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What's the thing that pushes you over the edge/drives you crazy?


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Oh, I also become irrationally angry when dh sneezes. I have no idea why, but I have to stop myself from giving him a dirty look every time.


My dad sneezes so loudly!! He can make things on the counter shake. Scares the crap out of you when you're not ready for it. Babies cry because of it.

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 My kids will.not. make me late to stuff. I get them moving way earlier than I should need to so we can arrive to stuff on time, every time. People know if I'm late that something is really wrong.




People being late drives me nuts!  I hate it.  When we plan things with our homeschool community there is such a different expectation than with our military one.  Military - everyone is early.  We planned an outing with two other former active duty moms, each of us coming from different directions up to two hours away. Our cars fell into line right before we got to our destination, 5 minutes earlier than needed.  Homeschoolers - at least a quarter are late, and another quarter just decide they're not going to go after all.  And it's worse when one of the late ones has the project for everybody.

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DH putting EMPTY dishes in the fridge. He claims it is because he is trying to conserve on dishes because he plans to reuse the same dish or glass later but it drives me nuts to open the fridge to put something away and there is no room because there is a big empty plate taking up the whole shelf!


Also, it drives me nuts when people lick their finger to sort out papers or turn pages, especially when it is a paper or book they are getting ready to hand to me. Yuck!

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Napkin on the plate.

It will end up as grody wet napkin in the sink which I HATE! this stems from doing dishes as a kid. It doesn't happen much in my own house without a disposal, plates get scraped before going in the sink.

Cigarettes ground out into the dinner plate's uneaten food. Ă°Å¸ËœÂ¡ Thankfully it's been many years bc so many places are no smoking these days but my mother used to do that and I always had dish duty. I'd lose my flipping mind and we'd have a screaming session at each other every time she did it. Just so dang disgusting. And they'd get extra soggy and grossly and I'd have to pick them out of the sink so they wouldn't mess up the garabage disposal or clog the sink.


Also, I get ticked when dinner utensils are put into the side of the sink with the garbage disposal. It crates on the nerves to be taking a bite of cereal off a garbage disposal nicked up spoon.

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Since people have mentioned sleeping arrangements, I will say that I am unable to sleep with bedding tucked in at the foot of the bed. If I am sleeping somewhere where the bedding is tucked in the first thing I do upon getting into bed is pull it out. I sleep on my stomach with my feet projecting over the end of the mattress, uncovered.

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Mouth noises of any kind. Sniffing (over and over again) and the sound of someone clicking a pen over and over. 


Also, unwashed hands doing things that they shouldn't like unloading the dishwasher, using my phone, handling lunchmeat. WASH YOUR HANDS, PEOPLE. (And yes, I know phones are germy but I am trying to protect mine from being covered in syrup or peanut butter particles.) 

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The lateness thing bugs me too, when it's a habit. I am gracious if it's an isolate incident (we all hit unexpected snarls) but I have a dear friend who is NEVER EVER on time. I know she loves me but I just want to say, "do you realize that this behavior communicates the exact opposite of consideration and kindness?"


Oh, and people who don't ask any questions of others and monopolize conversations. I have gone home from group gatherings ready to punch something because we only ever heard one person's voice the whole night. I don't understand not having a "share the conversation, let everyone have a turn" radar. 

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I tend to be pretty laid back about most things but.....


I can't sleep naked.  For one, our room is FREEZING so I need the warmth and two, wearing pants helps with my RLS.  If I don't wear pants, the slight brushing of the sheet against my legs drives me crazy.  They can't be loose flowy pants, they have to be thick sweat pants or close fitting pants.


Cigarette smoke - can't stand it.


Snoring doesn't bother me but dh used to grind his teeth.  It was definitely worse when he would drink before bed and he stopped drinking in May (to lose weight) so I haven't had to put up with it lately.  It used to drive me nuts and I'd kick him awake.


Putting dirty clothes on top of the hamper, or on the floor next to the hamper, or on the floor of the closet when there's a hamper two feet away.


My absolute biggest peeve is being late.  I cannot stand to be late, it makes me twitchy.  I'm always the person arriving everywhere super early.  


