaire (gave it to our second boy for a middle name, but was meant for a girl🥴), Avigail, Yael


I have no more boy names left in me. I think we have given our three fellas the best we could muster. I just don’t love boy names! Maybe I will get to use a girl name one day :)

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We ended up doing weird Biblical names kind of by accident but my last was a girl, if she had been a boy she would have been Boaz which my kids came up with.  At first I didn't like it but it has grown on me over the years.  Maybe a grandson since it was my kids idea originally?

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

That's the beauty of having pets - you can use those names you've always wanted to use! 😅  Though sadly they don't always fit with the pets. Perhaps a parallel thread could be "Pet names you wanted to use but never got the chance." 😉 

For me, I wanted to use these girl names: Katrina and Annie

For boy names: Theo (then I had three boys and used the other boy names I liked)

I have a Theo! 🙂 Only boy

I wanted David but my sister used it and I didn't think it kind to reuse names.

Our unused names:

Boy: Isaiah Daniel

Girl: Lydia Vivian


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8 minutes ago, purpleowl said:

Girls: Alice, Felicity, Rosalind, Beatrix

Boys: Peregrin/Peregrine (not sure which spelling we would have landed on), Basil, Caspian

I think I'm forgetting some.

Remembered another one - Zelda! I love that name. But it's WAY too closely connected with the video games to be usable (for us).

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My sister used one ❤️so im

happy about that (and not listing it lol). All of our kids have somewhat unusual names (for America).

I’m sad I didn’t get to use Julien for a boy. There are others but that one is my favorite.

for a girl, I had many names I recommended people when they asked but my daughter was always going to be named what she is named, no matter what absolutely anyone else said. 😉 Other girl names I like are Elodie, Manon, Beatrice, Calliope, (Callie for short), Eugenie. 

(my sister who is a PT says I like old lady names 🤣)

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Laurel - The Columbia disaster happened while I was pregnant with my oldest, and this was the name of one of the astronauts. I was drawn to the name, and it seemed a nice tribute. But DH didn't like it.

Anneliese - Also considered this with my oldest, for family reasons (it's not a family name, but similar), and it might have happened, but he ended up being a boy. Then my cousin named her kid that - came up with it totally independently, for the same reason I did - so it was off the table.

Erik - this was the boy name we had picked for my younger two, who ended up being girls. In fact, we didn't even decide on a girl name until after the youngest was born and turned out to be a girl (she didn't cooperate on the ultrasound).

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In my teens, I wanted 6 kids ... I had it all planned out!  So I came up with 6 girl names (first and middle) and 6 boy names.  Let's see how many I can remember ....

Auri Scott

Micha Jonathon

Robert Mars (pronounced Marce)

Licia Marie

Lia Elena

Rachel Eleia

Ashley Ruth

Elizabeth Anne

Jennifer Lynn

[Guess I forgot 3 boy names]

Of all the 24 names, only one ended up being used, and that was coincidence (didn't even realize it until now).

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I had one child, a boy. I always knew I wanted to name a boy after my dad who died when I was 14. Dh was fine with that because he chose dss' name so he already picked a boy name. He chose the middle name though it was easy for me to agree to that name.

I liked several girl names and would have had a harder time deciding if I had a girl -

Donna Maria
Mary Joanna after my two grandmothers - My only concern was the real possibility of her being called Mary Jo which I didn't want, but I also didn't think flipping it to Joanna Mary had the same ring to it. 

Dh would have liked to name a girl after me - Kathleen

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1 hour ago, madteaparty said:

Other girl names I like are Elodie, Manon, Beatrice, Calliope, (Callie for short), Eugenie

(my sister who is a PT says I like old lady names 🤣)

Old lady names do come back. When I was younger Emily and Emma were both old lady names that are now popular. My name otoh was common. I went to school with a bunch of girls also named Kathy or Cathy (Kathleen or Catherine). Most women I meet named Kathy/Cathy these days are at least over 50.😂

Also, some names that are old lady names in the US are not in the UK - the princesses Beatrice and Eugenie for example. 🙂 

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For a girl, I wanted to use Ophelia Rose, but DH was opposed.  We talked about naming DD Gwen.  I also like Siobhan and Andromeda.

