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We put an offer in on a house!


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2 hours ago, ktgrok said:

They accepted our offer!!!!!

They even had a cash offer for more, but the seller's agent like my agent, and the sellers liked having a family move in rather than it being bought by a corporation (the letter helped!). 

Now...to make sure financing goes through - they need stuff like a letter showing that DH's teaching job is year round, not a 9 month thing, etc etc. 


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2 hours ago, ktgrok said:

They accepted our offer!!!!!

They even had a cash offer for more, but the seller's agent like my agent, and the sellers liked having a family move in rather than it being bought by a corporation (the letter helped!). 

Now...to make sure financing goes through - they need stuff like a letter showing that DH's teaching job is year round, not a 9 month thing, etc etc. 

I am so very happy.  I think that is also why my dd2"s offer was accepted also- they liked the agent and also knew the loan officer as being a very responsible loan officer who got things done correctly. In fact, I think they had used the same loan officer,  

And about the item highlighted- either FHA or the bank needed a letter from dsil2 that he is able to work from home- because he is moving an hour and a half from the office.  However, he is working for a company that handles water treatment and sewage treatment plants and what he is a person who goes out and handles the computer programs that run the machines, etc.  So that means he travels often and the places he travels are going to be most of the time in a better place for him since he travels up to the Nashville area and down to Montgomery.  And he has been travelling to Nashville area more than south of Birmingham area and other places he does work will be actually closer to his new home.


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So happy for you!!!!  And I hear about the seller wanting a family instead of a corporation buying their home - we had multiple would-be investors try and buy daughter's townhome earlier this year - some even had the built in automatic raising of an offer to beat any competitor.  We choose a buyer who was actually going to live in the townhome.

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

They accepted our offer!!!!!

They even had a cash offer for more, but the seller's agent like my agent, and the sellers liked having a family move in rather than it being bought by a corporation (the letter helped!). 

Now...to make sure financing goes through - they need stuff like a letter showing that DH's teaching job is year round, not a 9 month thing, etc etc. 


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4 hours ago, ktgrok said:

They accepted our offer!!!!!

They even had a cash offer for more, but the seller's agent like my agent, and the sellers liked having a family move in rather than it being bought by a corporation (the letter helped!). 

Now...to make sure financing goes through - they need stuff like a letter showing that DH's teaching job is year round, not a 9 month thing, etc etc. 


Great news! Congratulations!

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Y'all..this is why we need the bigger house. I was just going into my bedroom so I could get into pajamas and this is what I walk in on.  Yesterday it was puppets, today it is whatever this is. I…I just want a bedroom again. He has worked two jobs today, plus gave a talk at a conference, and now is judging some kind of contest at that conference. He is tireless. I, however, am not.


ean in his element.jpg

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1 minute ago, ktgrok said:

Y'all..this is why we need the bigger house. I was just going into my bedroom so I could get into pajamas and this is what I walk in on.  Yesterday it was puppets, today it is whatever this is. I…I just want a bedroom again. He has worked two jobs today, plus gave a talk at a conference, and now is judging some kind of contest at that conference. He is tireless. I, however, am not.


Is he aware you took this (priceless) photo? 😄 

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3 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I don't know what it is about that photo... maybe the contrast, lol. 

it really is utter insanity. And perhaps the single picture that encapsulates him the most - the crazy outfit plus all the technical gear around him. 

Theater kid crossed with IT geek. 

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And...I just noticed there is a top hat on top of a lamp or something...or maybe that is the armature for the 3d printer...I don't even know. It's basic black, I guess that's the professional business top hat, vs the sparkly one on his head?  (Did I mention the man has not one, but TWO boxes of hats our my closet?!?!? I can't wait to have SEPARATE closets!!!!! 

And for him to have an office, obviously. You know, so he has a place to keep his work top hat. 

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I think you need to find a way to list this letter on your writing credentials!  A letter that is powerful enough to sway someone away from corp$$....and toward your family, must have been a powerful, heartfelt letter.  Put some good spin in there and you could jewelry stores hiring you for romantic holiday ad copy.  💙🐶💜👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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Congratulations! Hope all goes well with the home inspection and appraisal! 

We just moved in a new house last month, and we ended up paying $13k over appraisal because the sellers wouldn't budge. Thankfully, our previous house sold higher than we thought it would appraise for, but our sale was a cash offer and didn't require one. 