Other people being late doesn't bother me as much.  For groups I run, I let everyone know we will start on time and then we do.  If you're late, come in quietly.

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Scarlett and her laundry got me thinking. There are definitely things that make me crazy that don't bother other people in the least. My main one is pens without their caps. Cannot abide them. I have to look for the cap and reunite it with the pen or vice versa. If the mate can't be found, into the trash it goes. It is a visceral physical reaction, too. My whole family knows it and they are very good about it.


The other one is outfit or pajama parts being worn separately from each other. I try to ignore it, but ooooh it bothers me.


There are others, but I'll leave it at that.


What's yours?




Not washing hands


Toilets overflowing


Scraping on dishes


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Cabinet doors left slightly open or drawers not pushed all the way in


Bedsheets must be firmly and equally tucked in across mattress


The one I don't mention to dh...he not only brings in the mail and leaves it on the counter, he spreads it out so each piece is visible and not touching another piece and then just leaves them there. Why?!

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Never never never place dirty dishes in my sink where I am washing the milker.


Sanitation is CRUCIAL when you use raw milk. I do not want bits of oatmeal or cereal floating in the wash water where I'm scrubbing out the milker. I clean the sink before I put the milker pieces in there. Then I fill it with hot soapy water. I wash and rinse and air dry.


My children have learned this is SO important. Lots of other things don't get on my nerves, but that one really is a sticking point.

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I must be crotchety and difficult because many of the aforementioned slobbery offenses drives me up a tree. Recycling is burgeoning? Hey, step up and be the hero that empties it! Other people can do it. Take that extra step and put the empty box from the cereal you just finished in recycling. The empty tube of toothpaste takes as much effort to set on the counter as it does to drop in the trash.


Cabinets, closets, and drawers need to be closed. I'll sleep clothed or nude so long as I'm warm enough!

Edited by RioSamba
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Oh, I also become irrationally angry when dh sneezes. I have no idea why, but I have to stop myself from giving him a dirty look every time.


Oh boy, I have a problem like this with hearing people chew. I know it's totally not rational, but when a room is quiet and I suddenly hear chewing, I want to punch things (or people). It's like a physical reaction. The worst part is that when I'm sitting in a quiet room by myself and eating, the sound of MY OWN CHEWING makes me want to punch things! I know there's a name for it (i actually posted here about it awhile back and someone told me), but I can't remember what it is. Similarly, I feel the same way about certain unnecessary ambient noises too, like the neighbor's dog barking constantly and people playing music so loud we can hear it inside. It makes me see red and I literally can't focus on anything else. I think that's more because of the selfish rudeness of those things though  :glare:


I think my household could do it in 15 minutes and I'd be one of the major offenders!


This thread is making me giggle because I was thinking the same thing! DH thinks I'm super fussy--wait until I show him this thread :lol: 


The lateness thing bugs me too, when it's a habit. I am gracious if it's an isolate incident (we all hit unexpected snarls) but I have a dear friend who is NEVER EVER on time. I know she loves me but I just want to say, "do you realize that this behavior communicates the exact opposite of consideration and kindness?"



Please believe me when I say that most of us chronically late people would give just about anything to be able to figure out how to be on time places instead of running frantically late at every turn. I know it seems like basic logic to those of you who don't have a problem with it, but to us, it seems like this elusive skill that we will never learn, no matter how many supports, alarms, and reminders we put in place for ourselves. On behalf of all of us, I apologize.


My dad is super critical, so I used to have a LOT of pet peeves--too many to live happily with kids and a DH. I don't have too many anymore, because I've tried to train myself out of being made crazy by most of them, and I'm such a walking mess myself that I try to give a lot of grace to others!


That said, I'm right there on the nose picking. I will never understand how parents can stand there with me and watch their kid shove their fingers into their nose up to the second knuckle and not stop them  :ack2:  Since having kids, I'm totally blown away by the number of times I've seen that happen. I've never actually seen a parent ignore booger eating though! My biggest struggles here are when someone brings something recyclable to the kitchen and then puts it on the table above the recycling container (coughDHcough), or when all of the house's other inhabitants bring dirty dishes to the kitchen, walk PAST the dishwasher, and deposit them in the empty sink. I try really hard not to let that one bother me, but honestly it makes me feel like the hired help, and some days I just can't contain myself over it  :banghead:  I'm still fighting the good fight on that one. One kid is almost trained, but will still do it when I'm not looking. The others (DH included) are hopeless.

