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What I want to say on FB right now


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But won't.


It is 4th of July weekend and this is the Midwest. I'm sorry your dog is afraid of fireworks but they are legal in this area and it is really just one week a year. Stop asking your neighbors to not have fireworks and focus on finding ways to help your dog. This is not a new thing! "Giving the neighbors a piece of your mind" because they have fireworks just makes you look like a crazy asshat.

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They aren't legal here, but folks use them anyway of course.  I tell our neighbors I don't mind as long as they keep them out of the pony pasture.  The ponies need to get used to hearing/seeing all sorts of things - it helps them be safer around kids - esp if they go to shows at fairs or similar places where there can be fireworks.


They do get used to it, even with it rarely happening.


Stay safe everyone who opts to use them.  We (personally) don't.  It's not how I want to spend my money.  I enjoy looking at other folk's displays though!

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Fireworks are difficult for me because of the explosion sound drama (I can't even open a bottle of champagne, weep for me) but I'm hosting and the kids want fireworks. Fireworks they shall have! I'll be under the blankets ;)

Edited by madteaparty
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I don't like the noise, dogs don't like the noise, when DD was little she was flat out terrified of the noise.  If it's legal, I would never ask the neighbors not to have them if they want.  It's one of the drawbacks living around other people.  It is what it is.  


Asking the neighbors??  You would have to have ALL of them agree if it was going to make any difference, and most people it would just make angry.

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They are not legal here. But everyone in our neighborhood thinks they are. We live at the end of a cul de sac, so they all shoot them off over our house. I hate it. I fear fire. And I hate the mess. Our dog stays in her crate with doggy anxiety meds.


I really do love fireworks, just not over my house.

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Dogs, other animals, people with noise phobias or sensory issues, people who have to get up for work early the next morning, babies/toddlers with early bedtimes. Probably more I'm forgetting. 


Fireworks and other loud noises, especially in the evening, are anywhere from a nuisance to a big deal for lots of beings.


I'm not getting my knickers in a knot, but I do think it's rude of people who live within close proximity of others to set them off.

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I was just thinking about this today. Fireworks are legal here, and plenty of people have fun with them, while plenty of others worry about their pets. My pets don't seem to care at all. The thing is, we get daily thunderstorms this time of year, so a few hours of boom boom every night is pretty normal. And I've never experienced a firework that rattled all the walls of my house, like some of these storms do. Though I guess one could argue that animals might sense a storm coming, and be better prepared than they would be for fireworks.


I guess I just see it as one of those facts of life that you just have to learn to deal with, a bit like the autism thread. Some of us have difficult kids but we still need to get them through normal life, and try to help them deal with normal stressors. Some have sensitive pets, but they still need to deal with thunderstorms, fireworks, and other noises that are out of the owner's control.


I am sensitive to the point about PTSD in humans. I panic over the smell of wet dogs because I witnessed an unprovoked bear attack in the middle of the night while I was camping. If the victim hadn't been there, the bear would have attacked me. And my grandpa came home from war with a severe case of shell shock, as it was called back then. But he still had to learn how to not go into attack mode every time one of his ten kids made a normal kid noise. He'd literally scream and start throwing things, attacking everyone, every time one of his ten kids made a noise. I don't imagine that fireworks and thunderstorms were any better. But he still had to learn how to deal with all those normal, everyday stressors.

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But it's not just dogs. Humans are affected by it too. Like, military with PTSD. It's really difficult for us.

The pet pleas annoy me and we had dogs scared of the fireworks. I respect that it affects veterans. We don't shoot fireworks but I do enjoy watching the city show.
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Well, I guess I'd just be glad the neighbor was trying to address the issue on their own instead of calling the police and expecting them to handle it. But that's just because it tends to make the LEO grouchy because they had to respond to 10 other calls just like this where adults were behaving like children and had to have someone else fix their problems for them. And then when the LEO gets home the spouse/partner has to hear about it. Which is annoying in and of itself. :p


That being said, there's this festival this weekend at a local church and even though I live more than a couple of miles away, I'll still have to listen to their christian music concert blaring should I choose to leave my windows open. And two weeks from now it will be the county fair and country music. I'm not on Facebook, but do you think if I got on FB, I could convince them all to turn the volume down?


