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The horror of realizing you are old....(for fun)


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My baby niece who lives abroad showed up for a visit after several years -  she is in her 20s and a professional working full time and was talking grown up topics with other grown ups - this was the kid that I babysat and whose diapers I changed long ago when I was young! And her older brother who I tutored is now getting married. I feel terribly old after meeting them, though I like to think that I have not aged much :)

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I saw an old dude wearing neon orange tennis shoes the other day and though" man he is too old for that color"-- I go on to tell my daughter how I used to wear the neon orange and green and pink clothes back in the day---then it struck me--man I am too old for those colors too!!!!!

Crap, when did that happen?????

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Ya, I usually feel 25, until I look in the mirror and ruin the whole charade. :) (I'm 48.)

Yeah, for me it is sometimes when I see a photo someone else took candidly of me. Then I say, "I look like that in my every-day life? Oh, no."

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When you feel young, but look in the mirror at your eyes and realize you look exactly like you remember your grandmother looking.  Wrinkly eyes and all.


When your baby niece is getting married.  The one that was born AFTER you lost your first baby and stole your heart.  


When your oldest daughter is dating a man.  A grown stinkin' man.  


When you realize that ALL of your children are older than you were when you started dating your husband.  


Age spots on your hands.  What the heck?!

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We've felt that quite a bit recently as we've been spending time on college campuses (ours and those our boys attend/attended).  We feel like we still fit in with the students.  They look at us like we're the old and wise ones.  We listen to their hopes and dreams for their upcoming lives - so enthusiastic - and realize we were that way too, but now we've made our choices (good ones) and lived them already.  Our kids are grown.


We're enjoying empty nesting, but wow, I wish we could start the whole ride over again (from college, not early teen years).  It'd be helpful if we could retain our current knowledge.   :lol:

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Yeah, for me it is sometimes when I see a photo someone else took candidly of me. Then I say, "I look like that in my every-day life? Oh, no."

Oh, so much this.  


I had to get a new driver's license photo this week.  It is a horror.  I have jowls.  I don't have jowls in real life! (do I??!!!) I look OLD.  I hate DMV photos.

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I started feeling old when classmates of mine started becoming grandparents.   Most of my closer friends got married younger than I did.   I think out of about 90 in my class (we count those who didn't finish at our school but attended at some point during high school), 15 are grandparents now.


I think the kids of our classmates range from 31 as the oldest, down to 6 as the youngest.   


I am 49.

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My 3rd child was born when I was at the "Advanced Maternal Age" category. Which is kind of silly since anyone over 35 falls in it, but it still makes you feel decrepit. 


I actually feel more comfortable and happier as I get older. I don't mind being middle-aged. The few times I look in the mirror and groan about the grey hair or wrinkles I also realize there is no way I would want to go back and be 20 or even 30 again. 

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When my orthopedic surgeon told me that "We usually don't correct this injury in MIDDLE AGED NON-ATHLETES."


I can concede the "non-athlete" part, but c'mon! Middle aged?!?

Awww, come on, lady! You don't really need full function of that knee for dottering around the house and knitting, right? ;)

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We just got DH's 25 year high school reunion notice.

My last two OBs have been younger than me.  How is that even possible?

I'm officially labeled "advanced maternal age" when pregnant... For the last three pregnancies.  :P ;)
I have THREE teens????  


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My first hint of this was when I was sitting in the waiting room of my obstetrician and I realized that the pregnant, married mother next to me was of an age that she could have been my daughter. 


My youngest says that the fairies come and turn all of my hair white where they land (in trying to explain my roots--it's a white hair convention up there).


I had to put a shelf next to my bathroom sink to hold my anti-aging products because they were overflowing the countertop and drawer.

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For me, it was the last time I visited home and it sank in that my parents have gotten old. Like, approaching the time when one or the other may need to lean on me, old like I remember my grandparents were when I was young.


That, and trying to explain the concept of Saturday Morning Cartoons to my 5 year old, who has had access to on-demand programming his whole live and only watches any live TV when the internet is down...and at that point has a 24/7 broadcast kids' TV station to watch (Qubo).

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We just got DH's 25 year high school reunion notice.

My last two OBs have been younger than me.  How is that even possible?

I'm officially labeled "advanced maternal age" when pregnant... For the last three pregnancies.   :p ;)

I have THREE teens????  

I know I have said this before, but when I was a new, young mama, my first pediatrician was an experienced mom of two in her early thirties; she gave me breastfeeding advice and reassured me that I was doing just fine.  When I was a mom toting a newborn and a preschooler, my second pediatrician was a mom of two in her early thirties; we swapped sibling stories and were peers.  Now that I'm an experienced mom of five, my third pediatrician (well, family doctor) is a sweet young woman in her early thirties, newly married but no children; she checks their growth and bodies and asks if I have any concerns.  I am completely amused at how MY perspective has changed and what "early thirties" means to me.


I am feeling old this year because my daughter turned fourteen, and this fall she will be a ninth grader, which is how old I was when DH and I met.  Also, I feel old because this fall, we will have been together twenty-five years.  A quarter century.  I am sure we were just graduating from college and getting married the other day. . . how is it that we've been married almost eighteen years?  It's not possible.

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I saw a card, it had a person on the front on the phone saying "Hello, Youth? When do you think you'll be coming back?"


I laughed, then realized I laughed because it related to me .... cuz I was old!


That, and the fact that I used to be able to just get out of the car. Now I have to turn, put my feet on the pavement, and hoist myself out. I am just not limber anymore :(

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When the girl doing your eyebrow wax asks if you also want a lip wax. :/


nah, that wouldn't make me feel old. Lots of people have hair on the lip when they are young. But I did feel a little old when the hairdresser asked if I needed to dye over any grays once. My hair looks basically jet black and any and every white hair I see probably sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm 33.


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I always do a double-take when I see high-school classmates pics on Facebook! They look so old! But they are my age! And some who had kids early are posting about their kids high school graduations, meanwhile, I am changing diapers.


The last time I went to a reunion I went with the three friends I'm still in touch with. We've seen each other over the years, so we aged in front of one another gradually. It's the people we haven't seen who suddenly looked older. At our reunion we looked around and one friend said, "Who are all these old people at our class reunion?"  :lol:

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My husband has smile lines around his eyes and his hair is getting grayer and thinner. He's 36 only a year older than me. I think I still look the college girl in the pictures of the two of us when we first met until I look in the mirror. I also can't accept that the nineties were 20 years ago.

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They ask for my ID for the over 65 discount and I'm only 51.


Sometimes they just give it to me without even asking for ID.


Oh well. It was fun when I was 14 and the 16 year olds were nice to me because I could buy beer and they couldn't. < cringe >

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When you watch old reruns from the 1980's and think, "I used to dress like that. I used to be hip. I knew the latest fashions."


And then you realize that was THE LAST TIME you were on top of the fashion scene.


Not that this happened to me last night while I was watching Family Ties or anything...

You made me LOL!


I am thankful for the capability of texting photos because now I consult DD by phone before I buy clothes. I did it today, buying shoes. I sent her a picture and said, "I like these. I think I'm buying them. Are they cool?" She texted back, "yes, but you have to lose the tall socks. Get no-show socks. The shoes look dorky like that."

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