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Ok..I have a few more.



People who say "go!" at the end of a post. No matter what I have to say, I just cannot answer a post that asked a question and ended it with "go!"


And, when you say a saying and someone has no clue what the saying is and you really thought it was a common saying that everyone knew...like "nails on a chalk board" or "who moved my cheese."



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People walking around while eating. It actually makes me feel very anxious and even nauseated. I don't know why.


In our family, we always sit down to eat. Dh was never one to wander around eating anyway, so we just raised ds the same way. You put your food on a plate, you sit down at the table, then you eat. But sometimes we have house guests who wander around the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal (or even worse AT THE SINK). UUUUGGGHH. I can't stand it. I usually find some excuse why I need to leave the kitchen and come back later after they are done.

I read that in Japan walking around the city (towns) while eating is a very big NO. 

Buy food from a vendor, don't walk!

Brought a power bar along, don't walk!

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See that would still bother me bc what a waste of water and detergent, so I just gather the clothes and don't return them. (I toss them in my closet. Lol) Eventually they catch on that if they want to be able to find clothes to wear, they better put them where they go. Until they seem to forget that and we have to repeat the lesson.


Mine probably wouldn't think to ask about the missing items. Wouldn't notice. hah. He just wore a pair of jeans the other day and added to my dirty laundry hamper. I reminded him again that he can usually wear jeans multiple times before washing. I found a pair of his other jeans under a rug in his room today. I think we have a missing pair of cargo pants floating around the house somewhere. I'm sure this has not crossed his mind.


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I completely agree.  I am one of those chronically late people.  And I get annoyed with myself for it.  I HATE being late, but I can't seem to fix it in all my 39 years.  I also lose stuff.  A lot.  I HATE it.  HATE it.  I have spent hundreds of dollars on replacing things I have lost...birth certificates, keys, drivers licenses, debit cards, and on and on and on.  These are two problems I just cannot seem to fix.  CAN NOT. 


I believe there's hope for us all, but I am also one of the chronically late people. I might not be late to everything or I might speed to get there sooner, but getting on time is a real struggle for me much of the time. I feel like such a failure when I can't get it together. I actually spent all this time making a Valentine's box and helping ds finish his Valentines for a co-op party one year. Then we couldn't get moving fast enough in the morning and I had dd who was probably still nursing at the time. I didn't know how long the party lasted so I decided to drive to it, anyway. The party overlapped Mardi Gras and we had a king cake (which is not found in this part of the state so I thought might be special. No one knew we were bringing it). We showed up, everyone was leaving. The party had lasted 45min-hr max. Ds didn't get to exchange valentines except a couple to his friends leaving. I sat in the parking lot crying before we drove away. We drove 45 min. back home and ate some king cake. I got sick and decided maybe the cream cheese filing went bad and so at least we didn't serve it to anyone else. That was pretty much my only consolation.


That was the last straw for me. I was not going to continue to embarrass myself and stress myself out trying to make it to co-op events on time. I feel like now that the kids are a bit older we can look into trying again next year, but I am very nervous about how it will go with dd/potty training and that commute.


For a while I could locate my keys with a button but the battery died and I need to find a less common battery. I constantly misplace my keys, phone, shoes. I should put them in the same spot every time, but don't always do that. I am my own worst enemy sometimes. And then other times I feel like my family sabotages me. Like refusing to get up or moving my items without telling me. I know logically that a strict wake up time/routine would solve things, but it's just really hard for some of us.

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Someone looking over my shoulder.

Someone chewing while looking over my shoulder.


The sound of DH coughing up a lung. Just....ew. Take some Delsym, please.


When a shopping cart corral has two sides, one side full of normal-sized carts, one for those smaller ones....and someone puts their cart on the wrong side. Grrr.

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People who talk with food in their mouths




people who are perfectly happy to let a trash can overflow instead of just EMPTYING IT! My kids are smart, why is that such a difficult concept for them to grasp?? 


