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what have you noticed about the new forums?


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I was just in a thread and the quoted bits are not showing up as shaded/different in color.  They are indented slightly, but that's it. There are also some formatting things that didn't make it over. Strange characters and notations about bolding, etc. without bolding, etc.


Also, the Classifieds are not there for me?

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Can someone tell me how to get into the forums with my old username if my e-mail that I used a billion years ago is now dead.  I don't want to be Lewelmaa, when I'm lewelma!  I'm back to 0 posts.  :-(

Ruth in NZ

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27 minutes ago, Lewelmaa said:

Can someone tell me how to get into the forums with my old username if my e-mail that I used a billion years ago is now dead.  I don't want to be Lewelmaa, when I'm lewelma!  I'm back to 0 posts.  :-(

Ruth in NZ

I had the same problem and posted in the forums at the top about it. I messaged John with my old dead email and he merged my new account with my old one. 

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

One of the mods posted to one of the threads (can't remember which one) saying that you could pm them to ask them to keep separate accounts. 

That’s nice. I wish I could have seen it before hand, but I couldn’t get into the forums until I merged my account. I guess I need to go to mod to see if I can un-merge them.

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40 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Didn't you all get an email that told you how to contact tech support?  I have contacted them about a few problems I've had and they have been very helpful.  It seems much more productive to ask them than to ask the rest of us who are on the same learning curve. . . . 

I didn’t get any email. And I’ve only ever had one email associated with this site. 

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2 hours ago, cintinative said:

I was just in a thread and the quoted bits are not showing up as shaded/different in color.  They are indented slightly, but that's it. There are also some formatting things that didn't make it over. Strange characters and notations about bolding, etc. without bolding, etc.


Also, the Classifieds are not there for me?

Yeah, that was really throwing me off not being able to tell what was quoted text and what wasn't. I looked at one thread for a whole minute thinking, why is this poster repeating someone else before realizing that was supposed to be quoted text.

Does this mean that people won't get quote notifications anymore either? Or that quoted text won't have the name of the person quoted? That makes conversations really hard to follow...

ETA: Okay, no, this looks normal. I think this issue is just about older posts.

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5 hours ago, RegGuheert said:

After I got my account working, I decided to get on MomsintheGarden's laptop to see if I could get hers working.  She hadn't told me that she woke up at midnight last night to get things working.

Anyway, what I see is that even though we have identical laptops, the forum looks like normal Windows format on my computer but it looks like it is a mobile format on MomsintheGarden's laptop.  I'm wondering if it is like that on her computer because she logged on using her iPad last night.  That would be pretty "clunky" if the forum software decides which persona to use based on what device you used to first login instead of the device you are CURRENTLY using.

Does anyone know how to switch between the two formats?


4 hours ago, Targhee said:

Yes, just got on my computer and it looks like a mobile interface... Any idea how to change this?


I'd like to know this too. What I'm seeing on my laptop looks exactly like the mobile interface on my phone — which is great on a phone, but it's ridiculous on a computer screen

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5 hours ago, Targhee said:


I accidentally quoted and don’t know how to undo it.....sorry Targhee...


I’m really not liking how the posts aren’t numbered anymore.  I used to constantly check what number post I was on especially if there were multiple pages just to get a sense of how deep I was into a thread.  I also have a bunch of links where I copied the link into my notes for future reference and would write to myself, “See post 18 in this link.”  Now, whenever I reference those threads, I’ll have to count to whatever post it was I wanted my future-self to see.  

And I really don’t like how I can’t jump to my last read post once I’m inside the thread.  I know that I can do it before I click on the thread by clicking on the circle next to it.  I like to open threads in a new tab across my browser. And sometimes they sit there for a bit of time.  I like to refresh the tab and then click “last read post” so I can pick up where I left off a few hours before.  I’m not sure how to do that at all now.  And since the threads aren’t numbered, I’ll have to randomly scroll down and hope I notice when the replies are new. 

I managed to get an avatar up, so that’s good.  

I wasn’t sure what you all meant about it being too white, but now that I’m on here at night...it’s too white.  I’ve got the brightness low on my ipad, but it’s still hard on the eyes.  

I miss that button, whatsitname, where you could click on it and see all the newest threads, but without ALL the activity.  I don’t need to know every “like” everyone has clicked..  I just want to see a long list of recently replied to threads.  


Well, what a whiner I am.  :(.  I’m not terribly miserable about any of this, but I do miss these things. And some of the things I mentioned above will be a hassle.  I’m not seeing the good things yet on the transition.  I hope that there will be a new feature that I’ll stumble across that I’ll love, but so far I’m just mising what I don’t have anymore.  

But hey—we’re all here together again and that’s always a good thing!  And...it’s free!  Wow!  Can’t beat that!  And the update had to be done or the entire board might have gone down, so I’ll just have to deal with it.

