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Anyone's local school districts requiring 100% mask compliance


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My kids are 100% homeschooled, so this doesn't affect them, but every school district within an hour radius of us is going to require masks for every single student all day.  Parents have the option of using virtual school rather than in person, but something like 80% of parents want to return to in-person school. We live in a hot spot area.  Is anyone else living in area where the schools will require 100% mass compliance to attend? 

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30 minutes ago, Shellydon said:

My kids are 100% homeschooled, so this doesn't affect them, but every school district within an hour radius of us is going to require masks for every single student all day.  Parents have the option of using virtual school rather than in person, but something like 80% of parents want to return to in-person school. We live in a hot spot area.  Is anyone else living in area where the schools will require 100% mass compliance to attend? 

You just described my area to a T. Ditto everything, except we are online until the governor takes my county off the watch list. 

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My kids both start back to five-day per week school on September 8. For the first time, both kids will be in public school. I have read through the current rules and guidelines many times and it says that face coverings must be worn when social distancing cannot be achieved.  So I guess for my area, the required masking could go either way. Regardless, I’m not looking forward to this at all. 

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The school’s plan until today was full time on campus with 100% masking and social distancing.  I was curious how it would work in practice, but the governor just announced our county is “high-risk” and asked the schools not to reopen.  (Thank you Governor!)  We were never going to send our kids in person, it makes our lives a lot easier to have everyone distance learning too.  But yes, 100% masking was the plan.   

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Our state is requiring masks of all students and staff with the exception of those who have a doctor's note stating they can't wear a mask due to medical reasons.

We have a full time virtual option but not many families opted for it--I think it was 15% in my building and 5% at the high school. 


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I think all the school districts local to me are starting online, but the governor has ordered a mandatory mask mandate for schools that hold in person classes. The mandate applies to everyone--students, teachers, all staff, with an exception for those with medical conditions that preclude mask wearing. The state is going to provide (IIRC) five washable masks to each student, teacher and staff member.

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We are starting online, but if one needs to go to the school, masks are 100% required. 

My son’s university requires masks 100% if a student is coming on campus (some classes are hybrid) AND they must have had a negative test within the last ten days. So I see a lot of tests in my son’s near future. 

Masks are 100% required in my state - I actually forget the exact rule now - but inside any building or business and I think outside whenever distance cannot be maintained. 

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Our local school district is requiring all students on campus to wear masks unless they have a verified medical excuse.  North West Forida is currently a hot spot and 45% of families chose a learn at home option.  Most of those choosing the local option that does not use Florida Virtual school.  Our local district worked hard to transition to distance learning and apparently, many parents were pleased with the results.

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Masks will be required at my dd's community college campus. Most classes are online, but lab based classes and skill programs (nursing, mechanics) will be in person.

The state is requiring masks for all K-12 students and staff. Families have the option to choose distance learning and districts decide whether to open up to in person classes (unless you are in a county that is over a certain threshold, then distance learning is required). It looks like my district will have face to face classes in the fall. The state is also providing at home saliva tests for all teachers and staff, although I am not clear on how often they are supposed to test.

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Our school district--Masks required by everyone on campus from (I think?) 4th grade up. Options are on-campus, blended, or virtual. Lots of protocols for different scenarios. I'm very pleased at the proactiveness, because this is not in an area where people are generally acting like the virus is important at all.

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My local district just switched to requiring masking in classrooms except for planned breaks, unless there is an IEP/504 in place with not masking as an accommodation but states that young students and students with developmental needs may require more breaks. I think the idea is to take masks breaks outside, but mask indoors. 

The biggest district here isn’t doing school in person at all, but my suburb mostly wanted to go back. I think the school board is very afraid of looking like GA is, and want to at least get on paper that “we tried”. School is supposed to start here the 17th. I will be interested in seeing if it actually does.


My piano studio registrations are kind of an interesting sociological experiment. I have a higher percentage of students who claim to want in person, and they reserved lesson times earlier-but almost all of the online students have actually gone to the website and paid, while only about half of the in-person ones have. I really suspect that is because of the uncertainty as to whether we will be allowed to reopen in person or not. 

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I'm a bit surprised that all of you are reporting mandatory masking for everyone. For most districts near us, only 5th grade and up have to wear them. There is a virtual option, but I'm not sure how many are taking it. The superintendent for our district is making it optional for everyone because required masking would be too difficult to enforce. We were homeschooling before COVID, but if we weren't before, we certainly would be now!

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1 minute ago, Pintosrock said:

I'm a bit surprised that all of you are reporting mandatory masking for everyone. For most districts near us, only 5th grade and up have to wear them. There is a virtual option, but I'm not sure how many are taking it. The superintendent for our district is making it optional for everyone because required masking would be too difficult to enforce. We were homeschooling before COVID, but if we weren't before, we certainly would be now!