This is really high on my list but I'm also so used to it I am starting to become desensitized? I have to remind family members not to put large things in the can like empty orange juice bottles. It takes no time at all for ours to fill up or no one is pushing it down.


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This is really high on my list but I'm also so used to it I am starting to become desensitized? I have to remind family members not to put large things in the can like empty orange juice bottles. It takes no time at all for ours to fill up or no one is pushing it down.



I think my kids view the trash can like a large game of Jenga.  Like, how high can we balance and stack objects.  If it tumbles down, you are the loser.


They also have no concept of shoving things down in there.  Like that empty box?  PUSH IT DOWN.  Space magically appears...

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I think my kids view the trash can like a large game of Jenga. Like, how high can we balance and stack objects. If it tumbles down, you are the loser.


They also have no concept of shoving things down in there. Like that empty box? PUSH IT DOWN. Space magically appears...

My husband views the trash can as a magical bottomless pit. It drives me absolutely batty. He definitely pushes it down because he'll do anything he can to avoid admitting that it's full, even when the lid no longer close even halfway. Argh!!!!

Turns out, his parents do this. I lose my mind even faster when I visit there or they visit here. How can people who do dishes obsessively immediately think it's ok to overfill the trash can?!


When my children button or zip my shirt/jacket all the way up. I hate things right around my neck!

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Also, unwashed hands doing things that they shouldn't like unloading the dishwasher,


Confession, I only recently heard someone mention about their kids forgetting to wash hands before unloading... this had NEVER occurred to me.  Never.  I just turned 50 and have never done this or even considered it.

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I thought of another one. When your kids call for you from another room for something non-urgent instead of getting up and coming to you. And they do this in a softer-than-normal speaking voice. And get upset when, "You didn't hear me calling for you!"


Then when you yell, "I'm in X room, come here! I can't hear you!" all of them descend on you like hyenas on a fallen wildebeest. They then proceed to air their concerns as loud as possible RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. At the same time.


Seriously kids, we've been over this.

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The sound of DH coughing up a lung. Just....ew. Take some Delsym, please.




DH is anti-medication.  He will sit and complain about his headache (or coughing).  I used to ask him, "Did you take some advil?" which he never does.  Now I just ignore him because it makes me so annoyed.


And for all the "leaving lights on" people... DH will follow behind me turning lights off.  Sometimes while I am still in the room.   :glare:  There is a long hallway that we enter the house through, and if we are going out at night I leave that light on because I don't like coming home to the dark hallway trying to get to the security panel.  One night I finally told DH to STOP TURNING OFF THAT LIGHT, I WANT IT ON, AND IF YOU TURN IT OFF AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU!  He finally got the point. ;)

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People closing an interior door without turning the knob, just pushing the door shut. This makes a loud sound, and it is a 9 out of 10 on my irritation meter.


My kids do the opposite, which drives me nuts.  They push on doors, before turning the knob, sort of half forcing the door open.  Drives me crazy.  It's hard on the door jamb and the knob, but they keep doing it.

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The big one for me, in recent years, has been people in my family who can't seem to solve their own problems without using me for a brain.  I'm not talking about serious life problems here that benefit from being talked about.  I'm talking about basic daily problem solving.  My dh will call and tell me the car is broken down, what should he do?  Increasingly, my answer is "pretend I'm dead and figure it out".  Seriously, it's tiresome.  I don't have any secret sauce, or magical insight into the problems of daily living.  I don't have a special Google reserved only for me.  You can figure stuff out on your own.

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My husband has a habit of saying "do you want to ...?" when he means "would you...?"


"Do you want to unload the dishwasher while I get the kids teeth brushed?" 
"Do you want to get dinner started?"



I don't want to do any of those things.  I will. But all in all I'd rather be reading.


Also, doesn't happen often but: "We're talking about getting married" or "We're thinking about getting married".  What a strange thing to say.  It doesn't mean, we may or may not. It means, we are engaged but haven't gone through the ring-and-proposal charade yet.  Fake fake fakity fake fake.