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6 hours ago, Targhee said:

I cannot quote on my iPad.  I had to change to my phone, so there’s that. I actually couldn’t reply at all from my iPad, only start new posts.


what Penguin points out is one privacy concern. Another is the issue with AI assigned clubs (of which I was put in 4 - some I could leave and some I couldn’t), because it is indicative of data mining. Also, before my forum account was not associated with my WTM store account (which has my real name, address, etc) but I received an email telling me I had to reconcile the two and now my forum account is attached to my real personal data - I don’t like that.

I can’t even see any of the clubs people are mentioning. Maybe they knew I wasn’t much of a joiner?

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18 minutes ago, Stacia said:

Where is the birthday list???

Kind of related: I opt out or put a fake birthdate on about all things online and have wondered before if people here were acknowledging actual birthday dates or other posters like me psuedo bdays. :P

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I noticed a few more things while posting:

  1. A carriage return creates a paragraph break.  I like this when writing paragraphs.  When making a list, I need to use this list thing I am using now, which seems to work, too.
  2. NO POST PREVIEW!!  On a forum that moves as fast as this one does, post preview is very important.
  3. The quoting system is at least as clunky as the old one was, if not moreso.
  4. There is an annoying box which reads "Enter your text; hold ctrl and right click for more options" that has the annoying tendency to appear directly over the text I am trying to type, making it impossible to read what got typed.  I say "Hold your own ctrl and let me type!"
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42 minutes ago, RegGuheert said:

I noticed a few more things while posting:

  1. A carriage return creates a paragraph break.  I like this when writing paragraphs.  When making a list, I need to use this list thing I am using now, which seems to work, too.
  2. NO POST PREVIEW!!  On a forum that moves as fast as this one does, post preview is very important.
  3. The quoting system is at least as clunky as the old one was, if not moreso.
  4. There is an annoying box which reads "Enter your text; hold ctrl and right click for more options" that has the annoying tendency to appear directly over the text I am trying to type, making it impossible to read what got typed.  I say "Hold your own ctrl and let me type!"

1.  Anybody have a fix for this?  I don't like it - a CR should be a line-feed - all the old posts have extra blank lines as well 

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Sigs are now visible, but I can't find a way to change it. (Need to remove some of the empty space. Erg.)
Looks like "shift" "enter" will give less of a paragraph break between lines than plain ole' enter button.
Haven't figured out the mobile vs. desktop site look yet. (The way it looks on mobile for me is clunky, so I think I'm on desktop mode on both.)

Edited to add: On your own signature, there appears to be an "x" that you can "hide all signatures." Interesting.
On other people's sigs, you can choose to hide just certain people's.

Oooh! And I just changed the theme to the Default & it is much easier to read (and less blue) than the WTM one.

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I've never set up an account at the WTM store with my personal details...seeing how these two accounts now lead to each other is a guarantee that I'm never going to do that in the future, either. :/

Otherwise, I like it so far...understanding that it will take a while to iron out the glitches, and that I can get used to cosmetic changes. 

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Just now, teachermom2834 said:

Is there a way to go to the first unread message in a thread? I haven't tried on my computer but on my phone I can't just pick up a thread where I left off. ?

There is a blue dot next to the thread title that will take you there.

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5 hours ago, RegGuheert said:

I noticed a few more things while posting:

  1. A carriage return creates a paragraph break.  I like this when writing paragraphs.  When making a list, I need to use this list thing I am using now, which seems to work, too.
  2. NO POST PREVIEW!!  On a forum that moves as fast as this one does, post preview is very important.
  3. The quoting system is at least as clunky as the old one was, if not moreso.
  4. There is an annoying box which reads "Enter your text; hold ctrl and right click for more options" that has the annoying tendency to appear directly over the text I am trying to type, making it impossible to read what got typed.  I say "Hold your own ctrl and let me type!"

The post preview is the far right button on the toolbar, the "little magnifying glass on paper".  It took me a while to find it, since it's no longer next to the "submit reply" button.

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3 hours ago, purpleowl said:

If you go to your account settings, "Signature" is now one of the options on the left. You can change it there. :) 

Yeah!  We now have the choice to turn off signatures as well.  When I edited my signature, it wouldn't allow any links.  Hopefully that will be fixed in the upcoming days.  

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56 minutes ago, Violet Crown said:

Some of us are old people. With poor vision. :)  

For the first time, I find reading the boards easy.

Yes, totally agree.  Easier to read now.  And forum is similar to others I have used. 

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I find it very difficult to read.  Not enough contrast between the colors and too much white space.  On the other hand, now that we can add the signatures, I find the look becomes cluttered and I have an even harder time to read the actual post.  I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, just personally find the look very difficult to deal with.

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I noticed that the little icon on the far right of the toolbar when you're posting, the one that looks like a sheet of paper with a magnifying glass on it, is the preview icon. And when you're in preview mode you can switch between desktop, tablet, or phone. You could use it in the right mode for whatever device you're posting from, or you could even use it to see what your post will look like to others on different devices. 

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I remember it took some time to get used to the new board the last time they changed it. Some people found the blue color difficult. It seems like we all got used to it after a bit so I'm sure we will get used to this one too.

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