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Heavy, heavy heart

Teresa in MO

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How are you and your family doing this morning?  I know you're still grieving and I just wanted you to know you're loved.  It's such a difficult time.   :grouphug:  

Thank you all for your kind words.  We are still just shocked and stunned and getting the funeral plans in place has been almost surreal.  All of my kids are here except for one daughter who is making the long drive from Montana.  Five of my grandchildren are here and they are such a comfort to me, even though all but one are too young to understand. My oldest granddaughter, who is almost seven, will just come up and hold onto me for dear life.  Even though we live over 4 hours away, my dh was such a huge part of their lives.  Again, thank you all for your kind words, prayers and thoughts.  I might lean on you alot these next few months.

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Thank you all for your kind words.  We are still just shocked and stunned and getting the funeral plans in place has been almost surreal.  All of my kids are here except for one daughter who is making the long drive from Montana.  Five of my grandchildren are here and they are such a comfort to me, even though all but one are too young to understand. My oldest granddaughter, who is almost seven, will just come up and hold onto me for dear life.  Even though we live over 4 hours away, my dh was such a huge part of their lives.  Again, thank you all for your kind words, prayers and thoughts.  I might lean on you alot these next few months.


Please do lean on us!   It makes us feel like we can do something, even if it's not much.


I'm so glad to hear your grandchildren are there.  His life lives on through them and they sound super sweet.


If you want to write some sort of memorial to him sometime (not necessarily now), I'd love to read it, but please don't feel pressured.  Not everyone wants to do that sort of thing.  I can sense that he was a terrific man who left you way too soon.  Still sending prayers as you deal with all the happenings and "new normal" now.   :grouphug: too.

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Yesterday my dh was working out of town about 3 hours away and collapsed and passed away from a pulmonary embolism.  We have 10 kids with the youngest being 13.  We also have 7 grandchildren who loved their grandpa dearly.  Please pray for our family.  We are truly heartbroken.



I am so very very sorry for your pain and your loss.  You will be in my prayers. :(

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I'm so very sorry for your deep loss. There are no words to even bridge the gap of that kind of grief and loss.  :grouphug:


I do want to offer encouragement to you. God WILL take care of you.


Five years ago, my dh also died suddenly. We have 7, my youngest was 4 at the time. Here we are 5 years later and only by God's grace and the prayers of so many, we are still homeschooling and still a family. I'm rarely on the boards anymore but I know this is why God led me here this morning....to see your message and to pray for you. In the weeks and months to come, please feel free to contact me. It's easiest to reach me at lisa  (dot) appelo @ gmail (dot) com. I will be praying for you, for your children and for your grandchildren. xoxo   :grouphug:  

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Teresa, I am SO, SO sorry for your loss! There are never really any appropriate

words to say during times like this. I can only imagine the mess of emotions you are right now.

Know that if I lived closer, my kids and I would drop everything and come help in any way we could!

For now, I can offer prayers; many, many prayers. I would say forget about the homeschooling for now

but then again some normal routine might help get you all through. Maybe just forego the tough subjects

like composition/writing and math. Focus on history and read alouds which will take your focus off the events

of the present for awhile AND give you opportunities for cuddles and memorable time with family members

still here. 


Also, it's okay to cry in front of your children. It's okay to ask them, and others, for help. Basically, right now,

it's okay for you to not be okay. HUGS!!!

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