I do feel badly for those for whom the issue is far more serious than being annoyed by the praise Jesus, tractor music while minding one's own business at home. Fireworks are illegal here without a special permit unless it qualifies as a novelty item, but that doesn't seem to deter anyone.

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But it's not just dogs. Humans are affected by it too. Like, military with PTSD. It's really difficult for us.


Last year on Independence Day, my dad, who had dementia, hid in the bathroom because he thought the house was being bombed. 


ETA: When I posted, I hadn't read through all of the replies. I see others have brought this up. 

Edited by TechWife
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I wish they were only legal for that one night. I do think it's inconsiderate for some of my neighbors to shoot them off several nights in a row. And usually those same people don't care how late they do them.


Growing up we always set them off but at our grandparents' house on the country away from other houses.


We don't do them as a family now ever. We like watching them at events though.

Edited by Joker
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I've never minded the shows.  They start and end at certain times and you can prepare the dogs and elderly (and the soldiers and children, though I don't have those).  The same is true for New Year's Eve.  I can even accept that there will be shows Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday night this week.  But it is non-stop since fireworks became legal for everyone.  The first batch came at 4:57 AM yesterday morning (before someone went to work?!?) and they will continue on and off at random times until they are used up Wednesday or Thursday.  It makes *me* crazy.   I was so thankful that we had some rain to quiet it for a while today.



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They're illegal here. People do it anyway.


We live in the flipping *forest*. Smokey the Bear weeps.


It's not just 4th of July here.  It's through almost the entire summer. (Then add NYE, and whatever else people decide needs to be celebrated with explosions.)


And it's always until 11 o'clock or later, which isn't just past my kids' bedtimes, it's way past mine!!!


My husband and kids are in emergency services.  EVERY person who blows their hand off or starts a fire (including in the fireworks store they own) thought they were "smart" and "safe".


You can find a permitted, EMS-attended display almost every weekend here.  But you can't fix stupid.



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I like the skyrockets of a professional show at a scheduled time.


The illegal "sticks of dynamite" that people use in their yards or in the street just scare me. I don't understand the appeal.


The other night I ended up weeping in fear. The noise was so startling, so loud, and so disorienting.


Also, all fireworks are illegal here so why bother?

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One time our neighbor (in a closely packed neighborhood) decided to set of fireworks in front of our house at 1:00 in the morning on a day that was NOT a holiday. After an hour of my baby screaming his head off, my husband went outside to politely explain that our baby was terrified and could they please stop for the night. The a-hole was drunk as a skunk, and he continued to set shoot off fireworks until 3:00 in the morning. Nevermind the frightened child, as long as he was getting his jollies, that's all that really matters, right?

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I wish they were only legal for that one night. I do think it's inconsiderate for some of my neighbors to shoot them off several nights in a row. And usually those same people don't care how late they do them.


Growing up we always set them off but at our grandparents' house on the country away from other houses.


We don't do them as a family now ever. We like watching them at events though.

Yes!!! Do them 4th of July not June 20th to July 10th. For one night I deal with kids not sleeping and such. But days and days of it is rude. as is doing them unto 1 or 2 am.
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They're not used much here, but I've lived in places where people are obnoxious with them. Sure, celebrate the holiday, send 'em up on the 4th, and maybe a few at midnight on New Year's Eve, but treating your neighbors to random loud explosions is just rude. I'm glad I live in a place with noise ordinances and in a generally mannerly population. Dog owners and PTSD vets have to figure out a way to cope when they expect loud noises, but dealing with inconsiderate, noisy neighbors on top of this would be horrible.

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I wish they'd make them legal, but impose a time frame. Set off what you want, but do it only on the 4th and New Years, and only between 7pm and 10pm or whatever. 


They've been lighting them off randomly for days now.  :glare:


People can make adjustments, use noise canceling headphones, take anxiety meds, etc if they know WHEN to do it. But you can't live like that for weeks!

Edited by ktgrok
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. It always makes me nervous, especially in dry years.

They are legal here. Two years ago we were in a deep drought. The county put a super high fine on anyone in possession of them. And jail time for those selling. No one sold any. And our county didn't burn down.

If it's dry where you are, does the city not step in?