I could be wrong about this, but like a pp mentioned it gives that impression of "we tried." I doubt many schools will enforce it, especially in the younger grades. Still many parents want their kids to wear masks and those kids will be following the rules so there should be at least partial compliance which is better than nothing.

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I am terrified (my wife is a PS teacher) because our state is making 5 day a week in person option mandatory and masking is optional for 10 and under. Our governor has said local health authorities can regulate whether schools can open and then said they can't regulate whether schools can open before school starts. Local control is best but no local control. It is a mess and our positivity rate is sky high. Look for Texas schools to shut down just as soon as they open up.

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1 hour ago, nrbeckking said:

I am terrified (my wife is a PS teacher) because our state is making 5 day a week in person option mandatory and masking is optional for 10 and under. Our governor has said local health authorities can regulate whether schools can open and then said they can't regulate whether schools can open before school starts. Local control is best but no local control. It is a mess and our positivity rate is sky high. Look for Texas schools to shut down just as soon as they open up.

I read many Texas Schools are requiring masks for all.  Just saw one in Houston and one in San Antonio on the news saying they would require masks when they started back. They were both big districts if I recall correctly.

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15 minutes ago, Shellydon said:

I read many Texas Schools are requiring masks for all.  Just saw one in Houston and one in San Antonio on the news saying they would require masks when they started back. They were both big districts if I recall correctly.

It is by district.  The state isn't not enforcing it and won't back the districts up if parents sue the district over it. 

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I'm glad to see places saying 100% masks (with breaks) vs. masks when within six feet of others.

People drastically miscalculate six feet, plus six feet is not a magical, impervious no spread zone.  Also, people get lax about putting masks back on when needing to be near and "just for a second" often turns longer.

A 100% mask rule (with breaks), imo, contributes to making masks normal.  

I think a lot of the guidelines are supposed to be A *and* B *and* C but many are replacing "and" with "or".

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VT has masks required when indoors for everyone aged 2+ including schools. Our parents have another week to decide but we're at about 20% wanting virtual vs. face to face according to our superintendent based on the surveys received so far. 

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18 hours ago, Shellydon said:

My kids are 100% homeschooled, so this doesn't affect them, but every school district within an hour radius of us is going to require masks for every single student all day.  Parents have the option of using virtual school rather than in person, but something like 80% of parents want to return to in-person school. We live in a hot spot area.  Is anyone else living in area where the schools will require 100% mass compliance to attend? 


Yes.  My son is going to vo-tech in the fall and is required to wear a mask.

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Yes. Our entire state requires masks and all of the local schools require them for students. The schools closest me, however, will begin the year (after labor day) with virtual classes for all students. ETA: A college librarian friend of mine recently posted on FB about some new tech that they have. It's facial recognition software that's hooked up to the library's entry doors. It will not let you in if it detects a face with no mask. This is also a way to meter access to the facility.

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Ours is all virtual. But it will be 100% mask mandatory. Maybe there will be some very specific special ed exceptions? But you can't go inside a building that isn't your own home without a mask here so I have no doubt it will be complete masking when they do return.

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The latest plan for my district is divide the schools into a group and b group.  Both go to in person classes 2 days a week. Group a goes 2 day, Wednesday no in person classes and then the other group goes.  They will alternate what days so they are not the same days.  Virtual instruction for those three days not in person.  One meeting they said masks or face shields but now they are debating that. I think masks are will win out with the state requirements. 

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Y'all, school started today locally. No mask requirement. No mask requested. I think you can wear one if you want. But, around here, if you wear a mask when it isn't required, you are highly likely to be ridiculed. Kids are very likely to be bullied if masked. (My kids have received this treatment by two younger kids in the neighborhood but aren't phased by it.) 

All in person. They have Hepa filters in most of the classrooms. Cases have tripled in the last two weeks in our county. Governor threatened to sue the county (not mine) & city (not mine) who ordered a mask mandate locally.

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NJ schools are requiring masks when inside for all students.    Our general law is currently for masks AND social distancing inside, masks when unable to distance outside.   There is also a virtual option available to anyone who wants it. 

Our Rt was recently rising due to parties.  Our schools mostly don't open until after Labor Day.

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Yes, masks will be required here. Honestly, if they weren't, we'd have nowhere near enough teachers to have any school. They are worried as it is, and many have flat out said they won't teach if there are not masks. But even then, the kids have to eat and drink - so does the teacher. So masks will have to come off for that. 