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The big one for me, in recent years, has been people in my family who can't seem to solve their own problems without using me for a brain.  I'm not talking about serious life problems here that benefit from being talked about.  I'm talking about basic daily problem solving.  My dh will call and tell me the car is broken down, what should he do?  Increasingly, my answer is "pretend I'm dead and figure it out".  Seriously, it's tiresome.  I don't have any secret sauce, or magical insight into the problems of daily living.  I don't have a special Google reserved only for me.  You can figure stuff out on your own.



My dh has started doing this, too: asking me questions where the answer is pretty obvious or I know for a fact that he can figure it out for himself.  It's a new habit and throws me for a loop because at first I think he's joking since the answer is often so obvious or easy to figure out.


I thought of something:  I know someone who interrupts literally every single sentence I try to say.  Every.  Single.  Sentence.  I find myself trying to rush my sentences to get my thoughts out, but no matter how fast or slowly I speak, I'm interrupted.  Every.  Single.  Sentence.  It's someone I can't just cut out of my life, so I think I'll have to confront them about it.


Another thing I greatly dislike:  confrontation.   :)

Edited by Garga
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My husband has a habit of saying "do you want to ...?" when he means "would you...?"


"Do you want to unload the dishwasher while I get the kids teeth brushed?" 

"Do you want to get dinner started?"



I don't want to do any of those things.  I will. But all in all I'd rather be reading.


I know someone who does the same thing, and it used to drive me crazy (still does a bit to be honest). I wonder if it's hard for these people to ask for help and so somehow they have to turn it into something nice that *they* are doing for you. Not, "Would you please make me a sandwich?" but "Do you want to make me a sandwich, because I can make that happen for you!!"


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Add my household into the club of those that would offend many on here...


Two that constantly bother me are cigarette smoke (or tossing cigarette butts on the ground) and dogs licking me.  I'm ok with cats licking me, but not dogs.  I don't like the slime from dogs.  When we had dogs fortunately they weren't lickers.  Toss a cigarette butt on my property and you'll hear about it.


None of the other stuff listed bugs me - and much of it we do around here.  (Ok, not the booger eating one... and I think those who don't flush bug everyone as does dirty bathrooms in general...)


I can easily say that some little stuff will bug me at times.  It's usually directly correlated to what time of the month it is.   :glare:


We don't even own pajamas... if we want something to wear to bed we use a t shirt and shorts or sweats.  I've never understood why anyone buys pajamas TBH.


And of course we walk and eat if the situation fits (in a hurry, in a mall or market eating treats).  We also use our fingers as necessary.  ;)


Our house is definitely not pristine with everything in its place, but when someone is tired of how something looks, they're welcome to tidy it up.


It works well for us.  We're a low stress family.


Oh, we're also not late to anything.  My dad did that to me in my youth - too many bad memories - so I guess I can add that one, BUT I'm not bothered by others arriving late TBH.  It's just that "we're" not late.

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I no longer visit a certain someone bc their dog constantly licks and climbs on me. Gross. Train it or crate it. I literally could not complete a sentence with her bc of her dog. He was either yapping or trying to lick my face or worse my baby or trying to climb in my lap that I'm holding baby in or jumping on me when I stood up to keep baby out of the way and the owner/friend was just "oh he's so cute! He really likes you!"


I like critters. Just about all critters. But after about 20 minutes I had a strong urge to kick that dog. I didn't. I just cut my visit short and left. Good friend. But it'll be a long time before I visit again.

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Scarlett and her laundry got me thinking. There are definitely things that make me crazy that don't bother other people in the least. My main one is pens without their caps. Cannot abide them. I have to look for the cap and reunite it with the pen or vice versa. If the mate can't be found, into the trash it goes. It is a visceral physical reaction, too. My whole family knows it and they are very good about it.


The other one is outfit or pajama parts being worn separately from each other. I try to ignore it, but ooooh it bothers me.


There are others, but I'll leave it at that.


What's yours?


I always throw away pen caps. I went to a funeral of a nine year old who choked on a pen cap. I know it was  a freak accident, but I can't help but throw the caps away.

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I only buy clicky pens. If someone else wants cap pens, s/he is welcome to use her/his own money.


My wonderful dh cleans up after dinner every night that I cook---packs food away, loads and runs the dishwasher, washes the hand dishes, grinds coffee and sets the timer on the coffee maker. It's awesome.