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We went to someone's house for 4th of July one year. They lived close to a park that was having a fireworks show. There were cars lining every street in the neighborhood and people setting off fireworks everywhere. She opened the door and said "Welcome to Vietnam!" I have never felt less safe in my life and I grew up in New York. Another time a neighbor's parents lost their home due to a stray firework. They had raised 11 children there and lived in it for 50 years. The firework landed on the roof and by the time anyone noticed the fire, it was too late. They lost everything. There's no reason people need to set off fireworks in their neighborhoods and put themselves, other people and property at risk. There are plenty of fireworks shows. Go see one if you need to see things blow up in pretty colors.

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They are illegal here, aside from professional shows, yet we were up until 3am listening to the neighbors last year. We (cautiously) had fun with them as kids, but after a family member had a house fire start by someone else's bottle rocket, they just give me anxiety.

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My daughter (ASD, SPD) is terrified of fireworks and the noises, and people in my neighborhood shoot them off all night. I don't mind, I get it that its a holiday celebration, but I think its rude when they are still going off after midnight. Every July 4th (and the days before/after, as fireworks aren't only for the 4th with these folks) she sleeps in our room because she is so scared.


ETA I wouldn't expect my neighbors to not shoot them off just because of my DD, pets, etc. I personally love fireworks. I do however wish they would stop at a reasonable hour!

Edited by tdbates78
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They're legal here. I heard the first big ones go off already.


I get that it is difficult for some people and animals, but I'm in the middle of the city and people are *serious* about them here. If you've never lived in an inner city where people do the big ones all night on every corner, then you can't even imagine. The entire neighborhood becomes swathed in smoke. There are fireworks casings everywhere in the streets the next day. The bangs are every few seconds starting at dusk and continuing until 3 am or so. You can stand in our yard and see massive, small town big show worthy displays that are happening on literally dozens of homes in the few blocks just around us.


Given all that, I simply don't know what can be done for people or animals with issues other than leaving town. I mean, thousands of people live just on the blocks around me. And they're legal. And there's nowhere to go that won't have people. As long as they're legal, I don't know what you can realistically do to stop them. I get the idea of being sensitive... but everyone is doing them. It does kind of make you look like a jerk to ask people not to for your dog.

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Noise cancelling headphones (for the humans).


that would only work if they could restrict fireworks to one evening of the 4th. I am sure fewer people would mind.


Alas, with fireworks going off already at random times, and continuing for another week, this is not a viable option.

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Yes!!! Do them 4th of July not June 20th to July 10th. For one night I deal with kids not sleeping and such. But days and days of it is rude. as is doing them unto 1 or 2 am.

Quoting you, but not asking you only...

This happens? everywhere we have lived there has been a from the first to the fifth rule and not past 10. Police are out to enforce this.

People really shoot for 20 days? Do they stockpile them? Venders are only allowed to sell for a couple days also

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It's been years since fireworks were confined to the 4th in any place I've lived.  We start hearing them the day the fireworks stands open up, so about 2 weeks before, and they go on for 2 weeks after. 


So, yeah, they are legal here and I would never ask anyone to refrain from using them. It would be nice though if people just used them on the day.  When we had our dog, the anxiety medicine took about 90 minutes to start working.  We could plan ahead for things like vet visits, trick or treaters, and 4th of July fireworks.  But not random fireworks any time around the 4th.  

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Well, I guess I'd just be glad the neighbor was trying to address the issue on their own instead of calling the police and expecting them to handle it. But that's just because it tends to make the LEO grouchy because they had to respond to 10 other calls just like this where adults were behaving like children and had to have someone else fix their problems for them. And then when the LEO gets home the spouse/partner has to hear about it. Which is annoying in and of itself. :p

Yes! And in some places they don't just do fireworks. They have a weekend long festival too which requires that the LEO work too many mandatory overtime hours in the heat and crowds. Lots of calling the police over petty things. Then the LEO has to decompress by venting to their spouse for days! :p

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You do fireworks all week?


Last I checked, July 4 was one day. My neighborhood has a block party and then fireworks on July 4. We keep our dog in that evening.

I think the rule here is that fireworks can be set off on the day of the holiday (Jul 4 plus 2 other yearly holidays) plus three days before and three days after.


I'm surprised at what is legal for private citizens--lots of people let off aerial fireworks.


We stick to little stuff like Roman candles.

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But it's not just dogs. Humans are affected by it too. Like, military with PTSD. It's really difficult for us.