For boy names, I used the two I liked most, but we also discussed Luke and Melchizedek.  We were going to use Phineas for youngest until right before he was born (like in the operating room) when I told DH I had changed my mind and wanted to go with our other choice instead.

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I only named boys.  If we had a girl she would have been Mary called Molly.  If I named a daughter by myself she might be Rosemary, Sophie, or Claire.

It's a good thing my DH had opinions though, because I lobbied hard for a name for DS3, that turned out to be DS2's name!

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Melody. DH pointed out that it would be frustrating for a non-musical child. Bethany was another strong possibility. 

Timothy. South Park killed that one, Brendan. DH pointed out that he'd have to constantly correct people who called him Brandon.

1 hour ago, KungFuPanda said:

We agreed to name my daughter Katherine, but couldn’t agree on the spelling. Her name is not Katherine or Catherine. Spelling is important.  🤣

I ended up being Donna because my parents couldn't agree on whether to go with Deborah or Debra. 



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I also like Katherine, Lisa, and Jim.

Katherine was considered for a middle name, but we ended up choosing Elizabeth instead. I still like Katherine, though. I know Lisa is a derivative from Elizabeth/Elisabeth, but I do like it as a standalone; short and pretty.

There are Jim/Jimmy/James on both sides of our families. I fell in love with the name Jim because of an adorable little boy I knew with dark brown curls, looong eyelashes, big brown eyes, and a sweet disposition. However, an ex-bil was also named that, so we nixed it decisively. Hated that he ruined that name. I am also rather partial to Jamie (for girl or boy), which is my favorite cousin's name, and also for two in-laws on dh's side. Ironically, I don't care a lot for the name James, but Jamie has a whole different tone to me.

3 hours ago, Jaybee said:

Girls: Laurie, Margaret, Natalie

Boys: Joseph, Isaac, Walter

From my list above: Laurie was top runner for #1 child for a girl, but we had a boy. One of my favorite aunts was named Margaret, as well as a very dear family friend, but dh never liked the name. Natalie was top girls' name for child #5, but we had a boy. Joseph was a top runner for one of the twins if they were boys, but they were girls. Isaac, I grew to like after we already had all our kids. Walter was another adorable little boy in the church nursery, this time with big blue eyes, and he was so so sweet. I recently was reading over some family history, and found out it was the name of a great grandfather. I may have to use it for a pup one day.

I tend to lean classic for names. 

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The only name we hadn't picked before the baby was born was our first and last.

For my first I wanted Matilda because I loved the book and I loved how it sounded with our last name. My husband wanted Elizabeth. She for sure is not a Matilda or an Elizabeth. 🤣. We went with another M name. 

My 9mo girl was going to be Ivy Elyse but then I saw her on the 20 week ultrasound and I was convinced her name was something else and surprisingly my DH was on board right away. 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

Charlotte, Emma, Elaina.

I lobbied hard for Samuel twice but DH once upon a time a million years ago knew someone named Sam that he didn’t like.

This was always the problem with Mark. I think the universe smiled on us by having only one female child because apparently he knew nearly every single shrew named any name I liked, and couldn't get beyond it. Laurel was the ONLY other female name he agreed to beyond our daughter's first and middle name. That was it. He couldn't even come up with a middle to go with it. If another girl had come along, I likely would have been forced to bonk him on the head at the hospital, and while he was unconscious, name her and sign the birth certificate paperwork. 😂

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2 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

Charlotte, Emma, Elaina.

I lobbied hard for Samuel twice but DH once upon a time a million years ago knew someone named Sam that he didn’t like.

One of my kids' middle names is the name of an aunt of mine who died. At some point after the kid was born and named, I ended up with a horrible boss with the same name.

Aunt or not, I'm not sure I could have gotten past that association if I'd met the boss first.

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