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Congratulations - and we had the opposite happen after inspection. We gave the list of items that needed to be done to the sellers, and they offered to take $15,000 off the price of the house. We were going to ask for $5,000. So if your realtors have a good relationship - trust the realtor. 

2 hours ago, mom31257 said:

Congratulations! Hope all goes well with the home inspection and appraisal! 

We just moved in a new house last month, and we ended up paying $13k over appraisal because the sellers wouldn't budge. Thankfully, our previous house sold higher than we thought it would appraise for, but our sale was a cash offer and didn't require one. 


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Prayers and good thoughts please! I just got an email from loan officer with some clarification questions...most were no big deal, asking if we were using gift funds, using a power of attorny, etc but also asked if we had been in forebearance in the past year on mortgage, and if we had any lien or commitment other than primary mortgage. Well, I put on the application that we had the HUD partial claim from Covid Recovery act or whatever...so repeated that, and had to say yes, we used the CARES Act Covid Relief Forbearance but were current before and after that (as shown on credit report). 

Not sure why NOW they are asking about this, and very very very very worried it will be a deal breaker. Especially since it went long due to WF messing up the paperwork multiple times. 

I need to go wire the escrow money in a few hours, when DH is done teaching a workshop, and sign the forms for the inspector and give credit card info to pay for that...sort of waiting to see if loan officer comes back and says no deal. UGH. 

Going to puke, and DH is super stressed with work stuff so he's too busy to even think about it right now. (he stayed up all night last friday, ran an entire virtual IT conference on Saturday all day, our son's birthday was Sunday, and this week he worked two jobs plus gave a talk yesterday for another conference and then was up until 11pm judging some contest for them,  and is at this minute leading a two hour workshop for that conference from our bedroom while I try to keep kids and dogs quiet.

Edit - and although I SWEAR places wanted 2 months payment activity post forebearance, now I'm seeing 3 payments. So I just made our october payment and saved/printed the confirmation, so that's 3. But it's a private lender so they don't HAVE to go by the normal standard so..ugh. And kids are needing to be shushed every 2 minutes, and I can't take them anywhere cause then the dogs might bark at a delivery person during his workshop - I have to be here to shush them. UGH> 

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So, never got any "holy cow, you DID have a forbearance?!?!?! We will never give you a loan!" email back, so that's good? And I did get an email saying that they will be sending me paperwork to get the appraisal set up, and to send them documentation of the earnest money put down. 

In fact, they asked for a copy of the check, but I had wired the money (per title company requirements) so I emailed back with the paperwork from that and asked if that would work, and got a response immediately saying it would. So I'm assuming if she had a response to the other email she would have sent it already. 

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57 minutes ago, MooCow said:

All you have to show is three mortgage payments after the forbearance is over. That has been the m.o. since lenders began giving forbearances.  

thank you, that is what I am reading...but I still was nervous, lol. I'm going to be a basket case until I have keys in my hand I think!

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Katie, I think if they are willing to schedule the appraisal, then probably everything is okay. Breathe deep, and go hide in a closet with some chocolate for a few minutes. Hugs from someone who honestly thought this bank would make her NUTS before we made it to closing! But it did happen. Phew. I told Mark, this.is.it. No more mortgages. We will pay this off in a few years, and then if we ever move again, it is to a retirement condo that we pay cash for because I can't take the stress. At one point they wanted biweekly statements for our checking account on bank stationary and our bank only issues them monthly, and if you order one in between you have to pay $10.00 and it is a computer print out on blank paper. They finally agreed to screen shots from online banking. Just crazy making!

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1 minute ago, Faith-manor said:

Katie, I think if they are willing to schedule the appraisal, then probably everything is okay. Breathe deep, and go hide in a closet with some chocolate for a few minutes. Hugs from someone who honestly thought this bank would make her NUTS before we made it to closing! But it did happen. Phew. I told Mark, this.is.it. No more mortgages. We will pay this off in a few years, and then if we ever move again, it is to a retirement condo that we pay cash for because I can't take the stress. At one point they wanted biweekly statements for our checking account on bank stationary and our bank only issues them monthly, and if you order one in between you have to pay $10.00 and it is a computer print out on blank paper. They finally agreed to screen shots from online banking. Just crazy making!

So...I did consider sending DH to pick up the CBD chocolate from the health food store, lol!

And I hear you on the insanity - they asked for a copy of the check I used for earnest money and knowing how picky banks can be was panicking they wouldn't accept the wire transfer paperwork - but it was fine, thankfully!

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