But he never wipes down the counter between the coffee grinder and the sink, where the dirty dishes sat while he was washing. So when I stmbke diwn in the morning I see a trail of ground coffee (because some always spills) through last night's crumbs. Makes me crazy.

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The big one for me, in recent years, has been people in my family who can't seem to solve their own problems without using me for a brain.  I'm not talking about serious life problems here that benefit from being talked about.  I'm talking about basic daily problem solving.  My dh will call and tell me the car is broken down, what should he do?  Increasingly, my answer is "pretend I'm dead and figure it out".  Seriously, it's tiresome.  I don't have any secret sauce, or magical insight into the problems of daily living.  I don't have a special Google reserved only for me.  You can figure stuff out on your own.


I have a friend whose entire household asks her how long to microwave things EVERY TIME they microwave something. Most of these family members are adults or older teens. Drives her insane. 

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Add my household into the club of those that would offend many on here...


Two that constantly bother me are cigarette smoke (or tossing cigarette butts on the ground) and dogs licking me.  I'm ok with cats licking me, but not dogs.  I don't like the slime from dogs.  When we had dogs fortunately they weren't lickers.  Toss a cigarette butt on my property and you'll hear about it.


None of the other stuff listed bugs me - and much of it we do around here.  (Ok, not the booger eating one... and I think those who don't flush bug everyone as does dirty bathrooms in general...)


I can easily say that some little stuff will bug me at times.  It's usually directly correlated to what time of the month it is.   :glare:


We don't even own pajamas... if we want something to wear to bed we use a t shirt and shorts or sweats.  I've never understood why anyone buys pajamas TBH.


And of course we walk and eat if the situation fits (in a hurry, in a mall or market eating treats).  We also use our fingers as necessary.   ;)


Our house is definitely not pristine with everything in its place, but when someone is tired of how something looks, they're welcome to tidy it up.


It works well for us.  We're a low stress family.


Oh, we're also not late to anything.  My dad did that to me in my youth - too many bad memories - so I guess I can add that one, BUT I'm not bothered by others arriving late TBH.  It's just that "we're" not late.



Only one son has PJ pants.  That is because someone gave us their 2nd hand clothes and he likes wearing them around the house, flannel ones.


The rest of us wear sweats/yoga pants, and an old Tee.

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Not being listened to, in a "Who's on First" kind of way.  Or like the scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the guards and the prince. Happens. Every. Day.  It drives me bonkers.


Today's example:


ds12: "I can have three pieces of chocolate for dessert, right?" (from the box of various sized assorted chocolates)

me: "Maybe. It depends on how large they are."

ds: "This one looks good."

me: "That's the biggest one in the box.  You can only choose one more to go with it."

ds looks at the box for a minute.  "Ok, I want that one and these two."

me: "I JUST TOLD you that you can only have one more piece with that big one."

ds: "What? You said I could have three!"

and round and round we go.


ETA: I'm with the previous posters on kids' runny noses, but it bothers me so much more when adults wipe their noses with their fingers or cough into their hands and then proceed to touch everything.  Or worse, they'll do it and then reach out for a handshake (thinking of a church setting, giving peace).



This is my middle child.  




DS:  What are you making for dinner?

Me: Stew

DS: What are you putting in it because I don't like the sauce or the carrots or how the meat and potatoes taste when those are mixed in.

ME:  Ok, I will just make it plain, with meat and potatoes and broth

DS:  Ok, that would be fine.


Stew is made.  Stew is served


DS:  What is this?

Me: Stew

DS:  I told you I don't like stew

Me: We discussed this

DS: Yes and I said I don't like stew

Me: You said it was fine with just meat and potatoes


He proceeds to serve himself:


Me:  How is it

DS:  I guess it is ok, but is there no sauce




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People eating crunchy things during a tv show or movie. I have sensory issues already and can't handle hearing people chew. I also like to be able to really get into whatever show or movie I am watching without distractions; I don't watch anything when kids are home and up. I hate, hate, hate it when DH sits down with a bowl of chips and salsa to watch something with me. Or a bowl of in-shell-peanuts. I can't enjoy the show at all. Every single crunch jars me away from the show and irritates me so much!

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