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What makes you happy today? (No CV topics, please.)


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Whilybirds spinning down from the maple trees in the sunshine. Some loft far away on the breeze. Others lazily twirl down to land gently on our too-high grass. 

My irises blooming.

Waking up to the smell of coffee and buttered toast. 

Seeing dd dancing across the LR when she thinks no one is watching.

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1 minute ago, Junie said:

I am thankful for indoor plumbing and hot water.


I am very thankful for those too.  We had our hot water heater go out and had none for around two weeks during replacement process.  

And I am also thankful for out central heat. We had that go out more than once this past year.  So glad it’s working now since it goes down to near freezing still at night.  

And now I am about to go be thankful for coffee and leftover chicken vegetables soup!

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Cleaning up my work from home "office" area:  dusting, reorganizing stuff, throwing away a bunch of random useless stuff that had accumulated. This started because when I sit there for hours at a time working, I start sneezing and get a tickly throat, particularly at night. 

Finally washing the window which provides my view outside the "office" so when I look outside I don't see the trees and sky through a spattering of mud.  (It is a daylight basement so I have a big window but it is low to the ground.)

Finding my kindle which I had lost a few days ago. Someone put something on top of it, which I removed as a result of the cleaning spree.

One of my kids got registered for all classes for fall, with a great schedule and no drama. (Of course that means something will be canceled later, but for now.. we enjoy it.)

Having the day off after a grueling night at work.  (Customer service for a bank.)

Edited by marbel
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It's a beautiful day with cool, crisp air. And I finally did the dusting. It's been criticizing me for two weeks, but I just didn't want to do it and kept putting it off. I finally made myself. Now I need to go through the big stack of papers, etc., that were on the dresser, but maybe later in the day. 

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My daughter and her friends are enjoying being old-fashioned pen pals. The letters are flying back and forth. 

We have a new Amish neighbor across the street. He's moving into an "English" house and I am enjoying watching his fences go up for his horse, who is currently being staked outside his garage at night. I am hoping for children! 🙂 


All the supplies for a great Easter basket for my DD on Sunday. 

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My foster dog. She’s wicked smart and cute as a button. If the rescue hadn’t grabbed her when they did she may have been euthanized. Stay at home orders (closed animal shelters) and a dog who needs a couple of surgeries prior to being adoptable aren’t good mixes. But here she is living the good life. 




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I'm so grateful the sun has been out for the past few days.  

We finished Latin on Monday! After six years of some form or another of Latin, our Latin chapter is complete. Super grateful for that. We made a cake to celebrate! 😃

I'm grateful that teaching my class on Zoom is working out.

I am grateful that I have a dog. Many days, he is the reason I am outside walking and praying. And I need that.

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My ds#1 is happy because today I "rescued" a potted tree that has been neglected since Christmas. It was some sort of evergreen purchased as a Christmas decoration at the little church we attend. After Christmas, the priest put it outside on the porch of a building the church owns & left it untended. Ds asked about it every week. We finally located it & realized no one was watering it. So, once a week, we'd stop by and water it.

I finally decided to go get it this week. So, now it has fresh soil in a bigger pot, full sun, and will get rained on or watered if we don't have rain. DS is just so happy to have it near so he can take care of it. And my heart is happy that he's happy.

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I am grateful for the sunshine.  🌞

I  am grateful for dd13 waking up in a better mood, than when she went to sleep.🙂

I am grateful that dd21 and her husband are super responsible and are rock solid financially and safe during this chaos. It is sooo nice to see a young couple doing so well!

I am grateful that this past fall we got dd21 into see a new doctor (md has a year long wait list). This doctor has made 3 med changes for dd21 and has totally changed dd21s life. DD started the last of the 3 meds, this past week, and so far she is feeling amazing on it!! Woo Hoo!!  

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The fact that dh doesn't go to work until 3. I really enjoy having him home in the mornings. Right now he is making paper machete pinatas with the kids.

The ability to stay home with the kids makes me incredibly happy.

That my kids share my passion for writing, dd9 surpasses me on that front actually.

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Indoor greener (houseplants!). 

DS's progress on his auditory processing therapy.

Other DS's takeover of the household laundry (yes, a teenage boy who drives the laundry process, every week, on his own, wasn't asked).

My shade garden perennials that I planted last year seem to be coming back (waiting on the ferns).

Bluebells also came back after they didn't look like they were going to make it last year. 

We took down the majority of the back of the ugly, ugly, not in good shape privacy fence (leaving the sides up for now, which are in better shape).

Our riding mower sold--the "new" yard is just enough smaller and broken up compared to the old one that a rider is a storage hassle.

Easter candy, though I haven't gotten into any of it yet.

DS was accepted at the local career center for next year (the school as a whole has a 500 student waiting list each year), and it's in the program he wanted.

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My family working together on garden chores.
My irises blooming. 
My wheat straw going in for a potato patch.
My fruit trees leafing out.
My veggie seeds sprouting. 
The neighbor kids playing outside instead of being inside.
The cheerful drive through worker.
My husband reading aloud to our teenager who wanted him to read The Chronicles of Narnia again because she liked it so much as a little kid while she draws.
Researching raising quail and the thought of preparing entirely home grown meals if do.
Planting my ornamental woodland garden.
My brother and dad and our ongoing texts to each other about our home projects.
Reading Practicing His Presence in the mornings and Lonesome Dove at night.
Cups of hot tea-green in the morning and chamomile at night.
My daughter facetiming while playing online games with friends and cousins from AZ even though we live in NC.


