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Are you planning to travel to see the total eclipse on April 8, 2024?


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I'm in the path of totality for that one--y'all come on over! We will have a grand WTM gathering.

DFW for those who want to grab a hotel room before the rush starts.

Maybe we'll come, Debbie! After seeing totality today, I would love to see another one. Would love to meet you, too.

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I don't like crowds so I won't travel for anything like that. However, my area will have totality in 2078. A little too late for me. :)

You don't necessarily have to brave crowds. We chose one area this weekend knowing most people in this three-state region were choosing another. If you get a cabin at a private campground, then the crowds are limited. We did that, too.

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We will be living in CA by then and it doesn't look like there will be too much, but I will save my glasses!  :laugh:


But no, prob. not traveling.  DH is an accountant, we can't ever do anything until after April 15th.  And I work in a school, so unless that is Spring Break time......no.

Edited by DawnM
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My parents' house will be right by the path of totality, and my kids will be 6, 8, and 11, so we're planning on it. (We had to change our eclipse travel plans due to the arrival of the youngest this weekend, so I definitely have given this some thought!)

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Well, Buffalo is my home town and my kids have never seen it, so it might be fun to go there. However, my kids will be 27 and 25 and who knows where they will be living!  Or where I might be living, for that matter!   We are talking about it in a 'wouldn't that be cool' sort of way.  We have relatives in today's 100% area, and chose not to go there, for the simple reason that my husband could not go and I couldn't handle a 12-hour drive to stay with his parents.  Even if I didn't need him as a driver, I need him as a buffer.  :-)  Buffalo is about half the distance and we wouldn't have to stay with relatives. 

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Eclipse party at my house in 2024! :hurray: Just checked - our house is in the 100% region, sweet!

April 8th is my birthday and I love Vermont. And I can make a mean chocolate cupcake.

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We travelled north about 2 he's to hit around the center. We had 98.6 at our home and I wasn't sure if it would be worth it, it totally was, totality was incredible. Luckily my house will be the center of totality next time. I can't wait.

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We are in 99% totality in 2024, so we will either drive a half hour to be in the 100% or go down to Indy where we have family.


I'm sort of dismayed to realize that my homeschooling days will be done when that rolls around (my youngest will graduate in 2023).  We'll be in a very different life stage!


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We were in the path of totality today and it really was AMAZING!  In 2024, my parents will be in the path of totality so we will probably go up that way.  My kids will be grown by them, so although I will probably invite them, I can't promise they'll go!


Ideally, I would LOVE to go up and have my Uncle and Aunt take me out on Lake Erie in their sailboat to watch the eclipse then.  I can't even imagine how amazing that would be!


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My parents' house will be right by the path of totality, and my kids will be 6, 8, and 11, so we're planning on it.

Or perhaps your children will be 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11. ;)


We are already planning it.  We will only have to drive a couple hours; the kids will be 8, 10, 12 and 15.

2, 5, 8, 10, 12, and 15 maybe?

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The weirdness is that my Dd will be 33, the boys 27, 26, and 24, grandson EIGHT!!! My little buddy will be 8. Knock me over!


No matter where his parents are, marmee and poppaw, are having eclipse camp for him. It will be so much fun to have a grandchild old enough to engage in the festivities.

Edited by FaithManor
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Eclipse party at my house in 2024!  :hurray: Just checked - our house is in the 100% region, sweet!


Pass me your email, I'll be there!


(I may or may not be joking. We'll see.)


Actually, we're pretty close to totality next time around, so I was already planning to travel. Rochester isn't that far away from NYC. The girls will be adults. I mentioned it to the older kid today and she said "I'm not going and you can't make me!" to which I replied "...no, sweetie, it's eight years from now. You'll be well past my ability to make you do anything. I was just informing you."

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We will probably travel for this one. Where I live would get between 90-95% coverage, but totality will happen in one of my favorite parts of our state. We will likely travel there for this one, although with it being in April there is a huge chance of rain.

Today's eclipse was only 84% totality. It was well worth the trouble to get glasses and take the time to go outside and watch it.

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