This is why one of my lifetime goals is to buy large acreage property (over 100 acres) out in the country 

where people with noise-sensitivity can come join us to celebrate holidays like the 4th and New Years Eve

without having to worry about loud bangs and crashes. I'm not to the point where I can do that yet, but I definitely

have goals to accomplish it!

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I can currently hear fireworks. It is 9:20 on June 30th. Also they are illegal in llinois.


Also in IL. And even though we have several city police officers and a fireman in our neighborhood, our neighbors (including, we suspect, the officers), do HUGE displays on the fourth. Until very late at night, or early in the morning, I guess. While they're pretty to look at, I'm terrified every year that someone is going to lose an eye or hand, or they're going to burn something down.


And while the big show is on the fourth, they've been setting them off for at least a week. And they'll keep setting them off after the holiday, too. I can't even imagine how much money they must spend on fireworks!


Fortunately, younger ds, who has autism, isn't as terrified of them anymore. But it used to be awful. And that was in addition to the whole "waking up the baby" thing a few years ago when youngest was, well, younger. I try to patient, but by July 10th or so, I'm kind of over the whole thing. Anyway, I guess it's better than the year our neighbor celebrated by opening his back door and shooting off his handgun.

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Maybe one day they'll invent some that are not as loud.


They have:




And good for the town in Italy which now requires fireworks to be quiet:




I wish people would have some sense and do that here. But, you know, 'Merica.

Edited by MercyA
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Plenty being set off in my neighborhood right now. Honestly, it's kind of comforting to me. I like non-repetitive noises, so all the different types at once is kind of soothing. Professional displays all sound the same, and it makes my throat itchy, if that makes sense.


When I dispatched, I was in a town where you could do fireworks on the weekend of the 4th (and the 4th itself if it was a weekday), until 10:00pm. Plus, the county fairgrounds had a professional display after the county fair wrapped up in late July. We had this one guy that would call at 9:55pm each night and rant (almost in tears) at the dispatchers, asking us to make everyone stop shooting fireworks, because he could *not* wait five more minutes.


During the fair fireworks, he called again, from the other side of town, complaining that he *knew* there were fireworks going off, even though the officers standing outside his house could barely hear them, and his kids *had* to sleep. At first we all thought the kids had special needs and tried to be understanding, but that wasn't actually it. Then I thought he was off his rocker, because he was complaining of fireworks he couldn't hear. Now I just figure he was the one with ASD/anxiety/sensory issues, not his kids.

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Quoting you, but not asking you only...

This happens? everywhere we have lived there has been a from the first to the fifth rule and not past 10. Police are out to enforce this.

People really shoot for 20 days? Do they stockpile them? Venders are only allowed to sell for a couple days also

I can say I'[ve been hearing them sporadically for several days already. I am sure that will intensify this weekend. And then for days after the 4th as well. And man, I'd LOVE if they stopped at 10pm!!!! I wish. 


Some are legal, most are not, and I've never seen a police officer do anything about any of it. 

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Quoting you, but not asking you only...

This happens? everywhere we have lived there has been a from the first to the fifth rule and not past 10. Police are out to enforce this.

People really shoot for 20 days? Do they stockpile them? Venders are only allowed to sell for a couple days also

We have had firework stores /stands open for many weeks already. The law states they can set them off from June 29 to July 9. They are supposed to stop at 11pm except the 4th which is midnight.


ETA: What's interesting is they're not supposed to start setting them off until the 29th but there has already been several planned 4th ETA with fireworks the past two weekends as well. It just seems to go on forever here.

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I like the skyrockets of a professional show at a scheduled time.


The illegal "sticks of dynamite" that people use in their yards or in the street just scare me. I don't understand the appeal.


The other night I ended up weeping in fear. The noise was so startling, so loud, and so disorienting.


Also, all fireworks are illegal here so why bother?


Aww, happi duck. I'm so sorry.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I wish they'd make them legal, but impose a time frame. Set off what you want, but do it only on the 4th and New Years, and only between 7pm and 10pm or whatever. 


They've been lighting them off randomly for days now.  :glare:


People can make adjustments, use noise canceling headphones, take anxiety meds, etc if they know WHEN to do it. But you can't live like that for weeks!


It doesn't help. My town has specific days/hours when fireworks are permissible, but people still set them off for the whole week. Then the local FB groups have big long discussions about it, and people defend their right to set them off when it's convenient for them rather than follow the rules. It's insane. 

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