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On 8/7/2020 at 9:53 AM, Pintosrock said:

I'm a bit surprised that all of you are reporting mandatory masking for everyone. For most districts near us, only 5th grade and up have to wear them. There is a virtual option, but I'm not sure how many are taking it. The superintendent for our district is making it optional for everyone because required masking would be too difficult to enforce. We were homeschooling before COVID, but if we weren't before, we certainly would be now!

I keep wondering how this is an excuse, given dress codes, etc. I mean, I get it, in that a dress code violation doesn't kill anyone, but all the more reason to enforce masking rather than give up on the idea!

If they can enforce no spaghetti straps and shoes being closed toe, they can enforce masks. 

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6 minutes ago, theelfqueen said:

The "masks are too hard for kids" thing for me is parallel to making my kid wear shoes all the time when they were a toddler-kindergartener.. they were hot and uncomfortable and they didn't want to... and they didnt have to at home.... and they learned to do it. 

Ita!  When I taught ps K there were plenty of things that were "okay at home, not okay at school" that my students learned quickly.

Re masks and kids: When we're on hikes and encounter families with young kids the kids are either happily masked or see us approaching and happily ask for their mask.  Small sample I know but I do think kids can handle wearing a mask especially if it is approached well.


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1 hour ago, Happymomof1 said:


So the neighboring town's district had a big article in their paper about re-opening.  Masks will only be required if you cannot social distance.

THIS is the biggest disconnect in my area. It is not masks AND social distancing.  It is if you can social distance indoors, you don't need it. If you are outside you don't need it anyway.  I cannot tell you how many official sources say that.  Sigh.

This drives me crazy too. I don't think 6 feet of distancing without masks is sufficient indoors, especially for long periods of time. I also think people have a hard time picturing 6 feet of distance - I sure do! DH actually got out a measuring tape and we stood 6 feet apart... it's far! When I go for walks with friends, we stay apart, but sometimes we definitely wander into the 4-5 foot range before spreading out again. 

I'm very curious to see if the 3 foot distancing in schools, with masks, prevents spread. If it does, I'll be so happy!

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Nope. Not even for teachers. Masks are allowed. Some principals going as far as "encouraged". 

Elementary started Wednesday and had a positive reported Thursday. High school started Friday and had a positive reported that day. 

As a community I think we have just decided to ride it out and barrel our way toward herd immunity. Online options were offered but I think 80% or so of the students are back in the classroom full time. We have alot of cases here but people just largely are okay with it.  

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Yes, our district is allowing 1/4 of the kids in per day.


1450 kids in our school (roughly 45k kids in the district overall)

350 have opted for online only

1100 kids will be coming over the course of 4 days, so around 280 kids will come to school per day, allowing each child to get one day of in class learning.  

This will cost the district an addition $4M, and the money will run out by January.  The financial meeting confirmed that the money will be gone by Jan, and will cost way more than just opening normally.   This is due to additional cleaning staff, busses running double runs to comply with CDC guidelines, etc......it makes NO sense. 

Masks will be worn by everyone at all times.

A good time will be had by all.


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I’m gonna have a real attitude if it turns out we could be leading somewhat normal lives if we really lean into the air exchange problem. If we come out of this with better ways do get fresher, cleaner air into stagnant buildings, public health could make a little bit of lemonade down the road. My family has always been healthier when nobody spent their days in a government building be it a classroom or an office for one. If we can get a few schools like this I’d be tempted to go back to “classroom” teaching. 😁 




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Cases continue to exponentially increase in my county. Still a small number but growing. The local school did decide to institute a masking policy. I don't know what it is, but there are signs on the doors saying masks are required.

Local health department stopped giving general demographic info in their press releases just as school started. Quite the conspiracy theory on that around here. 

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Our schools delayed our start date to give more time to finish HVAC review of our buildings and give more time for teacher prep so we won’t start until mid-September. When we do start, there is a 100% mask requirement. Mask breaks will be given but specifically not during instruction time or while changing classes. It is suggested that breaks be done outside. We have a choice between a two-day-a-week in person hybrid model (half of the students attend Mon/Thurs and half Tues/Friday) or 100% online. So far around 20% are choosing 100% online.  Our reopening is tied to daily new cases per 100,000 in our county. Right now our county is at 1.5. We will go to 100% virtual if we get to 10 per 100,000 or sooner if the superintendent decides there is a growing risk to students. We will begin to transition from hybrid to full time in person if our rate drops below 1 and stays there for two weeks  

My kids did fine with remote learning in the spring but they want to go back in person So as of now that’s what they will do. If we see evidence of local spread (there are 5 cases in our town and we have been right around that number for a while) then we will reconsider. 

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