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50 minutes ago, hjffkj said:

The fact that dh doesn't go to work until 3. I really enjoy having him home in the mornings. Right now he is making paper machete pinatas with the kids.

The ability to stay home with the kids makes me incredibly happy.

That my kids share my passion for writing, dd9 surpasses me on that front actually.

This cracked me up; I know what you were saying but I am picturing machete-shaped pinatas...  

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24 degree weather? Um, wait, wrong topic.

Grateful we're all well right now! Tonight we'll make supper together! Glad I got to sit down with DH today and play a game and drink coffee together.  
Going to Zoom the daughter and her family this afternoon!

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It’s a beautiful day, sunny but not hot.  
‘My birthday was yesterday and I made a mess in the kitchen making fried shrimp, hush puppies, baked potatoes, and a chocolate cake. I never go to bed with a dirty kitchen but last night I just didn’t have it in me. I got up this morning at 6:30 to find dh had cleaned the kitchen. 

I brought some hostas from our old house and last year they struggled but now they look beautiful. I love that reminder of the house where we raised our kids for 26 years

I love my sewing room. It’s small but it’s mine.  


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I didn't "like" all of these because I got tired of pushing the button, but I do "like" all of these! It's made me feel peaceful and happy reading through them. Even (especially) in difficult times, simple joys are so grounding. They are a reminder of hope and better times. Thank you all, and to the OP.

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4 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

My foster dog. She’s wicked smart and cute as a button. If the rescue hadn’t grabbed her when they did she may have been euthanized. Stay at home orders (closed animal shelters) and a dog who needs a couple of surgeries prior to being adoptable aren’t good mixes. But here she is living the good life. 




Ahh, what a sweetheart!❤️

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4 minutes ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

A good final pathology report after my lumpectomy Monday.

My surgical oncologist declaring me cancer free when she gave me that report.

My sweet little family.

Ice packs (for said lumpectomy site).

Plaquenil, which will hopefully get these darn hives back into remission.  Patients that truly need it are finding it hard to get right now, I am very thankful I was able to get a 3 month supply the other night.

The thought of being hive free sometime in the next few weeks (oh please sooner...pleasepleasepleaseplease).

My dogs.

There is much more.........but this is enough for now.


I am so happy to here the first 2 bolded items.   YES.  Sending you a gentle hug.    I hope you have an easy recovery. 

And the last bolded one.   Let me hide my face on this.  I skipped around and was reading from the bottom up and thought you were getting so happy to be hive (here) free.  I was so confused.   

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It made me happy that my ds14, who has been really grumpy lately, decided to paint.  His younger sister and I had been doing water color and left things out.  He asked if we had any acrylic and painted in acrylic and watercolor.  He hasn't done  a speck of art in over a year.  My oldest dd baked.  Everyone was busy and creative and got along (well after ds14 finally ate something this morning. . . )

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Flowers are blooming everywhere in my yard.

My garden plants are coming up...even those I started from seeds saved from vegetables we ate recently.

Birds singing.

The tiny tree frog who lives in my watering can and pops out when I refill the can.

The little anoles (chameleon-like lizards) who live in my greenhouse and on my back deck are in their mating season.

DD17 is keeping herself busy making music the only way she can by inviting other musician friends around the world to join her in videos to post on social media which are spreading cheer to others.

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Thanks for the replies! They make me happy too.

I got a long walk in a nice park with my dog today. Pics below. The mounted police stable their horses at the park near my house. They were enjoying the cool spring day too!

Dd is baking cookies. I am not making dinner tonight. 









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2 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

She is precious!!!!  Shih tzu?   What a little love.  Do you think you guys might end up keeping her?

The shelter staff pegged her as a Lhasa Apso, but that was before I groomed her a bit. I don't think so. My best guess is Schnauzer and poodle ("Schnoodle"). Her hair is really wavy over most of her body, and downright curly on her back legs. Her tail is straight; she doesn't carry it curled over her back like a Lhasa or Shih Tzu. She's a little interested in squirrels and sniffing around under our shed, so that would be kind of Schnauzer-ish. I'd be very tempted to keep her--on top of cute and smart she's a total sweetie--but she's estimated to be eight, the same age as our Shih Tzu. And I've always had a thing about having at least a couple of years' age difference in my pets to hopefully avoid the heartache of losing two close together. But . .  never say never. 😉 If I kept her I'd probably have to do the doggie DNA thing just to see what showed up.

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56 minutes ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

You know, when I typed it out I thought it may not be clear, I should have gone with my gut on that.  But what can I say...my gut is covered with hives like the rest of me and my thinking is rather foggy/hivey too!

Thank you for the well wishes and hug.  Truly, were it not for the massive hives, my recovery has been remarkably easy.   I am very fortunate and I know it.   Just need those darn hives to disappear back to hell where they belong.

Probably stating the obvious but I found calamine lotion helpful when I got an outbreak from new jeans.  I expect you have tried all the things already.

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